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Program Marketing Management

Course code Mktm4061

Course Title Business Marketing

Degree Program BA in Marketing Management

Module Name Business Marketing Management

Module Number 06

Course Chair Office Location

Consultation Hours:
Office Location
Consultation Hours:
ECTS Credits (CP) 5

Contact Hours (per Lecture Tutorial Lab/practical Home Study Total

3 7 10

Lecture days, Hours,

and Rooms

Target Student Marketing Management 3rd year

Year/Semester Year III Semester I

Status of the Course Compulsory

Course Description

This course emphasizes on decision-making implications in the industrial/business markets related to

market segmentation, market planning and overall strategy formulation, and the sub strategies of product,
distribution, and price. Major topics subsumed in this course include: understanding the
industrial/business marketing environment, industrial consumer and market behavior, the industrial
marketing process, performance, and evaluation.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

 Explain the key terms, definitions, and concepts used in the study of business markets

 Describe how business/industry markets are similar to and different from consumer markets
 Demonstrate how as a marketer you can use your knowledge of business behavior concepts to
develop better marketing programs and strategies to influence those behaviors
 Understand industrial buyers evaluate product quality and system selling
 Complete a project that demonstrates both your working knowledge and analytical skills in
assessing the industrial buying decision-making process
 Appreciate how the buying center operates in the business markets and how different members
are composed to it

 Analyze the trends in businesses/industries buying behavior and their impacts to the marketing of
an actual product or service


Wee Lecture Conceptual focus Activities/ Reading

k Hrs. tasks

Chapter 1 Introduction to business/industrial Lecture and Bingham,F.G.(p4-

marketing class 12)
1 discussion
1.1.Definition of business/industrial marketing
1.2.Classification of business/industrial products Gross et al(P.2-30)
2 3
1.3.Industrial customers

1.4.Components of Industrial markets Hutt&Speh(p.1-30)

1.5. Business Market Versus Consumer Market

CHAPTER 2. The Nature of Demand in Lecture, Gross et al(p45--

Industrial Markets reading 61)
2.1. Derived demand and class
3 3 discussion
2.2. Joint demand Bingham,F.G.(p12-
2.3.Price insensitivity
4 3
2.4. Price sensitivity

2.5. Reverse elasticity and cross elasticity

CHAPTER 3. Industrial/Business Buying & Lecture, Gross et al(p73-93)

Buyer Behavior reading
3.1. Factors affecting industrial buying decisions and class
5 3 discussion Bingham,F.G.(p13-
3.2. Business buying process and roles 14,33-47)
3.3. Marketing strategies in different phases of Hutt&Speh(p.67-
buying situations 120)
6 3
3.4. Motivations of the business buyer

CHAPTER 4. Segmentation of Business Markets Lecture, Gross et al(p187-

reading 216)
4.1.The nature and bases of business market assignments
segmentation and class
7 3 discussion
4.1. 1.The macro bases for segmentation Bingham,F.G.(p
3 154-169)
4.1.2The intermediate base for segmentation
4.1.3 The micro basis for segmentation

4.2.Segmentation and marketing strategies

4.3. Evaluating potential market segments

CHAPTER 5. Industrial Product Decisions Lecture, Gross et al(328-

reading 360)
5.1 Business/industrial products assignments
classification and class Bingham,F.G.
5.2 product Line Defined discussion (p202-228)
5.3 Product Life Cycle Analysis
5.4 Product Portfolio Classification, Kotler(P.306-
Analysis, and Strategy 335,344-362,429-
5.5.Product objective and policies 457)
9 3 5.6.The new industrial product development
process Hutt&Speh(p.288-
5.7 Designing new products 320)
3 5.8.Product deletion
10 5.9.Developing products for niche markets

CHAPTER 6. Industrial Pricing Lecture, Gross et al (417-

reading 450 )
11 3 6.1. Characteristics of Industrial pricing assignments
and class Bingham,F.G.
6.2. Factors affecting pricing discussion (p240-262)
3 6.4. Pricing Methods and strategies Kotler(495-516)
12 6.4.1. Pricing current products Hutt&Speh(p.440-
6.4.2. Pricing new products

6.4.3. Pricing over the product life cycle

CHAPTER 7 Distribution and channel relations Lecture, Gross et al (456-
in business/industrial markets reading 477 )
7.1 Major industrial distribution channels case studies Bingham,F.G.
3 (p274-299,312-
7.2 Industrial channel strategy 334)
13 3
7.3 Factors affecting industrial channel decisions Kotler(528-
14 Hutt&Speh(p.411-

Mode of Delivery

Semester based

Teaching Methodology
The course will be offered through mix of lectures, discussions, reading and writing assignments.

Assessment Methods
Assessment Methods: Assessment types Topics Schedule Weight
 Continuous Assessment 1st Quiz Chapter One &Two 10%
 Final Exam. (50%) Individual Assignment & Chapter Two & Three 10%
1st test Chapter Four 10%

Group assignment & Chapter Five, Six & seven 10%

2nd Test Six & seven 10

Final Exam From all chapters 50%

Total 100%


 Bingham Frank G., and Gomes Roger, (2001).Business Marketing:2nded

NTC/Contemporary publishing group
 Bingham, Frank G.(1998). Business Marketing Management. Illinois: NTC Business
 Cateora Philip R. and Graham John L. (1999) International Marketing, New Delhi: Tata
MccGraw Hall Publishing Co. Ltd.
 Cherunilam Francis (2004). Industrial Marketing, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House
 Dwyer, R.F and Tanner,J.F.(1998). Business Marketing. Mexico City:McGrawHill
 Gross, A.C, et al(1998) Business Marketing: USA: Houghton Mifflin Companies
 Hutt, M.D. and Speh Thomas W.(1998). Business Marketing Management. Fort Worth:
The Dryden Press
 Kotler, Philip &Gary Armstrong(2006) Principles of Marketing. New Jersey: Prentice
Hall Inc
 Kotler, Philip (1999) Marketing Management, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd

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