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Contac area! helical gears have tage @ntacl ara evpated to Spur gous Wes area allreas sStvoother dransler of pow and tedures ris of dosth ear iyxial tiwusl? the axial thuit Wlps do offse! side forte clea led by gar ryshing, ectalting more stable of pots Buidt opealion: she geal engagement and ds ngagerent af Kelicat teeth Yedlue note and witralen, mating helical gears Suitable for nese lewels need fo be mininitecd tidha epiakion? he gradual engagement and dtsplocormt of telieal death ecduce note Ord vibialion, mating helical She level ef pees tianserission ba rar of test steel annelead shar gears sith cast teeth gronsrit WAS HD and $0 Tefarth of the efhton, hy pitch dia of the gien rinion apprtimnalely exer and yotecdy walic 2S peering Hedule , face of gears} dlse ceazecl, wich dia ard feoth rumbas, crete for clout @ rar loads. I bardtule Oa} pe Da ¢.. Dy + Bqrat) Dp he 4 Me oad Up Leas Koto Gov any Berhy ; > coted pitch dia and feoth numbering pe bp ase DL Oss Dg? 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Ae Latinas: dimPtey thoias oa mnost comnmon ty PLD 4oueL Chol -2 consists ob a single Mond 06 AoUers conne, “Chad py d ji "s y Unies | : : “Th chains PHEN, TEIN, Corucort throwgnow - Langth ob cholo. Lied! tent © Denoted by no, Ob atonds Wt ho ont stand . i Duplen dnoinsi- ) es 7 "Thuse Quy made up 04 WO, Sands Oh LoUeLs Cormee ~ta by Unies. | i atts *Denoted by noidh Stands it hod ore Strand. Triple,’ crainst- | ca eh out bt! *TE Consists og three Stands connécttd by Unies: * PIOVides Atsength — lad capackty --thon dup tex” Choirs, teitte gigs Fn nt + ured In hoy ~ ducky. opp lication s ‘eeqjuinves 1 Substantial powe Uansmigsion - Capabi litiey: Daign a souer enain, Saptsiviet — Coys induction ranted to dave a too clinder Jeeepoy coding pump. A sevice FactviS les Ox ane pump ped 48 ape req] 10 pind » ' "They Satu) Rignet ‘ptength & load ~ coLrying copacity ative bog bod Rpm, ppm 15 ® design actos ob bt ad - eppropcouy ° NO. og ean op 20? Spriocteur - “4 * Pitch 2 wit op tht choln, bite i soy =" Gliven dodo, noe . . ' Moloy speed = 00 7PM Motor Powe = Jo Ke : Pur gped - goo velrmun. ; Crear rosios motor Spetd , Purnp Speed - gvo, at = 3] “SP = pris x design sactor = doew KUT ALS P= 33 kv) From -tht table we con bind cnoln Size 3300 Power noe ehoose M3100 ¢holn Foy Ans 100 chain . P= aS inches. d= oy we OW Qeor yoo > Td TH 3-4 Tm -Tad = 3X Tm = 3Xxlg Qa = Sy tetcn. fox clesign, A. mo. 0g teetch OT con 3 ting Spocied ° Octees oS h | Ys protet 18 -“tkn —> 4 Sy tuth —> driven Spt 2. Preh and width ob chain | “P= tas inches : Wo as inane ¢ ans! 100 chain Sat provide a suite U gouel chain chive. Avy appucodtion.. fe

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