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Class: TE Computer Sem-I Subject: AI

Question Bank
Sr. No Unit CO BT Question Marks SPPU Question Year

1 1 2 Explain iterative Depth Limited Search (DLS) and Justify its parameters based on 6 Explain: 2 M, Justification: 4
1 time complexity, space complexity. M Each
1 1 2 Explain Hill Climbing Search algorithm. Explain local maxima, Global Maxima and 4 Explain 3 M, Diagram 1 M
2 Plateau for an example
3 1 1 2 Explain Iterative Deepening Depth First Search (IDDFS) with example? 6 Explain 4 M, Diagram: 2M

4 1 1 2 What is meant by PEAS? Give an example 4 Explain 3 M, Ex 1 M

5 1 1 2 Explain A* algorithm with Example? 8 Algorithm-3, Example-,Explain-2
6 1 1 2 What are the different heuristic algorithm Explain any one 8 Algos-2, Ex 2 Explain-4
Explain iterative deepening depth first search(DFID) and Justify its parameters Explain: 2 Marks Justification: 2
7 1 1 3 based on time complexity, space complexity. 6 Marks Each

Explain Hill Climbing Search algorithm. Explain local maxima, Global Maxima and Explain 1 Mark Each Diagram1
8 1 1 2 Plateau for an example 4 Mark Each
Write an algorithm for ATM Maching working ? Which search algorithm you will
9 1 1 5 use while connecting different ATM's with different Banks? 3 Algorithm 3

10 1 1 4 Campare between A*, MA* & AO * Algorithms explain which algorithm is 4 Each point 1 Marks
11 1 1 4 efficient and how?agent? Expaln how an AI is different form a conventional
Define rotational 3 Defination: 2 M Expain: 2Marks
Explain system?with example?
a* algorithm 6 Algorithm-3, Example-
12 1 1 2
13 1 1 1 Explain depth bounded DFS. 4 Explain 4
14 1 1 1 Explain recursive best first search(RBFS) 6 Algorithm-3, Explain-3
15 1 1 1 Explain depth bounded DFS. 4 Explain 4
16 1 1 2 Explain Hill climbing Algorithm with example? 8 Algorithm-3,
17 1 1 1 Explain graph coloring, room coloring? 8 Example-,Explain-2
18 1 1 2 Explain Hill climbing algorithm. Explain Local Maxima, Global Maxima and Plateau with 6 Example-,Explain-2
Insem August 2019
an example?
Define artificial Intelligence and elaborate the applications of artificial intelligence in the Insem August 2019
19 1 1 2 real world? 4
Define Heuristic function and define the Heuristic for 8-tile puzzle to move from initial Insem August 2019
20 1 1 2 state to goal state.Explain the A* algorithm for 8-tile puzzle 6
21 1 1 2 Explain Iterative Deepning Depth First Search Algorithm(IDDFSA) and justify its 4 Insem August 2019
parameter based
Illustrate the tabuonsearch
time and
complexity,space complexity
beam search with proper example. EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
22 1 1 2 8
Answer: Flowchart
What is state of a Standard
space search? Tabu Search
Write algorithms forAlgorithm
Generate and test search method and EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
23 1 1 2 6
What isitthewith suitable example?
difference between blind search and heuristic search? Explain with EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
24 1 1 2 8
Explain theexample?
iterative deepening A* Algorithm? EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
25 1 1 1 6
26 1 1 2 Define artificial Intelligence and elaborate the applications of artificial intelligence 6 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
in the real
Explain world? of pruning CLOSED and OPEN lists of A* algorithm
importance Insem 2018-19 Sem I
27 1 1 1 4
28 1 1 2 Explain in detail A* algorithm with an example 6 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
29 1 1 2 Explain Depth bounded DFS.(Depth Limited DFS) algorithm with an example. 4 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
Explain iterative deepening depth first search(DFID) and Justify its parameters Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
30 1 1 4 based on time complexity, space complexity. 6

31 1 2 2 Differentiate between uninformed and informed search methods. 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
32 1 2 2 Explain Hill Climbing algorithm. Explain Local Maxima, Global Maxima and Plateau 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
with an Goal
Explain example?
Stack Planning (STRIPS Algorithm) for following example Precondition: 2 M
33 2 2 3 6
Delete: 2 M, Add: 2 M
34 2 2 2 Explain partial order planning with example of Putting on a pair of Shoes? 4 Explain 2 M, Ex 2 M
35 2 2 3 Explain CSP? Solve the CSP for the Graph Colouring for followin Graph? 6 Explain 2 M, Solve 4 M
2 2 2 What are Rule Based Expert Systems? Give 2 examples of rule based expert 4 Explain 2 M, Ex 2 M
36 systems?
37 2 2 2 What is Constraint Satisfaction Problem with respect to n-Queen Problem? 8 Explain 4 Ex 4
38 2 2 2 What is STRIPS? Explain with suitable example? 8 Explain 4 Ex 4
39 2 2 1 Explain the components of a planning system for a simple Blocks world exampl. 6 Each 2 Marks
40 2 2 1 Explain problem decomposition with an example 4 Each 1 Mark
41 2 2 1 What is STRIPS? 6 Diagram-2,Expalin 4
42 2 2 1 What is susman's anomaly 4 Diagram-2, Explain-2
43 2 2 1 What is goal stack planning 6 Diagram-2,Expalin 4
44 2 2 1 What is plan space planning 4 Diagram-2, Explain-2
45 2 2 2 What are the different heuristic algorithm Explain any one 8 Explain 4
46 2 2 2 Compare backtracking and look ahead strategy 4 Each Point 1
47 2 2 1 What unification and lifting? 8 Explain 4
Compare Forward backward state space planning 4 Each Point 1
48 2 2 2

49 2 2 3 Apply crypt arithmotio to slove the problem and represent the state search space to 6 Insem August 2019
ExplainTWOthe -component
TWO=FOUR. of a planning system for a simple Blocks World Examples. Insem August 2019
50 2 2 2 4
51 2 2 2 Represent the Architecture of a Expert System.Labels the various components in the 6 Insem August 2019
diagram and explain.
Explain problem Decomposition with the help of AO* Algorithm. Insem August 2019
52 2 2 2 4
53 2 2 2 Define Planning. Explain goal stack planning with example? 8 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
Whataaresequence of actions
components that
of rule achieves
based a given
expert goal when executed from a given
system? EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
54 2 2 1 initial world 6
55 2 2 2 Explain in detail Rule Based Expert System with a nearly labelled digram. 6 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
56 2 2 2 Explain problem decomposition with an example. 4 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
57 2 2 2 Explain with an example Goal Stack Planning (STRIPS Algorithm) 6 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
58 2 2 2 Give and Explain examples of real time Constraint Satisfaction Problem 4 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
59 2 2 3 Apply crypt arithmotio to slove the problem and represent the state search space to 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
ExplainTWO - TWO=FOUR.of a planning system for a simple Blocks world exampl.
the components Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
60 2 2 2 6
61 3 3 3 Convert the sentences into first order logic and then to conjunctive normal form for 6 Each 1 M
the following sentences: i) Jack owns a dog. Ii) Every dog owner is an animal lover. Exaplain 2 M Example
62 3 3 2 Explain hinheritable
Iii) No animal knowedge
lover kills representation
an animal. with
Iv) Either Jack orhelp suitable
Curiosity example?
killed the cat, who is 4
2M Example
Exaplain 2 M
63 3 3 3 Convert the sentences into first order logic and then to conjunctive normal form for
named Tuna. 6
the following sentences: 4M Example
Exaplain 2 M
64 3 3 2 Explain semantic net with a help of suitable example? 4
65 3 3 2 Explain different Facets of Knowledge with Example? 4 Each Point 1
66 3 3 2 Explain Frames with example? 4 Each Point 1
67 3 3 3 Represent the following sentences into formulas in predicate logic 1) john likes 6 Each 1 Mark
68 3 3 2 all kindsdifferent
Explain of food. Facets
ii) Apples are food. iii)with
fo Knowledge Chicken are food. iv) Anything anyone
examples? 4 Each 1 Mark
eats and isn't killed by is food. v) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive. vi) Sue eats
69 3 3 1 What is knowledge
everything Bill eats is represented? 6 Each-2
70 3 3 1 Explain material implication and material equivalence 4 Each-2
71 3 3 1 What is satisfiability, validity and equivalence. 6 Each-2
72 3 3 1 Explain is Agent? 4 Each-2
73 3 3 3 Represent the following sentences into formulas in predicate logic 1) john likes all 6 Insem August 2019
food. ii) Apples are food.
Algorithm. iii) Chicken
clearly are food.
stating the iv) Anything
various output of anyone eats and
the algorithm. Insem August 2019
74 3 3 2 isn't killed by is food. v) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive. vi) Sue eats everything 4
75 3 3 2 Explain
Bill eatsUnification Algorithm. clearly stating the various output of the algorithm. 6 Insem August 2019
76 3 3 3 Represent the following sentences in conceptual dependency(CDs). 4 Insem August 2019
1> Birdthe
Write flew.
short note on first order logic and second order logic. EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
77 3 3 1 8
78 3 3 1 Explain the knowledge base system? What are the facets of knowledge? 6 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
79 3 3 2 Explain Unification Algorithm. clearly stating the various output of the algorithm. 6 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
80 3 3 2 Explain in bref the building blocks of conceptual dependency (CDs) used to 4 Insem 2018-19 Sem I
What knowledge.
is semantic Network? How is it used to represent inheritance, explain with an Insem 2018-19 Sem I
81 3 3 2 6
Explain with an example Backward Chaining? Insem 2018-19 Sem I
82 3 3 2 4
83 3 3 3 Represent the following sentences into formulas in predicate logic 1) john likes all 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
food. ii) chaining
Apples are
andfood. iii) Chicken are for
backwardchaining food. iv) Anything
a simple anyone eats and
example. Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
84 3 3 2 isn't killed by is food. v) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive. vi) Sue eats everything 6
85 4 4 3 Bill eats
Where you will apply natural language processing if you develop your own system ? Explain how 6 Where 2 M Explain 4M
?Compare between supervised , unsupervised and re-inforcement learning 6 Each 1
86 4 4 1
87 4 4 1 Write note on Application of NLP? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
88 4 4 3 Where you will apply multilayer feed forwad artificial neural network? Explain how? 6 Where 2 M Explain 4M
89 4 4 1 Compare between feed forward and feed back ANN 6 Each 1
90 4 4 1 Write note Boltzmann machine? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
91 4 4 1 Explain in detail all the phases of Natural Language Processing (NLP) 6 Each 2 Marks
92 4 4 2 Explain supervised and unsupervised learning with an example 4 Each 2 Marks
93 4 4 5 Analyse your mother toung language and desing NLP steps for it? 10 Each 1 Mark
94 4 4 3 What are stages in natural language processing or follow these statement into different 6 Each 1
95 4 4 2 stages
Compareof NLP?
between supervised , unsupervised and re-inforcement learning 6 Each 1
96 4 4 1 Write note on ANN? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
97 4 4 1 What are the problems regarding NLP in AI? 6 Each 1
98 4 4 2 Compare between feed forward and feed back ANN 6 Each 1
99 4 4 1 Write note Boltzmann machine? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
100 4 4 1 What are the different states of natural language processing? Explain working of 8 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
each stage.
Explain the following: EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
101 4 4 1 6
What is ANN?Learning
Explain feed forward and feedback ANN. EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
102 4 4 1 8
103 4 4 1 Explain any two NLP Applications? 6 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
104 4 4 2 Explain different Facets fo Knowledge with examples? 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
105 4 4 1 Explain in detail all the phases of Natural Language Processing (NLP) 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
106 4 4 2 Explain supervised and unsupervised learning with an example 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
107 4 4 1 Write a short note on Radar 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
108 4 4 1 Explain the Bug2 algorithm for path planning for a point robot. 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
109 4 4 1 Explain the architecture of Artificial Neural Network. 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
110 4 4 1 Explain simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for a point robot. 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
111 5 5 1 Explain in brief path planning for point robot? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
112 5 5 2 What is use of inertial sensors-accelerometers and gyroscopes? Write down any AI System where 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
areuse it?
Components of mobile robot? 4 Each 1
113 5 5 1
114 5 5 1 Explain fundamental problems in Robotics? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
115 5 5 2 What is use of Radar? Write down any AI System where you will use it? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
116 5 5 1 Compare the various weighting functions used in pose estimation? 4 Each 2
117 5 5 1 Comment on the fundamental problems in Robotics 6 Each 1 Mark
118 5 5 1 Compare the various weighting functions used in pose estimation. 4 Each 1 Mark
119 5 5 6 Develop robot for cleaning a floors of hospial, what are different components to 10 Explan 6 Marks
120 5 5 1 be considered
Explain if you for
Path planning arepoint
? robot? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
121 5 5 1 Write note on middleware on robot? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
122 5 5 1 What are Components of mobile robot? Explain each? 4 Each 1
123 5 5 1 Explain Mapping for point robot? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
124 5 5 1 Write note on Human robot interface? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
125 5 5 2 What are different Sensors used by mobile robot? Explain any two? 4 Each 2
126 5 5 1 Define the robotics and its applications. What are the hardware requirements in 8 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
the path planning and map representation in mobile Robot EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
127 5 5 1 6
128 5 5 1 How the horizontal and vertical decomposition is done in robot control system? 8 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
129 5 5 1 Explain the use of following sensors 6 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
Contact sensor
Explain the architecture of Information retrieval system. Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
130 5 5 1 6
131 5 5 2 Compare the various weighting functions used in pose estimation. 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
132 5 5 1 Explain the inertial sensors-accelerometers and gyroscopes. 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
133 5 5 1 Comment on the fundamental problems in Robotics 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
134 5 5 1 Explain the applications of Natural Language Processing. 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
135 5 5 1 Comment on how robotics can be used to design intelligent vechiles. 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
136 6 6 3 Design an AI Application where you will use simple landmark measurement? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
137 6 6 3 Design an AI Application where you will use Map? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
138 6 6 2 Where you will use sensoral map and topological map if you develop AI Application? 4 Each 2
139 6 6 3 Design an AI Applicatin where you will use Servo Control? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
140 6 6 3 Design an AI Application where you will use Geometric Map? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
141 6 6 2 If you desing an Forestry AI Application, What are necessary things to be considered for robot 4 Each 2
pose maintenance andimportance
localization? of mapping and the layers of map data
142 6 6 2 Comment on the 6 Each 2 Marks
143 6 6 2 Comment on problem regarding natural language processing (NLP) in 4 Each 1 Mark
144 6 6 4 information
How would youretrieval (IR).Agricultural work by developing AI Robot?
improve 10 Anlysis 3 Solution 4
How would you improve security system for animals in forest by developing AI Advantage
Anlysis 3 4
3 Solution
145 6 6 4 10
How would you improve security system on border to avoid illegel entery in Advantage
Anlysis 3 4
3 Solution
146 6 6 4 10
country by developing AI System? Advantage 3
147 6 6 6 Devlop an AI System for any of your day to day help? 10 Each 1 Marks
148 6 6 1 Write note on simple landmark measurement 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
149 6 6 2 Explain localization and its type? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
150 6 6 1 Explain Sensoral map and topological map? 4 Each 2
151 6 6 1 Write note on Servo Control 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
152 6 6 1 Explain Geometricmap? 6 Diagram 2, Explain 4
153 6 6 2 Explain Robots in practice any two: 1. Delivery Robot, 2. Intelligent Vehicles, 3. Mining 4 Each 2
154 6 6 1 Automation,
What is mobile4) Space
robot Robots.
localization? Why it is important? How the landmark is 8 EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
Explain the infollowing
robot localization?
term EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
155 6 6 1 6
robotics in following fields EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
156 6 6 1 8
How robotcan be used to design intelligent vehicles and autonomous aircraft?
robotics EndSem 2019-20 Sem I
157 6 6 1 6
158 6 6 1 Comment on the importance of mapping and the layers of map data 6 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
159 6 6 1 Explain horizontal decomposition used in the design of many autonomous robot 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
With the help of an architecture diagram explain multilayer feed forward artificial Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
160 6 6 2 4
Comment network.
on any two robots used in practice Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
161 6 6 1 6
162 6 6 1 Comment on problem regarding natural language processing (NLP) in information 4 Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
Explain in(IR).
brief infrared sensors. Endsem 2018-19 Sem I
163 6 6 1 4

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