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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far:

I have completed the hardcover of my scrapbook and I have prepped 17 of 30 pages. The materials I
bought from Dollarama to complete the hardcover and prep the pages were construction paper,
foldable cardboard, felt cloth, Elmers's glue stick, wash tape, hot glue sticks and wooden close pins.
Materials I bought from Michaels were 2 sheets of thin cut pattern paper, a 20 pack of pattern-cut
scissors, a pack of stickers related to Paris, France and a pack of stickers related to Spain.

To make the hardcover, I cut 2 pieces of cardboard and used the purple and blue felt cloth and hot
glue to wrap the pieces of board. Then I cut a thinner strip to act as the spine of the book. I used a
piece of black construction paper to cover the inner part of the front and back of the book. I have 15
pages in the book but both sides are used, so I have a total of 30. 2 pages are dedicated to my
departure from YVR (Vancouver Airport) and arrival at MIA (Miami Airport). 2 pages are about my
time spent in Miami Beach before boarding the cruise ship. 8 pages are about my first 9 days on the
cruise ship, before our first stop. 2 pages are dedicated to each city stop (Alicante, Valencia, Malaga,
Seville). 8 pages related to the cities. 2 pages are about Barcelona and in between Barcelona and
Paris, I have 2 “filler” pages which will be about my experience on the 8-hour train ride to Paris. I have
4 throughout the scrapbook and they are pages I am going to fill with extra excerpts and photos. I
have 2 pages related to my stay in Paris and then the last page is a filler page, to add extra details
about my flight home and time in Montreal, which is where I have a 7-hour layover before my final
flight home.

Each page has 1-2 excerpt cards to describe details about my day, such as, what I did, what I ate, and
any other parts I want to include in the scrapbook. I have what type of photos I want to at least
include, on each page. Photos I want to most defiantly include are family selfies, food and drink I
have, landmarks, sunsets, cityscapes.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I want to have 23 of 30 pages laid out. As well as a checklist written up to
remind me of the specific photos I want to include.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I will need 4 hours to complete the 6 pages.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

When I planned how many pages I was going do, I did not consider how I would need to cover the
front and back of each page. This resulted in doubling my amount of work. However, I got a head start
on my crafting and have worked 12 hours so far on the project.

I ended up removing my idea of creating a “tutorial video” of the scrapbook. Firstly, I forgot to film
the process of picking out and finding materials as well as creating the hardcover. I also realized that
the scrapbook is a personal story and I think that I should keep that for myself and not present others
with the idea that this is how a scrapbook made from home should be.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress (this is mandatory)

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