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Name: ntombenhle nompilo MANZINI

Student number: 14009382

Module: AIS3704 assignment

Question 1

1.1 Database 1

Database 2

Database 3


Database 1:

Title 1: Article Title 1

Title 2: Article Title 2

Title 3: Article Title 3

Database 2:

Title 1: Article Title 1

Title 2: Article Title 2

Title 3: Article Title 3

Database 3:

Title 1: Article Title 1

Title 2: Article Title 2

Title 3: Article Title 3

1.3 I made a relevant research based on these articles and by all means I made sure that they link
accordingly to be one and correct articles.



1.6 everything about this assignment is not easy as I was thinking as it’s my first time attempting to do it.

But for me to find and list databases and the articles was easy but I think going forward everything will
be easy to approach.
Question 2

2.1 Survey Research

Survey research includes collecting information from a test of people to pick up bits of
knowledge into their conclusions, behaviors, or characteristics. The information
collection strategies commonly utilized in study investigate incorporate:
• Questionnaires: A survey could be a investigate instrument comprising of a
arrangement of questions for the reason of gathering data from respondents.
Surveys can be thought of as a kind of composed meet. They can be carried out
go up against to stand up to, by phone, computer, or post. These are a set of
written questions designed to gather information from respondents.
Questionnaires can be administered in person, via mail, online, or over the
• Interviews: Interviews are an incredible investigate instrument. They permit you
to assemble wealthy information and draw more point-by-point conclusions than
other investigate strategies, taking into thought nonverbal signals, off-the-cuff
responses, and passionate reactions. Analysts conduct organized or
semistructured interviews with respondents to accumulate information. Interviews
can be face-to-face, over the phone, or through video calls.
• Online Surveys: With the progression of innovation, online studies have ended
up a prevalent strategy for information collection. They can reach a huge number
of respondents and are cost-effective.

2.2 Bibliometrics Research

Bibliometrics is the examination of distributed data (e.g., books, diary articles, datasets,
and blogs) and its related metadata (e.g., abstracts, watchwords, citations).
Bibliometrics inquire about includes the quantitative investigation of distributions, such
as books, articles, or other reports. Information collection strategies and rebellious in
bibliometrics Research includes:

Publication Databases: Analysts use databases like Scopus, Web of Science, or

Google Researcher to gather distribution information such as citations, creators,
distribution dates, and catchphrases.
Citation Analysis: Citation analysis is the examination of the recurrence, designs, and
charts of citations in records. It employments the coordinated chart of citations joins
from one report to another record to uncover properties of the reports. This strategy
includes analyzing the citations inside distributions to get it the affect and impact of
particular works or authors.
Co-citation Analysis: Analysts look at the co-citation designs of distributions to
recognize connections between diverse works or creators.
In summary, overview inquire about centers on gathering information specifically from
people through surveys, interviews, or online overviews, whereas bibliometrics
investigate involves the quantitative analysis of publications using databases and
citation analysis methods. References used


Module: AIS3704 Assessment Date: 02 APRIL 2024

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or

Inventions of another as if they were ones own. I know that plagiarism not only includes

Verbatim copying, but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper

Acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation marks) or any attempt

To cheat the plagiarism checking system. I know that plagiarism covers the use of

Material found in textual sources and from the Internet.

2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.

3. I understand that my assignment/exam answers must be accurately referenced.

4. This assignment/exam file/portfolio is my own work. I acknowledge that copying

Someone else’s work, or part of it, is wrong, and that submitting identical work to

Others constitutes a form of plagiarism.

5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy my work with the

Intention of passing it off as their own work.

6. I understand that I can be awarded 0% if I have plagiarized.

7. I understand that my assignment/exam file/portfolio may be submitted automatically

To Turnitin.

8. I confirm that I have read and understood the following UNISA policies:

8.1 Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism

8.2 Policy on Academic Integrity

8.3 Student Disciplinary Code



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