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Bridgit Danner, LAc FDNP
Toxic mold can devastate your health.

And at exactly the time that you need to heal, your brain may work as
well as a bowl of oatmeal. You may be dealing with moving and sorting
through your belongings–making lots of big decisions on limited brain power.

This eBook is a getting-started guide to protocols you can consider if you

are experiencing toxic mold.

Please also have a practitioner you are working with (or a team of
practitioners) to help you review your case.

If you’d like a deeper understanding of recovery from mold, including

more on testing and home remediation, you can pick up a copy of my
book on Amazon, The Ultimate Toxic Mold Recovery Guide: Take Back
Your Home, Health & Life.

About the Author

Bridgit Danner has been a licensed
acupuncturist since 2004 and a certified
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner
since 2015.

After losing everything to toxic mold,

Bridgit now educates about toxins on how
to detoxify with a functional healthcare
approach through her online community
at She is the founder
of a line of supplements, Functional Detox

She is also the author of The Ultimate Toxic Disclaimer

Mold Recovery Guide: Take Back Your This eBook is for educational
Home, Health & Life, available on Amazon. purposes only and not intended
to replace the relationship with
your primary care physician.
Please discuss any new potential
supplements with your provider. 2
Part 1: Don’t Skip the Foundations
You may be anxious to dive headfirst into detox. But just
like diving headfirst into a swimming pool at night isn’t a
great idea, the same goes for detox.

Your body needs to be ready when you push that detox button.

I’ll move through this section quickly, but please do take it seriously!

If you are ignoring even one part of this section, it will 100% come back to
haunt you. You don’t have to be perfect, but be making progress.

1. Eat a MATH Diet: Microbiome-friendly, Anti-Inflammatory, Time-

restricted and Hydrating. Also choose organic whenever possible and
avoid processed foods. Avoid sugar, alcohol and gluten. For more, read
the full guide here.

2. Get 7+ Hours of Good Sleep: Options that can help: sauna before bed,
l-theanine, 5-HTP, bath and reading before bed, Chelated
Magnesium 300 mg, progesterone as prescribed.

3. Poop: Minimum 1 X day but more is better when detoxing. Helpers: Mi

Toxin Binder at bedtime, Bowel Mover, magnesium citrate 400 mg,
senna tea, more fiber, water, fats and exercise.

4. Move: Move your body to move your lymph to detox and also to repair/
eliminate damaged cells.

5. Rest: The worst thing you can do when you are sick is overwork, ‘keep
busy,’ and research/worry constantly.

6. Stay Aligned: As you make big and small decisions each day about
your future and your health, stay centered and remember what’s most
important in the long run.

7. Be Out of Mold! This includes your spaces and belongings. You can
start a little detox while you are still in mold, but you will 100% not
recover. So don’t waste a lot of money on tests and supplements if you
aren’t on your way out the door. 3
8. Supportive People: As you detox your life, also limit your exposure to
people who drain you or don’t support you. Support yourself, and lean
into people, new and old, who DO support you.
9. Get in Nature: Even a walk around the block counts. Outdoor air quality
is better and the sounds, feels and visuals of nature are healing.
10. Take Foundational Supplements: Before you jettison into fancy IVs
and more, be sure you are getting the nutrients your liver and cells
need. They need extra love when you are detoxing! Includes: vitamin D,
omega 3s, high-quality multivitamin, magnesium.

We carry several of these supplements in our shop. If you are new to

shopping with us, use code WELCOME10 for 10% off.

Part 2: Your Detox Building Blocks

Recently, as I worked with some private mold clients, I realized
that the core protocol basically fits into a tidy package.

I really hope this is welcome relief if you’ve been

spinning your wheels about all the options and opinions
out there.

You may have that human tendency to try to overthink and worry our
way out of difficult situations. While I do encourage you to learn, you can
only learn and implement so much before you short circuit.

Mold is a difficult situation, yes. And it’s one that takes time to resolve.
Changing your strategy every two seconds will not help. Slowing down,
cooking, resting and doing a little bit of detox will help.

Trust me. I’ve been through this, coach Micki on my team has too, and
we’ve supported lots and lots of people.

The people who stay desperately clinging to their moldy house and their
current ideas (that aren’t working)--they don’t get better.

The people that make the hard choices to get out of mold and stay
grounded and do simple things–they do get better. 4
The Building Blocks:
1. Detox techniques
These helped me the most when I was sickest with mold. Detox
techniques help take out that trash that is lingering in your lymph.

Be sure you are pooping, hydrating and taking essential supplements

like we discussed in part 1. Also make sure you eat protein at every meal;
your liver loves protein.

If so, you should be able to handle detox techniques. If not, do the

technique less. Ten minutes of sauna is better than zero minutes, so don’t
beat yourself up if you can’t handle forty minutes or need to turn down
the temperature.

Resist the all-American urge to go big or go home. Listen to your body

and do as much as you are able for now.

I tell my clients to do at least 1 technique a day, but it’s pretty easy to do

2-5 / day. Again, don’t overdo it.

You can also ‘detox stack,’ for example do the castor oil pack in the sauna
and do a meditation audio while in the bath.


• Sauna • Yoga
• Red light • Rebounding
• Epsom salt & baking soda bath • Walking
• Dry brushing • Nasal rinse
• Coffee Enema • Oil pulling

Read even more here.

2. Antioxidants
Glutathione is an antioxidant that has become well known for mold
illness, and that’s great. It’s the most abundant antioxidant in the body
and it tends to get depleted in chronic mold exposure.

Glutathione comes in many forms and you can also take its precursor,
NAC. Glutathione is generally well tolerated but we are all different! Coffee
enemas and castor oil packs also support glutathione, as well as other
antioxidants like vitamin C.

Which brings me to my point; we need all the antioxidants, not just


Antioxidants work together to recycle and replete each other. They all
have their specialities too.

The five antioxidants that work closely together are:

• Glutathione
• Vitamin C
• Alpha-lipoic-acid (ALA)
• CoQ10
• Vitamin E

We carry these in our shop, except I don’t yet carry ALA, even though I
love it! It’s great for nerve pain and blood sugar handling too.

We can thank Dr. Lester Packer and his team for discovering the
antioxidant network. You can read my antioxidant eBook here.

Another big category of antioxidants is flavonoids. These are plant

compounds that have antioxidant properties or that support antioxidants.

Flavonoids are great to get from foods or concentrated supplements.

They are all from plants. They can be found in:

• Black, green, hibiscus, ginger • Pecans

and matcha tea • Squash
• Turmeric • Leafy greens
• Berries • Cocoa
• Rosemary • Beets
• Elderberry 6
Like detox techniques, I ask my clients to take a minimum of 1 antioxidant
supplement a day, plus get more from food.

Again, it’s quite easy to get more than one, and it only helps!

If you are on a budget, start with 1,000 mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids

3 X day.

Remember that movement is a foundational part of your detox plan. If you

struggle to exercise because you don’t recover well, this is an antioxidant

Pile on the antioxidants before and after your workout. I like to take
our Ultimate Antioxidant Synergy at bedtime and take our Mi Detox
Electrolytes to the gym with me.

In my own mold journey, my ability to exercise quickly increased when I

got out of mold and was consistent but moderate with movement. 7
3. Binders
The other supplement category you may have heard about for mold is
binders. Binders are substances that physically or chemically bind toxins
in the digestive tract or blood stream, or possibly even at the cellular level.

I remember when I first started taking binders; I felt like they weren’t
doing anything.

But now I know that binders generally don’t feel like anything when
you swallow them, but they are working. Occasionally people feel a little
better or worse just after taking a binder, but not often.

If I have a stomach bug and I take activated charcoal, I do feel better

quickly. I also love Mega IgG 2000 for fast-acting tummy relief.

All this being said, binders are very important garbagemen in the detox
journey. They help toxins exit in a bowel movement, instead of being
recycled in the bile or reabsorbed in the digestive system.

There are lots of options when it

comes to binders, so if one doesn’t
work for you, keep trying. You can
also rotate binders.

Different binders have different

actions, so I do encourage you to
take binder blends or rotate binders.
Kids can take binders too; try mixing
a little with honey.

Some binders can be constipating,

and you don’t want to get backed
up. See my tips in section 1 to keep
the bowels moving.

I often hear clients get a little

obsessive about their binder
matching the mycotoxins in their
bodies or the test results from their
homes. 8
While this makes sense on the surface, remember that a single home test
or urine test is just a snapshot of your mold that day. It’s totally possible
you have other molds and mycotoxins; that’s why I encourage blends and

Brain inflammation from mold can lead to poor gut motility and
constipation, and as binders can be constipating too, I decided to add
some bowel movers to our binder, Mi Toxin Binder.

This formula is also the first one that aims

to bind to every category of mycotoxin!
I personally find the bowel movement
properties to be strong, so start with a low
dose at bedtime.

Binders generally can bind nutrients,

supplements and medications, so usually
they need to be taken on an empty
stomach. But also know they don’t create a
100% bind, so don’t worry if you accidentally
need to take some melatonin a half hour
after you had your binder.

Binder ideas:

• Mi Toxin Binder • MegaPre

• Pectasol-C • BioToxin Binder
• GlyphoDetox (patient direct code: 0aqWTCym)
• Activated charcoal • Bentonite clay
• Activated bamboo • Shijalat
• Fresh-ground flax seed • French clay

If you are really supplement sensitive right now, you can just work on
increasing your fiber, taking a binder microdose or using castor oil packs
or other detox techniques. Just keep your bowels moving. 9
4. Gut Support
I’ve never seen a gut that mold didn’t mess up.

So whether you’ve had gut testing or not, I encourage you to support

your gut right now.

Antioxidant teas and herbs, colorful fruits and veggies, clean fish, and
ghee are some ideas on ways to feed your gut what it wants. All these
foods benefit your brain too.

So if you’ve gotten yourself on a restrictive diet due to food sensitivities,

work on increasing diversity. Also try the supplements below.

Most people will develop some ‘gut symptoms’ like bloating or loose
stools. But some people will feel ok digestively, but are having weight
gain, headaches or skin issues. Know that these can be gut signs too as
inflammation in the gut can flare up anywhere.

I do like to see a gut test with most mold clients, but early in your detox,
sometimes strong killing herbs are too much for you. So consider these
staples from Microbiome Labs:

MegaSporeBiotic: Your starter product- work up to 2/ day with a

protein meal

MegaPre (prebiotic fiber): Next to add–work up slowly to 1 full serving a


MegaMucosa: This rebuilds your gut lining, eases constipation

and food sensitivities

Mega IgG 2000: Benefits diarrhea, mops up infections and

mycotoxins (yes, you could potentially take
both MegaMucosa and Mega IgG 2000).

Read my comprehensive guide to

Microbiome Labs products here >>> 10
These four components above are
your detox best friends!

Do you toss out your best friends after 1 week? No! So don’t toss these out

Perhaps just start with 1 new thing in each category and stick with it
for a month. Then maybe on month 2 you add a new thing from each
category. You get the idea. If you have the budget and the mental and
physical energy, maybe you experiment a bit more.

I usually have a client stay on this plan for 3 months before they reschedule
with me.

You will have good days and bad days. Some days you may want to hit
everything harder, or less hard, because you are struggling. Be patient.
Rest. This can be a long process.

But notice when you have a good day, or a good night’s sleep, or a good
mood. Notice if your walks are getting longer or if your mental stamina is up.

Part 3: Customizing & Progressing

When you become steady enough to detox for a few months,
hopefully you are seeing improvements. You may now have:

• More energy • Fewer digestive issues

• Long work-outs • Fewer headaches
• Clearing thinking • Less body fat

This can be a time to tackle other issues, or not.

Sometimes as you improve the terrain of your body, infections and their
symptoms quiet down.

We all have some degree of infections in and on us; it’s just a matter of how
much. As your immune system and microbiome get stronger, they are
handling your internal business better. 11
Feel out what you are ready for and when.

One thing I think you can do sooner is work on your hormones. Your hormone
levels can tank when you have mold.

This is going to leave you with less energy to do your detox techniques, make
dinner, and exercise. And it may disrupt your sleep.

We offer the DUTCH test to test your:

• Melatonin levels • Sex hormones

• Adrenal capacity • Sex hormone detox pathways

We also offer a blood panel that includes helpful things like:

• All thyroid makers • WBC

• Iron • Vitamin D

I love this test.

Find out everything about our testing and consultations here >>>

Our coaching team can offer lifestyle, food, herbal and OTC supplements
for your hormonal re-balancing. Consider bioidentical hormones with a
functional medicine doc too.

Healing from toxic mold illness is possible!
Take it day by day and keep plugging away.

Explore our shop and take 10% off your first

order with coupon code WELCOME10 here:

Please direct any questions to help@
Bridgit Danner, LAc
Thank you for learning with me! Founder of Functional Detox
XO, Bridgit 12

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