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effectiveness of a presentation:

Understanding the Audience:

Great speakers take the time to research and understand their audience. This involves knowing their
demographics, interests, knowledge level, and any specific expectations. This understanding helps
tailor the message to resonate with the audience and ensures that the presentation is relevant and

Content Development:

Pre-work involves careful planning and structuring of the content. Speakers need to organize their
thoughts, select relevant information, and create a compelling narrative. This includes outlining key
points, incorporating supporting evidence, and considering the flow of the presentation to maintain
audience engagement.

Practice and Rehearsal:

Rehearsing the presentation is a crucial aspect of pre-work. Great speakers practice not only to
memorize their content but also to refine their delivery. This helps in polishing the timing, tone, and
gestures, making the presentation smoother and more confident. Familiarity with the material
allows for better adaptation to unexpected situations during the actual presentation.

Visual Aids and Supporting Materials:

If the presentation involves visual aids or supporting materials, great speakers invest time in creating
and refining these elements. Visuals should complement the spoken words, enhance understanding,
and maintain audience interest. Preparing and testing these materials in advance contributes to a
seamless presentation.

Anticipating Questions and Concerns:

Preparing for potential questions or concerns from the audience is part of the pre-work. Great
speakers anticipate what the audience might ask and have well-thought-out responses. This
preparation demonstrates expertise, builds credibility, and instills confidence in the audience.

Tech and Logistics Check:

Checking and ensuring that all technical aspects, such as audiovisual equipment and presentation
software, are in order is part of pre-work. This minimizes the risk of technical glitches during the
actual presentation, allowing the speaker to focus on the content and audience engagement.

Cultivating Confidence:

Thorough pre-work cultivates a sense of confidence in the speaker. Knowing the material,
understanding the audience, and having a well-rehearsed delivery contribute to a speaker's
confidence. This confidence is conveyed to the audience , making the presentation more impactful.

(02): Action verbs :

Action verbs are dynamic and impactful words that add energy and specificity to your resume. They
help convey a sense of achievement and demonstrate your skills and contributions. Let's look at two
examples to illustrate how action verbs can bring a resume to life:

Example 1: Without Action Verbs:


Copy code

- Responsible for managing a team of employees.

- Handled customer inquiries and resolved issues.

- Assisted in the development of marketing strategies.

Example 2: With Action Verbs:


Copy code

- Led a high-performing team of 15 employees, achieving a 20% increase in productivity within six

- Resolved customer inquiries promptly and effectively, maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rate.

- Spearheaded the development and execution of innovative marketing strategies, resulting in a 30%
boost in customer engagement.

In the second example, action verbs like "Led," "Resolved," and "Spearheaded" add a dynamic
quality to the statements, providing a clearer picture of the candidate's achievements. This not only
makes the resume more engaging but also demonstrates the candidate's active involvement and
impact in their previous roles. Using action verbs helps potential employers better understand the
scope and significance of your contributions.
2. highlight any two advantages of using a video resume over traditional resumes:

Personalization and Personality Showcase:

Explanation: Video resumes allow candidates to go beyond the constraints of a traditional paper
resume and showcase their personality, communication skills, and enthusiasm.

Impact: Candidates can verbally express their achievements, skills, and career goals in a way that
goes beyond the limitations of written text. This personal touch can help create a more memorable
and impactful impression on employers, providing a glimpse into the candidate's communication
style, passion, and cultural fit within the organization.

Visual and Creative Presentation:

Explanation: Video resumes provide an opportunity for candidates to creatively present their skills
and experiences through visual elements such as graphics, images, and multimedia.

Impact: A visually appealing presentation can capture the attention of potential employers more
effectively than a traditional resume. Candidates can use visuals to highlight key projects, showcase
their portfolio, or even incorporate snippets of their work. This creative aspect can set them apart
from other candidates and make a lasting impression.

While video resumes offer these advantages, it's important to note that their effectiveness can vary
based on the industry, the job role, and the preferences of the employer. Additionally, candidates
should ensure that the video is professionally produced, concise, and aligned with the expectations
of the targeted job market.

(3): five ways to develop ATS friendly resume:

1.Develop and execute digital marketing strategies aligned with business goals.

2. Create compelling content for digital platforms, optimizing for SEO.

3. Oversee and enhance social media presence, driving engagement and growth.

4. Plan and execute targeted digital advertising campaigns, optimizing for ROI.

5. Monitor and analyse digital marketing performance, providing insights for continuous
Five Ways to Develop an ATS-Friendly Resume:

Use Keywords:

Tailor your resume with relevant keywords from the job description. Include industry-specific terms,
skills, and qualifications to match what the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is likely to scan for.

Simple Formatting:

Stick to a clean and simple resume format. Avoid using graphics, images, or complicated designs that
may confuse the ATS. Use standard fonts and bullet points for clarity.

Prioritize Content:

Place important information, such as skills and key achievements, prominently in your resume. ATS
often focuses on the top half of the page, so ensure that crucial details are easily accessible.

Use Standard Section Headings:

Use standard headings like "Work Experience," "Education," and "Skills." ATS is programmed to
identify these sections. Avoid creative or unconventional headings that might confuse the system.

Avoid Special Characters:

Some ATS may struggle with special characters or unusual symbols. Stick to standard characters and
formatting to ensure your resume is read accurately.

ATS-Friendly Resume Career Objective for Digital Marketing Executive:


Dynamic Digital Marketing Executive with a proven track record in developing and executing
comprehensive digital marketing strategies to achieve business objectives. Proficient in SEO, Google
Ads, Facebook Ads, Email Marketing, and LinkedIn Marketing. Adept at creating engaging content for
digital platforms, optimizing for SEO, and driving social media engagement. Seeking a challenging
role to leverage my expertise in planning and executing targeted digital advertising campaigns,
ensuring optimal ROI. Excited to contribute analytical skills in monitoring and analyzing digital
marketing performance, providing valuable insights for continuous improvement in a forward-
thinking organization. Ready to drive growth and elevate the online presence of your brand.
(4):Positive Impact through Professional Presence:

Explanation: A well-maintained digital footprint, including a professional LinkedIn profile, relevant

content sharing, and a positive online presence, can enhance job prospects.

Impact: Employers may view your online activities as an extension of your professional identity. A
positive digital footprint can showcase your expertise, engagement in industry discussions, and a
commitment to continuous learning, thereby boosting your credibility and employability.

Negative Impact through Unprofessional Content:

Explanation: Inappropriate or unprofessional content, such as controversial posts, offensive

language, or questionable photos, can adversely affect job prospects.

Impact: Employers often conduct online searches to evaluate a candidate's suitability for a role. A
negative digital footprint can create concerns about professionalism, cultural fit, and potential
reputational risks for the company.

Two Ways to Manage Your Digital Footprints:

Regularly Audit and Update Profiles:

Explanation: Periodically review and update your online profiles, ensuring that information is
accurate, relevant, and aligns with your professional image.

Impact: Consistent updating reflects an active and engaged online presence, while also allowing you
to remove any outdated or potentially damaging content.

Adjust Privacy Settings:

Explanation: Adjust privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can view your posts
and information. Be mindful of the content you share publicly.

Impact: Limiting public access to personal information helps maintain control over what potential
employers can see, protecting your privacy and preventing the exposure of unprofessional content.

Managing your digital footprint is crucial in today's interconnected world. By proactively shaping a
positive online presence and being mindful of the content you share, you can enhance your
professional image and increase your chances of success in the job market.

(5): AIDA model :

The AIDA model is a marketing and advertising framework that outlines the stages a consumer
typically goes through before making a purchase. The acronym stands for Attention, Interest, Desire,
and Action:
Attention: Grab the audience's attention with compelling and attention-grabbing content, such as
catchy headlines or visuals.

Interest: Once attention is captured, build interest by providing more information about the product
or service, highlighting its features and benefits.

Desire: Create a sense of desire or need for the product by showcasing how it fulfills the customer's
needs or solves their problems.

Action: Encourage the audience to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up, or
requesting more information.

The AIDA model serves as a guide for marketers to structure their communication strategies and
effectively lead consumers through the stages of the buying process.

(6): intext citation, APS referencing, literature review,

plagiarism, et al, capitalization and spacing, proofreading and editing software.

In-text Citation:

Definition: In-text citation is the practice of acknowledging sources within the body of a written
work, providing brief details to guide readers to the complete citation in the bibliography or works
cited page.

Example: According to Smith (2019), "research has shown that the global economy is influenced by
various factors."

APS Referencing (American Psychological Association Style):

Definition: APS referencing is a citation style commonly used in the social sciences, including
psychology. It provides guidelines for formatting papers, citing sources, and creating references.

Example: In APS referencing, a book citation would look like this: Author, A. A. (Year of Publication).
Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher.

Literature Review:
Definition: A literature review is a comprehensive analysis and summary of existing research on a
particular topic. It helps to identify gaps in the current knowledge and provides context for new

Example: The literature review highlighted key studies on the effects of climate change on
biodiversity, emphasizing the need for further research in this area.


Definition: Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property without
proper acknowledgment or permission.

Example: Copying and pasting text from a website into your paper without citing the source is
considered plagiarism.

Et al (et alia):

Definition: "Et al" is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase "et alia," meaning "and others." It is used in
citations to indicate that there are additional authors beyond the ones explicitly mentioned.

Example: (Smith et al., 2020) - This indicates that there are multiple authors, and only the first
author (Smith) is mentioned in the citation.

Capitalization and Spacing:

Definition: Proper capitalization and spacing refer to the correct use of uppercase and lowercase
letters, as well as consistent spacing in a written document.

Example: The title of the paper, "Exploring the Impact of Technology on Education," follows proper
capitalization rules with the first and last words capitalized.

Proofreading and Editing Software:

Definition: Proofreading and editing software are tools that assist in checking and correcting
grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors in written content.

Example: Grammarly is a popular proofreading and editing tool that provides suggestions for
improving the clarity and correctness of sentences in academic writing.

(7): enhance speech effectiveness:

The Monroe Motivated Sequence (MMS) is a persuasive speaking format developed by Alan H.
Monroe in the 1930s. It is designed to help speakers organize their persuasive messages in a way
that engages the audience and motivates them to take a specific action. The sequence consists of
five steps:
Attention (Attention):

Capture the audience's attention.

Use a compelling introduction to make the audience interested in the topic.

Pose a question, share a surprising fact, tell a story, or use a powerful quote.

Need (Need):

Establish a need or a problem that the audience can relate to.

Emphasize the importance and relevance of the issue.

Create a sense of urgency or concern.

Satisfaction (Satisfaction):

Present a solution or propose a course of action to address the identified need or problem.

Provide evidence and examples to support your solution.

Show how your solution is practical and effective.

Visualization (Visualization):

Help the audience visualize the positive outcomes or benefits of adopting your solution.

Use vivid language and imagery to paint a compelling picture of success.

Appeal to the emotions and values of the audience.

Action (Action):

Clearly state the action you want the audience to take.

Provide specific steps and instructions for the desired action.

Motivate the audience to act by reinforcing the benefits of taking the proposed action.

The Monroe Motivated Sequence enhances speech effectiveness in several ways:

Logical Structure: The sequence provides a logical and organized structure for persuasive speeches,
making it easier for the audience to follow and understand the message.

Engagement: The attention-grabbing introduction and the emphasis on the audience's needs help
capture and maintain the audience's interest, increasing their engagement with the speech.
Emotional Appeal: By incorporating visualization and appealing to emotions, the MMS helps create a
more memorable and impactful message. Emotional engagement can lead to a stronger connection
with the audience.

Action-Oriented: The sequence explicitly guides the speaker in outlining the desired action, making
the speech more actionable. This clear call to action increases the likelihood that the audience will
take the desired steps.

Adaptability: The MMS can be adapted to various persuasive situations, making it a versatile tool for
speakers addressing diverse topics and audiences.

In summary, the Monroe Motivated Sequence enhances speech effectiveness by providing a well-
organized structure, engaging the audience emotionally, and guiding them towards a specific,
actionable outcome. "great speakers know that pre - work is just as necessary as the presentation

(8): impact the effectiveness of a presentation :

Non-verbal cues play a crucial role in shaping the effectiveness of a presentation. These cues include
gestures, facial expressions, body language, eye contact, posture, and even the use of physical
space. Understanding and utilizing non-verbal communication effectively can significantly enhance
the impact of a presentation. Here's an explanation of how non-verbal cues influence presentation

Engagement and Connection:

Explanation: Non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact, using expressive facial expressions,
and adopting open body language, contribute to a sense of connection between the speaker and the

Impact: When a presenter engages the audience through non-verbal cues, it fosters a connection
that goes beyond the spoken words. This connection helps keep the audience attentive and invested
in the presentation.

Confidence and Credibility:

Explanation: Non-verbal cues, including a confident posture, steady eye contact, and purposeful
movements, convey a sense of confidence and credibility.
Impact: A confident presenter is more likely to be perceived as knowledgeable and trustworthy.
Non-verbal signals of confidence enhance the audience's confidence in the speaker and the content
being presented.

Emphasis and Clarity:

Explanation: Gestures and body movements can be used to emphasize key points, clarify complex
ideas, and reinforce the spoken message.

Impact: Strategic use of non-verbal cues helps to highlight important information, making it more
memorable for the audience. This can improve understanding and retention of key messages.

Expressing Emotion:

Explanation: Facial expressions and body language allow speakers to convey emotions that
complement their verbal messages.

Impact: Expressive non-verbal cues help create an emotional connection with the audience. It adds
depth to the presentation, making it more relatable and engaging.

Managing Nervousness:

Explanation: Non-verbal cues can be used to manage nervousness or anxiety. For example,
controlled breathing, relaxed posture, and purposeful movements can help convey calmness and

Impact: By managing nervousness effectively, presenters can appear more composed and focused.
This, in turn, reassures the audience and maintains their confidence in the speaker.

Audience Interaction:

Explanation: Non-verbal cues facilitate interaction with the audience. This includes using gestures to
invite questions, gauging audience reactions, and adapting the presentation based on non-verbal

Impact: Interactive non-verbal communication promotes a dynamic and responsive presentation. It

helps speakers gauge audience interest and adjust their delivery to keep the audience engaged.

Professionalism and Presence:

Explanation: Non-verbal cues contribute to the overall impression of professionalism and presence.
This includes factors like appropriate attire, controlled movements, and a confident demeanor.

Impact: A polished and professional presentation enhances the speaker's credibility and leaves a
positive impression on the audience.

(9). AIDA model:

Ladies and gentlemen, today I urge you to consider the undeniable benefits of going green. The
environment is facing unprecedented challenges, and it is our responsibility to act. Adopting
sustainable practices not only helps the planet but also brings about tangible advantages for us all.
(Attention) Imagine a world with cleaner air, reduced pollution, and a healthier ecosystem. That
vision can become a reality if we collectively embrace eco-friendly choices. (Interest) Going green is
not just a moral duty; it's a smart investment in our future. By choosing renewable energy, reducing
waste, and supporting eco-conscious businesses, we pave the way for a more sustainable and
prosperous world. (Desire) Let's aspire for a planet where our children breathe fresh air, where
biodiversity thrives, and where our actions today shape a better tomorrow. (Action) Join me in the
journey towards a greener future. Small changes in our daily lives can collectively make a
monumental impact. Together, let's choose green – for ourselves, for future generations, and for the
planet we call home.

(10): the role of technology in education'using AIDA model:

Ladies and gentlemen, let's embark on a transformative journey of reimagining the role of
technology in education. (Attention) In a rapidly evolving world, our educational systems must
adapt. Technology is not merely a tool; it's a gateway to a more dynamic and inclusive learning
experience. (Interest) Imagine classrooms where every student has personalized learning
experiences, where geographical barriers are dissolved through virtual collaborations, and where
technology empowers educators to unlock the full potential of every learner. (Desire) By embracing
innovative technologies, we can foster critical thinking, creativity, and prepare students for the
demands of the future job market. Let's envision an educational landscape where technology
becomes a catalyst for equal opportunities and a bridge to knowledge for all. (Action) It's time to
invest in educational technologies, support digital literacy initiatives, and collectively shape a future
where technology enhances, not hinders, the pursuit of knowledge. Join me in reimagining
education through the transformative power of technology. Together, let's create a brighter, more
connected future for learners worldwide.

(11): ATS friendly resume :

1. Strong knowledge of fundamental accounting/general accounting.

2. Strong knowledge on investment banking terms i.e. capital markets.

3. Private equity, mutual funds, hedge funds, real estate funds.

4. Strong knowledge on excel- functions and formulas.

5. Strong knowledge of MS office tools.

6. Excellent written & spoken communication skills, analytical bent of mind

7. Problem solving skills

8. Ability to work efficiently and effectively in a team

Five Ways to Develop an ATS-Friendly Resume:

Use Relevant Keywords:

Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description, such as "accounting," "investment
banking," "private equity," "mutual funds," "excel functions," and "MS Office tools."

Optimize Job Titles:

Use standard job titles that align with the industry and position. For example, use "Management
Trainee" as opposed to creative variations that may not be recognized by the ATS.

Include a Skills Section:

Create a dedicated skills section where you list the specific skills mentioned in the job description.
This allows the ATS to easily identify your qualifications.

Quantify Achievements:

Where possible, quantify your achievements and experiences. Numbers stand out to ATS, providing
concrete evidence of your skills and accomplishments.

Use Standard Section Headings:

Stick to standard headings like "Work Experience," "Education," and "Skills." Consistency helps the
ATS categorize and interpret your resume accurately.

ATS-Friendly Resume Career Objective for Management Trainee:


Detail-oriented Management Trainee with a solid foundation in fundamental accounting and

extensive knowledge of investment banking terms, including capital markets, private equity, mutual
funds, hedge funds, and real estate funds. Proficient in advanced Excel functions and formulas, along
with a strong command of MS Office tools. Possess excellent written and spoken communication
skills, coupled with a sharp analytical mindset. Proven problem-solving abilities and a demonstrated
capacity to work efficiently and collaboratively in a team-oriented environment. Eager to apply
financial acumen and analytical skills to contribute positively to the success of your organization as a
Management Trainee.

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