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How to disable Random MAC setting on your device

Following steps may be followed to disable Random MAC setting on your device (based on device OS):

To disable the random MAC setting on Android, follow these steps:
1. Open the Settings app.
2. Tap on Network & Internet.
3. Tap on Wi-Fi.
4. Tap on the gear icon next to the Wi-Fi network that you want to disable random MAC for.
5. Tap on Advanced options.
6. Toggle off the Randomize MAC address switch.

To disable the random MAC setting on iOS, follow these steps:
1. Open the Settings app.
2. Tap on Wi-Fi.
3. Tap on the  icon next to the Wi-Fi network that you want to disable random MAC for.
4. Toggle off the Private Address option.

To disable the random MAC setting on macOS, follow these steps:
1. Open the System Preferences app.
2. Click on Network.
3. Select the Wi-Fi network that you want to disable random MAC for.
4. Click on the Advanced button.
5. Click on the Hardware tab.
6. Toggle off the Randomize MAC address switch.

Windows 10
To disable the random MAC setting on Windows 10, follow these steps:

1. Right-click on the Start button and select Settings.

2. Click on Network & Internet.
3. Click on Wi-Fi.
4. Click on Manage known networks.
5. Select the Wi-Fi network that you want to disable random MAC for and click on Properties.
6. Click on the Security tab.
7. Under Private network settings, toggle off the Use random hardware addresses (MAC) option.
8. Click on OK.

Windows 11
To disable the random MAC setting on Windows 11, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Start button and type "settings". Click on Open next to the Settings app.
2. Click on Network & Internet.
3. Click on Wi-Fi.
4. Click on the network that you want to disable random MAC for.
5. Click on Properties.
6. Click on the Advanced network settings link.
7. Click on Private network settings.
8. Under Use random hardware addresses (MAC), toggle off the switch.
9. Click on Save.

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