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Office : #11-19, Level G4, Block C5, Publika Solaris Dutamas, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
Office Phone/Fax: 03 6201 0551 & (03 6201 0572
”Great Adventure Starts With Great People – Effective Team Thru Facilitation” – An Experiential Learning,
Process Facilitation & Development Consultant

Child Protection Policy

Policy Statement
GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd respects and upholds the Malaysian Government’s Child Protection
Policy and supports international and local conventions which demand that children receive protection against any
and all forms of abuse and exploitation. GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd upholds the indivisible rights of
children and will act without hesitation to ensure a child-safe environment is maintained within its organisation
and its operations.

Scope of Policy
The Child Protection Policy applies to all GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd employees. This will include
those who are working for GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd on a contractual, voluntary/unpaid basis.

Purpose of the Child Protection Policy

The Child Protection Policy, is integral to GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd commitment to protect children
from harm, abuse and exploitation.

The Child Protection Policy aims to:-

i. educate GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd employees about abuse and exploitation of children and,
promote a child-safe and a child-friendly culture where every individual is committed to keeping children safe;
ii. create an open and well-informed environment where the wellbeing and protection of a child is paramount and
any concerns can be raised and managed efficiently and fairly; and
iii. provide a framework to work respectfully and effectively with children to create a safe environment and on
how to respond to concerns and allegations of child abuse and exploitation.

GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd has initiated policies and procedures, which promote the wellbeing and
protection of all children accessing its services and programmes, in particular to minimise the risk of abuse to

Guiding Principle
GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd believes that:
i. all forms of child abuse and exploitation is unacceptable and should not be tolerated;
ii. the rights of children should not be violated, and GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd is obligated as far as
possible to provide safe and protective services and environments; and
iii. all children should be equally protected and assisted regardless of their age, gender, nationality, religious or
political beliefs and family background.

GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd observes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(CRC), the universal foundation for child protection, which includes the fundamental principle that all children
have their own indivisible rights.

GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd will, where required, take proactive steps to create child-safe and child-
friendly programmes.

GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd believes in utilizing the Best Interests of the Child principle to all
decisions made for the welfare and protection of children. Best Interests of the Child refers to decisions where
the child receives the maximum benefit possible from services provided, and that the positive impact of any course
of action outweigh any negative impact.
Office : #11-19, Level G4, Block C5, Publika Solaris Dutamas, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
Office Phone/Fax: 03 6201 0551 & (03 6201 0572
”Great Adventure Starts With Great People – Effective Team Thru Facilitation” – An Experiential Learning,
Process Facilitation & Development Consultant

Non-compliance by an employee to local and/or international laws, which include regulations on child protection,
will lead to necessary actions being taken against the employee. As child abuse and exploitation is a criminal
offence, the transgression will be dealt with according to the law.

Coordination of Policy Implementation

Designated Child Protection Officers/teams within GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd and its operating units
will be in charge of overseeing the implementation and compliance of the Child Protection Policy. For subsidiary
operations, this responsibility will be with GAC - International Activity Training Provider for Duke of
Edinburgh’s International Award.

Strengthen Internal Recruitment and Screening Process

Unless otherwise prohibited by law, GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd will put in place appropriate
measures to ensure that inappropriate persons are not employed by GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd. The
current processes that are in place are to be reviewed and improved periodically where necessary. These may
include, e.g. background checks on successful candidates before they are granted employment.

Internal Procedures for Handling Complaints Related to Child Abuse

In line with GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd procedures, it is mandatory for any employee to immediately
report concerns relating to child abuse, child pornography or any other exploitation committed by anyone covered
under the Child Protection Policy.

Mandatory Reporting
It is incumbent upon all of GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd employees to notify the GAC Adventure
Consultant Sdn Bhd Child Protection Officer or inform any Social Welfare Officer in the nearest state Social
Welfare Department (SWD), if they have reasonable grounds to believe that a child is physically or emotionally
injured as a result of being ill-treated, neglected, abandoned or exposed, or is sexually abused. In Malaysia, this is
required by law under sections 27(1), 28(1), 29(1) of the Child Act 2001.

Reporting Mechanisms
GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd designated Child Protection Officer will respond with the appropriate
action to any report that has been made towards any employee.
• GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd will not dismiss a child’s accusation of abuse without a thorough and
appropriate investigation, no matter who the alleged perpetrator is.
• In response to an allegation and depending on where the transgression took place, the Child Protection Officer
will first inform Human Resources – Industrial Relations.
• The allegation will be kept confidential, with only those directly involved having the relevant information and/or
having access to the relevant information.
• Any investigation will be kept confidential.
• If the child involved is in need of extra protection, GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd will confer with the
relevant authorities, agencies and organisations to ensure the provision of the necessary assistance.
• All facts and evidence related to the investigation and allegation will be recorded carefully, chronologically and
confidentially filed by GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd.
• If a foreigner is involved, the relevant Embassy/ High Commission/ Consular Office will be informed.
• GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd through the advice and purview of the Communications & Corporate
Affairs Department will designate a media and public liaison officer if necessary.

Appropriate Use of Communications Systems

The usage of the GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd communication systems, including computers and
telephones to access child pornography or any other inappropriate content is strictly prohibited.
(Refer to existing policy/guideline if any).
Office : #11-19, Level G4, Block C5, Publika Solaris Dutamas, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
Office Phone/Fax: 03 6201 0551 & (03 6201 0572
”Great Adventure Starts With Great People – Effective Team Thru Facilitation” – An Experiential Learning,
Process Facilitation & Development Consultant

Child Protection Strategies into Risk Management Procedures

Appropriate procedures to assess the risk of child abuse must be incorporated to all pre-activity evaluations to
ensure efficient and effective risk management strategies. Under the Child Protection Policy, GAC Adventure
Consultant Sdn Bhd is responsible to assess, identify, monitor and manage all risks of child abuse before, during
and after any relevant activity.

Management of Risks to Children in Disaster Situations

Where this applies, GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd employees will comply with international
conventions on child protection in disaster response activities initiated and/or conducted by GAC Adventure
Consultant Sdn Bhd.

Enhancement of Codes of Conduct

All GAC Adventure Consultant Sdn Bhd employees must adhere to the Code of Conduct which sets clear
standards for personal behaviour. (Refer to own organisational Code of Conduct if any).

Review of Child Protection Policy Handbook

Office : #11-19, Level G4, Block C5, Publika Solaris Dutamas, 50480, Kuala Lumpur
Office Phone/Fax: 03 6201 0551 & (03 6201 0572
”Great Adventure Starts With Great People – Effective Team Thru Facilitation” – An Experiential Learning,
Process Facilitation & Development Consultant

This Child Protection Policy will be reviewed every 2 years or earlier if warranted.

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