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PERIOD  Manila
 Nueva Caceres (Naga)
Two Periods in Spanish Colonial Government  Nueva Segovia (Lal-lo, Cagayan)
 Villa Fernandina (Vigan)
a. Philippine as a Province of Mexico  Arevalo (Iloilo)
-Viceroy of Mexico- Gov.Gen. of the Frailocracia
Philippines  There was unity between government
-Real Situado- the amount allocated by and church
Mexico to help defray the cost of  Even though the governor general is the
running the Philippine colonial most powerful man in the Philippines,
government their tenure was short-lived
 The friars are the most powerful in the
b. Direct colony of Spain (1821-1898) Philippines because they used religion
-Consejo de Indias-Ministerio de to control the people.
Ultramar (1863)
Unity of church and state
The Governor General - Power and Privileges Dioses of Manila (1578)- proclaimed by Pope
 Chief Executive Gregory XII, the first bishop is Domingo Salazar,
 Captain General of the Army OP.
 President of Audencia Real Archdioces Of Manila (1595)- raises by Pope
 Serves as Vice Royal Patron Clement VIII, the first archbishop is Ignacio De
 Has power of Cumplase and can issue a Santibanez, OFM.
Decreto Superior
 Has a Salary of 40,000 a Year Bishops and archbishops that act as governor
Check to the abuses of Governador General 1. Archb. Francisco De La Cuesta (1719-21)
2. B. Juan De Arechederra (1745-50)
 Residencia- an investigation to high 3. B. Lino De Espeleta (1759-61)
officials of the government after they 4. Archb. Manuel Antonio Rojo (1761-62)
finish their term.
 Visita- secret investigation conducted by Roman Catholic Was the State Religion
the Spanish government against their The Priest Had Enormous Power: They oversaw
colonial officials. the
 Audencia Real  election of Gobernadorcillo
 Archbishop  education
 Complaint from the people  charitable works
 morality of the people
Government Officials/Local Government Under  collection of taxes.
Spanish rule
1. Governor General-highest official in the Social Structure during the Spanish Period
Philippines 1. Peninsulares
2. Insulares
2. Provinces 3. Indio
 Alcaldias-the provinces that was already 4. Sangley
controlled by the Spaniards (alcalde-
mayor was the official) Philippine society was predominantly
 Corregimientos-those provinces that did feudalistic
not yet accept Christianity and Spanish Master-Slave
rule (corrigidores was the official)  The poor became poorer and the rich
3. Cities-among the earliest cities that were
Peninsulares Didn’t know how to write
 Liempieza de Sangre” (Pure Blood)  Cruz or Dela Cruz

Spanish Insulares Late registrants

 “Hijos del Pais” (Son of the Country)  Capri, Demagiba, Dimatoto, Boto, Nana,
Spanish Mestizos
 Spanish Father and Indio Mother Members of illustrado
 Gatdula, Gatbonton
Mestizo de Sangleyes
 Spanish-Chinese Parent Did not bother to registered
 Macapagal, Dimaano, Kalaw, Batong
Mestizos Indios Bakal
 Chinese-Indio Parents
Education During the Spanish Period
“Lempieza de Sangre”  Principales- powerful members of
Peninsulares can still belittle the wealthy Indios, society who owned huge tracks of land
Chinese or mestizo merchants or ”bestias  Ilustrado- the educated class in the
cargadas de oro” (beast laden with gold) or society
“Perras Mercantiller”(Merchant Dogs)  The during the first phase of Spanish
occupation, education is only for the
Indios – Native of the Country Spaniards but there was an education
Indios Natural – considered today’s Filipino reform in 1863
Plain Indios  Basic subjects- reading, arithmetic,
Infieles (salvajes, remontados, ladrones, writing, and religion.
tulisanes, and barbaros)
Indio Sangley – It is the lowest within the social Higher Institutions of Education Men
structure.  Colegio De San Ignacio (Jesuits) 1589
 Colegio De San Ildefonso (University of
Domingo Salazar San Carlos) 1601
 First bishop of Manila  Colegio De Nuestra Senora Del
 He saw to it that the abuses of the Santissimo Rosario (UST) 1611
encomiendero towards the indio will  Escuela Pia (Ateneo) 1817
come to the attention of the king
 August 9 1589- king Philip II issued a Higher Institutions of Education Women
royal decree for the emancipation of  Colegio De Santa Potenciana 1591
slaves  Colegio De Santa Isabel 1632
 1694 Beaterio De La Compana De Jesus
Regular (friars) priest  1696 Beaterio De Sta. Catalina
1.Augustinian (OSA-1565)  Colegio Dela Concordia 1869
2. Franciscan (OFM-1577)
3. Jesuits (SJ-1581) Illustration Of Education System of The
4. Dominicans (OP-1587) Philippines
5Recollects (OFMrec_1606)  Giving to much attention to the religion
 Old style of teaching
Changing surname  Lack of materials in teaching
 Did not provide primary education
The surnames of the Filipinos indicates that we  Absence of academic freedom
are easily colonized by the Spaniards  Corporal punishments were tolerated
Narciso Claveria- issued an order to change the  Friar’s control of education
surname of the Filipinos on November 21 1849
Educational Decree Of 1863 marked a
Spaniard’s surname milestone in the history of education in the
 Reyes, Perez, Sanchez Philippines under Spain. For the first time,
provisions were made for the establishment of REBELION
teacher training schools and for government - Sumuroy in Samar.
supervision of the public-school system.
The government in Spain issued Moret Decree – Trade monopoly of Spanish government
of 1870, which intended to secularize higher in importing and exporting different
education in the colony. The friars strongly products from within the country and
opposed the idea of government control over nearby country.
higher education in the Philippines – Trade between Manila and Acapulco
Economics under the Spain – It brought about the negligence on the
part of Spanish officials with regards to
TAXES the provinces and economic
It reminds us that we are under the mismanagement of the Philippines.
government of Spaniards
It brings about abuse like unfair value in BANDALA
assessing the amount of tax, unfair use of – Setting of quotas for compulsory sale of
scales, and being cruel to those persons who certain product to the government.
can’t afford to pay tax. – It is initiated by Sebastian Hurtado de
Corcuera in the 1640’s
ENCOMIENDA – Products were purchased at low prices
– vast track of land granted by the king of but resold it with huge profit.
Spain to the people who served loyally – Mostly it is loaned to the government by
to his government. farmers.
– - They cannot produce food crops so that
*Duties of Encomiendero many suffered
1. To protect all the subjects against its
2. To help the priest in propagate TRADE
3. To lead the education of the people. 1834
 Philippine openings to international
– All male aged 16-60 should serve the *Ports were opened:
government for 40 days in a given year. 1. Maynila 1834
– In 1884, it was reduced to 15 days. 2. Sual, Iloilo, Zamboanga 1865
– Some of the duties of the polistas was 3. Cebu 1860
constructing roads, churches, cutting of 4. Legaspi and Leyte 1873
trees, building galleons, and serving as
seaman and soldiers. 1888
– Can be exempted if you pay a fee called  Inauguration of the first telegraph in the
FALLA Philippine.
ABUSES  The first telephone line was established
- The income and the rice allowance were in Manila
not given. 1891
- Abandonment of their families  Inauguration of electricity and tranvia.
 Opening of railway between Manila-
DEATHS Dagupan.
- Cutting of trees in those days was very
- Fighting and joining expedition against
the enemy of Spain maybe fatal.
GOB.HEN.JOSE BASCO (1778-87) • Because of the opening of the ports and
development of middle class,
SOCIEDAD ECONOMICA DE LOS AMIGOS DEL revolutionary thoughts from the
PAIS (1781-1809) American and French revolution began
1. Helps a lot to modernize of agriculture. to penetrate. These ideas were found on
2. Planting of indigo, tea, cotton, poppy books and newspapers carried by ships
and mulberry. and were read by the principalia. It
3. Importations of martines and machinery includes the idea of Montesquieu,
of agriculture. Rousseau, Voltaire, Locke, Jefferson and
others philosophers that influence
MONOPOLY OF TABACCO (1782-1882) Filipinos to think on their helpless
1. The farmers of Cagayan, Ilocos, and situation.
Nueva Ecija were forced to plant • Charles de Secondat, Baron De
tobacco and to sell that crop to the Montesquieu (1689-1755)
2. It brings famine, abuses, and corruption. - Theory of separation of power among
- REAL COMPANIA DE FILIPINAS (1785- different branches of government
1834) • Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
• Francois Marie Arouet or Voltaire (1694-
– Obras Pias- Institution of charity - They advocate the freedom of religion,
managed by the church that lends freedom of expression and separation of
money to investors/businessman. church and state.
– Banco Rodriguez (1835)- First Bank • John Locke (1632-1704)
established in Philippines. - His contributions to classical
– Banco Espanol- Filipino (1851)- first republicanism and liberal theory
bank owned by the government,
currently known as Bank of the
Philippine Islands (BPI), the oldest 4. Opening of Suez Canal (1869)
existing bank in the country. - The Suez Canal has a length of 103 miles
and connects the Mediterranean and
The development of Filipino Nationalism- Red Sea, it was inaugurated on
Reasons November 17, 1869.
1. The opening of the Philippines - It shortens the traveling time to Europe
international trade (1834) from 90 days to 52 days.
 The opening of the ports had brought - Many European began to visit the
vast demand for Philippine products country, they brought with them the
such as rice, sugar, hemp, tabaco, liberal idea and also many Filipinos
indigo: wherein Filipinos and Chinese parents began to send their children to
mestizo improve their economic status. Europe.

2. The rise of the middle class 5. The Spanish revolution of 1868

• A new social class for Filipinos was • Isabela II was overthrown by a revolution
created known as Principalia. led by Juan Prim and Francisco Serrano.
• It includes former gobernadorcillo’s, • They appointed Carlos Ma. Dela Torre as
landowner, government employee and Gov. Gen. of the Philippines
teachers • Dela Torre in turn allow the freedom of
• This group motivated their children to the press, speech and the rights to
go to school or send them to Europe for assemble
their study.
6. Low regard to indios
• Filipinos must remove their hats
whenever they encounter Spaniards
• According to P. Miguel Lucio y
Bustamante, Filipinos are still look like
monkey even if they dressed in
European style. In addition, he opined
that the natives should not be separated
with their carabaos, they may think
rebellious ideas against Spain and the
• According to P. Gaspar de San Agustin,
the Filipinos are born hand in hand with

7. The issue of secularization

• Pope Pius V issued in 1567, at the
behest of Philip II a bull entitled, the
“Exponi Nobis” it allows the regular
priest to serve as parish priest while
bishops have no authority with them.
• In 18th century Archbishop Basilio Santa
Justa forced the resignation of these
regular priest.
• In November 19, 1774, the king
demanded that regular priest must turn
over their parish to the secular priest.
• The return of Jesuits worsened the
controversy because the parish occupied
by the secular priests were given to

Two of the leading figures of the

secularization issue

8. The revolt in Cavite on 1872

• The restoration of the monarchy in Spain
brought about the appointment of
Rafael de Izquierdo.
• 200 Filipino soldier from the Cavite
arsenal, launch a revolt under the
leadership of Fernando La Madrid on
Jan. 20, 1872.
• The death on Feb 17, 1872 of
GOMBURZA gave rise to the united
stand of Filipino against the rule of

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