Ielts 4-5 Vocabulary

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1- Adequate /ˈædɪkwət/ = Sufficient (adj.) đầy đủ, tương xứng
2- Adjust /əˈʤʌst / = Modify (v.) điều chỉnh
E.g. He asks them to adjust the position of the wardrobe so that the room can look bigger.
3- Basic / ˈbeɪsɪk/ = Fundamental (adj.) cơ bản
E.g. Using cash is the basic kind of payment in Vietnam.
4- Booming /ˈbu:mɪŋ / (adj.) đang phát triển nhanh chóng
E.g. Mr. Obama had a booming career when he was elected as president of the US.
5- Crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/ = congested (adj.) đông đúc
E.g. All the stores are crowded on Black Friday.
6- Deteriorate /dɪˈtɪriəˌreɪt/ (v.) làm giảm giá trị
E.g. Mary is angry to find out that the purse she bought yesterday is on sale. It deteriorates
her purse.
7- double-edged / ˈdʌbəl-ɛʤd/ (adj.) hai lưỡi (vừa lợi vừa hại)
E.g. Carrying a torch can be double-edged. It will make you look more impressive but it is
very dangerous as well.
8- enhance /ɛnˈhæns/ = improve (v.) nâng cao
E.g. This highway project will enhance our city's image.
9- flourish /ˈflʌr.ɪʃ/ = thrive (v.) thịnh vượng, phát đạt
E.g. Ho Chi Minh city has continued to flourish in spite of the financial crisis.
10- improve / ɪmˈpru:v/ = enhance (v.) cải thiện
E.g. The government implemented a national plan to improve public health.
11- isolate /ˈaɪsəˌleɪt/ (v.) cách ly
E.g. The patient will be isolated in order to prevent contagion.
12- long-sighted / lɔŋ-ˈsaɪtɪd/ = far-sighted (adj.) nhìn xa trông rộng
E.g. With his long-sighted vision, the CEO choose the perfect place for a new factory
13- short-sighted /ʃɔrt-ˈsaɪtɪd/ = nearsighted (adj.) có tầm nhìn hạn hẹp
E.g. Short-sighted projects of buildings have very bad influences on the traffic of the city.
14- megacity = metropolis (n.) thành phố rất lớn (trên 10 triệu dân)
E.g. Tokyo is a megacity with a population of 13 million people.
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15- migrant /ˈmaɪgrənt/ (n.) người di cư

E.g. There are thousands of migrants from Eastern Europe rushing to the UK every year.
16- obstacle /ˈɑ:bstəkəl/ = hindrance (n.) chướng ngại vật
E.g. We couldn't reach our destination on time because of some obstacles.
17- population /pɑ:pjəˈleɪʃən/ (n.) dân số
E.g. Rapid population growth is one of the biggest problems of Vietnam.
18- poverty /ˈpɑ:vərti/ (n.) sự nghèo khổ
E.g. There are many people living in poverty in Africa.
19- pressing /ˈprɛsɪŋ/ = urgent (adj.) cấp bách, cần thiết
E.g. Wildfire is the most pressing problem in summertime.
20- rural = rustic /ˈrʊrəl/ (adj.) (thuộc) nông thôn
E.g. My grandfather used to live in a remote rural area.
21- setback = obstacle /ˈsɛtˌbæk/ (n.) khó khăn làm trì hoãn
E.g. The stormy weather was a serious setback to the traffic.
22- slum /slʌm/ (n.) khu nhà ổ chuột
E.g. There are many people living in slums with poor quality housing and sanitation.
23- staggering /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/ = astounding (adj.) gây sửng sốt
E.g. The staggering discount program surprised many customers.
24- tackle /ˈtækəl/= handle (v.) xử lí, tìm cách giải quyết
E.g. The police are trying their best to tackle the traffic jam.
25- transform / trænˈsfɔrm/= change (v.) thay đổi, biến đổi
E.g. The rural area was transformed into a busy city thanks to foreign investments.
26- social psychologist /ˈsoʊʃəl saɪˈkɑləʤəst/ (n.p.) nhà tâm lí xã hội học
E.g. As experts in human interaction, social psychologists have a significant and varied role
in the world of psychology.
27- reaction /riˈækʃən/ (n.) phản ứng
E.g. What are the students' reaction to the announcement of the mid-term test from the
28- be known for (v.p) được biết đến
= be well-known for=be renowned for=have a reputation for
E.g. Las Vegas is often known for its luxuries.
29- carry out (v.p.) thực hiện = conduct (v.)
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=> carry out a study (v.p) thực hiện một cuộc nghiên cứu
E.g. The Administrator shall carry out a study of methods of preventing and dealing with
surface spills of contaminants.
30- treat (v.) đối xử, đối đãi
E.g. We treat strangers like friends and friends like family.
31- way of life (n.p.) cách sống, lối sống = lifestyles (n.)
E.g. Career opportunities and a more relaxed way of life are growing reasons for this
country's emigration.
32- ignore / ɪgˈnɔr / = neglect (v.) không quan tâm, phớt lờ
E.g. The psychologists found that, in these cities, people tend to be short of time, so they
hurry and often ignore strangers.
33- conclude /kənˈklud / (v.) kết luận
=> conclusion (n.) kết luận, sự kết luận
E.g. This study concludes that people are more helpful in cities with a more relaxed way of
34- inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ (n.) = citizen = local people (n.p.) người cư trú, người dân
E.g. Amsterdam is dealing with growth of the number of inhabitants and visitors.
35- hectic /ˈhɛktɪk/ (adj.) tấp nập
E.g. The area has become a heaven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
36- bustling /ˈbʌsəlɪŋ / (adj.) bận rộn
E.g. This used to be a bustling town but a lot of people have moved away over recent years.
37- moving /ˈmuvɪŋ / (adj.) luôn vận động
E.g. The hectic and bustling lifestyle here can keep the people energetic and moving days
and nights.
38- surroundings / səˈraʊndɪŋz / (n.) môi trường xung quanh
E.g. She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.
39- lead a healthy life (v.p) sống một cuộc sống lành mạnh
E.g. The surroundings are usually clean and fresh enough for them to lead a healthy life in
their modern society.
40- settle down (v.p.) an cư
E.g. Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.
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1- creativity /kri:eɪ'tɪveti:/ = creativeness: tính sáng tạo
E.g. The actor's creativity in representing his character makes everybody very surprised.
2- desire / dɪˈzaɪər/ = ambition (n.) mong ước, khao khát
E.g. The director desires that his company's turnover would increase by 70% in the next 6
3- insight /ˈɪnˌsaɪt/ = awareness (n.) sự hiểu biết, sâu sắc
E.g. The customer insight shows that they have many questions about English. We build
website EEZY to answer them all.
4- optimist /ˈɑptəmɪst/ (n.) người lạc quan
E.g. He is still happy when his team loses the game. What an optimist he is!
5- pessimist /ˈpɛsəməst/ (n.) người bi quan
E.g. The pessimist thinks he will fail the exam although he did a good job.
6- realist /ˈriəlɪst/ (n.) người thực tế
E.g. Being a realist, Daisy would rather marry an ugly but rich man than a handsome but
poor one.
7- risk-taker /rɪsk-ˈteɪkər/ = daredevil (n.) người mạo hiểm
E.g. The risk-taker is performing a dangerous stunt with his car.
8- outlook /ˈaʊtˌlʊk/ (n.) viewpoint cách nhìn, quan điểm
E.g. The oriental and occidental have different outlooks on marriage.
9- priority /praɪˈɔrəti/ = precedence (n.) ưu tiên
E.g. For many recruiters, their top priority is to find someone who is fluent in English.
10- pressure /ˈprɛʃər/ = tension (n.) áp lực
E.g. The pressure of work makes me crazy.
11- self-expression /sɛlf-ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ (n.) sự tự biểu hiện
E.g. Andrew draws self-portraits for his own enjoyment and self-expression.
12-well-educated /wɛl-ˈɛʤəˌkeɪtɪd/ (adj.) được giáo dục tốt
E.g. My company just recruits well-educated employees.
13-painstaking /ˈpeɪnˌsteɪkɪŋ/ (adj.) careful: kỹ lưỡng
E.g. Peter is a painstaking man. He always prepares his luggage carefully before every trip.
14- moderate /ˈmɑdərət/ = modify (v.) điều chế, tiết chế
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E.g. “Remember to moderate your appetite if you want to lose some weight”
15- motivate /ˈmoʊtəˌveɪt/ = stimulate (v.) thúc đẩy
E.g. Peter is motivated entirely by the big sum of money they will pay him.
16- fulfillment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ = completion (n.) sự hoàn thành
E.g. Winning this championship is the fulfillment of his longtime ambition.
17- personality /ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪti/ = character (n.) tính cách
E.g. This girl is very beautiful but she has a very bad personality.
18- dreamy /ˈdrimi:/ = illusory (adj.) không thực tế
E.g. My brother is dreamy. He always comes up with weird things.
19- confused /kənˈfjuzd/ = bewildered (adj.) bối rối
E.g. I am quite confused right now and don’t know which way to go yet.
20- attract /əˈtrækt/ =draw (v.) thu hút
E.g. Many guys are attracted by Katy’s charming appearance.
21- expedition /ˌek.spəˈdɪʃ.ən/ (n.) cuộc thám hiểm
E.g. Scott died while he was on an expedition to the Antarctic in 1912.
22- seafarer /ˈsiːfeərə(r)/ (n.) Người đi biển, thủy thủ
E.g. The certificate must be a guarantor of the fact that the seafarer really has in actual fact
undergone practical training.
23- in the distant past (prep.p.) = a long time ago (phr.) Ở trong quá khứ xa xôi, từ rất lâu
E.g. The Polynesia Voyaging Society’s purpose was to find out how seafarers in the distant
past could have found their way
24- navigate /ˈnævəˌgeɪt/ (v.) điều hướng
E.g. Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.
25- navigational instrument (v.) Dụng cụ điều hướng
E.g. The pilot equipment and onboard navigational equipment are some of the most
advanced .
26- be populated /bi ˈpɑ:pjəˌleɪtɪd/ (adj.) Có dân trú ngụ
E.g. Tokyo is projected to hold the top spot as the most populated city on earth until 2030.
27- by accident Tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
= By chance (phr.)
= Accidentally (adv.)
E.g. I found her letter by accident as I was looking through my files.
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28- compass /ˈkʌm.pəs/ La bàn

E.g. You have probably done experiments with small compasses to show up the magnetic
field of a magnet
29- memorize (v.) Ghi nhớ
E.g. Many of these rock shapes are used to memorize and to help tell stories and legends.
30- lay out (v.p.) Sắp đặt, bố trí, trình bày
E.g. The designer laid out the book with pictures on every page.
31- observe /əbˈzɜrv/ (v.) Quan sát
E.g: He spends one year on the sea learning how to navigate by observing the stars, the
wind and the sea.
32- influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ (n.)/(v.) Sự ảnh hưởng/ ảnh hưởng
=> To have a major influence on somebody (v.p) có một sự ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai
E.g: My grandmother had a strong influence on my early childhood.
33- resemblance /rɪˈzɛmbləns/ Sự giống nhau
=> To bear a resemblance to S.O (v.p): có sự giống nhau với ai
=> Resemble (v.): giống nhau
E.g.: She bears a striking resemblance to a cartoon character .
34- role model (n.p): Hình mẫu
Set a good role model (v.p): Là một hình mẫu tốt đẹp
E.g.: My father sets a good role model for me when I was growing up.
35- sense of humour (n.) Khiếu hài hước
E.g.: His sense of humour always lightens up my day.
=> Humorous (adj.) = hilarious (adj.) Hài hước
36- get on/along well with s.o. (v.p) Sống hoà thuận với ai
E.g.: It's important that you get on well with your colleagues.
37- disciplined /ˈdɪsəplənd/ (adj.) Có kỉ luật
E.g.: Although he was quite disciplined in the way he taught, he’s fair most of the time.
38 – to turn to sb (v.p) Tìm kiếm sự động viên/ủng hộ/ giúp đỡ từ ai đó
E.g.: When I go through a tough time, I often turn to my mom for advice.
39- invaluable /ɪnˈvæljəbəl/ (adj.) Vô giá
= precious = priceless (adj.)
=> Invaluable lessons (phr.) : Bài học vô giá
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E.g.: The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
40- maturity /məˈtʃʊrəti/ (n.) Sự trưởng thành
=> mature # immature (adj.): trưởng thành # non nớt, chưa chín chắn
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1- Balance (n.) harmony : sự cân bằng
E.g. Over-exploiting forest resources will harm the ecological balance of our country.
2-Biofuel (n.) nhiên liệu sinh học
E.g. In Brazil, they ferment corn to produce ethanol fuel – the most common biofuel in the
3-Blackout = power cut (n.) sự cúp điện
E.g. We light up some candles when the power blackout occurs.
4-Fossil fuel (n.) nhiên liệu hóa thạch
E.g. Coal is one of the most common fossil fuels.
5- generator (n.) máy phát điện
E.g. Thanks to the generator, we still have electricity when a power blackout occurs.
6- hybrid (n.) xe hơi điện-xăng
E.g. This hybrid consumes less energy and expels less exhaust fumes.
7- petrol = gasoline (n.) xăng
E.g. Peter stops by a petrol station to fill up his car.
8- reserve = inventory (n.) nguồn dự trữ
E.g. Farmers store rice straws as a combustible reserve throughout the winter.
9- resource(s) = wealth (n.): tài nguyên
E.g. Mother Nature offers mankind a great number of abundant natural resources.
10- turbine (n.) tua-bin
E.g. This turbine can convert energy from moving water into mechanical energy.
11- vehicle (n.) transport: xe cộ
E.g. The number of vehicles in Ho Chi Minh city has increased rapidly.
12- windmill (n.) cối xay gió
E.g. windmills have become a famous symbol of the Netherlands.
13- alternative = substitute (adj.) thay thế
E.g. Wind power is the most promising alternative source of energy.
14- critical = severe (adj.) nguy cấp, nguy kịch
E.g. High gasoline prices land many taxi companies in critical condition.
15- disposable (adj.) dùng một lần
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E.g. Disposable paper cups and plates are very convenient for outdoor parties.
16-drastic (adj.) radical: quyết liệt
E.g. The company enforced drastic energy policy reforms in order to save energy.
17- eco-friendly = environmentally-friendly (adj.) thân thiện với môi trường
E.g. These bags are eco-friendly because they are made from 100% recyclable materials.
18- hydroelectric =(adj.) (thuộc) thủy điện
E.g. Son La is the biggest hydroelectric power plant in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
19- nuclear (adj.) (thuộc) hạt nhân
E.g. This nuclear power plant produces a great amount of electricity every year.
20- renewable (adj.) có thể tái tạo
E.g. Solar radiation is the biggest renewable resource of energy.
21- absorb =take in (v.) hấp thụ
E.g. If you stay out in the sun for too long, UV radiation will be absorbed into your skin and
cause skin cancer.
22- consume = absorb (v.) tiêu thụ
E.g. The car consumes too much gasoline.
23- convert = turn into (v.) biến đổi
E.g. The wind turbine converts wind into electricity.
24- discharge = relieve (v.) thải ra
E.g. This factory discharges toxic liquid waste into the river.
25- mitigate =relieve (v.) làm dịu bớt
E.g. Planting more trees and recycling waste will help mitigate environmental damage.
26- outweigh (v.) lớn hơn, có nhiều giá trị hơn
E.g. The forest’s value as á carbon reservoir will far outweigh short-term economic gains
from logging it.
27- retain =hold (v.) giữ lại
E.g. The rangers put a lot of effort into retaining forest land and improving forest health.
28- waste =dissipate (v.) lãng phí
E.g. You will waste a lot of water if you mindlessly let the tap run.
29- Traffic congestion (n.p.) Sự tắc nghẽn giao thông = Traffic jam
E.g. If you live in a large city, you are probably familiar with the effects of traffic congestion.
30- Commuter (n.) Người đi lại bằng xe buýt, tàu,… người đi làm
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E.g. The number of commuters tends to increase in big cities.

31- Promising (a.) Đầy hứa hẹn, có triển vọng
=> The promising technique: Kỹ thuật có triển vọng
E.g. Government appreciated the promising techniques for reducing city traffic proposed by
the citizens.
32- Rush-hour (n.) = peak hour = busy hour Giờ cao điểm
E.g. Travel time is longer during rush hour times due to the large volume of traffic.
33- off-peak (a.) Giờ thấp điểm, Ngoài giờ cao điểm
E.g. Employees travel to work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the traffic congestion.
34- Flexitime (n.) = flexible working hours Hệ thống giờ làm việc linh
=> Implement flexitime : Thực hiện hệ thống giờ làm việc linh hoạt
E.g. An effective way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for employers to implement flexitime.
35- The underground (n.) = tube = subway : Tàu điện ngầm
E.g. An effective way to reduce traffic jams is to encourage commuters travelling by the
36- Boarding pass (n.p.) Thẻ lên tàu
E.g. Most airports and airlines have automatic readers that will verify the validity of the
boarding pass at the jetway door or boarding gate.
37- off the beaten track/path (adj.)/(adv.) Ở/ đến nơi hẻo lánh
Eg. His trip was altogether off the beaten track which had never been traversed by any
38- constant (adj.) Thường trực
=> constancy (n.) : sự thường trực/ thường xuyên
=> Constant blackout (phr.) : sự mất điện thường trực
E.g. The locals were living with constant blackouts and there was no light since the evening.
39- Make ends meet (idiom) Kiếm đủ sống
E.g. What she saw around her in the neighborhood where we both grew up was divorce and
the struggle to make ends meet.
40-Hit the road/trail (phr.) Khởi hành
E.g. Travelers will find it more comfortable and interesting to hit the road this year
41- Be taken aback (v.p) Thấy bất ngờ
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=> to be very surprised at/about something

E.g. She was taken aback by her son's strong opposition to her remarriage.
42- sympathize (v.) Cảm thông
=> sympathy (n.) : sự cảm thông
E.g. And at the end of the trip, I learned how to sympathize more with the difficulties of
people in different living conditions.
43- Join hands (v.p) Chung tay
E.g. We should join hands to mitigate the poverty in those areas in every possible way.
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1- Demographics (n.) số liệu thống kê dân số
E.g. The demographics shows a remarkable increase in the world population in the past few
2- hindsight (n.) sự nhận thức muộn sau khi sự việc đã xảy ra
E.g. With hindsight, the teacher realizes that he taught a wrong lesson.
3- implication = consequence (n.) kết quả có thể xảy ra của một hành động hoặc
quyết định
E.g. Contracting HIV is the most negative implication of heroin injection.
4- Isolation = separation (n): sự cô lập
E.g. Isolation from managers can make CEOs suffer from a lot of stress.
5- joint venture (n.) liên doanh
E.g. My company will establish a joint venture with a partner from Japan next year.
6- modernisation (n.) hiện đại hoá
E.g. There has been a huge modernisation of the audio player since it was invented.
7- multiculturalism (n.) đa văn hoá
E.g. Many different groups of immigrants contributed to the multiculturalism of American
8- statistic (n.) thống kê
E.g. According to official statistics, the elderly make up 38% of the population.
9- exotic = foreign (adj.) ngoại lai
E.g. The local people found exotic guests very strange and bizarre.
10- productive= fruitful (adj.) có năng suất
E.g. The farmer succeeded in growing productive fruit trees.
11- sceptical = doubtful (adj.) hoài nghi
E.g. The recruiter is deeply skeptical about Tom’s résumé because it is too good to be true.
12- subsequent = follow (adj.) xảy ra sau
E.g. Diarrhea is usually subsequent to eating too much at once.
13- diminish = decrease (v.) giảm bớt, thu nhỏ
E.g. The total area of forests has diminished remarkably over recent years.
14- dominate (v.) chiếm ưu thế
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E.g. The US army has dominated the battle thanks to modern technique.
15- dwindle = decrease (v.) suy yếu dần
E.g. His company’s market share has dwindled gradually since his competitor launched a
new line of products.
16- merge = combine (v.) kết hợp
E.g. In my opinion, a laptop is simply a computer merged with a bag.
17- migrate (v.) di trú
E.g. Millions of birds migrate south when winter is coming.
18- moisture (n.p.) độ ẩm
E.g. Moisture has different effects on different products, influencing the final quality of the
19- Align /əˈlaɪn/ (v.) điều chỉnh, căn chỉnh
=> Alignment (n.) Sự điều chỉnh
=> be in alignment with (v.p.) Phù hợp với
E.g. Fluctuations in heat and moisture make it hard to align different colours on paper.
20- Take up = occupy (v.) chiếm lấy
E.g. The old designs of electronic devices took up a lot of space due to their large size.
21- Take off = Become popular (v.p.) Trở nên phổ biến
E.g. The new product really took off after being employed by the famous actors.
22- Put out (v.p.) = Publish (v.) đưa ra, công bố
E.g. The environmentalist started putting out a different message about the use of air-
conditioning devices.
23- widespread /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ = common (adj.) Phổ biến rộng rãi
E.g. Home electric networks for data transmission come into widespread use these days.
24- regard (v.) = consider (v.) Coi như, xem như
E.g. To start with, people regarded air-conditioning devices as an indivisible part of modern
25- output (n.) Sản lượng, số lượng sản phẩm tạo ra, công suất
E.g. We have tripled our output over the past two years thanks to installing more modern
devices to the factory.
26- efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃ.ə (n.) hiệu suất
=> efficient (adj.) Có hiệu quả, có hiệu suất cao
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E.g.: The use of high-speed machinery improved the efficiency of the factory.
27- Contributor /kənˈtrɪb.jə.tər/ (n.) yếu tố, người đóng góp
=> Contribute (v.) Góp phần
=> Contribution (n.) Sự đóng góp
E.g.: Air conditioning is regarded as the single most important contributor to efficiency in
28- critic /ˈkrɪt.ɪk/ (n.p.) Người phê bình, chỉ trích
E.g.: According to some critics, modern facilities are factors in global warming.
29- luxury /ˈlʌk.ʃər.i/ (n.) Hàng xa xỉ
E.g. In the past, electronic devices such as computers and printers were considered luxury.
30- Come in handy (idm.) = useful (a.) Hữu dụng
E.g.: These days, with the rapid development of technology, a mobile phone comes in very
handy on a regular basis.
31- Leave st off (idm.) Bỏ ra khỏi
E.g.: I am so addicted to my smart phone that I cannot leave my hands off it.
32- Gadget (n.) = tool = device (n.) Thiết bị
=> Hi-fi gadget (n.p.): Thiết bị công nghệ cao
E.g. : My smart phone is the first hi-fi gadget that I received as a present.
33- Economical = saving (a.) Tiết kiệm
=> Economic (a .) Thuộc về kinh tế
=> Economy (n.) Nền kinh tế, sự tiết kiệm
E.g. : These days, with the development of technology, everybody can possess a hi-fi gadget
with an economical price.
34- Portable = Handy (adj.) Có thể mang theo
E.g.: The phone's ultra compact design makes it extremely portable and practical.
35- Integrate /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪt/ = combine (v.) Tích hợp
E.g.: A hi-fi phone is not only portable but also integrated with a variety of useful functions
for daily needs.
36- Get updated (v.p.) Cập nhật
E.g.: Owning a mobile phone enables people to get updated with the latest information.
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37- Academic growth (n.p.) Sự phát triển trong việc học

E.g.: Mobile phones play a vital role in achieving good academic growth.
=> Achieve academic growth (phr.)
38- Productivity application (n.p.) Ứng dụng giúp cải thiện năng suất làm việc
E.g.: Since I got my new smart phone, I find the productivity applications in it really helpful
in my studying.
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1- Decline = decrease (n.) sự suy sụp
E.g: There has been a gradual decline in the forest area of Vietnam.
2- Disaster = catastrophe (n.) thảm hoạ
E.g. The disaster destroyed the whole city and killed thousands of people.
3- ecological balance (n.) cân bằng sinh thái
E.g. Over-exploiting forest resources will harm the ecological balance of our country.
4- evolution (n.) sự tiến hoá
E.g. The human figure has changed dramatically throughout human evolution.
5- extinction (n.) sự tuyệt chủng
E.g. It is said that a crash of a large meteorite with the Earth was the primary cause of
dinosaur extinction.
6- fauna (n.) hệ động vật
E.g. This jungle has a very rich and diverse fauna.
7- flora (n.) hệ thực vật
E.g. Thanks to the conservation program, the flora of Nam Cat Tien National Park still
remains rich.
8- vegetation (n.) thảm thực vật
E.g. The vegetation is lush on the Gálapagos Islands.
9- genetics (n.) di truyền học
E.g. The genetic experts are conducting a delicate experiment.
10- habitat (n.) môi trường sống
E.g. Animals live more comfortably in their natural habitat.
11- pesticide = insecticide (n.) thuốc trừ sâu
E.g. Using too much pesticide will poison our crops instead of protecting them.
12- predator (n.) = hunter (n.) thú săn mồi
E.g. Tiger is one of the most powerful predators in the animal kingdom.
13- prey = victim (n.) con mồi
E.g. The big bear is attacking its prey cruelly.
14- scent = aroma (n.) mùi (thơm)
E.g.Insects are actually attracted by the scent of flowers.
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15-arid (adj.) =dry (adj.) khô hạn

E.g.People living in arid regions are suffering from water scarcity.
16- domesticated (adj.) =tame (adj.) đã thuần hoá
E.g. ‘Don’t worry! Lions in the circus have been domesticated, they won’t eat you’.
17- endangered (adj.) =threatened (adj.) có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
E.g.The giant panda is an endangered species. There are just about 2,000 individuals living
in the wild.
18- vulnerable (adj) =exposed (adj.) dễ bị tấn công
E.g.New born deers are often vulnerable to attack.
19- adapt (v.) =acclimatize(v.) thích nghi
E.g.Tom is very healthy, which is why he can adapt to all kinds of weather.
20- combat (v.) =fight (v.)chiến đấu
E.g.The government has invested a great deal of effort in combating illegal dumping.
21- cultivate (v.) =farm (v.)trồng trọt
E.g.Mr. Robert cultivates some vegetables such as cabbage, carrot, and so on in the garden.
22- eradicate (v.) = destroy (v.)tiêu diệt, xoá bỏ
E.g.We need to eradicate illegal hunting to protect wild animals.
23- useless (adj.) vô dụng
E.g.It is useless to irrigate the dead tree, it will never come alive again.
24- vital (adj.) = essential(adj.) cần cho sự sống
E.g. Human beings cannot grow strong and healthy without vital factors such as water,
food, vitamins.
25- worthwhile (adj.) =useful(adj.) quan trọng
E.g.Water, light, fertilizer and beneficial insects are worthwhile to tree growth.
26- confront (v.) = face (v.) đương đầu
27- dump (v.) = discard ( v.) vứt bỏ
E.g.Dumping rubbish on the streets will degrade our environment.
28- inevitably (adv.) = surely (adv.) chắc chắn
E.g.Inevitably, this small tree will grow into a giant one in 10 years.
29- Breed /brɪːd/ (v.) Sinh sản
=> Breeding (n.): Sự sinh sản
=> Breeding area/ site/ ground(v.p.) Khu vực sinh sản
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E.g.The area between the thick layers of ice and the underwater ocean is a potential
breeding ground for a host of bacteria.
30- Record /ˈrek.ɔːd/ (n.) Kỉ lục
=> Set a record for (v.p.) Lập kỷ lục
E.g.The 35 players who beat par in the first round set a record, beating the 33 who did it in
31- Migrate /maɪˈɡreɪt/ (v.) Di trú, di cư
=> emigrate # immigrate (v.): Nhập cư
=> Migration (n.) Sự di cư
E.g. In September, these birds migrate 2,000 miles south to a warmer climate.
32- Spot (v.) nhận thấy
E.g.A resident spotted a whale stranded on and notified the environmentalists.
33- Sighting (n.) Trường hợp được thấy (của một điều gì đó)
E.g. This is the first sighting of this particularly rare fish in this country.
34- Underside (n.) Bên dưới= bottom (n.)
E.g.The shark's mouth is usually on the underside with the exception of the whale shark and
some carpet sharks.
35- Distinctive (a.) Rõ ràng
E.g. The whale has a very distinctive call.
36- Hostile (a.) Khó khăn, khắc nghiệt
E.g. The Southern Ocean near the Antarctic is a hostile environment
37- Shift /ʃɪft/ (v.) Đổi hướng, thay đổi
E.g. As more countries have continued to become more developed, the interests of the world
have slowly started to shift.
38- Tracking /ˈtræk.ɪŋ/ (n.) Việc theo dõi, lần theo
E.g.Scientists can do more research on long-distance animals on the ocean thanks to satellite
39- An array of /əˈreɪ/ (n.p.) Một sự đa dạng về
= a variety of (n.p.)
= a wide range of (n.p.)
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E.g.During the trip I had a chance to see an array of tropical species.

40- Awareness (n.) Nhận thức
=> Grow/ Raise/ Increase awareness of (v.p.) Nâng cao nhận thức về
E.g.During the trip, not only did I get to see an array of tropical species but I also grow my
awareness of endangered animals.
41-In proximity /prɔk'siməti/ (prep.p.)Trong cự li gần
E.g. Seeing the wild animals in proximity, I found myself more and more interested in
learning about Mother Nature.
42-Foreseeable (a.) Có thể thấy trước được, có thể đoán được
E.g. Asian Tigers seemed to be at an all-time low now and may become extinct in
the foreseeable future.
43-Intimidating /ɪnˈtɪm.ɪ.deɪ.tɪŋ/ = Frightening (a.) Đáng sợ
E.g.No matter how intimidating animals may look, they are still very vulnerable in front of
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1- ability = capability (n.): khả năng
E.g. With his exceptional ability, Peter won all the competitions that he took part in.
2- abstract = intangible (adj.) trừu tượng
E.g. Pablo Picasso is very well-known for his abstract art.
3- adolescent (n.) thanh niên
E.g. Adolescents tend to be very competitive. They always want to be better than the others.
4- cognitive (adj.) liên quan đến nhận thức
E.g. The serious accident caused him cognitive problems and memory loss.
5- consequence = result (n.) hậu quả, hệ quả
E.g. Unhealthy eating habits can lead to serious health consequences.
6- clumsy = awkward (adj.): hậu đậu, vụng về
E.g. He is so clumsy that he hurts himself while riding a bicycle.
7- fond = keen (adj.): hứng thú, thích thú
E.g. Peter is very fond of pop music. He listens to it everyday.
8- gesture = motion (n.) cử chỉ
E.g. In the round of the game, you can just use your gestures to describe the words to your
9- imitate = copy (v.) bắt chước
E.g. ‘Don’t imitate what we do on this TV show at home’.
10- infancy (n.) tuổi thơ ấu
E.g. Chandler has a younger brother who is in his infancy.
11- irresponsible (adj.) vô trách nhiệm
E.g. The irresponsible guy made a mess in the kitchen and ran away.
12- mature (adj.) trưởng thành
E.g. Peter is a young man mature beyond his years.
13- milestone = landmark (n.) cột mốc đáng nhớ
E.g. The athlete considers winning the Olympic gold medal as a milestone in his career.
14- patient = enduring (adj) kiên nhẫn
E.g. You have to be very patient in order to solve this puzzle.
15- peer (n.) đồng trang lứa
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E.g. Jimmy always wants to be better than his peers.

16- rebellious = insurgent (adj.) nổi loạn
E.g. The company’s ridiculous policy made me become rebellious and quit.
17- reminisce =recall (n.) hồi tưởng, nhớ lại
E.g. The old man reminisced about his glorious youth.
18- significant = important (adj.) quan trọng
E.g. It is significant to wear warm clothes in wintertime.
19- stage = period (n.) giai đoạn
E.g. The CEO was just a petty employee in the early stages of his career.
20- typically (adv.) một cách điển hình
E.g. Typically, Peter was late for class because he overslept.
21- visualise = imagine (v.) hình dung, mường tượng
E.g. Sometimes you can visualise what you want to do but you just can’t do it.
22- First-of-it-kinds (a.) Đầu tiên
E.g. In the first study of its kind, neuroscientists have pinpointed the brain circuits that
underlie unrealistic optimism.
23- Finding (n.) Các kết luận từ bài nghiên cứu
E.g. Our findings show that people would work more efficiently if they were allowed to have
enough sleep.
24- Implication (v.) Hàm ý, điều suy ra
E.g. Our findings have practical implications for many people from children to adult people.
25- Principal (a.) = major = primary (a.) Chính
E.g. The principal aim of this meeting is to discuss the practical implications of our findings
for people's health.
26- Muddle (v.) Làm rối tung, làm lộn xộn
E.g. It is easy to muddle things in our mind if we do not have enough sleep.
27- Participant (n.) Người tham gia
E.g. The colleague then informed the experimenter of the participant number and resealed
the envelope.
28- Conduct an experiment (v.p.) Thực hiện một thí nghiệm
E.g. We are conducting an experiment to find out how sleep can affect our memory.
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29- suspect (v.) Nghi ngờ

E.g. Medical investigators suspect the outbreak was caused by bacteria in the water supply.
30- Acquire (v.) Tiếp thu, lính hội
E.g. Despite these efforts, neither of the two were able to acquire federal aid for the
improvement of infrastructure.
31- Be prone to (a.) Dễ hướng về
E.g. If you train back all the time but never chest, you may be prone to shoulder and pectoral
injuries because of the imbalance.
32- given (det.) Bàn về, căn cứ vào
E.g.: Given such events , I am sure the puppet government will
yield to the people.
33- Vivid /'vivid/ (a.) Sâu sắc, rõ ràng
E.g. Until now, I still have a vivid memory of the rebellious fight with my parents when I was
a kid.
34- immerse in /i'mə:s/ (v.) Đắm chìm vào
E.g.: I absolutely forgot to pick up my brother at school when I totally immersed myself in
playing video games.
35- Ground (v.) Phạt
E.g. Having forgotten to pick up my brother at school, I was being grounded by my parents.
36- Enduring /in'djuəriη/ (adj.) Bền bỉ, lâu dài, ăn sâu
E.g. The memory of my immature action of leaving the house after being grounded is
37- Come flooding back (v.p.) Lùa về (kí ức)
E.g. Both my parents fell sick after a sleepless night searching for me, which broke my heart
whenever this memory came flooding back.
38 – Serve S.O well (v.p.) Giúp ai đó nhiều, có lợi ích cho ai đó
E.g. I learned this lesson the hard way and it has still served me well in life.
39- Cross my mind (v.p.) Nghĩ tới trong đầu
E.g. It has never crossed my mind that I would learn that lesson the hard way when I was
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1- Controversy =dispute (n.) sự tranh cãi
E.g. There was a big controversy among students over the bizarre artwork.
2- Dissertation = thesis (n.) luận văn
E.g. The student is upholding his dissertation in front of the professors.
3- Finding = data (n.) thông tin được tìm thấy
E.g. The survey’s findings gave us some insight into customer needs.
4- grant (n.) tiền thưởng, trợ cấp
E.g. We decided to award a grant to poor students who got good grades.
5- Funding (n.) tiền quỹ
E.g. My team received funding for our scientific research.
6- Learning disorder = learning disability (n.): chứng không học được
E.g. It’s hard for Tommy to understand the lesson because he has a learning disorder.
7- prodigy = whizz-kid: thần đồng
E.g. My son is a child prodigy in mathematics.
8- scholarship (n.) học bổng
E.g. The poor student won a full scholarship to study at Harvard.
9- scope = range (n.) phạm vi
E.g. Everybody is surprised at his wide scope of mathematical knowledge.
10- syllabus = outline (n.) đề cương khoá học
E.g. According to the syllabus, I have to read many difficult books.
11- tuition = school fee (n.) học phí
E.g. I went to the office of academic affairs to submit my tuition.
12- eligible = appropriate (adj.) đủ tư cách
E.g. In Viet Nam, you are eligible to vote when you are 18 years old.
13- studious = diligent (adj.) chăm chỉ
E.g. The studious student always comes to the library to study on the weekend.
14- neglect = disregard (v.) sao lãng, bỏ bê
E.g. David neglects his studies and just concentrates on how to make money.
15- Rough (adj.) Thô, nháp
E.g. She is making a rough outline of the essay.
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16- extract (v.) trích ra

E.g. If you only want a rough outline of the issue, skim the material quickly and extract the
key facts.
17- Fix one’s eyes on (idm.) = stare at (v.) Dán mắt vào
E.g. When you apply the chunking method in a paragraph, you will probably find that you
are fixing your eyes on a block of words.
18- individual = single = separate (adj.) Riêng biệt, tách rời
E.g. Using the chunking method mean that you are reading blocks of words at a time, not
individual words one by one.
19- instant (n.) Lúc, chốc lát
For an instance (adv.) Trong một khoảnh khắc
E.g.A skilled reader will read a lot of words in each block for an instant and will then move
20- comprehend (v.) Hiểu
=> Comprehension (n.) Sự hiểu, sự nhận thức
E.g.Normally, poor readers tend to dislike reading because they feel it is difficult to
comprehend written information.
21- Be engaged in = Take part in (v.p.) Tham gia, tìm hiểu thêm
E.g.In order to do improve reading speed effectively, a person must be engaged in the
material and want to know more
22- Volume (n.): Dung lượng
E.g.Chunking increases the volume of information that can be taken in over a given period of
23- engrossed in /ɪnˈɡrəʊst/ (adj.): say mê
Ex: The book, which I was engrossed in just last month, is a self-help book.
24- Recommend /ˌrek.əˈmend/ =propose= suggest (v.) Giới thiệu, đề nghị
E.g. This book, which I have been engrossed in just last month, is highly recommended for
young adults.
25- Cover (v.) Bao phủ, bao gồm
E.g.The book, which I was engrossed in just last month covers a large volume of practical
26- Intriguing /in'tri:giη/ (a.)Hấp dẫn, gây thích thú, ấn tượng
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E.g. Covering a large volume of practical experiences, the book really demonstrates some
intriguing facts of success.
27- Progress /ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ (n.) Sự tiến bộ
E.g. Thanks to the book, I made significant progress in understanding myself.
28- Efficient (a.)Có hiệu quả, có hiệu suất cao
E.g. Thanks to the book, I made significant progress in understanding myself and forming
efficient habits.
29- Well-rounded (a.)Toàn diện
E.g. In order to become a well-rounded person in this modern era, I have to improve myself
day by day.
30- Go the extra mile (idm.)Bỏ nhiều công sức
E.g.In order to become a well-rounded person in this modern era, I have been going extra
miles to improve myself day by day.
31- Tremendous (a.)Cực kì, to lớn
E.g. Reading books is of tremendous help to become a well-rounded person in this modern
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1- Accommodation (n.) nơi ăn ở
E.g. Peter chose this hotel as his accommodation on his business trip.
2- Adventurous (adj.) mạo hiểm, phiêu lưu
E.g. The adventurous traveler is climbing a dangerous cliff with no safety rope.
3- Attraction (n.) sự hấp dẫn
E.g. The travel agent is presenting the attraction of Sapa to his clients.
4- Budget (adj.) rẻ, không tốn nhiều tiến
E.g. The tour he wants to book becomes really budget thanks to the shocking discount
5- breathtaking = awesome (adj.) hấp dẫn, ngoạn mục
E.g. This adventure tour was such a breathtaking experience for tourists.
6- coastal (adj.) (thuộc) miền ven biển
E.g. Andrew enjoys going to coastal areas because of their pure atmosphere.
7- diverse = various (adj.) đa dạng
E.g. Our tourism products are very diverse. We can satisfy all customer needs.
8- eco-tourism (n.) du lịch sinh thái
E.g. Eco-tourism is the most interesting way for us to learn about our ecosystem.
9- flexible (adj.) linh hoạt, linh động
E.g. We provide the customers with flexible flight options so that they can book flights at
any time they want.
10- fluctuate = change (v.) dao động, thay đổi
E.g. The gold price fluctuates everyday. It makes people confused.
11- identification (n.) chứng minh nhân dân
E.g. Tourists have to show their identification at check-in before boarding the plane.
12- inhabitant (n.) người dân, dân cư
E.g. Foreign tourists are welcomed warmly by the inhabitants of the village.
13- itinerary (n.) hành trình
E.g. His itinerary from Ho Chi Minh city to Hanoi seems too long and tiring.
14- landscape = scenery (n.) phong cảnh
E.g. Once you visit Sapa, you will be attracted by its breathtaking landscape.
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15- luggage = baggage (n.) hành lý

E.g. Andrew regretted that he carried too much luggage for this trip.
16- luxurious = deluxe (adj.) xa xỉ, sang trọng
E.g. Peter stays at a luxurious spa resort on his summer vacation.
17- mountainous (adj.) có núi, có nhiều núi
E.g. Exploring the mountainous regions of Vietnam is a wonderful experience.
18- peaceful = serene (adj.) bình yên, hoà bình
E.g. My grandfather and I used to go fishing at this peaceful lake.
19- picturesque (adj.) đẹp như tranh
E.g. This village is one of the most picturesque fishing villages in the bay.
20- polluted = contaminated (adj.) bị ô nhiễm
E.g. The tourist is surprised at how polluted this place is.
21- scenic (adj.) tuyệt đẹp
E.g. If we travel by train, we can enjoy the scenic route from Ho Chi Minh city to Hanoi.
22- stunning = marvelous (adj.) tuyệt vời, lộng lẫy
E.g. Peter was totally impressed by the stunning view of the sunset.
23- tough = sturdy (adj.) bền bỉ, dai sức
E.g. In spite of his age, the old trekker is still tougher than his young fellows.
24- trend = tendency (n.) xu hướng
E.g. Organising outdoor activities for employees is a current trend in team building.
25- Downturn /'dɒʊntɜ: n/ (n.) Sự suy sụp (kinh tế)
Economic downturn (n.) Suy thoái kinh tế
E.g. The global economic downturn caused the decrease in the number of visitors to the
26- Fragile /‘frædʒail/ (adj.) Mỏng manh, dễ vỡ
E.g. More people than ever are landing at fragile sites, with light aircraft and helicopters.
27- Regulation /,regju'lei∫n/ (n.) Quy định, luật lệ
E.g. Safety regulations are being ignored by company managers in the drive to increase
28- Adopt /ə'dɔpt/ (v.) Chấp nhận, thông qua
E.g. At the meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, the 28 member nations adopted suggestions for
limits to tourist numbers to the poles.
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29- Proposal /prə'pouzl/ (n.) Kiến nghị, đề xuất

E.g. At the meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, the 28 member nations adopted proposals for
limits to tourist numbers to the poles.
30- Ashore /ə'∫ɔ:/ (adv.) Hướng tới bờ
E.g. The proposals limit the number of passengers going ashore on the poles to a maximum
of 100 at any one time.
31- Acknowledge /ək'nɔlidʒ/ (v.) Công nhận, thừa nhận
E.g. The government has acknowledged that climate change is a problem but it has failed
to grasp the scale of the problem.
32- Coverage (n.) Việc đưa tin tức về sự kiện,
phạm vi phủ sóng
E.g. Sometimes it seems that associated media coverage of an event is inversely
proportional to its true importance.
33- Plight /plait/ (n.) Hoàn cảnh khó khăn
E.g. The suffering polar bear has become a symbol of a warming world, its plight – a
warning that the clock is ticking.
34- emerging /ɪˈmɜː.dʒɪŋ/ (adj.) Đang nổi, mới nổi
E.g. We decided to have an eco-tour to an emerging spot near our hometown.
35- Establish (v.) Thành lập, thiết lập
E.g. The emerging destination has recently been established to the public.
36- Retreat (n.) Chuyến nghỉ dưỡng
E.g. The coastal village has been established to the public, so we decided to give it a try as a
retreat after a hardworking semester.
37- Overlook (v.) Nhìn ra
E.g. On our last trip, we chose to stay in a quaint cottage which overlooked the sea.
38- Delicacy /'delikəsi/ (n.) Đồ ăn ngon, cao lương mỹ vị
E.g. A helpful inhabitant showed us around the city for sightseeing and enjoying the local
39- Sense of community (n.p.) Cảm giác hòa nhập vào
cộng đồng
E.g. I could feel a strong sense of community which existed in the lifestyles of residents in
this village.
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40- Hospitable (adj.) Hiếu khách

E.g. The villagers were very hospitable towards anyone who passed through.
41- Wash away (v.p.) Cuốn trôi
E.g. The unspoilt environment of the village was so breathtaking that it washed away all
the stress in us.
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