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I. Course Design
c. Nominal Duration
 336 hours
b. Trainee Requirements
 able to read and write;
 with good moral character;
 able to communicate, both orally and in writing; and
 Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health
d. Trainer Requirements
 Must be a holder of BS Agriculture or its equivalent qualifications
 Must have undergone training on Training Methodology I (TMI)
 *Must be computer literrate
 Must be menatally and physically fit
 *Must have atleast 2 years job/industry experience
 Must be a civil service eligible(for government position or appropriate
professional license issued by Philippine Regulatory Commission)
d. Monitoring and Grading System
 Built in LMS monitoring system such as log reports, activity
reports and grade book will be utilized to track the attendance and
progress of the learner. The activity completion tracker shall be
enables so the participants can monitor their own progress.
e. Institutional Assessment System
At the institutional assessment level, a certificate of achievement is issued for
each unit of competency once the trainees had satisfactory performed competency.
She/He Recieves a mark of C if competent. She/He must have completed and
achieved all competencies before she/he undergoes the National Assessment. She/he
can be assessed on individuals units of comptency and be issued Certificates of
Competency if found competent.
The fallowing assessment methods shall be be used for assessing the competency
and mastery of skills of the trainee.
1. Portfolio Assessment – this refers to the outputs as requirements of
competency being assessed. This shall be done as the participants progresses
in his/her learning activities for learning outcome (e.g. preparation of
production plan).
2. Computer based test- this is composed of multiple choice test given online.
The computer based test shall only be opened the particular trainees
scheduled for assessment during a designated time. If the participant failed to
take the test, the trainees should not notify the online mentor for another
schedule of test. A trainee should be able to get at least 80% of the correct
answer to pass the test.

a. Pre-test
b. Post-test

1. Collaborative assessment- this process will make sure goals, collecting

evidence of trainees learning, and implementing changes to the instruction.
Assessing trainees learning in the online environment can be in a form of
formative and summative. Evaluating rates are based on rubric tools that help
define the performance expectations of a given task. It can also use digital
tools, checklist.

 Formative assessment- represent diagnostic testing online test enables

the trainees to keep the track of trainee progress and monitor their
achievement. Feedback shows if student had mastered a concept or
they still need to work on it.

 Summative assessment- refers to the assessment online to which a

trainee take an exam which measures the knowledge she/he gained
over a particular period of time and for which trainee will be graded.

f. Training Plan/Schedule
 The training plan will run for 336 hours. The trainer will upload the
study guide in the LMS which will give the trainees idea on the
objectives and subject contents of the training, schedule of activities
and outputs to be accomplish by the trainees.

II. Training Package

 The e-learning package to be used during the training will be all
uploaded in the LMS. This materials is a package consisting digital
model, videos, task sheet with performance criteria checklist. This
institutional competency assessment composed of computer based
test on the LMS and portfolio. The portfolio shall be the complete
package of prepared production plan of Agricultural Crops
Production NC II.
III. Supplies, materials and equipment
Supplies Tools/ Materials Equipment/implement
PC PPE Water pumps
Laptop Protective cap Hand tractor
Tablet Boots Plow
Mobile device Dust mask Harrow
Internet Hands gloves Sprayer
LCD projector Long sleeve shirt carbonizer
flashdrive Steel tape measure shredder
Bond paper Pail LCD
White Board Diesel Screen projector
White board Graduated Cylinder Desktop
Pen marker Garden soil
Pad paper Peat moss
Envelope Saw dust
Ballpen Coco coir dust
Rice hull/ carbonized rice hull
River sand
Animal manure
Wood cutting
Fern slabs
Drift wood
Budding knife
Steel bar
Pick mattock
Hole digger
Garden hoe


I. The Learning Management System
a. MHCS Online Program Learning Management System (LMS) from G-
Suite Cloud platform which can be accessed
b. Type of connection
 MOODLE v.3.8, Cloud Server
c. Course Over View
This course is designed to equip trainees with the knowledge, skills,
attitude and good work necessary to Operate Rice Machinery Operations
in the accumulation of National Certificarte Level II in Rice Machinery
d. Help Features (Technical Support System)
 Features of the LMS
 How to enroll
 How to Log in
 How to send messages
 Technical support group

e. Enrolment System
 Trainees shall be manually enrolled in the LMS and will be
provided with passwords and other credentials
f. Monitoring System for Learner’s Progress
 Activity Completion
 Course completion report
 Google sheet
 Participation Report
 Attendance sheet
 Progress chart
 Achievement Chart
 Trainees Record Book (TRB)
 Quizzes

g. Learner Support System

Trainer will be available for questions from 8:00 in the morning to
5:00 in the afternoon via email, Facebook and instant messaging or
anytime the trainer and trainees agreed upon.Discussion Forum can be
accessed through LMS. A viber group will also be used.

h. Instructional Strategies
Offline activities can be done in their respective locations while online activities are
ongoing such as Training Induction Program, Webinars, Self-paced learning
materials, discusion forums, quizzes and task sheets will be done using the

i. Learning Materials
 Interactive learning materials with presentation of lessons,
quizzes with auto feedback, online presentation, film viewing,
task sheets with performance criteria checklist downloadable
from the LMS.
 Copies of brochures and other visual presentation downloadable from
the LMS.

II. List of Personnel

 Sr. Ailyn P. Cayanan,FMA Administrator
 Ms. Lady Liza M. Nazaro Trainer
 Mr. Lito R. Pamentuan Technical Support

III. Facilities
 The training will be conducted through Blended e-Learning Modality
which is a combination of online and face to face training. Home,
field and workshop, wbinar room via Google Meet, LMS, Practical
work area/Laboratory will be the learning facility for this training.

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