Gonzalez Cooke 2021 Acute Effects of Electronic Cigarettes On Arterial Pressure and Peripheral Sympathetic Activity in 1

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Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 320: H248–H255, 2021.

First published November 8, 2020; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00448.2020


Environmental Inhalants and Cardiovascular Disease

Acute effects of electronic cigarettes on arterial pressure and peripheral

sympathetic activity in young nonsmokers
Joshua E. Gonzalez and William H. Cooke
Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are marketed as an alternative to smoking for those who want to decrease the health risks of
tobacco. Tobacco cigarettes increase heart rate (HR) and arterial pressure, while reducing muscle sympathetic nerve activity
(MSNA) through sympathetic baroreflex inhibition. The acute effects of e-cigarettes on arterial pressure and MSNA have not
been reported: our purpose was to clarify this issue. Using a randomized crossover design, participants inhaled on a JUUL e-cig-
arette containing nicotine (59 mg/mL) and a similar placebo e-cigarette (0 mg/mL). Experiments were separated by 1 mo. We
recorded baseline ECG, finger arterial pressure (n = 15), and MSNA (n = 10). Subjects rested for 10 min (BASE) and then inhaled
once every 30 s on an e-cigarette that contained nicotine or placebo (VAPE) for 10 min followed by a 10-min recovery (REC).
Data were expressed as D means ± SE from BASE. Heart rate increased in the nicotine condition during VAPE and returned to
BASE values in REC (5.0 ± 1.3 beats/min nicotine vs. 0.1 ± 0.8 beats/min placebo, during VAPE; P < 0.01). Mean arterial pressure
increased in the nicotine condition during VAPE and remained elevated during REC (6.5 ± 1.6 mmHg nicotine vs. 2.6 ± 1 mmHg
placebo, during VAPE and 4.6.0 ± 1.7 mmHg nicotine vs. 1.4 ± 1.4 mmHg placebo, during REC; P < 0.05). MSNA decreased from
BASE to VAPE and did not restore during REC ( 7.1 ± 1.6 bursts/min nicotine vs. 2.6 ± 2 bursts/min placebo, during VAPE and
5.8 ± 1.7 bursts/min nicotine vs. 0.5 ± 1.4 bursts/min placebo, during REC; P < 0.05). Our results show that acute e-cigarette
usage increases mean arterial pressure leading to a baroreflex-mediated inhibition of MSNA.
NEW & NOTEWORTHY The JUUL e-cigarette is the most popular e-cigarette in the market. In the present study, inhaling on a
JUUL e-cigarette increased mean arterial pressure and heart rate, and decreased muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). In
contrast, inhaling on a placebo e-cigarette without nicotine elicited no sympathomimetic effects. Although previous tobacco ciga-
rette studies have demonstrated increased mean arterial pressure and MSNA inhibition, ours is the first study to report similar
responses while inhaling on an e-cigarette.
Listen to this article’s corresponding podcast at @ https://ajpheart.podbean.com/e/aerosolized-nicotine-and-cardiovascular-control/.

autonomic control; e-cigarette; JUUL; muscle sympathetic nerve activity

INTRODUCTION agent found in both traditional tobacco cigarettes, and in the

fastest growing nicotine product in the United States—elec-
Smoking tobacco cigarettes is a major risk factor for devel- tronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) (9, 10).
opment of hypertension, and is the primary cause of prevent- E-cigarettes are marketed aggressively as an alternative to
able cardiovascular disease in the United States (1–3). Smoking smoking for those wanting to decrease the serious health
tobacco cigarettes also contributes to sudden serious life- risks associated with tobacco cigarettes. However, although
threatening events such as myocardial ischemia (4) and stroke e-cigarette usage has increased in smokers attempting to
(5). One of the primary mechanisms underlying these acute quit tobacco cigarettes, it has also increased in nonsmoking
life-threatening events is smoking-induced sympathetic acti- young adults. Among young adults, the JUUL is the most-
vation. Smoking tobacco cigarettes is accompanied by in- used brand of e-cigarette (11). JUUL is the largest e-cigarette
creases in arterial pressure, heart rate, vascular resistance, and brand in the United States, capturing more than half of the
circulating catecholamines (6, 7). Smoking-induced sympa- e-cigarette market (12). Although e-cigarettes do not deliver
thetic activation is associated with an assortment of chemicals the numerous carcinogens of traditional tobacco cigarettes
found in tobacco cigarettes, but a dominant constituent is the (13), they do contain high amounts of nicotine—and nicotine
nicotine (8). Nicotine is a highly addictive sympathomimetic is not innocuous.

Correspondence: W. H. Cooke (wcooke@mtu.edu).

Submitted 10 June 2020 / Revised 3 November 2020 / Accepted 5 November 2020

H248 0363-6135/21 Copyright © 2021 the American Physiological Society http://www.ajpheart.org

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A recent study by Moheimani et al. (14) showed that Microneurography

increased cardiac sympathetic activation (using spectral
analysis of heart rate variability as an estimate) caused by e- Multifiber efferent sympathetic nerve traffic was recorded
cigarettes was due to the nicotine, and not due to the other from the peroneal nerve muscle fascicles at the popliteal
e-liquid constituents such as propylene glycol (PG) and vege- fossa by inserting a tungsten microelectrode (Frederick Haer
table glycerin (VG). Previous studies have also shown that e- and Co., Bowdoninham, ME). A reference electrode was
cigarettes increase arterial pressure and heart rate (15). inserted subcutaneously 2–3 cm from the recording elec-
However, direct sympathetic neural outflow has yet to be trode. Both electrodes were connected to a differential pre-
measured during acute inhalation of aerosolized nicotine amplifier and then to an amplifier (total gain 80,000) where
from an e-cigarette: this limitation has been highlighted in a the nerve signal was bandpass filtered (700–2,000 Hz) and
recent review by Garcia et al. (16). integrated (time constant, 0.1 s) to obtain a mean voltage dis-
The purpose of our study was to investigate how acute in- play of nerve activity. Satisfactory recordings of MSNA were
halation on the JUUL e-cigarette affects arterial pressure and defined by spontaneous pulse-synchronous bursts that did
sympathetic neural outflow in young, healthy nonsmokers. not change during tactile or auditory stimulation and
Based in part on the previous work by Narkiewicz et al. (17), increased during end-expiratory apnea.
we tested the hypothesis that inhaling nicotine from the Experimental Design
JUUL e-cigarette increases arterial pressure and decreases
muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) acutely. Each participant was tested twice; once with a JUUL e-ciga-
rette containing 59 mg/mL of nicotine and once with an e-cig-
arette containing 0 mg/mL of nicotine. Trial order (nicotine
METHODS vs. placebo) was randomized, and tests were performed
1 mo apart. Plasma cotinine was measured to ensure that
Participants participants had not been exposed to any tobacco products
Fifteen healthy young adults (nine males, six females, aged before using the e-cigarette. Participants were then situated
21 ± 1 yr, height = 174 ± 3 cm, and weight = 78 ± 4 kg) partici- in a semirecumbent position on a cushioned laboratory table
pated. All participants had no history of autonomic dysfunc- for hemodynamic and microneurographic instrumentation.
tion, hypertension, respiratory disease, diabetes, tobacco, or After instrumentation, all participants were provided a mini-
vaporized nicotine usage, and were not taking any prescribed mum of 5-min nonrecorded rest to confirm hemodynamic
medications. Participants were screened for hypertension and neural stability. Throughout the experiment, participants
(systolic <130 and/or diastolic <80) via three-seated blood breathed in time to a computer display showing a waveform
pressures taken with an automated sphygmomanometer set at 0.25 Hz (15 breaths/minute). A 10-min baseline was
(Omron Healthcare, Lake Forest, IL). All female participants recorded followed by a 10-min inhalation protocol. During
were tested during the early-follicular phase of their men- the inhalation protocol, participants were asked to inhale
strual cycle. Participants were instructed to abstain from exer- once every 30 s on the device for a total of 20 inhalations
cise and caffeine for 24 h before laboratory testing. All while keeping in time with the computer display. Timing of
participants signed a consent form that had been approved by inhalation was prompted by an investigator to ensure that
the Institutional Review Board for human subject research at accurate control of breathing frequency was maintained.
Michigan Technological University. After the inhalation protocol, a 10-min recovery was recorded,
and participants were asked to report any symptoms resulting
Instrumentation from e-cigarette inhalation.
Beat-to-beat arterial blood pressure was recorded continu- E-Cigarette Devices and E-Liquid
ously throughout all time points using a NOVA Finometer
(Finapres Medical Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). All participants used the JUUL vape pod system as the nic-
Heart rate was recorded continuously via a three-lead elec- otine delivery device and the SMOK FIT Kit vape pod system
trocardiogram, and respiratory rate was continuously meas- as the placebo delivery device. SMOK FIT Kit was used to
ured using a pneumobelt. deliver the placebo because JUUL currently does not make a
pod compatible with their system that does not contain nico-
Cotinine Detection tine. Mango flavored JUUL pods (30PG/60VG) containing 59
mg/mL of nicotine were used as the nicotine intervention.
About 70%–80% of active nicotine is metabolized to
Mango flavored Naked e-liquid (30PG/70VG) was used as the
cotinine; this surrogate biomarker is easily measured to
placebo containing 0 mg/mL of nicotine in the SMOK FIT Kit
represent active nicotine levels (18). Whole blood cotinine
pods. The placebo e-cigarette SMOK FIT Kit has a variable
concentration was measured with a PTS Detect Cotinine
voltage (10–16 V) as a protective mechanism that automati-
System (PTS Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN), a device capa-
cally varies the wattage based on the device charge level.
ble of measuring blood cotinine levels from 25 ng/mL to
Although this is not manually controllable, to be consistent
200 ng/mL. Whole blood cotinine was measured before
both devices were fully charged before each experiment.
the start of the experiment, immediately after the vaping
protocol, and after the recovery period. After the recovery
Data Analysis
period, subjects were asked the open-ended question,
“how are you feeling,” and their subjective responses were Data were sampled at 500 Hz (WINDAQ, Dataq Instru-
recorded. ments, Akron, OH) and analyzed with specialized software

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(WINCPRS, Absolute Aliens, Turku, Finland). R waves gener- min of resting at baseline in Fig. 1. Figure 1 shows the charac-
ated from the ECG signal were automatically detected and teristic inverse relation between arterial pressure and MSNA.
marked. Systolic and diastolic arterial pressures were In a previous study, Cooke et al. (15) found minimal, but
marked from the Finometer tracings. Muscle sympathetic significant increases in urine cotinine concentrations using
nerve bursts were automatically detected based on their am- an identical inhalation protocol. For that reason, we chose to
plitude and a 1.3-s expected burst peak latency from the pre- use cotinine again as our biomarker. In the previous study
vious R wave. All automated detection results were checked by Cooke et al. (15), urine was collected before instrumenta-
manually. Sympathetic bursts of activity were expressed as tion of the subject. In the current study, collection of urine
burst frequency (bursts/min) and burst incidence (bursts/ was not possible because subjects were instrumented first, in
100 heartbeats). Data were averaged from the last 5 min of an attempt to normalize the protocol with respect to the
every 10-min time period. amount of time required to obtain an appropriate nerve re-
Spontaneous cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (cBRS) was cording. In the current study, we did not detect increases in
calculated using linear regression. Three or more progressive whole blood cotinine concentrations. All participant’s blood
changes of systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and corresponding cotinine concentrations at baseline, vape, and recovery were
changes of RRI were identified as baroreflex sequences. In measured at <25 ng/mL for both conditions. However, the
this study, both up-up (increase in SAP followed by length- subjective symptoms reported by subjects suggest successful
ening of the RRI interval) and down-down (decrease in SAP nicotine exposure. After inhaling on the JUUL, 11 out of 15
followed by a shortening of the RRI interval) sequences were participants reported feeling light-headed, and the other par-
assessed. Adequate baroreflex sequences were defined as a ticipants reported throat irritation as their primary subjec-
minimum of 1 mmHg change in SAP and a minimum of 5 ms tive symptom. No symptoms were reported by any subject
change in RRI. A minimum r value of 0.7 was used as criteria after inhalation on the placebo e-cigarette.
for accepting sequences. During inhalation on the JUUL, heart rate and mean arte-
Using a two-sample t test to estimate power based on data rial pressure increased, but did not change during inhalation
from a previous publication (15), we estimated that a sample on the placebo e-cigarette. Following the use of the JUUL,
size of 16 subjects would give us sufficient power (0.8). heart rate returned to baseline, but mean arterial pressure
Statistical analyses were performed with Sigmaplot 14.0 remained significantly elevated compared with placebo
(Systat Software, San Jose, CA). Dependent variables of inter- throughout recovery. Cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity cal-
est were assessed with a 2 (Condition; Nicotine or Placebo) culated from SAP-RRI down sequences (but not up sequen-
by 3 (Time; Baseline, Vape, Recovery) repeated-measures ces) was reduced significantly with JUUL vaping. The effect
ANOVA. Significant interactions were assessed using a of vaporized nicotine from the JUUL and placebo on muscle
Student–Newman–Keuls post hoc test. Data are presented as sympathetic nerve discharge was determined in 10 of the 15
means ± SE. A probability value 0.05 was considered statis- participants due to complexities associated with recording
tically significant. MSNA twice in all subjects. During inhalation on the JUUL,
burst incidence and burst frequency declined abruptly, and
RESULTS remained suppressed into recovery. While inhaling on the
placebo, participants did not show any significant changes
A representative tracing of data recorded continuously in MSNA. The marked decrease in MSNA activity with nico-
throughout the protocol is shown for one subject during 2 tine inhalation was paralleled by increases in mean arterial

Figure 1. Raw data tracings are shown for one sub-

ject during baseline for arterial pressure and muscle
sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA).

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Table 1. Average autonomic cardiovascular and hemodynamic data recorded during baseline, vape, and recovery
Baseline Vaping Recovery Time Condition  Time
Placebo E-Cigarette
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg 119 ± 4 122 ± 4 121 ± 4 0.210
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg 68 ± 2 70 ± 2 69 ± 3 0.229
Mean arterial pressure, mmHg 88 ± 3 90 ± 3 89 ± 3 0.108
Heart rate, beats/min 75 ± 4 75 ± 4 74 ± 4 0.120
MSNA, bursts/min 20 ± 2 21 ± 2 20 ± 2 0.276
MSNA, bursts/100 heartbeats 29 ± 3 31 ± 3 29 ± 3 0.327
cBRS-up, ms/mmHg 13 ± 1 12 ± 2 14 ± 2 0.251
cBRS-down, ms/mmHg 13 ± 2 12 ± 2 13 ± 2 0.152
JUUL E-Cigarette
Systolic blood pressure, mmHg 120 ± 5 126 ± 5 124 ± 5 0.021 0.244
Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg 66 ± 3 72 ± 2 70 ± 2 0.001 0.051
Mean arterial pressure, mmHg 86 ± 3 92 ± 3 91 ± 3 0.001 0.044
Heart rate, beats/min 74 ± 3 79 ± 3† 75 ± 3 0.002 0.001
MSNA, bursts/min 22 ± 2 18 ± 2 17 ± 2 <.001 0.003
MSNA, bursts/100 heartbeats 31 ± 3 24 ± 3† 25 ± 3 0.001 0.004
cBRS-up, ms/mmHg 14 ± 2 12 ± 1 13 ± 2 0.093 0.318
cBRS-down, ms/mmHg 12 ± 1 9 ± 1 12 ± 2 0.030 0.806
Time and condition  time show associated probability values. cBRS, cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity; MSNA,muscle sympathetic
nerve activity. Significant differences within a condition (vaping vs. baseline and recovery vs. baseline). †Significant differences
between condition  time.

pressure during both inhalation and recovery. These data consequent to smoking was confirmed in an elegant study
are shown in Table 1. by Narkiewicz et al. (17). In that study, smoking caused
In an effort to display reducibility of nerve recordings expected increases of mean arterial pressure and reductions
between the same subjects at the same 30 s time points during of MSNA. However, when arterial pressure increases were
both nicotine and placebo trials, we plotted sympathetic neu- inhibited with nitroprusside infusion MSNA increased
rograms and associated mean arterial pressures for three dif- approximately threefold, confirming for the first time clear
ferent subjects. These neurograms are shown in Fig. 2. sympathomimetic effects of cigarette smoking (17).
Figure 3 shows MSNA, mean arterial pressure, and heart Increases in MSNA in response to tobacco cigarette smok-
rate responses for one representative subject during the ing have also been demonstrated in humans with impaired
course of the experiment. Responses were consistent within baroreflex function (20). In addition, acute and chronic
groups, and Fig. 4 shows group-averages represented as tobacco use itself reduces cardiovagal BRS (21, 22). Mancia et
changes from baseline. al. (23), for example, demonstrated reduced baroreflex sensi-
tivity in subjects who smoked four cigarettes in 1 h. Such
DISCUSSION reduced sensitivity could underlie marked arterial pressor
responses and could complicate arterial pressure regulation
We asked young, healthy nonsmokers to inhale, in a pre- during activities of daily living. In the present study, dynamic
scribed way, on a JUUL e-cigarette containing nicotine, and baroreflex sensitivity changed minimally. Baroreflex up-
on a similar nonnicotine-containing device. Our purpose sequences (increased cardiovagal activity) were not affected
was to clarify cardiovascular control mechanisms and pe- by e-cigarette inhalation, but baroreflex down-sequences
ripheral sympathetic activity during e-cigarette nicotine in- (decreased cardiovagal activity) were reduced from 12 ms/
halation. We report two novel findings: 1) inhalation on the mmHg to 9 ms/mmHg (Table 1). Whereas reduced R-R inter-
JUUL e-cigarette induces a marked and sustained arterial val responsiveness to reductions in pressure could adversely
pressor response and 2) the pressor response is accompanied affect responses to stimuli such as orthostasis, our finding of a
by an inhibition of MSNA. We demonstrate that acute reduction of 3 ms/mmHg, although statistically significant,
increases in arterial pressure and reduction in peripheral may not be clinically relevant.
sympathetic activity are attributable to the inhaled nicotine, Heart rate was not decreased as might be expected
and not to the non-nicotine solvents included in e-cigarettes. through baroreflex inhibition. However, nicotine induces
To our knowledge, our study is the first to report both catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla and
increases of arterial pressure and reductions of MSNA during increases the sensitivity of cardiac sympathetic nerves to
acute nicotine inhalation. Smoking tobacco cigarettes results catecholamines (24).
in potent sympathomimetic influences on hemodynamics In conjunction, these two effects of nicotine work to
and autonomic neural regulation. It is well known that com- increase heart rate and myocardial contractility. Although
bustible tobacco cigarettes induce sharp increases in mean the baroreflex will attempt to buffer increases in heart rate,
arterial pressure, while inhibiting MSNA (7, 19). Grassi et al. direct sympathetic stimulation of nicotine may overcome
(7) and Niedermaier et al. (19) showed that acute increases in the buffering effect of the baroreflex on heart rate.
mean arterial pressure associated with traditional cigarette It is important to note that tobacco cigarettes contain over
inhalation inhibit peripheral MSNA through sympathetic 7,000 chemical agents with both nicotine and fine particu-
baroreflex inhibition. Sympathetic baroreflex inhibition late matter (PM2.5) contributing to sympathoexcitation (25,

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Figure 2. Raw integrated neurograms and corre-

sponding mean arterial pressures (MAPs) are shown
for three participants during the same 30-s time points
during placebo and nicotine inhalations.

26). By comparison, e-cigarettes contain relatively few chem- subjects inhaled on both a nicotine and placebo e-cigarette.
ical agents, with the only known sympathomimetic agent The increases in mean arterial pressure and heart rate, in
being nicotine (14). In healthy humans, Moheimani et al. (14) conjunction with reductions in MSNA we document while
expressed heart rate variability in the frequency domain after subjects are using an e-cigarette are similar to results shown
subjects inhaled on an e-cigarette containing nicotine, and by Grassi et al. (7) and Niedermaier et al. (19) in subjects
after they inhaled on an e-cigarette containing no nicotine. inhaling traditional tobacco cigarettes.
Heart rate variability at the high frequency decreased, and The advent of e-cigarettes is still new, and the chronic
heart rate variability at the low frequency increased after nic- health consequences associated with e-cigarette use have
otine, but not placebo inhalation. These data were inter- yet to be determined. Clinical trials have suggested that
preted as heightened cardiac sympathetic activity directly e-cigarettes are an effective cessation aid for tobacco
related to nicotine. Although low-frequency spectral power smokers (29, 30), and more effective in this regard than
is only an estimate of sympathetic contributions to heart rate more traditional nicotine replacement therapies (31).
variability and its physiological relevance has been ques- Nevertheless, our results indicate that the acute arterial
tioned (27), the technique has been widely used (28). pressor response to e-cigarettes mirror those of traditional
Building on the assumption that sympathomimetic effects of tobacco cigarettes. Our results are particularly concerning
e-cigarettes are related directly to inhaled nicotine, we per- given the increased usage of e-cigarettes among young
formed a study similar to Moheimani et al. (14), in that nonsmokers (10, 11).

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baroreflexes. In populations whose baroreflex function is

attenuated, it is likely that e-cigarette usage would cause
exaggerated sympathoexcitation and thus be detrimental to
cardiovascular health. While it is unknown if this demon-
strated response is more deleterious than other nicotine
replacement therapies, research investigating chronic e-ciga-
rette use is needed to further understand potential cardio-
vascular risks.
We did not measure plasma nicotine levels. We attempted
to use cotinine as a biomarker for nicotine absorption as
Cooke et al. (15) had done with urine cotinine concentrations
in an early study. Future studies investigating acute e-ciga-
rette usage should utilize plasma nicotine as the biomarker
for absorption. This is especially important for establishing a
nicotine dose-response curve for arterial pressure, heart rate,
and peripheral sympathetic activity. Using an intravenous
line for periodic blood sampling, a recent publication dem-
onstrated that nicotine absorption during 5 min of ad libi-
tum JUUL e-cigarette usage is remarkably similar to tobacco
cigarettes (35).
Independent chemical analysis of the JUUL pods and the
placebo e-liquid was not conducted. Other studies have
found that JUUL pods have variable nicotine content that
may be different from the company’s advertised 59 mg/mL.
Nicotine concentrations in JUUL pods have been reported to
be 56.2 (36), 61.6 ± 1.5 (37), and 68.6 ± 2.3 (38) (means ± SE).

Figure 3. One minute averages are shown over the course of the experi- Placebo
MAP (mmHg)

ment for heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity
(MSNA) during baseline, vape, and recovery for one subject.

Participants in our study vaped in a prescribed pattern

and were nonsmokers, and thus naïve to e-cigarettes and
nicotine. Experience with e-cigarettes and vaping patterns
are important factors that impact nicotine absorption and e-
MSNA (bursts/min)

cigarette puffing topography. Experienced e-cigarette users

can significantly increase their nicotine absorption in acute
vaping sessions compared with inexperienced users (32).
Within 4 wk of experience with a device, new e-cigarette
users increase their peak plasma nicotine concentrations by
24% in acute ad libitum vaping sessions, compared with
their first week of usage (33, 34). Puffing topography also
changes within a week of using e-cigarettes with new users
taking longer and slower puffs on the device (34). Experience
HR (bpm)

with e-cigarette devices increases puff duration and peak

nicotine absorption, thus by using naïve participants, our
results could potentially be an underestimation of the hemo-
dynamic and neurovascular responses that would be exhib-
ited in experienced e-cigarette users.
In conclusion, acute inhalation of nicotine from the JUUL
Inhalation Recovery
e-cigarette increases mean arterial pressure and heart rate
and inhibits peripheral MSNA. Inhalation on an e-cigarette Figure 4. Group-average changes from baseline to vape and recovery are
that does not contain nicotine does not elicit sympathoexcit- shown for mean arterial pressure (MAP; n = 15), muscle sympathetic nerve
activity (MSNA; n = 10), and heart rate (HR; n = 15). Dependent variables of
atory responses and does not influence peripheral sympa- interest were assessed using a two-way repeated-measured ANOVA.
thetic outflow. These observed responses are likely due to Significant interactions were assessed using a Student–Newman–Keuls
our population being young healthy adults with intact post hoc test; P < 0.05 vs. corresponding placebo value.

AJP-Heart Circ Physiol  doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00448.2020  www.ajpheart.org H253

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