Lu, LL - MGT109 - PT1

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Lu, Ling Ling T.

MGT 109

PART I. Understanding HRM

1. Human Resource Management is a strategic and coherent approach to the effective and
efficient management of people in a company or organization. It involves activities such
as coordinating, managing, recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, evaluating, and
retaining employees to ensure they contribute effectively to the organization's goals and
objectives. HRM also encompasses addressing workplace issues, fostering employee
development, implementing policies and procedures, managing employee relations, and
ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations. The primary goal of HRM
is to maximize the productivity and performance of employees while simultaneously
meeting the needs of the organization.

2. HR Management Functions:
 Planning: 1 - because planning is crucial in HR management as it involves
setting goals, objectives, and strategies for the organization's human resources.
This includes workforce planning, succession planning, and strategic HR
planning. Effective planning ensures that the organization has the right people in
the right roles at the right time to achieve its objectives. Without proper planning,
HR initiatives may lack direction and fail to align with organizational goals.
 Organizing: 2 - because organizing involves designing the structure of the HR
department and allocating resources effectively to achieve HR goals. This
includes organizing workflows, establishing reporting relationships, and
developing HR policies and procedures. A well-organized HR function ensures
efficiency, clarity, and consistency in HR processes, which are essential for
supporting the organization's overall objectives. However, while organizing is
critical, it may not be as dynamic or impactful as other functions like planning or
 Staffing: 1 - because staffing is fundamental to HR management as it involves
acquiring, deploying, and retaining talent to meet organizational needs. This
function encompasses recruitment, selection, onboarding, training, development,
and performance management. Effective staffing ensures that the organization has
Lu, Ling Ling T. MGT 109
the right people with the right skills in the right positions, which is essential for
achieving its objectives. Without skilled and motivated employees, even the best-
laid plans may fail to materialize.
 Leading: 2 - because leading in HR management involves inspiring,
motivating, and guiding employees to achieve their full potential. This function
includes leadership development, employee engagement, communication, and
fostering a positive organizational culture. Effective leadership in HR is essential
for creating an environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and
motivated to contribute their best efforts toward organizational goals. While
leading is crucial, it may not be as tangible or directly measurable as other
functions like staffing or controlling.
 Controlling: 3 - because controlling involves monitoring, measuring, and
evaluating HR activities and outcomes to ensure they align with organizational
goals and standards. This includes setting performance metrics, conducting audits,
and implementing corrective actions when necessary. While controlling is
important for ensuring accountability and maintaining standards, it may be seen as
more of a supportive function rather than a primary driver of HR management.
Additionally, an overemphasis on controlling can sometimes stifle innovation and
flexibility within the HR function.

3. Yes, because studying Human Resource Management (HRM) presents numerous

advantages and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Firstly, HRM offers a
wide range of career paths, from HR manager to recruiter, training specialist, or
compensation analyst, allowing students to explore diverse interests within the field.
Moreover, HRM skills are highly transferable across industries, providing flexibility in
career choices. As a student, learning about HRM enables me to understand the critical
role HR plays in organizational success by managing talent, fostering employee
engagement, and promoting a positive work culture. The emphasis on interpersonal skills,
communication, and empathy in HRM not only prepares me for the workplace but also
enhances my personal interactions and relationships. Additionally, studying HRM
involves continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends, which keeps me
Lu, Ling Ling T. MGT 109
engaged and adaptable in a dynamic environment. Considering the stable demand for HR
professionals, pursuing HRM provides a sense of job security and opens doors to
fulfilling career opportunities. Studying HRM provides opportunities for continuous
learning and professional development to stay updated on industry trends and best
practices. Overall, as a student, studying HRM offers the chance to develop essential
skills, make a meaningful impact in the workplace, and embark on a rewarding career
4. Characteristics of HRM:
 Adaptability and Flexibility: In today's rapidly changing business landscape,
organizations must prioritize HRM practices that promote adaptability and
flexibility. This includes being able to quickly adjust to market trends,
technological advancements, and changes in the workforce demographics. HRM
strategies should be agile enough to respond to unexpected challenges, such as
pandemics or economic downturns, while still maintaining organizational stability
and employee well-being. Embracing flexible work arrangements, promoting
remote work capabilities, and offering opportunities for upskilling and reskilling
are examples of HRM initiatives that support adaptability and flexibility.
 Employee-Centered Approach: In today's competitive job market and evolving
workplace dynamics, organizations must prioritize an employee-centered
approach in HRM. This approach emphasizes putting employees at the forefront
of decision-making processes and tailoring HR practices to meet their needs and
preferences. Organizations should focus on creating a supportive work
environment that values employee well-being, growth, and development. This
includes offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, providing
opportunities for career advancement and skill development, fostering open
communication and feedback channels, and promoting a healthy work-life
balance. Embracing an employee-centered approach in HRM not only enhances
employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention but also contributes to a positive
employer brand and organizational culture. By prioritizing the well-being and
growth of employees, organizations can build a loyal and motivated workforce
that drives organizational success.
Lu, Ling Ling T. MGT 109

5. If I were to become an HR staff or manager in the near future, I would focus on two key
 Recruitment and Recruitment: One of the most critical functions I would focus
on is talent acquisition and recruitment. In today's competitive job market,
attracting and retaining top talent is essential for organizational success. I would
work on developing innovative recruitment strategies to identify and attract
candidates who not only possess the required skills and qualifications but also
align with the organization's values and culture. This would involve leveraging
various recruitment channels, such as social media platforms, job boards,
networking events, and employee referrals, to reach a diverse pool of candidates.
Additionally, I would prioritize enhancing the candidate experience by
streamlining the recruitment process, providing timely communication and
feedback, and offering a positive impression of the organization from the initial
contact through to onboarding. By focusing on talent acquisition and recruitment,
I would contribute to building a talented and diverse workforce that drives
organizational growth and success.
 Employee Engagement and Retention: Another crucial role/function I would
focus on is employee engagement and retention. Engaged and motivated
employees are more likely to contribute positively to the organization, leading to
higher productivity, lower turnover rates, and better overall performance. I would
work on implementing initiatives aimed at fostering a positive work environment,
such as employee recognition programs, regular feedback mechanisms, and
opportunities for professional growth and development. This would involve
conducting regular employee engagement surveys to gather feedback and identify
areas for improvement, as well as designing training and development programs
to enhance employees' skills and capabilities. Additionally, I would focus on
promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where employees
feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. By focusing
on employee engagement and development, I would contribute to creating a
Lu, Ling Ling T. MGT 109
positive and inclusive workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent and
drives organizational success.

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