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History of India V (c.



1) Critically examine the writings of Abul Fazl and Qadir Badayuni as a source for the study of
Akbar reign.

How did Persian become a language of political importance during the reign of Akbar?

2) How far did Sher Shah’s administrative and revenue reforms mark a departure from that of
the Turks?
3) Assess the role of fire arms in the early military success of the Mughals.
4) Discuss the various stages in the evolution of Mansabdari system under Akbar.
5) Analyse the process of incorporation of Rajputs and other Ethnic groups in the Mughal
nobility during the reign of Akbar.
6) Discuss the role of various categories of Zamindars in the Mughal Empire during the 16 th
7) Discuss the role of Indian merchants in India’s Ocean trade of the 16th century.
8) Was Akbar’s policy Of Sulh-i-kul a result of political expediency or an outcome of Akbar’s
liberal outlook.


1) With reference to Tawarikh and insha writings, briefly discuss the significance of Persian
literary traditions as a source for the study of the Mughals till the reign of Akbar.
Evaluate the importance of Braj or Telugu literary traditions for the study of medieval India
for the period c.1500-1600.
2) Assess the efficacy of Gunpowder technology in the early military success of the Mughals in
3) In what ways did Abul Fazl’s notions differ from the Changhtayid traditions on the issue of
4) With reference to Rajputs and other warrior groups analyse the process of creation of a
composite nobility under Akbar.
5) Discuss the salient features of the Nayaka states in south India during c.1500-1600.
6) Briefly describe the evolution of Zabti system under Akbar. How did it impact the peasantry?
7) With the reference to buildings at Fatehpur-Sikri or temples and Gopurams of the Nayakas,
analyse how architecture was used as a medium to articulate authority.
8) To what extent did the Akhlaqi tradition contribute to the evolution of Akbar’s policy of Sulh-

Critically analyse the political and religious ideas of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi.


1) With reference to tawarikh and insha writings, briefly discuss the significance of Persian
literary traditions as a source for the study of the Mughals till the reign of Akbar.
Evaluate the importance of Braj or Telugu literary traditions for the study of medieval India
for the period c.1500-1600.
2) Discuss the role of military tactics and technology in the early military successes of the
Mughals in India.
3) Analyse the process of incorporation of Rajputs and other warrior groups in the nobility
during the reign of Akbar.
4) Describe the process of state formation under the Nayakas in south India during the period
of your study.
5) Discuss the evolution of Mansab system during the reign of Akbar. How did it fulfill Akbar’s
6) Briefly analyse the recent historiographical debate related to nature of the Mughal state.
7) With reference to the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri or temples and Gopurams of the Nayakas,
analyse how architecture was used as a medium to articulate authority.
8) Akbar’s policy of Sulh-i-Kul was determined by political considerations. Comment.
Critically analyse the political and religious ideas of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi.

2020 (OBE)

1) Give a brief account of the importance of Tawarikh writings as a source for the study of
Mughal India in the 16th century.
2) Critically examine the recent historiographical on the nature of Mughal state.
3) How did the Rajput political culture facilitate their integration into the Mughal Empire?
4) What changes were brought about by Abul Fazl in the notions of kingship originally
envisaged in the Chaghatayid traditions?
5) Define Zamindari right. What role did various categories of Zamindars play in the economy
and polity of the Mughal Empire?
6) Discuss the distinguishing features of the process of state formation in south India in the 16 th
century with special reference to the Nayaka states of Madurai, Thanjavur and Jinji.
7) How did architecture in medieval India become a medium to express imperial authority?
Discuss with reference of the Fatehpur Sikri OR temples and gopurams of the Nayaka rulers
of South India.
8) Was Akbar’s policy of Sulh-i-Kul guided by his political needs or an outcome of his eclectic
religious ideology?


1) Analyse the importance of Tawarikh literary tradition for the study of Mughal Indian History
during the 16th century.
2) How did tactics and technology contribute to the early military successes of the Mughals in
3) Was the inclusion of Rajputs and other warrior groups in the Mughal nobility under Akbar a
result of liberal policies or political exigencies?
4) Discuss the chief features of the Nayaka state formation of south India during the sixteenth
5) Do you think that the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri were structured to articulate imperial
6) . Analyse the important stages in the evolution of Akbar’s policy of Sulh-i Kul.

1) Evaluate the significance of the writings of Abul Fazl and Abdul Qadir Badauni for the study
of Akbar’s policies.
2) With reference to his administrative and revenue reforms discuss how did Sher Shah achieve
centralisation of authority?
3) To what extent did gun powder technology help in the early military successes of the
Mughals in India?
4) Describe the evolution and chief features of the Mansab system that developed during the
reign of Akbar.
5) Describe the trade routes and patterns of internal commerce in India during the 16th
6) Analyse the evolution of Akbar religious ideas with special reference to his policy of Sul-i Kul.

History of India- VI (c. 1750-1857)

1) To what extent has the focus on regional studies in history writings influenced our
understanding of 18th century in India?
2) Examine the ways in which the English East India Company expanded and consolidated its
empire in India up to mid-nineteenth century.
3) To what extent did ideological influences shape British policies in India.
4) Critically evaluate the growth of the British policy of education in India.
5) Critically analyze British Land Revenue systems before 1857 and examine their impact on
Indian rural society.
6) Critically examine the process of de-industrialization in the colonial period.
7) Do you agree with the view that the revolt of 1857 was a ‘war of independence’? Discuss.
8) Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Mercantilism
b) Judicial system under Company rule
c) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
d) Colonial Forest Policy
e) Santhal Rebellion
f) Drain of wealth
1) How have studies of regional economies and societies altered our understanding of 18 th
century India?
2) Why were the British successful in establishing their dominion in India? How did British
ability to tap the military labour market and credit networks in India contribute to this
3) Assess the role of ideologies and circumstances in shaping British policies in India.
4) Discuss the evolution of law in colonial India. Assess the impact of European and indigenous
ideas in this process.
Discuss the evolution of indigenous and modern education in colonial India.
5) Was India de-industrialized during the colonial period?
Discuss the process of commercialization of agriculture and its impact on the peasantry.
6) Did social and religious reformers of the 19th century articulate a comprehensive critique of
contemporary society?
7) Can the widespread revolt of 1857 be understood in terms of a variety of local grievances.
8) Write a short note on any two of the following:
a) Subsidiary Alliance
b) Ryotwari system
c) Famines in 19th century India
d) Arya Samaj
e) Sayyid Ahmad Khan
f) Santhal uprising
1) The 18th century was a period of dynamism. Do you agree?
2) Discuss the reasons for the rise of Maratha power in the second half of the 18 th century. Why
were they defeated by the British in the early 19th century?
3) How did the ideas of Orientalism and Utilitarianism shape colonial policies in India?
How did British attitudes towards India and Indian change between 1757 and 1857?
4) What do you understand by the ‘rule of colonial difference’? How did this affect the
codification of law during the first century of British rule?
Discuss the growth of modern education in the English medium. What was its impact on
Indian society?
5) How did the various land revenue systems introduced by the British influence agrarian
economy and society?
Discuss the factors leading to the growth of commercial agriculture in India. What was the
role of merchants and moneylenders in this process?
6) Discuss the ideas of the reformers in 19th century India. Did the reformers succeed in
addressing the concerns of women and the ‘lower caste’?
7) Discuss the role of different social classes during the revolt of 1857.
8) Write short notes on any two of the following :
a) Battle of Plassey
b) Colonial army and military culture
c) Ram Mohan Roy
d) De- industrialization
e) Forest policy
f) Deccan Riots

1) Recent writings have challenged the depiction of eighteenth century in India as a ‘Dark Age’.
2) How significant were the European ideological currents in shaping the British land revenue
policies in India up to the mid-nineteenth century?
3) Trace the impact of the British policies on the growth of modern education in India?
4) Examine the major reform movements of the nineteenth century and their impact on the
5) Define de-industrialization. How serious was the process of deindustrialization of the Indian
economy in the nineteenth century?
6) Discuss the nature of the revolt of 1857.

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