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Revisiting the influence of a ship’s draft on the

drift force due to diffraction effect

Shukui Liu

To cite this article: Shukui Liu (2020): Revisiting the influence of a ship’s draft on the drift force
due to diffraction effect, Ship Technology Research, DOI: 10.1080/09377255.2020.1780717

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Published online: 16 Jun 2020.

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Revisiting the influence of a ship’s draft on the drift force due to diffraction
Shukui Liu
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore


This study reviews alternative analytical methods accounting for the influence of ship’s finite Received 3 December 2019
draft on the drift force due to diffraction effect. In very short waves, the wave is completed Accepted 19 May 2020
reflected and no wave energy can be transmitted under the ship. As the wave becomes
longer, however, only part of the wave will be reflected and the remainder transmitted. The side drift force; reflection and
reflected waves will induce drift force due to its interaction with the ship between free transmission coefficient;
surface and draft. The former effect can be quantified by the reflection coefficient, while the oblique waves; finite draft;
latter can be account for by introducing the draft based exponential function (1 − e−2kd ). added resistance
When both effects are accounted for, a unified and theoretically more complete formulation
results. The performance of the method is demonstrated by comparative results for a vertical
plate of finite draft and a standard ship.

Introduction Kwon’s formula. Liu et al. (2016) adopted this draft

coefficient in their empirical formula. Yang et al.
When a potential flow theory method is used to predict
(2018) proposed an enhanced asymptotic formula
the wave drift force (an added wave resistance) on a
where the finite draft of a ship is accounted.
ship, there is in general an under-prediction in cases
The above raised waterline hull form effect has also
of relatively short waves. Various semi-empirical
been addressed by others in different form. Kuroda
methods were introduced and tested to improve the
et al. (2012) proposed to calculate the bluntness coeffi-
prediction in the short-wave region. Havelock (1940)
cient using the projected profile of the wetted waterline.
derived a formula to calculate the steady drift force act-
Yang et al. (2018) proposed a semi-empirical method
ing on a fixed cylinder with vertical sides in waves. Fujii
for the same subject.
and Takahashi (1975) proposed a semi-empirical for-
Nevertheless, all the above discussions are in the fra-
mula for the added resistance due to diffraction by
mework of potential flow theory. Any phenomenon
applying the reflection coefficient derived by Ursell
related to viscosity can only be empirically addressed
(1947) to Havelock’s formula. Faltinsen et al. (1980)
(Liu et al. 2015), though it may be of significant impor-
developed an asymptotic formula for the added resist-
tance (Riesner and el Moctar 2018).
ance on wall-sided hull forms in short waves. This
In spite of the many attempts in the past, the per-
work considered the wave reflection and forward
formance of the above semi-empirical methods is not
speed effects but not the partial reflection, thus, it is
always satisfactory, while the study subject is complex
valid only for short incoming waves from various
in its generality. In this paper, after critically reviewing
directions. Besides the partial reflection effect and the
several critical aspects of the existing semi-empirical
speed effect, Kwon (1981) examined and accounted
approaches, an improved and theoretically more cor-
for the limited ship’s draft effect considering the wave
rect method is proposed and numerically validated.
pressure’s exponential attenuation with depth (Smith
Following these pioneer works, more numerical and Review of relevant works
experimental studies were conducted. Takahashi
Havelock (1940) succeeded in deriving an expression
(1988) and Kuroda et al. (2008) further tuned the par-
for the longitudinal drift force on a fixed cylinder
tial reflection coefficient, which is nowadays widely
with vertical sides in head waves by assuming complete
adopted, for instance, as presented in the guidelines
reflection by the sides of the cylinder. The expression
for speed and power trials (ITTC 2014). Ogiwara
takes the following form:
et al. (1996) derived a formula by integrating the
pressure acting on the hull surface and accounted for 1
RAW,R = rg z2A BBF (1)
the finite draft effect. This result is in line with 2

CONTACT Shukui Liu School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Ave.,
Singapore 639798, Singapore
© University of Duisburg-Essen 2020
2 S. LIU

Figure 1. Coordinate system in calculating drift force due to diffraction effect.

where ρ is density of water, g the gravitational accelera- For a regular wave propagating from negative infinity
tion, ζA the incident wave amplitude, B the beam of a on x-axis (left side), it will be partially reflected and
ship and BF is the bluntness coefficient of a ship’s partially transmitted when it meets the barrier. Assum-
waterline: ing the amplitude of the incident, reflected and trans-
 mitted waves are zA , zA1 and zA2 , respectively, then,
2 B/2 2 the reflection coefficient and transmission coefficient
BF = sin udl (2)
B 0 can be defined as:
where θ is the angle that the tangent to ship’s waterline R = zA1 /zA and T = zA2 /zA (6)
form makes with the centreline, as shown in Figure 1.
This formula is valid only for head waves.
Faltinsen et al. (1980) extended Havelock’s method From the energy conservation point of view,
to short oblique wave cases with the ship hull at low
speed. Due to the short-wave assumption, the complete R2 + T 2 = 1 (7)
reflection concept is adopted as the wave length is
Ursell found a solution to the reflection coefficient as:
assumed much smaller than the draft of a ship. The
longitudinal drift force, or added resistance, formula 
takes the following form: R = pI1 / p2 I12 + K12 (8)

RAW,R = F e sinudl (3) where I1(kd) and K1(kd) are the modified Bessel Func-
C tions of the first and second kind, respectively and k is
the wave number.
where the normal average force per unit length on the
Fujii and Takahashi (1975) introduced this reflec-
waterline F e is
tion coefficient R to correct their potential flow method
1 for predicting the added resistance:
F e = rgz2A
  (4) 1
2v0 U RAW,R = rg z2A BBF R2 (1 + 2U/c)2 (9)
sin (u − a) −
[cosa − cosucos(u − a)] 2
where (1 + 2U/c)2 is a speed correction factor which is
and the integration is reduced to the non-shadowed not further discussed in the present study. Obviously,
area of the waterline, as shown in Figure 1. Here ω0 this is in line with the assumption that the drift force
is the circular frequency of the wave and U the ship due to diffraction effect is proportional to the square
speed. of wave amplitude, as it is commonly accepted in the
For head waves, the formula is reduced to: 2nd order potential flow wave theory. This method of
  Fujii and Takahashi has been further developed and
 1 2v0 U
F e = rgzA sin u 1 +
2 2
(5) tuned by various researchers to make corrections to
2 g
their own numerical/semi-empirical methods, so it
It is noted that compared with Equation (1) a new resulted in different formulations, the most popular
speed factor (1 + 2v0 U/g) has been introduced. version of which seems to be that by Kuroda et al.
Ursell (1947) studied a two-dimensional fixed verti- (2008). It should be pointed out that this coefficient
cal barrier extending to depth d, as shown in Figure 2. was later introduced as ‘draft correction coefficient’

Figure 2. A regular wave propagating towards a fixed vertical barrier of draft d.

(see, Takahashi, 1988), implying that the finite draft only. For zero speed in head waves, Kwon’s expression
effect has been accounted for by this coefficient. takes the following form:
In fact, in longer waves, two phenomena need to be 1
treated in calculating the drift force due to diffraction RAW,R = rg z2A (1 − e−2kd )CS BBF (12)
This expression accounts for both partial reflection
(1) wave is partial reflected; effect and finite draft effect, thus, it is scientifically
(2) the reflected wave interacts with the body between more complete. Regretfully, until today, only few
free-surface and the bottom of the body (as the studies explored this concept. To the author’s knowl-
reflected wave attenuates with depth exponentially, edge, Ogiwara et al. (1996) also presented a similar
it is a function of e−kz .). concept in account of the finite draft effect on the
added resistance due to diffraction effect:
By introducing only the R2 correction, trivially Fujii 1
and Takahashi (1975) took into account the first RAW,R = rg z2A (1 − e−2kd + 2vV/g)BBF (13)
phenomenon but not the second. In other words, the
effect of the energy transmission below the ship draft For zero speed, the above expression reduces to the
has not been accounted for. same as Equation (12), except for not accounting for
Kwon (1981) thoroughly studied this problem. the partial reflection effect denoted by CS.
While aware of Fujii & Takahashi’s work, he adopted Liu and Papanikolaou (2016) adopted the correction
an alternative correction factor CS for the effect of of Kuroda et al. (2008) in their semi-approximate
wave scattering: approach to the added resistance of a ship. Later on,
Equation (11) was used for its simplicity, while the
CS = sa /2 (10) reflection coefficient was dropped to form a simpler
where σa is the scattering coefficient of a general expression without the use of Bessel functions so that
obstacle in a simple harmonic wave, as derived by it can be processed by a pocket calculator (Liu et al.
Jones and Whitham (1957) using Fresnel–Kirchhoff 2016). The resulted deviation in longer waves exci-
diffraction formula. For a vertical cylinder, σa = 2- tation was empirically corrected by setting an empirical
0.985(ka) −2/3, where k is the wave number and a is zero value for the added resistance due to diffraction
the characteristic length of the body. Besides, Kwon effect at λ/LPP≥2.5 (Liu and Papanikolaou 2019):
also examined the effect of finite draft by considering ⎪ d d
⎨ −4p −
the Smith effect of wave pressure attenuation with l 2.5L pp l/L ≤ 2.5 (14)
ad = 1 − e
depth and introduced the finite draft correction factor: ⎪
⎩ PP
0 l/LPP . 2.5
aT = 1 − e−2kd (11)
Summarizing, the various semi-empirical methods
Doing so, Kwon approximated the drift force due to were following Fujii and Takahashi’s concept, which
the wave effect in between free-surface and ship’s draft accounts for only partly the effect of limited ship’s
4 S. LIU

Figure 3. The reflection coefficient R as a function of the incidental wave angle α and kd.

draft. Kwon’s approach is more complete, though the wave given in Equation (8). For waves obliquely inci-
diffraction/scattering coefficient he adopted is compu- dent on a fixed vertical barrier, Evans and Morris
tationally less convenient. (1971) derived a generalized expression for the reflec-
tion coefficient, dependent on the incidental wave
angle α, as shown in Figure 3.
Corrected drift force formula due to Figure 4 shows the drift force on a fixed vertical
diffraction effect plate of draft d at zero speed in regular waves, with
In view of the above works, the correct formulation to its crest parallel to the plate (θ=π/2, α= π), predicted
the drift force due to diffraction effect should account by various methods, while Figure 5 shows the drift
for both the reflection coefficient and the exponential force in quartering waves (θ=π/2, α=3π/4), applying
decay factor, both of which are functions of the draft the reflection coefficients provided by Evans and Mor-
d. It takes the following form: ris (1971). It is observed that the results based on
Equation (15) match almost perfectly with the numeri-
DAW,R = rg z2A BBF (a)R(a)2 (1 − e−2kd ) (15) cal results of Kuroda et al. (2008).
2 Figure 6 shows the side drift force on the KVLCC2
where DAW, R is the general drift force on a ship, R(α) is ship predicted by the proposal formula, together with
the reflection coefficient, with its expression in head the empirical radiation part of the draft, in comparison

Figure 4. Drift force on a fixed vertical plate of draft d at zero speed, π/2 angle of incidence.

Figure 5. Drift force on a fixed vertical plate of draft d at zero speed, π/4 angle of incidence.

with the experimental results (Shigunov et al. 2018). It Conclusion

is observed here that the diffraction effect constitutes
This paper critically reviews alternative analytical
the majority of the side drift force only in short
methods accounting for the influence of ship’s draft
waves. In longer waves the ship starts to move and
on the drift force due to diffraction effect. In very
the ‘fixed body’ assumptions is not valid any more.
short waves, the wave is completed reflected and no
Then, the time average diffraction force are only one
wave energy can be transmitted under the ship. As
component of the total drift force, which should be
the wave becomes longer, however, only part of the
approximated as:
wave will be reflected and the remainder transmitted.
The reflected waves will induce drift force due to its
DAW = DAW,M + DAW,R (16) interaction with the ship between free surface and
draft. The former effect can be quantified by the reflec-
where DAW is the drift force in regular waves and DAW, tion coefficient, while the latter can be accounted for by
M the motion induce the part. The complete empirical introducing the draft based exponential function
expression of the side drift force will be elaborated in (1 − e−2kd ). When both effects are accounted for, a
detail in another work (Liu and Papanikolaou 2020) unified and theoretically correct formulation results.

Figure 6. Side drift force of the KVLCC2 ship in beam waves at zero speed.
6 S. LIU

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