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Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. Define the form of the Electric Field
2. Identify the Negative Carrier Dopant and Positive Carrier Dopant;
3. Explain how does the Electric Field forming;

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Forming the Electrical Field
b. Reference: Photovoltaic Fundamental
c. Materials: Laptop and Visual Aids
d. Methods/Strategies: Activity, Plan to assess student learning, and create a realistic timeline
e. Values: Doing your best, Fair go, Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion

III. Procedures
Teachers Activity Student’s Activity

Prayer (Student’s lead the prayer)

 Before getting started, Please lead the prayer.

 Good Morning Class. “Good Morning Sir”
“Before we start our lesson for today, Can anyone give me a “Sir the topic Mr. Broma discuss previously is all
recap about the last topic that reported by Mr. Broma about Light Absorption: Creating Charge Carriers
in which Light of sufficient energy can dislodge an
electron from its bond in the crystal, creating a
“Okay, I’m glad that you still remember the previous topic” hole.”

“Okay class, before we proceed on our topic, I have here a IGRFNOM HET CLIERCET LIEFD
Jumbled letter that you need to answer.”
Give direction and the meaning/tell something about the FORMING THE ELECTRIC FIELD
Jumbled letter as a guide
The teacher will present the objectives for the topic.  Define the form of the Electric Field
 Identify the Negative Carrier Dopant and
Positive Carrier Dopant;
 Explain how does the Electric Field
“Before I start my discussion do you have any idea what’s our topic forming;
all about?”
“The student will Recite.”
“Thank you so much Mr./Ms. ____________
“Then for the others Let’s just start the discussion and Let’s find Out
what’s our topic all about”

D. Discussion

“Okay our Topic for today is all about Forming the Electric

“Please read the Several ways to form the electric field Mr/Ms “Mr/Ms is reading”

Forming the Electric Field

There are several ways to form the electric field in a

crystalline silicon PV cell. One is to slightly alter the crystal
so that its structure on either side of the dividing line is
different. This technique, known as "doping," introduces an
atom of another element (called the "dopant") into the silicon (Students are required to take down notes while
crystal to alter its electrical properties. The dopant has either listening on discussion).
three or five valence electrons, as opposed to silicon's four.
Phosphorus atoms, which have five valence electrons, are
used for doping n-type silicon (so called because of the
presence of free negative charges or electrons). A phosphorus
atom occupies the same place in the crystal lattice that was
occupied formerly by the silicon atom it replaced. Four of its
valence electrons take over the bonding responsibilities of the
four silicon valence electrons that they replaced. Four of its
valence electrons take over the bonding responsibilities of the
four silicon valence electrons that they replaced. But the fifth
valence electron remains free, without bonding

“Thank you so much Mr/Ms ____________”

“Crystalline silicon cells are made of silicon atoms
“Is there anyone whose familiar what is crystalline silicon PV cell?” connected to one another to form a crystal lattice

“Just like what he/she said it can form crystal lattice and that is
correct ”
(Students are required to take down notes while
“EXPLAINING the other parts ” listening on discussion).

“Please read the Negative-Carrier (Donor) Dopant Mr/Ms

The Negative-Carrier (Donor) Dopant

This unbonded valence electron behaves like a permanent

member of the crystal's conduction band. When numerous (Students are required to take down notes while
phosphorus atoms are substituted for silicon in a crystal, many listening on discussion).
free, conduction-band electrons become available. The most
common method of substitution is to coat the top of a layer of
silicon with phosphorus and then heat the surface. This allows
the phosphorus Normal bond atoms to diffuse into the silicon.
The temperature is then lowered so that the rate of diffusion
drops to zero. Other methods of introducing phosphorus into
silicon include gaseous diffusion, a liquid dopant spray-on
process, and a technique in which phosphorus ions are driven
precisely into the surface of the silicon.
“When an atom is charged then it is called ion”

” a charged atom is called what?”

“That’s Correct, then class let’s give at least five claps for
Mr/Ms ”

“Please read the Positive-Carrier (Donor) Dopant Mr/Ms

The Positive-Carrier (Donor) Dopant

(Students are required to take down notes while

listening on discussion).

When a boron atom assumes a position in the crystal lattice

formerly occupied by a silicon atom, there is a bond missing an
electron-in other words, an extra hole. In p-type material, there
are many more positive charges (holes) than free electrons.
Holes are much more numerous than free electrons in a p-type (Students are required to take down notes while
material and are therefore called the majority charge carriers. listening on discussion
The few electrons in the conduction band of p-type material
are referred to as minority charge carriers. In n-type material,
electrons are the majority carriers, and holes are the minority


(Students are required to take down notes while

listening on discussion)

Although both materials are electrically neutral, n-type silicon

has excess electrons and p-type silicon has excess holes

When n- and p-type silicon comes into contact, electrons move

from the n-side to the p-side. This causes a positive charge to
build on the n-side of the interface (or p-n junction) and a
negative charge to form on the other side.

E. Generalization
What is the difference of Negative Carrier Dopant and ” The few electrons in the conduction band of
Positive Carrier Dopant? p-type material are referred to as minority
charge carriers. In n-type material, electrons
“Okay very good!” are the majority carriers, and holes are the
minority carriers”

“ Sir in my own opinion as we can see in the

“So, Mr/Ms________ What about you?” picture the negative carrier dopant had an
extra unbound electron but in the positive
carrier dopant there’s a hole is Bond missing
an Electron”

“Then, Did you understand very well our lesson for today?” “Yes Sir”
IV. Evaluation

a. Explain briefly the following question ANSWERS:

1. What are the other ways on forming the electric
field? A.
2. What kind of technique which is to slightly 1. There are several ways to form the
modify the structure of the silicon crystal? electric field in a crystalline silicon PV
3. It’s introduces an atom of another element cell. One is to slightly alter the crystal
called? so that its structure on either side of the
4. How many valence electrons had the phosphorus dividing line is different.
atoms and what it is for? 2. This technique, known as "doping
3. It is called “DOPANT”
4. Phosphorus atoms which have five valence
electrons and it are used for doping n-type
b. Identify the parts of the following silicon.

1-3. B.

1. Normal Bond with 2 shared Electrons

2. Boron Atom

3. A Hole is a Bond Missing an Electron

4. Normal Electron Bond with 2 shared
5. Phosphorus Atom Replaces a silicon Atom
6. The extra unbound electron from the
phosphorus atom is relatively free to move

V. Assignment

“Research or Review about the driving the charge carriers and

Memorize each parts of the Solar panel which indicated in the
next topic”


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