Factors Affecting Resource Management

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Factors Affecting Resource Management

factors affecting resource management

• personal values and past experiences • explain how a combination of factors can influence
• factors influencing availability of and access to resource management for a range of individuals,
resources, eg age, gender, disability, culture, including:
socioeconomic status – a person with a disability
– a person who is homeless
• access to support – a 16-year-old male
− informal, eg relatives, friends, neighbours – a retired aged person
− formal, eg government agencies, community • describe how access to support can contribute to the
satisfaction of specific needs in a range of situations

Personal Values and Past Experiences

Our values are the core drivers of our actions. They are the qualities that an individual or family
believe are important in life. They are intangible and yet influence how we feel and act in our
environment. Our value system is a set of consistent beliefs that lay the foundation for what we feel
we ought to do and how we should behave in certain situations.

Individuals and groups develop a set of values and standards specific to their society and culture.
Values and standards are interrelated concepts that affect an individual’s social development. Often,
differing values can lead to conflict in various situations.

Values are the principles an individual or group considers important. People follow specific values
as they believe them to be desirable and beneficial to their standard and quality of life.

Standards are socially constructed reference points that individuals and groups judge, and are
measured by the standards they live and don’t live up to.

Values influence the

Values determine the standards by priority of our needs and
which we judge the success of goals wants

Values influence the goals Values influence

that we set and how they Values motivate actions behaviours
are achieved
Values Activity
Select 5 values that represent you

Trust, Loyalty, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility

Select 1 value that you need to do the most work on to improve


Select 1 value that is your ‘Core Value’ - the most important


When values conflict or differ it is often difficult to set and achieve goals or manage resources. If there
are too many conflicting values in a relationship then it is likely that the two individuals or groups have
little in common and the relationship will not flourish.

Examples of situations where there may be a conflict of values.

- Coach and athlete, coach could want the athlete to play the tournament a specific way
- Parent and child, could have different of opinions which could lead to potential arguments
- Primary school friends drifitng apart from eachother because of change of interests
- Teacher and student
- Friendships
- Group assignments
- Siblings
Socratic Seminar

1) Discuss how an individual's personal values or beliefs can influence the choice of resources

- Education: if you value education, your actions will reflect this regarding time, money +
energy to access this
- Religion → food, clothing
- Intelligence: could interchange resources to access this. Eg. tutoring to buy textbooks,
books, courses
- Negative values: can lead to poor choice of resources (eg. illicit substances)

2) Discuss how our personal values can influence the goals we choose to set for ourselves
throughout life

My personal values such as honesty and responsibility influence the goals I set throughout my life
as I want to live my life being organised and follow through with every task with integrity and being
true to myself. I want to have a career I am passionate about and study hard to achieve those
employment and academic goals I have throughout school and university.

3) Discuss how our past experiences can influence the goals we choose to set for ourselves
throughout life

Our past experiences can influence the goals we choose to set as those experiences dictate how
we want to do things in our life moving forward. Whether these are negative or positive experiences
such as growing up I have a lot of good memories of travelling overseas with my family so I would
like to continue doing that in the future as well. Additionally, I also would choose to set high
academic goals for myself as I have been taught the importance of getting high grades growing up.

4) Discuss how our past experiences could influence how we manage our resources

Managing resources such as our time, money and energy are all heavily influenced by our past
experiences. For example, the time we have spent in the past not using effectively, we would want
to change in the future by using our time more productively and reducing procrastination leading to
a more efficient use of time. Additionally, there may be regrets about spending excessive amounts
of money that could have been used for more useful things. This is something we keep mind for the
future resulting in individuals being more cautious with their time/money, reflecting on previous
negative or positive experiences.
Influences on availability of and access to resources

Determine how the following factors influence an individual’s access to resources. Consider the
● Gender- Do males and females access different resources or do so in varied ways?

● Age- What barriers do individuals face due to their age? How may age be beneficial to
accessing resources?
● Socioeconomic Status- How can low, moderate and high socioeconomic status influence
access to resources?
● Ethnicity/Culture- How might ethnicity/ culture influence access to resources?

● Disability- What barriers do individuals with a disability face?

G - Health services: stereotypically - women tend to look after their health

and wellbeing and prioritise it more than men. Women use general health
access such as GPs, counsellors, etc and men generally avoid using
these services as a means of supporting various aspects of both physical
and mental health.
- Employment: it is easier for men can get into more physically challenging
jobs such as police officers, firefighters, and security guards, this is due to
the stereotypical idea of men being stronger than women. Whereas
women can easily get into jobs such as dancers, chefs, etc. This is due to
the stereotypical norm of women being better at cooking and being more
graceful in performing sports such as dance professionally.

- Physical health: facilities such as gyms are age-restricted, thus people
under specific ages are unable to access areas such as gyms which
would be beneficial to the physical health and wellbeing of individuals.
- Employment: legally people can’t work until 14-16 depending on the area
and job. This prevents people of certain ages to earn money and gain
work experience.

S - Employment status: social hierarchy positions matter as some hiring

managers judge people upon their reputation and place in society rather
than their educational achievements and past relevant work experience
they may have. These come from societal norms and expectations.

- Resources: People of some cultures are unfortunately not given access to
certain facilities because of societal norms and stereotypes

- Employment: Unfortunately those individuals with disabilities are faced
with many challenges especially when it comes to employment
opportunities. Because of the physical difficulties they have, they are
usually not given priority when in relation to jobs.

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