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Communication skills Name: Abdul Rehman

ID: 35880

NAME : Abdul Rehman

ID : 35880



SUBMISSION TO : Ma’am Ayesha


Communication skills Name: Abdul Rehman
ID: 35880


The Speaker goal was to educate us How modern technology changes our

This Speech was Motivational which presenter was Sundar Pichai.The

Primary message of this Speech was What's Google's vision for India?

He delivering this speech because to clear us for changing in

technology day by day and educate us to up coming new technologies. He
is so inspiring. One of the world's biggest and most influential tech
companies is led by an Indian engineer from Tamil Nadu: Sundar Pichai.
Speaking to the audience via an India-made Beam robot, Pichai talks with
Shah Rukh Khan about his vision for how India (and the world) can leverage
tech to grow into its massive potential. This is something I definitely want
to do one day According to sir Sundar Pichai the CEO of the google
technology changes the world soon. And I also want to make change in this
world and invent new technology.
The Objective is 100% issued Changing one's life is one's choice. If you
really want to change your life, start today. Patience, commitment and
discipline are the keys to that goal


Communication skills Name: Abdul Rehman
ID: 35880

This Speech was released in 06-Sept-2019 on Ted X talk. the key

demographic features of the audience is students for this speech. The audience of
this speech is more interested in him on face to face . I realize this number because
of clapping volume and camera. And more then 86,886 audience and viewers on
ted x talk and internet.
There is no any other speech like this about this topic I motivated more from this
If you ever thought your self before going to sleep tomorrow is the day I will
change the world by technology.
“Tomorrow is the day who I really wanna be the best version of my self “
The body language of him was confidence he walked on stage through robot
slowly accurately and confidently
The speech was open powerful visual which are about technology the
technology is getting more complicated and advanced now a day’s.
The opening of this speech was very motivational and memorable for me .
Because The host of this show is the legendary sharukh khan the star of
the Bollywood and also the most interesting thing is about the speech
which is given by sir sundar Pichai is on the robot which is new thing for
All message , arguments , story was linked to the primary message which
If you want to change your country or this world, start it today. According to
sir sundar Pichai all the technology exist in this world are in your phone it is
awkward to hear but it will coming soon and the a lot women will safe
through this technology.


Communication skills Name: Abdul Rehman
ID: 35880

the conclusion very concise and also memorable and there were no a call-to-
action. The speaker was not enthusiastic but very confidence and very experienced
absolutely yes the message you– and we-focused, or was it I- and me-focused
The humour which are used was safe and appropriate given the audience

He complement speech arguments on his line

The speech was very simple and very easy to understand he present a very simple
word for all level audience. All the camera were focused on speaker so we see him
very clearly in the robot. the speaker make appropriate use of the speaking area the
speaker’s posture display confidence and poise
The gestures were natural, timely, and complementary. The moment and gestures
easy to see? the speaker do not have any distracting mannerisms. The eye contact
effective in connecting the speaker to the whole audience.
The speaker easy to hear even he is speaking through robot.
loud and soft variations used appropriately in this speech
the language appropriate for the audience its an Indian vision so also the tuch of
Indian language in it.
the speaker articulate clearly
the sentences short and easy to understand
the speech make me motivated
I am very convinced
Absolutely I will listen to this speaker again and again
And also I like sir sundar Pichai very much he is my ideal.


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