Kayla McKee, Cognates

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Name: Kayla McKee

Teacher: Mrs. Hankins

Date: 9/8/2022
Class: 4352A Spanish I P

Cognates: What are cognates?

1. What do you think these words mean? (don’t research it)

Excelente: Excellent

Generoso: Generous

Elefante: Elephant

Persona: Person

Familia: Family

Diferente: Different

Instrucciones: Instructions

2. What are cognates?

Words that are spelled the same and mean the same thing.

3. Why do we use an accent mark?

To show that you need to stress the sound of that letter.

4. Give some examples of perfect cognates:

a. Doctor
b. Normal
c. Chocolate
d. Animal
5. Is “y” considered a vowel in Spanish? If not, what are the vowels in Spanish?

No, A(ah), E(eh), I(ee), O(oh), U(oo)

6. What are near-perfect cognates?

Words that mean the same thing but are spelled a little differently.

7. What happened to the words that end in “CT” in English?

CT becomes CTO

8. Give some examples of near-perfect “CT”:

a. Acto
b. Correcto
c. Exacto
d. Perfecto

9. What happened to the words that end in “IOUS” in English? Give 4 examples

IOUS becomes IOSO

a. Curioso
b. Delicioso
c. Precioso
d. Religioso

10. What happened to the words that end in “TION” in English? Give 4 examples
TION becomes CIÓN
A. Aplicación
B. Celebratión
C. Informatión
D. Motovatión

11. What are false cognates? Give 4 examples

Words that sound the same and are spelled similar but mean completely different
a. Embarazada
b. Decepción
c. Emocionado
d. Grapa

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