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By: Jennifer Nelson-Hawks, ND

Bloating is a common nuisance and often results from a
buildup of gas within the digestive tract. Bloating typically
occurs post-meals, and usually resolves itself. There are
proven methods to expedite this process.

Dietary factors:
Your diet significantly impacts your digestion and bloating
tendencies. Consuming foods with high salt or sugar content or
low fiber levels can disrupt the natural digestive rhythm,
causing bloating. Likewise, fizzy drinks introduce additional gas
into your system, creating a sense of bloating.

Digestive concerns:
Bloating often occurs when digestive health is compromised. For
instance, constipation may prevent the timely expulsion of waste,
allowing for the buildup of gas and promoting a bloated feeling.
Allergies and intolerances to specific foods can similarly upset your
digestive balance, causing bloating. Also the lack of Hydrochloric

Hormonal fluctuations:
Often overlooked, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle
can result in water retention and bloating. Understanding your
hormonal cycle can therefore help you manage these symptoms
more effectively.

Immediate Relief

Physical Activity
Physical Activity: Exercise is a potent tool against bloating. It
1. stimulates your digestive system, promoting movement of stool
and expulsion of gas. Something as simple as a quick walk around
the block can help alleviate bloating.

2. Specific yoga poses are known to stimulate the abdominal muscles
in ways that facilitate the release of trapped gas. Poses such as
Child’s Pose and Happy Baby Pose are known to be beneficial for
bloating relief.

Soaking in a Warm Bath

3. The heat from a warm bath can soothe abdominal discomfort and
stress. Stress reduction can help your GI tract function optimally,
reducing bloating.

Castor Oil Packs

4. Castor Oil Packs have been studied for their effectiveness in
reducing bloating. Make sure you are using organic castor oil.
This process can be messy but not from Queen of Thrones.

Peppermint Capsules
5. Peppermint has a relaxing effect on your intestinal muscles,
facilitating smooth movement of gas and stool. This can help
alleviate the discomfort associated with bloating.

Abdominal Massage
6. Massaging your abdomen can stimulate bowel movement, helping
to relieve bloating. Remember to be gentle and follow the path of
the large intestine for the most effective relief.

Long Term Management

Gradual Increase in Fiber

1. Gradually increasing your dietary fiber intake helps maintain
smooth digestion and prevents bloating. Start slowly and give
your body time to adjust to the new dietary change.

Switch to Water
2. Replace fizzy drinks with water to reduce gas buildup in your
stomach. Also, water aids in smooth digestion and helps manage

Regular Exercise
3. Regular physical activity promotes the timely movement of stool
and gas out of the colon. Sweating during exercise also helps your
body get rid of extra sodium, which can help reduce water

Skip the Gum

4. Chewing gum often leads to swallowing air, promoting bloating.
Opt for mints instead to freshen your breath without causing

Eat at Regular Intervals

5. Eating smaller meals more frequently can help keep your digestive
system moving smoothly. Eating slowly can also prevent
swallowing excess air during meals, reducing bloating.

Reduce Salt Intake

6. High sodium levels can cause your body to retain water, leading to
bloating. Monitor your salt intake to avoid this.

Long Term Management

Consider Probiotics
7. Consuming probiotics helps maintain a healthy balance of gut
bacteria, some of which can produce gas and cause bloating.

Identify Medical Conditions

8. If your bloating is persistent, it might be a symptom of an
underlying medical condition such as low stomach acid, IBS,
Crohn's disease, endometriosis, or ovarian cysts.

Consider a Low-FODMAP Diet

9. Foods high in FODMAPs often cause bloating. Following a low-
FODMAP diet might help improve your symptoms.

Check Your Supplement & Medications

10. Certain supplements and medications can cause constipation or
indigestion, leading to bloating. Your doctor or pharmacist can
suggest alternatives that are gentler on your digestive system.

Maintain a Food Diary

11. Keeping a food diary helps track which foods cause bloating. This
can help you identify and eliminate problem foods from your diet.


1. Bananas are rich in potassium, preventing water retention, and
consequently, bloating. This fruit also contains a type of soluble
fiber known as pectin, which can help normalize the bowel
motility and reduce bloating.

2. Ginger is a powerhouse herb with natural anti-inflammatory
properties and has been used for centuries to reduce bloating.
You can add ginger to your tea, meals, or even chew on a piece of
ginger root to experience its benefits.

Yogurt with Probiotics

3. These friendly bacteria aid in breaking down food, thus
preventing build-up of gas and bloating. Look for yogurts that
specify "live and active cultures" on the label to ensure you're
getting the probiotic benefits.

4. Cucumbers are known for their high water content, which can
help with hydration and prevent water retention. They're also
packed with quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that reduces

Fennel Seeds
5. The seeds of the fennel plant have antispasmodic properties. This
results in reduced bloating. You can chew on fennel seeds after
meals or prepare a comforting cup of fennel tea.

Hormones have a substantial role in many bodily functions, including
digestion. They can influence the retention of water, bowel movements, and
gas production - all factors that can lead to bloating.

One of the primary hormones related to bloating is progesterone. During

the menstrual cycle, specifically the luteal phase (after ovulation and before
menstruation), progesterone levels rise. This hormone can slow down gut
motility, leading to constipation and an accumulation of gas, which may
result in bloating.

Adjust Your Diet

1. Be mindful of what you eat during your cycle. Limit sodium,
processed foods, and simple carbohydrates, which can cause water
retention and gas. Include more potassium-rich foods like
bananas, avocados, and sweet potatoes, which can help to
counterbalance sodium levels and decrease water retention. Also,
consider incorporating more fiber-rich foods, such as whole
grains, fruits, and vegetables, to aid in digestion and prevent

Stay Hydrated
2. Despite seeming counterintuitive, drinking plenty of water can
actually decrease water retention. Hydration aids digestion and
can help prevent constipation, which can contribute to bloating.
Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

3. These can lead to dehydration, which in turn can cause your body
to hold onto more water and thus lead to bloating. If you do
consume alcohol or caffeine, make sure to increase your water
intake to compensate.

Regular Exercise
4. Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, or
yoga, can help regulate bowel movements, release trapped gases,
and reduce fluid retention. This can significantly help to decrease
bloating and promote overall well-being.

Stress Management
5. Hormones released during times of stress can upset your digestive
system leading to bloating. Integrating stress management
techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga, or mindfulness
meditation into your routine can help regulate your hormones and
minimize bloating.

Heat Therapy
6. Applying a hot water bottle or a heating pad to your abdomen can
soothe the muscles in your gut, reducing cramping and bloating.
The heat aids in relaxing contracted muscles and can stimulate
bowel movements, which can help relieve bloating.
Jennifer Nelson-Hawks, ND
Owner / Founder

From a young age, I had a strong interest in natural medicine. However, it

wasn't until I experienced recurring low-grade infections that I decided to
pursue it as a career. Unfortunately, the conventional medical approach of
repeatedly prescribing antibiotics to treat my infections had a severe impact
on my gut health, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as painful
bloating, constipation, chronic fatigue, and brain fog.

Despite seeking help from multiple sources, I felt helpless and hopeless. It was
then that I embarked on my own journey towards healing and discovered the
power of natural medicine. Fast forward to today, I am now a Doctor of
Naturopathy and have had the privilege of working with countless health-
conscious women to develop effective methods for resolving constipation,
weight imbalances, and low energy.

Through my years of experience, I developed a unique process called the Well

Method, which has been tested time and time again and has proven to be
successful in helping women achieve their health goals.

As part of my commitment to making a positive impact on the world, I will be

launching an online program called The Revitalized Gut. This program is
designed to help women achieve their health goals while creating a stress-free
and abundant life with their loved ones. Sign up for my VIP list and be the
first to know when it launches as space will be limited. VIP NOTIFICATION

Email Address Website

The Revitalized Gut Program

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