Txoj Haujlwm 2 - Kev Ncig Tebchaws Thiab Ncig Tebchaws

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Txoj Haujlwm 2 - Kev Ncig Tebchaws thiab Ncig Tebchaws

1. Piav seb cov tub ntxhais kawm tuaj yeem ua li cas nrog kev mus ncig thiab kev ncig xyuas.
 Muaj ntau yam kev lom zem rau cov tub ntxhais kawm ua thaum mus ncig, thiab lawv tuaj
yeem coj cov zaub mov hauv zos los ntawm lub nroog, lub tebchaws, lossis qhov chaw lawv
mus ncig. Lawv tuaj yeem taug kev ncig qhov chaw lawv mus xyuas. Thiab lawv tuaj yeem
mus rau qhov chaw iconic thiab nrov nyob ntawd.
2. Koj feem ntau ua dab tsi rau koj hnub so?
 Thaum koj mus rau hnub so, feem ntau koj ...
 in your own country or
 Stay  Go abroad?
 Stay in a resort with other tourist or  In a place near local people?
 Eat food you normally eat or  Eat the local food?
 Speak your own language or  Try to speak the country’s language?
3. Sau lub sijhawm dhau los ntawm cov lus qhia hauv qab no.

1) Ask Asked 8) Learn Learned

2) Buy Bought 9) Hurry Hurried
3) Dance Danced 10) Meet Met
4) Enjoy Enjoyed 11) Offer Offered
5) Find Found 12) Relax Relaxed
6) Forget Forgot 13) Prefer Preferred
7) Know Knew 14) Wear Wore

4. Ua kom tiav txhua kab lus nrog daim ntawv zoo lossis tsis zoo ntawm cov lus qhia thaum pib ntawm
Elliot thiab Victoria txoj kab sib tham

My fantastic holiday My terrible holiday
Be 1) My plane wasn’t late. 1) My plane was late
2) My bags wasn’t arrived at the airport
Arrive 2) My bags arrived at the airport.
3) The people at the hotel weren’t very nice
Be 3) The people at the hotel were very nice. 4) I didn’t eat the local food. It was awful.
5) It rained every day.
Eat 4) I ate the local food. It was great! 6) I spent a lot of money. It was so expensive!
Rain 5) It didn’t rain. 7) I didn’t speak to anybody.
8) I didn’t have a good time.
Spend 6) I didn’t spend a lot of money. It was so cheap!
Speak 7) I spoke to a lot of people.
Have 8) I had a good time
5. Kuv mam li sau cov lus nug ceev los ntawm Elliot txog kev so rau Victoria yav dhau los.

1) E : Why was your plane late? 5) E : What was the weather like?

V : I think there was a problem with engine. V : It rained every day.

2) E : When did your bags arrived? 6) E : What kind of food did you eat?

V : On the last day of my holiday. V : Nothing special.

3) E : What did you wear? 7) E : Did you have a good time?

V : I bought some new clothes. V : No!

4) E : Were the people friendly?

V : No, they were rude.

6. Xaiv daim ntawv zoo tshaj plaws rau txhua qhov lus qhia. Txhua kab lus muaj ib qho lus qhia yooj
yooj yim yav dhau los thiab ib qho lus qhia tas mus li yav dhau los.

1) The internet stopped when I was watching a 5) We felt tired when we were getting home.
film. 6) I didn’t visit Cancun when I was working in
2) She walked down the street when she was Mexico.
seeing her friend. 7) I wasn’t looking when I crashed my bicycle
3) He left his job whe he was studying for his into a tree.
4) I did some cleaning when I was hearing the
news on the radio.

7. Ua kom tiav cov kab lus hais txog txhua daim duab siv yav dhau los txuas ntxiv thiab yav dhau los
cov lus qhia yooj yim hauv cov kab ke.

1) When I was walking down the street, I 3) When you called me, I was cooking dinner.
found ten pounds. 4) They were working quietly when the teacher came
2) It was raining when she left the house. back.

8. Sib piv cov lus 1-5 nrog txhais AE. Sib piv koj cov lus teb nrog koj tus khub. Thov saib nws hauv
phau ntawv txhais lus.
a. Visiting places of interest while on holiday.
1) [d] Fight b. An exchange, when someone gives something
2) [e] Unpack and gets another thing.
3) [b] Swap c. A place where people ona holiday can put a tent.
4) [a] Sightseeing d. A journey by aeroplane.
5) [c] Campsite e. To take things out of a suitcase or bag.
9. Nyeem cov kev sib tham hauv qab no txog kev thov nyiaj so koobtsheej ntawm Nadia, Juan thiab
Keira thiab teb cov lus nug.
Kev nyeem ntawv zoo dua: kev twv ua ntej
1) Lub rooj sab laj tham txog dab tsi?
 Hauv peb lub rooj sib tham peb tham txog cov lus qhia hnub so, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog lub
tswv yim ntawm kev sib pauv tsev so thiab cov kev paub ntawm cov tib neeg uas tau sim
2) Muaj pes tsawg lub tswv yim koj tuaj yeem xav txog rau Nadia?
 Kuv muaj ob lub tswv yim rau Nadia.
- Lub tsev sib pauv hnub so pom zoo los ntawm Juan thiab Keira.
- Vim li cas ho tsis siv koj cov hnub so hauv lwm txoj hauv kev los ntawm kev nyob hauv
lwm tus neeg lub tsev thiab ua rau koj tus kheej hauv kev coj noj coj ua hauv zos?
a. Nyeem lwm qhov ntawm lub rooj sib tham thiab teb cov lus nug.
i. Puas yog koj qhov kev kwv yees muaj tseeb?
ii. Koj puas muaj lub tswv yim ib yam li Juan?
iii. Koj puas xav mus rau hnub so zoo li no? Vim li cas / vim li cas ho tsis?
b. Nyeem lub rooj sib tham dua. Teb cov lus nug.
i. Vim li cas koj yuav tsum ntseeg cov neeg nyob hauv koj lub tsev?
 peb yuav tsum tso siab rau lawv. Vim hais tias nyob rau hauv ib qho kev sib
pauv vaj tse, lawv tau qhia kev ntseeg siab sib pauv rau kev muab koj lub
ii. Vim li cas Keira thiaj li nkees, ntxhov siab, thiab ntshai thawj zaug?
 Keira nkees thiab ntxhov siab vim nws lub tsheb tawg ntawm txoj kev loj
thaum sawv ntxov. Lawv kuj txhawj xeeb txog qhov tsis paub meej ntawm
lub tsev uas lawv yuav pauv rau.
iii. Ob qhov teeb meem Keira muaj dab tsi ua ntej tus poj niam qhib qhov rooj?
 Ob qhov teeb meem yog tias lub tsheb tsoo ntawm txoj kev loj, ua rau muaj
kev ntxhov siab thiab qaug zog. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws tus tub me poob nws
cov khoom ua si nyiam, ua rau nws nyuaj siab.
iv. Dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm Keira qhov kev paub hauv Madrid?
 Txawm hais tias muaj teeb meem dej puas tsuaj, Keira qhov kev paub hauv
Madrid tau zoo vim nws cov neeg nyob ze tau pab nws daws teeb meem, caw
nws mus noj hmo, thiab ua phooj ywg.
10. Tsim cov hnub so mus ncig ua si blog siv Feem pua ntawm kev sib pauv hauv tsev nyob nrog koj
cov phooj ywg lossis cov neeg txawv teb chaws koj paub . Saib template saum toj no.
 cov lus qhia hnub so
Zetta: Kuv tsev neeg thiab kuv xav so lom zem heev rau 5 hnub. Tab sis nws kuj yuav tsum tau pheej yig
heev. Tej tswv yim?
Zacky : Hey Zetta! Peb feem ntau ua kev sib pauv tsev so. lawv yog amazing! Koj nyob hauv lwm tus lub
tsev thaum koj so, thiab lawv kuj nyob hauv koj li. Koj tuaj yeem taug kev mus rau qhov chaw sib txawv
vim tias koj tsuas yog them rau daim pib caij dav hlau xwb. Qhov tseeb, ib tug txiv neej hu ua Dean
Prince thiab nws tsev neeg tau mus ncig thoob ntiaj teb tsis nres rau ntau tshaj peb xyoos siv Home Swap
Zetta: Nws yog amazing! Tab sis yuav ua li cas muaj ib tug neeg txawv nyob hauv koj lub tsev?
Zacky : Thaum xub thawj nws txawv, tab sis tam sim no kuv xav tias nws yog qhov qub. Koj yuav tsum
tso siab rau koj cov qhua. Koj cov neeg tuaj saib tau tso siab rau koj hauv kev sib pauv rau muab koj lub
Gia: Kuv pom zoo nrog Zacky . Kuv tsev neeg thiab kuv tau siv sijhawm 6 lub caij so zoo ntawm lwm tus
neeg lub tsev. Peb tau nyob hauv Europe thiab Asia. Kuv muaj ib qho kev tsis zoo, tab sis tus so yog qhov
zoo. Kuv nco txog thawj zaug kuv ua. Kuv tsev neeg thiab kuv tau sawv sab nraum lub qhov rooj ntawm
peb chav tsev nyob Paris. Peb lub tsheb tawg rau ntawm txoj kev loj thaum sawv ntxov, yog li ntawd peb
nkees thiab ntxhov siab. Peb kuj ntshai. Kuv saib ntau cov duab ntawm chav tsev ua ntej tawm mus, tab
sis qee zaum cov duab dag. Tom qab ntawd kuv tus me tub poob nws cov khoom ua si nyiam thiab pib
qw. Kuv rov qab mus rau kuv lub tsheb thiab nrhiav nws, tshem tag nrho kuv cov khoom. Yog li ntawd,
kuv tus me tub tau quaj thiab tag nrho peb cov khoom tau tawg mus rau ntawm txoj kev, thiab tam sim
ntawd ib tug poj niam teb lub qhov rooj. Nws zoo li ntshai heev! Thiab peb sawv daws pib luag. Qhov
ntawd yog qhov pib zoo!
Zetta: Yuav pib ntxhov siab li cas rau koj lub caij so, Gear! Kuv xav tias tus so tau lom zem. Koj qhov
kev tsis zoo yog dab tsi?
Gia : Auj, nws tau yog rau lub hlis dhau los. Nws yog ib tug npau suav phem me ntsis! Peb nyob hauv ib
tsev neeg hauv Barcelona thiab sawv ib tag kis mus nrhiav dej txhua qhov chaw. Nws tuaj ntawm lub qab
nthab. Kuv sim daws qhov teeb meem tab sis ua tsis tau li ntawd. Ces kuv tus txiv hu nws tsev neeg. Nws
tsis tau hais lus Mev thiab lawv tsuas hais lus Askiv me ntsis xwb, yog li lawv tsis nkag siab. Nws tseem
qw tias, "Ntawm no muaj dej ntau heev!" Kuv txhawj xeeb heev. Kuj tseem tsis tau muaj tus xov tooj rau
tus kav dej hauv Spain. Thaum kawg, cov neeg nyob ze tuaj. Nws nrhiav tau lub hauv paus ntawm qhov
teeb meem thiab tua cov dej. Nws hu tus kav dej thiab hu nws tsev neeg los piav qhia txhua yam. Nws
pab peb ntxuav txhua yam. Nws zoo tom qab ntawd. Nws caw peb mus noj hmo nrog nws tsev neeg thiab
peb tau siv sijhawm so ntau nrog lawv. Peb tseem yog phooj ywg, yog li muaj qhov zoo!
Zetta: Auj, txaus ntshai! Tab sis koj puas tseem xav kom lub tsev pauv nyiaj so koobtsheej?
Gia: Aw, yes, for sure! Feem ntau, hnub so, kuv nyob hauv ib lub tsev so, chaw pw hav zoov, lossis tsev
so thiab mus ncig xyuas nrog phau ntawv qhia hauv tes. Koj yuav siv sijhawm feem ntau nrog lwm tus
neeg ncig tebchaws thiab hais lawv cov lus. Txawm li cas los xij, thaum koj nyob hauv lwm tus neeg lub
tsev, koj nyob hauv tus neeg ntawd kab lis kev cai. Koj mus rau lawv lub tsev loj. Koj mus rau tib lub
tsev noj mov. Koj cov neeg zej zog yog cov neeg hauv zos, tsis yog lwm tus neeg ncig tebchaws. Koj tuaj
yeem pom tias tib neeg nyob hauv lub tebchaws ntawd li cas. Kuv xav kom nws.
Zetta: Nkag siab, Gear. ua tsaug! Kuv xav tias kuv yuav sim.
Zacky thiab Zetta, tsis txhob hnov qab - nws yog dawb!

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