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Practical Research 2

Research Questions,
Scope, & Delimitations
Week 4
Steps in developing a
research question:
1. Choose an interesting general topic. Even
directed academic research should focus on a
topic in which the writer is at least somewhat
personally invested.

2.Do some preliminary research on your general

topic. Do a few quick searches in current
periodicals and journals on your topic to see what’s
already been done and to help you narrow your
focus. What questions does this early research
Steps in developing a
research question:
3. Consider your audience. For most college
papers, your audience will be academic, but always
keep your audience in mind when narrowing your
topic and developing your question. Would that
particular audience be interested in this question?

4. Start asking questions. Taking into consideration

all of the above, start asking yourself open-ended
“how” and “why” questions about your general
Steps in developing a
research question:

5. Evaluate your question. After enlisting the

questions, evaluate these questions to realize if
they would be effective research questions, or if
they need more revisions (Creswell, 2012).
Research Title: Writing Proficiency Level of Grade 11 HUMSS
Students: Basis for Contextualized Teaching-Learning Module

Research Questions:

1.What is the writing proficiency level of Grade 11 HUMSS students

in terms of:
a. grammar;
b. mechanics; and
c. organization?

2.What contextualized teaching-learning module can be

designed on the least developed writing skill/s of Grade 11 HUMSS
students?; and

3. What is the validity level of the module?

Scope of the Study
The scope of study in the thesis or research paper
contains the explanation of what information or
subject is being analyzed. It is followed by an
explanation of the limitation of the research.
Research usually limited in scope by sample size,
time and geographic area.
Sample Scope of the Study
Research Title: A Correlation between the Personalities of
Students and Their Mothers based on The Big Five Indicator

The research includes a detailed definition and profound

examples of the different types of personalities according to the Big
Five Indicator. A test was given to the students under HUMSS strand
of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila and their respective
mothers, with the results classifying them in the different types as
stated by the Big Five Indicator. The strand was the result of the
fishbowl method of selecting participants. The research also
discussed an analysis on the results of the test, with the researchers
identifying whether or not the personalities of the students and their
respective mothers have a correlation.
Delimitation of the Study

The delimitation of study is the description of the

scope of study. It will explain why definite aspects of
a subject were chosen and why others were
excluded. It mentions the research method used as
well as the certain theories that applied to the data
(Esposito, 2002).
Sample Delimitations of the Study
Research Title: A Correlation between the Personalities of
Students and Their Mothers based on The Big Five Indicator

The paper, however, would not include the types of personalities

that were not mentioned by the Big Five Indicator as they will be in
conflict with the sources that the researchers would use. The
research also excluded the college students of the Pamantasan ng
Lungsod ng Maynila and the remaining strands that were not
picked during the selection. The research does not entirely speak for
the respondents' personalities as some theories suggest that
individuals can develop traits and habits that differ or even directly
contradict the description of their type.
Significance of the Study

To state the significance of the study, it is important

to keep in mind the people or organizations and how
they woud benefit from it. The study is supposed to
have an impact on specific groups of people outside
the respondents like researchers and interest
groups. The order of significance can be determined
in terms of effect, impact. or benefit the study has on
specific group or population.
Sample Significance of the Study
Research Title: A Correlation between the Personalities of Students
and Their Mothers based on The Big Five Indicator
Each person has a unique personality, but it can be collectively categorized in general types, as stated by the Big
Five personalities. The following are those who the researchers believe would benefit from this paper:

Children. This study may help them to be aware of their own personalities. Upon knowing this, they may be able
to be more conscious of their actions and improve those who they think are not good.

Mothers. This research would help families by giving them initial information about their tested personalities.
Upon analyzing the results, they would also know if the children's personalities have a direct relation to their
mothers. This paper would be able to contribute information regarding the topics of family-inherited

Psychology researchers. This study wishes to help future researchers who would want to study about the
personalities within different families.

Teachers. This research would be able to help them in dealing with the different types of their students. Through
this, the teachers would know how to properly educate and mold them based on their strengths and
Definition of Terms

The important terms used in the study need to be

defined clearly with precision to avoid any
confusion. There are certain terms used in everyday
undertaking that need to be defined technically in
the study to rid of other possible meanings as
commonly attributed to them. A term can be
defined in two possible ways: (1) theoretical
definition and (2) operational definition.
Definition of Terms

Theoretical Definition: It describes the terms according to

how they mean based on what the commonly accepted
understanding found in encyclopedia, dictionary, and
other studies.
Operational Definition: Describes the terms based on
how they are used in the study. The terms may take on the
details of the study and defined accordingly. Defining the
term operationally does not mean coining a new meaning
to a term, but only making it specific to the study.
Definition of Terms
It is important to note that the meanings of terms used in the
study are credible and authoritative and not derived from
mere personal understandings.

The terms to be defined include only those that are critical to

better appreciate the study. These are the terms found in the
title, statement of the problem or objectives, literature review,
and methodology. The initial list of terms may be revised as
the study progresses to include technical terms peculiar to the
Sample Definition of Terms
Research Title: A Correlation between the Personalities of Students and Their Mothers
based on The Big Five Indicator
This section aims is to give definitions to certain terminologies mentioned in the research, according on how it was
used in the paper.

Students they are the one that the researchers used as the sample of the research
Mothers they are also used as the sample of the research
Personality refers to the person’s qualities that make a person different from another person
Personality Types it is the characteristic or the traits that a person can have
Introversion this refers to one of the preferences of a person that deals with information, explanations or beliefs, or “ in
the inner world”
Openness it refers to the imagination and insights of a person
Conscientiousness it described the standard features that is focused on the high levels of thoughtfulness, good
impulse control and goal-oriented behavior
Extroversion refers to the excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional
expressiveness of a person.
Agreeableness it tells how individuals get along to others.
Neuroticism it the trait that is categorized by sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability
OCEAN refers to the five personalities as defined by the big five personalities as defined by the big five personality
Directions: Refer to the study that you have been trying to build
in the previous lessons. Come up with the statement of the
problem, scope and delimitation, significance of the study,
and definition of terms.

Format is on the next slide.

For SOP, formulate at least 3 questions that you intend to

elucidate at the end of your study.

Deadline: September 21, 2023 — 15:00

Font: TNR, size 12 Spacing: double Margin: Normal: 1” all sides
Name of Members______ Section: ___ Date___
Research topic: _________
Research title: __________

Statement of the

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


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