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Movie/series description

Heart of stone
When the government falls and society is in deep trouble, the highly trained agents, the
most important of them being Agent Rachel Stone played by Gal Gadot, must ensure peace
which is possible through the only mighty element in this world- The Heart. The situation
worsens when The Heart goes missing and is now in the hands of a very menacing villain,
played by our very own Alia Bhatt!
This movie is a feast for the eyes, filled with action-thriller sequences made with promising
CGI effects. The storyline looks compelling with some of the most talented actors like Gal
Gadot, Jamie Dornan, and Alia Bhatt performing in it. The movie seems to explore a very
rare and intriguing idea of both the protagonist and the antagonist being women. Overall,
this movie looks like a perfect blend of heart-stopping action, breathtaking visuals, and an
intricately woven plot.

A rich Indian family in Scotland comes together to celebrate the birthday of Ashish Kapoor.
The occasion turns awry when AK suddenly jumps off a cliff on that very night. Mira Rao
from CBI, who has been assigned to handle this case, suspects murder. Upon interrogating
the family members, every member seems to be hiding a dark secret.
The plot of the story is mysterious and dark. The trailer is well made with not much being
revealed, evoking the audience's interest. This movie also has some of the most well-
acclaimed cast like Vidya Balan, Rahul Bose, Ram Kapoor, and many more making the plot
stand out even more with their performances. Adaptation of the Agatha Christie- style of
storytelling with an Indian blend suits the plot. the overall concept is intriguing and is worthy
of a watch!

When the Nazis were dominating the world with their powerful weapons known to mankind
during the second world war, J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the world’s greatest physicists
of all time, was sent to the infamous Manhattan Project to develop the deadliest weapon on
earth- the atomic bomb, A bomb that would end humanity once and for all, A creation so
devious that it was feared by the creator himself.
This movie depicts the true life story and legacy of Mr. Oppenheimer, written and directed
by Christopher Nolan. It is an intense portrayal of the war and political drama with a very
familiar Christopher Nolan touch to it. With actors like Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr.,
and Emily Blunt starring in it, the hype among the public for this movie has skyrocketed. All
in all, this looks like another awe-inspiring creation from Christopher Nolan that showcases
his unmatched talent and creativity.
She lives in Barbie Land, having fun and partying her way through life, as it has always been
on barbie land, until human-ish changes start occurring to her, slowly detaching her from her
regular boisterous life. She has to go to the real world of humans to find out what’s wrong
with her. Accompanied by Ken on her way, both set out to explore the real world where
unexpected adventures are awaiting them.
The movie is filled with entertainment and is reminiscent of our childhood days. the way the
makers of the movie have stuck to the lore of ‘everything Barbie’, from having heeled feet
without shoes to floating instead of using stairs (as that is how children generally play with
the dolls), and have incorporated it into the storyline is fascinating. With a compelling plot
and amazing chemistry between the actors Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie, this movie
looks like a worthwhile watch.

Seo A-Ri starts streaming and becomes famous overnight. Once she becomes a famous
influencer, she faces backlash from well-off influencers for being from a low background.
she’s now on a mission to expose the dark reality of the influencer world by avenging
them…..all while in her grave.
This Korean series is a blend of dark, crime with a unique plot. the storyline seems to explore
one of the hidden realities of today’s world where the fame of a person can be built and
crushed like it’s child’s play. The performance of the lead actress, Park Gyu Young is mind-
blowing provided that this is her debut as the lead. This series is a must-watch for anyone
with a liking for dark-crime drama.

D.P (Deserters Pursuit)

Two young army recruits, Private Ahn Jun-Ho and Han Ho-Yeol are assigned a duty to bring
back soldiers who abandoned their mandatory military service and are on the run. Upon
investigating and catching hold of some of the runaway soldiers, dark truths come to the
surface but it is already too late as tragedy has already befallen. Nothing has changed even
then, nothing will ever change until something is done
This Korean series brings into the limelight the harsh reality of the Korean military and its
culture of bullying which has led to the loss of lives, yet no justice or reform is being done by
the responsible authorities to tackle this issue. The first season of this series was hugely
talked about in Korean society and was successful in bringing awareness of this issue to its
people and the world. The upcoming season has hype building up among the people. With
talented actors like Jung Hae-in and Koo Gyo-Hwan who have done justice to the first season
seem to be delivering the same amount of justice to the second season as well. Overall, the
second season looks as well-made as the first, intriguing the audience from its teaser itself!

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