Phishing and Spam

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Ashley M. Soler
Grace P. Daga-as
ABM 11
• Phishing is a type of fraud that occurs when someone tries to trick
you into giving them personal or financial information.
• Phishing is a type of fraud that occurs when someone tries to trick
you into giving them personal or financial information.
• Cyberattackers may do this by sending you an email that looks like
it's from a genuine company or by creating a fake website that
looks legitimate.
Common Types of Phishing:
Deceptive Phishing
• is the most common type of phishing attack which occurs when a
cybercriminal sends an email that appears to be from a legitimate
source, such as a bank or online retailer. The email will often
contain a link that directs the recipient to a fake website designed
to steal their personal information.
• is a phishing attack wherein criminals target a specific individual or
organization. This type of attack is often more sophisticated than a
traditional phishing attack, as the cybercriminal will typically
research their target to make the email appear more legitimate.
• is a spear phishing attack targeting high-profile individuals within
an organization, such as CEOs or CFOs.
• is a phishing attack that uses voice calls instead of emails to try and
trick victims into giving up their personal information.
• Spam is an unsolicited email that often contains commercial
messages or website links.
• Spam is an unsolicited email that often contains commercial
messages or website links.

• Email spam has become a significant problem, as businesses and

individuals have been bombarded with hundreds or even
thousands of unwanted messages.
• Spam is an unsolicited email that often contains commercial messages or website

• Email spam has become a significant problem, as businesses and individuals have
been bombarded with hundreds or even thousands of unwanted messages.

• Moreover, spam can be very difficult to filter out, and it often clogs up inboxes
and slows down email servers. In some cases, it can also contain malicious
software or links that can jeopardize a computer's or network's security.
• The spammer uses software, such as ScrapeBox, to find potential
targets and blasts them with comments. The comments are useless
to the victim, but create blacklinks to the spammer’s website.
• The spammer uses software, such as ScrapeBox, to find potential
targets and blasts them with comments. The comments are useless
to the victim, but create blacklinks to the spammer’s website.
• You might think that removing the possibility of adding links will
discourage spammers to target your website. However, this is rarely
the case, since most spammers don’t spend too much time
checking these things. They just blast everything in their way, as
long as they’re related to their niche.
• Trackbacks were created with the intention of being useful. In a way,
they are. Their purpose is to notify the webmaster of new backlinks
by creating a link back to the source of the backlink.
• Trackbacks were created with the intention of being useful. In a way,
they are. Their purpose is to notify the webmaster of new backlinks
by creating a link back to the source of the backlink.
• In other words, when someone links to you, your website generates
a link back to them. This way, you can notice it and quickly establish
a connection with the webmasters that mentioned you. This helps a
lot with further promotion.
Negative SEO Attack
• A negative SEO Attack is a type of SPAM that can really harm you
and your business. It’s purpose is to make Google think that you’re
the one performing BlackHat SEO tactics. It’s usually the work of
nasty competitors trying to pull you down instead of lifting them
up. Negative SEO can take many forms, like hacking a website, but
we will be talking about mass link building.
Negative SEO Attack
• A negative SEO Attack is a type of SPAM that can really harm you
and your business. It’s purpose is to make Google think that you’re
the one performing BlackHat SEO tactics. It’s usually the work of
nasty competitors trying to pull you down instead of lifting them
up. Negative SEO can take many forms, like hacking a website, but
we will be talking about mass link building.
• Although Google said that Penguin 4.0 acts in real time and will
ignore spammy links, such as the ones created by Negative SEO
Attacks, the truth is that Negative SEO Attacks are still effective
Spiders, Bots and DDoS Attacks
• Bots and Spiders come to your website for various reasons. It’s
either a search engine crawler, or a tool trying to get information
from your website, such as what sites you’re linking to (wink wink).
Although they aren’t generally harmful, people can use them to
overload your server’s bandwidth, firewall or CPU.
Spiders, Bots and DDoS Attacks
• Bots and Spiders come to your website for various reasons. It’s
either a search engine crawler, or a tool trying to get information
from your website, such as what sites you’re linking to (wink wink).
Although they aren’t generally harmful, people can use them to
overload your server’s bandwidth, firewall or CPU.
• This type of attack is called a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)
Attack and it’s pretty much just a very large amount of fake traffic
being sent to your website in a short amount of time.
How to avoid Spam &
Phishing Attacks
How to avoid Spam & Phishing Attacks

I. Know how to identify them

II. Use an anti-phishing Software.

III. Use 2-factor authentication



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