AP 6 Notes Lesson 2

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Lesson 2 – The Philippine Truly Independent Country


1. citizens - people residing in the country, which protect, promote, and defend the freedom of the country

2.territory – land, water, air that are parts of the country that can be used by the citizens to meet their needs

3.Government – which is established and endorsed by the people

4. sovereignty – supreme authority to govern and mobilize all the people and property within the territory of the

sovereignty – is the supreme or the highest authority of a state or country to govern the people or citizens

- it is very important element for a country to be able to carry out the promotion of virtue and benefits of the
people or citizens

Some attributes of sovereignty:

Permanent – sovereignty continues without interruption as long as the state exists, the power of the state is lasting

Comprehensive – its power extends over all the people and properties of the state

Exclusive – it is the only power in the state. This power is not transferable to any other country

Absolute – it is a complete and unlimited power. There are no other country or people who have authority over it. It
cannot be divided.
Types of Sovereignty:
1. legal – when it is according to the constitution
2. political – if voting is done to choose leaders
3. popular – if power lies in the hands of the masses or people
4. de facto – if the power is in the hands of a person or a few people
5. de jure – if sovereignty is based on laws or action of the state
popular sovereignty – exist in the Philippines, it means the state power or sovereignty lies in the hands of the people
through their representatives, who are the source of all political power
Article II, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution – states that the sovereignty of the nation resides in the people, and all
government authority emanates from them, it also declares that the country is a republic and a democratic state
Aspects of Sovereignty
1. Internal sovereignty – refers to the power of the state to govern all citizens within its territorial boundary
Components of Internal Sovereignty
- law enforcement
- providing service to citizens
- management of natural resources
- keeping peace and order in the country
- maintain the freedom and rights of the citizen
2. External sovereignty – is the freedom of the state to foster all programs and goals of the country regarding economy,
education, tax, employment and other things that cause problems or are projected to contribute to its well-being
without worrying about intrusion of other countries.
- external sovereignty includes the country’s capacity to negotiate or maintain relations with other countries.
Rights of a Sovereign Country
1. Right to Freedom
- the right of the state to manage or govern its own economic, social or political affairs

2. Right to Equal Privileges

- developed countries have no right to interfere in the decisions and governance of developing countries
3. Right to Jurisdiction
- the right of a state to make and enforce laws and regulations within jurisdiction
4. Right to Property
- the right of every state to own possess all the properties and things within its territory. It includes natural
resources, like water, land, mountains, minerals, oil, forest and animals
5. Right to International Relations
- right of a state is free interaction with other countries. This includes the right to send and receive national
representatives aboard as diplomats and consuls, whose aim is to negotiate on political, economic and cultural matters.
territorial defense or defense of a country – is a vital task for the government and the people.
Types of Threats to a Country
1. internal threats – refer to various types of crime, insurgence and other forms of rebellion that occur within the
2. external threats – refer to the conquest and invasion of a country by other countries
Armed Forces of the Philippines – was founded to protect the Philippines better from threats
AFP’s Goal: To secure the sovereignty of the State and the Integrity of the national territory
AFP’s Members Duty: To keep the country free from internal and external threats
Branches of AFP
1. Philippine Army – they defend the country from any kind of rebellion aimed at over throwing the government and
protect the country and the people from foreign invaders
2. Philippine Navy – is the branch of AFP that protects and safeguards the Philippine waters: also called naval guards.
They defend Filipinos against foreign enemies that pass through the seas or oceans.
3. Philippine Air Force – They patrol the aerial territory of our country to make sure the Philippine airspace is free from
Other Agencies:
1.Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) – maintains the security of the citizens.
and Local Government (DILG)
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) – interacts with other states to ensure the safety of our territory as well as our
national sovereignty.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – tasked to protect the territory of the Philippines through
the management, protection and conservation of its natural resources
Clean Air Act or RA No. 8749 – was signed into law with the aim of achieving and maintaining healthy air for all Filipinos.
Ways of Protecting the Country:
1.open conflict
- However, at present, conflicts of such nature are best avoided so that the tragic events of past conflicts like the two
world wars may be avoided.
2. use of diplomacy and hold peace talks
-These are done through taking part in conferences and discussions about peace, visiting, and befriending other states
officials, and joining regional or global organizations.

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