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CROPTECTOR: A Machine that Actuates and Guards the

Solar-Dried Corn and Rice Crops from a Sudden Rain

A Science Investigatory Project

Presented as Entry in the 2023 Division Science and Technology Fair

Labella Celestine B. Ubay-ubay

Grade 10 Researcher

Maverick J. Pacamalan
Coach/ Adviser

Alubijid National Comprehensive High School

Poblacion, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

Table of Contents

Farming is a major sector of our economy; it is one of the sources of income in our

community. One of the major problems for farmers is the sudden rainfall that is caused by

unexpected changes in weather. A crop is a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale

commercially and harvested extensively for profit or substance. In protecting the crops,

farmers use two main manual methods: covering the crops with tarp and gathering them up

by hand. However, covering the crops with tarp can also have many negative effects, so

farmers prefer to gather the crops manually.

In this problem, the researcher created a machine that can help farmers protect their

crops from rain, named the CROPTECTOR. This machine contains materials such as an

Arduino Uno, a rain sensor, servo motors, and a breadboard.

The purpose of this study is to help farmers in protecting the crops from rain using the

CROPTECTOR. Farmers can avoid the chances of financial losses from crop damage, and

for further continuation of this study, it is recommended to apply a blower or fan in the study

so that when the crops get slightly wet from a sudden rain, the blower will take place and will

automatically turn on to avoid the crops being moist. The researcher recommends making the

roofs in a sliding motion rather than rotating them to form a house-like roof; in this case, the

researcher will use a DC motor instead of a servo motor.


Rice and corn crops are one of the most cultivated crops in over thousands of places in

our country. They are the main source of the food we eat in our daily lives, and basically, they

are also the farmer’s main source of income. It is known that after the crops are cultivated,

farmers need to put in a lot of effort to maintain the quality of the crops and to protect them

from insects and animals that may damage them. However, after the cultivation and it is time

for the harvesting season, the farmers need to face another challenging task again, and that

is solar-drying the crops, especially since we are experiencing a rainy season in the


When a sudden rain has come, local farmers protect their crops by covering them with

a tarp or trap, and other farmers also gather their crops by hand and store them in a place

where they can be protected from the rain. After the rainy period, farmers will place the crops

in the sunlight again.

The purpose of this study is to automatically protect the harvested crops from rain and

even insects and animals. It is operated and controlled by three materials: the Arduino

microcontroller, a rain sensor for detecting rain, and a servo motor for controlling the roofs

when to open and close.


The research on a Machine that Actuates and Guards the Solar-Dried Corn and Rice

Crops from a Sudden Rain aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does the machine compares to traditional manual methods in terms of


2. What are the potential benefits and limitations of implementing this machine?

3. How can an automated system effectively protect harvested crops from the

adverse effects of rainfall?


H0: There is no significant difference between Manual Crop Protection Method and

Automatic Harvested Crop Protection.


This chapter presents and discusses theories that are applicable to our study.

These theories help explain the concept behind the research and establish the relationship

between the study’s variables. The contribution of emerging technologies in developing food

production and improving the quality and safety of food is always looked for by agricultural
economists. In the recent past, considerable development has been visible in technological

innovations worldwide. Once a technology has been generated, optimizing its awareness and

use takes a considerably long time. Furthermore, the ultimate goal of generating technology is

not just adoption but could be something much wider and broader.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Automatic Crop Protector Rice and Corn Crops

The framework shows the two major variables in the study. The Independent variable

of this study is the Automatic Crop Protector while the Dependent variable is the Rice and

Corn Crops.


This study will help protect harvested rice and corn crops from rain using the machine.

This study is done due to the large losses farmers get when a sudden rainfall comes when

drying the harvested rice crops. Each farmer suffers from a great problem when the sun is

drying and it suddenly rains. The days spent taking care of the crops and planting them will

not be worth it if their crop is wasted due to the sudden rainfall. Through the effectiveness of

this study, this will help farmers save rice crops from going to waste with automatic harvest

protection from rain.


This study aims to determine a possible solution for protecting harvested rice crops during a

rainfall. The rain sensor identifies whether it's raining or not for automatic crop protection from

rain. This study was conducted at Alubijid National Comprehensive High School during the

school year 2023-2024. The limitation of this study is that it cannot handle varieties of rice and

corn crops because the actual size of this study when applied in real life is much smaller than

the hectares of rice and corn fields.


Review of Related Literature, and Studies

Related Literature

According to Surajit K. De Datta, Principles and Practices of Rice Production

(1981), the last 20 years have seen a surge in rice yield that has mostly been ascribed

cultivators' fields. That study has been finished in its entirety. in national research efforts that

are relatively new. The current difficulty is getting those programs to grow

in terms of scope, reach, and capability in order to fulfill the urgent need for more rice.

According to Vincent M. Kega et al., Rice Cultivation Manual (2015), grain

kernel cracking is the primary cause of loss during drying, however some grains may

also be lost while the drying process is underway. A complete harvest that is rendered

inedible due to inadequate drying can result un losses that are far greater than those

caused by improper drying. Steer clear of direct sun drying as this increases the likelihood of

grain breakage during milling. It is customary in certain regions to windrow

the chopped paddy in the field to dry for three to seven days, contingent on the

meteorological circumstances.

According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office

for Asia and the Pacific World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Agroforestry in rice-production

landscapes in Southeast Asia (2017, It is now generally acknowledged that crop yield is not

the only metric for determining an agricultural system's overall productivity; other factors such

as the goods and services the agroecosystem provides should also be considered. The

findings demonstrated how planting trees in rice-producing landscapes might enhance the

socioeconomic and environmental circumstances in the area. In order to improve the socio-

economic and environmental sustainability of agricultural landscapes, planted or naturally

regenerating trees have been found in home gardens, along roads and streams, in

agroforestry systems, in small woodlands, along hedges, and in fallows.

On agricultural land, trees can produce food and non-food items, help with climate

change adaptation, boost biological variety, control nutrient and hydrological cycles,

safeguard the soil, and enhance both nutrition and income. Consequently, they have the

potential to significantly contribute to the reduction and adaptation to the various stresses that

agricultural systems are currently encountering, thereby enhancing the food and nutrition

security of communities who cultivate rice.

The experiment recorded farmers' understanding of the importance of tree resources in

addition to objectively demonstrating the advantages of trees outside of forests in rice-

producing regions.

According to Philippine Rice Research Institute Cental Experiment Station. Rice-Based

Biosystem Journal (2018), Asia is the world's leading producer of rice. This region is home to

88% of the world's physical rice acreage and 90% of the world's rice output (FAO, 2017). Just

3 percent of the 90% of rice produced in Asia is exported; the other 87% is consumed locally.

While 140 million rice farmers in Asia cultivate 132 million hectares of physical rice land,

almost 300 million people are directly involved in rice production and related activities along

the rice value chain.

According to Fiaz Ahmad et al., Techonology in Agriculture (2021), The study of

agricultural engineering, including its applications in biosystems, energy systems, computers

in agriculture, and agricultural equipment, is presented by technology in agriculture. It gives a

summary of current developments in agricultural engineering and looks at important facets of

new technology and how they are used.

According to Andrew Feenberg. Critical Theory of Technology (2005), technologies

have two sides to their existence: the object and the operator. In situations where the subject

and the operator are human, technical activity is a power struggle. In societies that are

centered around technology, technological power is the primary form of power within the

community. It is made possible by designs that restrict the spectrum of issues and interests

that may be adequately represented by the way the technology and the organizations that rely
on it normally operate. This restriction leads to hardship for people and harm to the


It also distorts the structure of experience. The exercise of technical power evokes

resistances of a new type immanent to the one-dimensional technical system. People who are

not involved in the design process eventually bear the unfavorable effects of technology and

rebel. Redesigning technology to make it more compatible with the human and natural

limitations on technological action may result from opening it up to a larger range of interests

and concerns. A dramatic reform of the technical domain can be guided by a democratic

revolution from below, which can also shorten the feedback loops from harmed human lives

and nature.

According to World Intellectual Property Organization., Green Technology (2022),

reducing susceptibility and boosting resilience to climate impacts are the goals of climate

change adaptation. The implications of climate change can be multifaceted and hard to

forecast. It goes beyond just shielding oneself from traumatic occurrences. It also involves

adjusting to the slow, incremental adjustments that will probably be made to most people's

lives. Our ability to raise cattle, use water, live near the sea, plan our towns, and cultivate

crops are all impacted by the climate. Furthermore, a lot of natural ecosystems are in danger

of collapsing and widespread species extinction, so we must actively maintain them. Although

the effects of climate change are felt in every nation, emerging nations are disproportionately

vulnerable. This may be the case due to their limited ability to respond, much as the least

developed nations. Alternatively, like in the case of several tiny island governments, it can be

due to their geographic location. Furthermore, as many developing nations do not currently

generate significant amounts of CO2, adaptation methods may be more pertinent in these

situations than mitigation efforts.

Technological development in the agriculture and forestry sectors has been the rapid

progress in information and monitoring technologies. Many technologies on the market utilize

aerial imagery from satellites and drones and data from connected sensors for real-time

monitoring and yield predictions.

Some farmers are also digitizing crop data. Mobile apps and software allow farmers to

keep digital diaries of production cycles, and guide them on when to plant, rotate their crops

and harvest. Although adoption has been slow and incremental, there is now talk of a fourth

agricultural revolution. One in which the application of technologies such as artificial

intelligence (AI), big data analytics, gene editing, internet of things (IoT), robotics and sensors

is expected to enable more resource efficiency overall. But some countries lack the

underlying technologies and infrastructure – e.g., reliable and fast connectivity – needed to

support modern farming technologies. This means that the benefits of this revolution are likely

to be spread unevenly across societies and geographies. However, enabling policies are

making some technologies more accessible. Examples include patented new gene-editing

technologies such as CRISPR becoming available through licensing agreements or disaster

forecasting tools becoming subject to “open data” policies making them accessible to global


According to Ibrahim et al., Green Technology (2016), Crop yields must be optimized

for each unit area as well as for each input used in food production due to the stresses that

climate change is placing on essential resources. While the majority of farmed land worldwide

is still supplied mostly by rain, many farmers who depend on irrigation are moving from

traditional methods to more water-efficient ones like sprinkler and drip irrigation. Accurate

water and fertilizer application is made possible by technologies like GPS and sensors, which

provide comprehensive information about soil conditions, livestock health, and crop status.

Soil spectroscopy and infrared light analysis of pH and nutrient levels in the soil are further

advancements that could assist safeguard the soil and target inputs. The majority of precision

agriculture is still limited to nations with comparatively higher incomes. However, advanced

data is not necessary to achieve resource efficiency. Microdosing, or the practice of applying

fertilizer directly to seeds during sowing, allows small-scale farmers in nations with limited

resources to save a significant amount of fertilizer. This improves drought resistance while

conserving resources.
International Rice Research Institute, Green Technology (2022) is using a technology

known as marker-assisted breeding (molecular breeding) to develop rice varieties that can

withstand drought, flooding, heat, cold and soil salinity. Compared to conventional breeding

techniques, the procedure is faster and more accurate, but it doesn't include introducing

foreign genetic material into organisms. Farmers in India, the Philippines, and Nepal have

produced, released, and planted drought-tolerant rice varieties, such as Sahbhagi Dhan,

Sahod Ulan, and Sukha Dhan. In drought situations, these types improve production by an

average of 0.8 to 1.2 tons per hectare. With the identification and isolation of the SUB1 gene,

plant breeders have also produced flood-resistant rice, which can withstand submersion in

water for up to 14 days and yield an additional 1 to 3 tons during a 10- to 15-day flood.

According to The International Rice Research Institute, & Yoshida. (n.d.)

Fundamentals Of Rice Crop Science (1981), rice is a staple food for practically everyone on

the planet. For millions of Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans who live in tropical and

subtropical regions, it is the most significant food grain. Population growth in these locations

is high and is probably going to stay that way for the next ten years or more. Their staple diet

will still consist primarily of rice. High-yielding, resistant to lodging, and responsive to fertilizer

rice varieties were a key player in the global food production growth known as the "green

revolution" that began in the 1960s. Varieties of rice that were resistant to a number of serious

illnesses and insect pests were made available through further rice modification, requiring

only 3.5–4 months for growth. Modern rice may now be produced in a variety of settings

because to new production techniques that give small-scale farmers in developing nations

increased yields and the opportunity to plant numerous crops.. Government authorities that

care about the country's food self-sufficiency are beginning to understand the opportunities

these technological advancements present for increased food production in addition to

farmers. As a result, these leaders have boosted financing for initiatives that support both rice

research and practical food production. Better techniques for producing rice have increased

demand for scientists, educators, and specialists in practical food production. More than ever,

the next generation of rice scientists is searching for information that can help them achieve

national self-sufficiency.
Related Studies

According to Ritik Bansod et al., (2022), The science and skill of raising plants and

animals is called farming. The primary step forward in the stagnant human progress was

agriculture, which led to the surpluses in food produced by domesticated species and

encouraged people to reside in cities. The historical backdrop of agriculture dates back a very

long way. Early farmers started planting them about 11,500 years ago as a result of gathering

wild grains that had started at least 1,05,000 years earlier. Sheep, cows, and pigs were

cooked more than 10,000 years ago. In eleven regions of the world, plants developed on their

own. Twenty-first-century modern horticulture, which was heavily reliant on monoculture,

eventually overtook agricultural yield; yet, two billion people still depended on subsistence

farming. The way that various farming techniques affect overall conditions and how those

changes may be traced back to the practices themselves is the natural impact of

agribusiness. The diverse range of agricultural practices employed worldwide determines how

agribusiness's distinctive influence varies. Ultimately, the average effect is determined by the

innovative ways in which farmers employ their technology.

According to Rohit Dixit et al., (2021), agriculture is a backbone of our country. About

70% of our country’s revenue comes from agriculture. As per the recent government reports,

more than 100 crores rupees is lost during and after harvesting. Due to improper cultivation

methods, delay in yield distribution process, the farmers are at loss.

Huge quantity is wasted, ‘saving a grain is similar to producing a grain’. Hence it is

quite necessity of the government and as well as private sector people to help improve the

conditions in each of the phases from seeding to marketing of the value chain. This is

possible by involving agriculturists, technologists and scientists in the process for quality

produce, thus ensuring the food security of the country. The losses are because of lack of
infrastructure during harvest and after harvest. Limited knowledge of good practices for

specific crops to the farmers and market trends of demand and supply are prime concern.

Nowadays, during the rainy season the cultivated crops get affected due to heavy

rainfall. So the farmers face lot of problems because there cultivated crops get washed off or


According to James Tababa (2023), the rainy season in the Philippines typically lasts

from June to November, and while it brings much needed relief from the scorching heat of

summer, it can also pose significant challenges for farmers and gardeners. Heavy rains can

damage crops and lead to reduced yields, which can have a severe impact on the livelihoods

of those who rely on agriculture. Shade nets are a versatile and cost-effective solution for

protecting crops. They can provide protection from heavy rainfall, strong winds, and pests. By

providing shade, they can prevent crops from being battered by raindrops and reduce soil

erosion caused by the impact of rain. Additionally, strong winds caused by typhoons can

cause damage to crops by breaking their stems and branches or uprooting them entirely.

Shade nets can help to reduce the impact of strong winds by providing a physical barrier that

can withstand the force of the wind. These nets are available in different sizes and densities

to suit different crops and growing conditions and can be reused for multiple growing

seasons, making them a sustainable investment for farmers.

According to Yuan Chih-Su et al., (2023), approximately 770 million people globally

suffered from hunger in 2020. To feed the global population, crop production must be

increased. However, despite improvements in agricultural technology, crop production is still

limited by several factors, such as rainfall. According to the World Meteorological

Organization, heavy rain (HR) is defined as rainfall of at least 50 mm over 24 h. HR has a

negative effect on the yield of many crops. In some regions, climate change has caused a 2–

4% increase in the occurrence of HR; thus, climate change is exacerbating the

aforementioned problem. The risk of HR events for crop production should be better

understood, and corresponding strategies to ensure food security should be developed crops

are affected by HR in various ways, such as lodging, which reduces the yield of wheat, barley,
oats, maize, and rice by 31–80%, 4–65%, 37–40%, 5–20%, and 5–84%, respectively. In

addition, rainfall during ripening induces preharvest sprouting, which affects crop production.

Incessant rainfall during flowering increases the frequency of unfilled grains, which

causes a reduction in yield. Studies have reported that the effect of HR on crops varies

between growth stages. Therefore, the time of HR occurrence during crop growth is a key

factor for evaluating the risk caused by HR to crops.

According to Masoud K. Barati et al., (2022), it is highly vulnerable to climate change

abnormalities. Uneven distribution of rainfall, erratic onset and withdrawal of monsoon, and

frequent interseason dry-spell occurrence hamper the rice yield. Farmers’ cropping strategies

and irrigation planning accounting for the conjunctive use of rainfall and irrigation have

positively influenced crop yield. Research studies on the influence of rainfall on rice cultivation

in the Cauvery delta zone have so far been limited. The irrigation system in the Cauvery delta

zone includes floodwater storage facilities such as tanks on which rice water demand is

heavily dependent. Irrigated rice farming in the deltaic region is indirectly dependent on the

distribution of rainfall in the upper catchment of the Cauvery basin. Overexploitation of

reservoir water reduces the water use efficiency in the field in due course, rice yield as well.

According to E.A Heinrichs (2023), historical records from Korea and Japan report on the

history of rice insect pests during the last two millennia. In 875 a migratory locust outbreak

occurred in the Ise District of Japan and a brown planthopper outbreak in l733 was reported

as one of the most damaging insect outbreaks in the history of rice production in Japan.

About 2.6 million persons were affected and l2,000 died from hunger.Insects reduce yields

substantially, especially in tropical Asia. Cramer estimated the rice yield losses caused by

insects by reviewing the literature up to l966 . He estimated losses ranging from 31.5% in

Asia to 2% in Europe. More recently, a series of experiments coordinated by IRRI and

conducted in farmers' fields in six Asian countries indicated that the increase in yields of fields

receiving fertilizer, and insect and weed control was 0.9 t/ha in the wet season and l.7 t/ha in

the dry season; 0.4 ton and 0.6 ton of these yield increases respectively, were due to insect

control. The importance of insects and other pests is indicated by the fact that only a 10%
increase or decrease in food grain production, on a global scale, can make the difference

between a glut and acute scarcity.

According to Jheng-Si Song et al., (2022), rice is one of the most important crops in the

world and is the staple food for nearly half of the world's population. Rice is also the most

extensively cultivated crop. It is grown in more than 100 countries on 6 continents and covers

more than 11% of all arable land. Of the global rice-growing areas, about 90% are located in

Asia, especially East Asia (33%). Depending on altitude and the source of water, rice field

ecosystems can be divided into four categories. These include (from high- to low-elevation)

upland, rainfed lowland, irrigated, and flood-prone ecosystems. Irrigated land accounts for

75% of global rice production and encompasses half of the global rice fields. These irrigated

lands are mostly converted from wetlands, leading to a great loss of natural wetlands .

However, these flooded rice paddies can potentially be surrogate habitats for wetland

species, such as waterbirds, thereby mitigating the harm of habitat loss.

According to Dixit et al., (2019), crop protection policies have a significant global

impact on agricultural output. Weeds have been one of the biggest obstacles to crop

productivity since the Green Revolution. The traditional methods of weed management are no

longer viable in light of agricultural modernity. Thus, by lowering crop loss, the usage of

herbicides contributed to world food security.

Furthermore, the usage of herbicides is rising to meet the world's growing population's

demand for food. In addition to boosting output through better weed control, herbicides have

become more adaptable due to their rapid action, ease of availability, ease of hand weeding,

and capacity to replace traditional weed management techniques. But being chemical,

repeated and injudicious use of herbicides creates phytotoxicity, causes adverse effects on

the environment, affects nontargeted organisms and causes health risks. It also poses

residual trouble to the succeeding crops and affects the food chain.

Berihun et al. (2014) has employed both probit model and OLS to identify factors

influencing technology adoption and their impact on Farm Income based on cross-sectional
study in Southern Tigray Zone of Northern Ethiopia. The result stated that sex, irrigation use,

off-farm income, plot distance and distance to market affects adoption of chemical fertilizer

whereas age, irrigation use, access to credit and distance to market were found as

determinants of high yield variety in Ethiopia.

Moreover, the OLS result revealed that agricultural technology adoption has a positive

and significant effect on farm income by which adopters are better-offs than non-adopters.

Asfaw et al. (2011) examined the determinants of agricultural technology adoption and

their impact on farmers’ integration into output market in Ethiopia based on cross-section

sample of 700 farmers. The Double-Hurdle model results show that knowledge of existing

varieties, perception about the attributes of improved varieties, household wealth (livestock

and land) and availability of active labor force are major determinants for adoption of

improved technologies.

According to Gudise Varsha et al., (2023), by using cutting-edge agricultural

technologies made possible by the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the agriculture

industry is starting to change. From the humble sprinkler to the need for fertilizer on crops,

these technologies have drastically altered every aspect of life. One of the issues that needs

to be resolved is protecting crops from heavy rains, which drastically lower crop production

and soil productivity while also causing a great deal of emotional distress to farmers.

According to Mohd Fazly Mail et al., (2023), addressing the growing global population

requires the development of various robotic platforms for agricultural operations. A farm's

production is greatly increased by a harvesting robot, freeing up farmers to concentrate on

other important farm tasks. It is possible to summarize the design concepts of the harvesting

mechanisms from the literature by classifying them as shaking and catching, twisting and

plucking mechanisms, vacuum suction plucking systems, and gripping and cutting

mechanisms. In the meantime, the mobile platform, manipulators, end effectors, sensing,

localization, path planning, and navigation are all parts of the robotic system. The robotic

system needs to be secure and economical. The results of this study may aid in the design of
a harvesting robot or in the creation of a harvesting module that can be added to a mobile

platform that is sold commercially. More than thirty years ago, research on intelligent

machines and agricultural robots was described.

Agricultural robotic systems are used in a variety of field chores, including preparing

the ground for planting, planting, weeding, seeding, treating plants, detecting diseases, crop

scouting, spraying, harvesting, estimating yield, and phenotyping for varied farming situations.

This is so that agricultural robotics may handle important challenges including the increased

awareness for environmentally friendly practices and seasonal manpower shortages. There

are few opportunities for growth, lengthy labor hours, and low income in the agriculture sector.

While younger generations have no desire to replace the aging workforce, they are departing

the sector. A scarcity of labor has caused procedures to be postponed and occasionally



The methodology of this study was divided into four major procedures: (1)

constructing the components; (2) building the structure and building the materials together; (3)

coding and programming; and (4) testing.

The first part of the procedure is constructing the components. The components consist of

three parts: (1) the assembling of the rain sensor, breadboard, servo motors, and Arduino.

The second part of the procedure is the making of the structure and the combining of

the components together to form the structure.

The third part of the procedure is programming and coding. This is the stage where the

researchers start the coding for the machine to function using the Arduino.

The last part of the procedure is the testing of the machine. The testing will consist of

three set-ups. This will determine if there is a significant difference between the manual

keeping of crops using the Tarp or Trapal and the automatic crop protector machine.




The figure above shows the connection of the rain sensor to the Arduino; the

researcher also uses a breadboard.

This is the first part of assembling the components to make the automatic crop

protection machine. The researchers connect the first wire (black) to pin 9, and the second

wire (brown) is connected to the breadboard in the negative. The third wire (red) is connected

to the breadboard in the positive.

This is the first part to start the machine, and the researcher also started to work on

the other components.




As shown in the figure 2, it shows the connection of the servo motor to Arduino, the

researcher also uses Breadboard. This is the second part of assembling the components to

make the Automatic Crop Protection Machine. The researcher uses 4 Servo Motors.

The first wire (yellow) is connected in the pin 6, the second wire (red) is connected in the
breadboard in the positive, and the third wire (brown) is connected in the negative.
The first wire (yellow) is connected in the pin 5, the second wire (red) is connected in the

positive, and the third wire (brown) is connected in the negative.

The first wire (yellow) is connected in the 7, the second wire (red) is connected in the

positive, and the third5 wire (brown) is connected in the negative.

The first wire (yellow) is connected in the pin 8, the second wire (red) is connected in the

positive, the third wire (brown) is connected in the negative.


The researcher gathers all the materials needed to make the structure. The researcher

used an 18x22-inch cardboard box and also included a popsicle stick. The cardboard box is

used as a prototype. The structure is all put together, including the components.


The researcher started the programming part for the machine to work. The

researchers uses Arduino to finish the codes.


#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1,




int rainsensor = 4;

int rainvalue;

void setup()










void loop() { rainvalue = digitalRead(rainsensor);

if (rainvalue==0){



; servo3.write(90);







The researcher tested the prototype and observed the machine to see if it really worked

and could protect the crops from rain. The researcher encountered a few failures before the

machine worked.


Based on the observation of the researcher, the machine works as expected, and the

device can really protect the crops from rain.

The prototype successfully protected the crops from being wet and is convenient for

the farmers to use.




1ST TRIAL: Comparison between Manual Methods and Automatic Crop Protector

TABLE 1, 2, 3, & 4: Efficiency



Measurement of Crop Quantity of Crops Time of Harvesting the

Yield (acre) Harvested (sacks) Crops

¼ acre 11 sacks 45 min.

½ acre 21 sacks 1 hr. and 30 minutes

1 acre 45 sacks 2 hr

1 ¼ acre 55 sacks 2 hr and 50 min

1 ½ acre 67 sacks 3 hr


Measurement of Crop Quantity of Crops Time of Harvesting the

Yield (acre) Harvested (sacks) Crops

¼ acre 5 sacks 30 min.

½ acre 13 sacks 1 hr. and 15 minutes

1 acre 25 sacks 2 hr
1 ¼ acre 29 sacks 2 hr and 35 min

1 ½ acre 34 sacks 3 hr and 20 min

As shown in the table 1 and 2, the researcher collected data in measurements of crop yield,
quantity of crops harvested by sack, and time of harvesting it.



Measurement of Quantity of Crops Time of Putting the Time of

Crop Yield (acre) Harvested (sacks) Crops into the Closing the


¼ acre 11 sacks 35 min. 4 min

½ acre 21 sacks 1 hr. 4 min

1 acre 45 sacks 1 hr. and 20 min 4 min

1 ¼ acre 55 sacks 2 hr 4 min

1 ½ acre 67 sacks 2 hr. and 20 min 4 min


Measurement of Quantity of Crops Time of Putting the Time of

Crop Yield (acre) Harvested (sacks) Crops into the Closing the


¼ acre 5 sacks 35 min. 4 min

½ acre 13 sacks 1 hr 4 min

1 acre 25 sacks 2 and 30 min 4 min

1 ¼ acre 29 sacks 2 hr and 50 min 4 min

1 ½ acre 34 sacks 3 hr 4 min

Table 3 and 4 shows the data if we apply the 18x71 m structure of the study in real life.
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendation


To summarize, the purpose of this study is to guard the harvested crops that are sun-dried

from sudden rain. The main materials used in this study are the Arduino microcontroller, the

rain sensor, and the servo motor. In the middle of making and testing the machine, the

researcher encountered a basic problem, but it had been solved directly. The data and

discussion of this study compare the manual methods of protecting the harvested crops when

a sudden rain has come and the Automatic crop Protector based on their efficiency.


In conclusion, the automatic crop protector is much better than the manual methods of

farmers because it makes the work easier for them. By using the CROPTECTOR, farmers do

not need to gather the crops manually and by hand when it rains because the inside of the

structure is provided for them to solar dry their crops, and the roof will automatically close

when rain is detected.


For further studies, the researcher recommends the following:

1) It is recommended to apply a blower or fan in the study so that when the crops get

slightly wet from a sudden rain, the blower will take place and will automatically turn on to

avoid the crops being moist.

2) Nets are also appropriate to apply to the roof part so that they can prevent insects

and pests from feasting on the crops.

3) For more effective studies, the researcher mostly recommends making the roofs in

sliding motion rather than rotating them to form a house-like roof; in this case, the researcher

will use a DC motor instead of a servo motor.


The researcher would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks to my supervisor Mr.

Maverick J. Pacamalan who made this work possible. His guidance, advice, and patience

carried me through all the stages of conducting my project. It was an honor to work and study

under his guidance. And to Ms. Lotus Mae V. Tallido for her never ending support, love and

guidance to us.

The researcher is extremely grateful for my parents for their never ending support

throughout my education and giving me courage, strength and energy while completing my

research work. The researcher would also like to acknowledge the support of my classmates
and friends, who have provided me with valuable feedback and encouragement throughout

the research process. Our teamwork has helped us go through different situations.

And lastly, thank God, the Almighty, For giving me strength and lots of blessings throughout

my research work. Without the guidance of our God Almighty, this project will would not be



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