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Submitted by

Duguta Vinaykumar
MBA 2019-21

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



5655, Central Express Way, Sector 24, Sri City, Andhra Pradesh


Behind any successful project, there are efforts of a number of people. This is to acknowledge
all those people who have helped me to complete this Internship and Report successfully and
gave me their valuable time, support and guidance to enhance my internship learnings and
I am grateful to “JMarathon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd.” For giving me such an opportunity
to gain knowledge and to gain real world corporate experience for solving my doubts on
numerous occasions and giving moral support to complete the project.

Executive Summary

JMarathon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. is a financial firm which provides Advisory Services,
Financial Services, Risk Management and Training & Education. The firm deals with the
Indian as well as the Forex market. The company provides Portfolio Management Services.

My Internship Report is “Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using
Technical Analysis” which is nothing but Understanding the different aspects of trading in
Forex market and Indian market by means of Technical Analysis while keeping an eye on

I have undertaken the training on fundamentals of Technical Analysis in Forex market.

Technical analysis involves different types of charts (Line chart, Bar Chart, and candlestick
chart), Candle Stick Patterns (Single, Double, Triple candlestick patterns), Support and
Resistance, Pivot Points, Indicators (Fibonacci series, RSI, Bollinger Bands, Moving
Average, Stochastic Oscillator) and different Strategies (Super Trend, Moving average

I have also been introduced to fundamental analysis and have been given a brief introduction
to the Indian stock market.

As an Intern in an investment firm, my project involved performing intra-day trading in

Forex market and also in Indian stock market.

The training which was given to me for the first month was very helpful for getting first-hand
knowledge of the Forex and the Indian Stock Market. The training also helped learn the tricks
of the trade involved in handling portfolios.

List of Tables

Table 1 Major currencies with symbols ................................................................................... 10

Table 2 Exotic currencies with symbols .................................................................................. 10
Table 3 Volume and Lot size ................................................................................................... 13
Table 4 Trades with Analysis .................................................................................................. 33

Figure 1 Methodology................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 Pip Movement ............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3 Spread .......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 Bullish Market ........................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 Bearish Market .......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Consolidated or Ranging Market ............................................................................... 13
Figure 7 Bullish and Bearish Candlestick ................................................................................ 15
Figure 8 Line Chart .................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 9 Bar Chart ................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 10 Candle Stick Chart ................................................................................................... 16
Figure 11 Hammer ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 Hanging Man ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13 Inverted Hammer ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 14 Horizontal Support .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 15 Horizontal Resistance .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 16 Buy Stop .................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 17 Buy Limit................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 18 Sell Stop................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19 Sell Limit ................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 20 Fibonacci Retracement ............................................................................................ 24
Figure 21 Relative Strength Index (RSI) ................................................................................. 26
Figure 22 Bollinger bands ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 23Moving Average ....................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24 Stochastic Oscillator ................................................................................................ 28
Figure 25 Crossing of Moving Averages ................................................................................. 29
Figure 26 Trades with Profit/Loss ........................................................................................... 32
Figure 27 Trade Forex Market………………………………………………………………..33
Figure 28 Trade Indian market……………………………………………………………….34
Figure 29 Trade with profits Indian market……………………………………………..…...34

Table of Content

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. i

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... ii

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ iii

Table of Content ..................................................................................................................................... v

1.1 Company profile ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.1 About JMarathon.................................................................................................................... 1

1.1.2 Core values of company ......................................................................................................... 1

1.1.3 Vision and Mission statement of JMarathon .......................................................................... 2

1.1.4 Services provided by JMarathon ............................................................................................ 2

1.2 Introduction of Trading ................................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Difference Between Investors and Traders ................................................................................... 3

1.4 Basics of Indian Stock Market ...................................................................................................... 3

1.4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3

1.4.2 NSE and BSE ......................................................................................................................... 4

1.4.3 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Introduction of Forex Market ........................................................................................................ 5

1.6 Objectives of Study ....................................................................................................................... 6

2. Basics of Forex Market ....................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Scope of Study .............................................................................................................................. 7

2.2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Introduction to Basic Terms .......................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Types of Currencies .................................................................................................................... 10

2.5 Types of Currency Pairs .............................................................................................................. 11

2.6 Commodities ............................................................................................................................... 11

2.7 Installation of Software Meta Trader 5 ....................................................................................... 12

2.8 Types of Markets ........................................................................................................................ 12

2.9 Volume and Lot Size…………………………………………………………………………... 13

3. Trading in Forex Market ................................................................................................................... 14

3.1 Technical Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 14

3.1.1 Introduction to Candlestick .................................................................................................. 14

3.1.2 Charts ................................................................................................................................... 15

3.1.3 Candlestick patterns ............................................................................................................. 16 Single Candlestick Patterns ........................................................................................... 17

3.1.4 Concept of Support and Resistance .................................................................................... 19

3.1.5 Pending Orders..................................................................................................................... 21

3.1.6 Application of Technical Indicators ..................................................................................... 24 Fibonacci Retracement .................................................................................................. 24 Pivot Points ................................................................................................................... 25 RSI Indicator ................................................................................................................. 25 Bollinger Bands ............................................................................................................ 26 Moving Average ........................................................................................................... 27 Stochastic Oscillator ..................................................................................................... 28

3.1.7 Strategies for Trading in the Forex Market .......................................................................... 29

3.2 Basics of Fundamental Analysis ................................................................................................. 29

3.3 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 31

4. Trades and Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 32

4.1 Trades Taken............................................................................................................................... 32

4.2 Analysis of Trades ...................................................................................................................... 33

4.3 Learnings .................................................................................................................................... 35

References ............................................................................................................................................. 36

Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

1. Introduction

1.1 Company profile

1.1.1 About JMarathon
JMarathon Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd. is financial firm which offers technology based
advisory services to their clients. In a highly volatile and continuously changing market, people
seek help of unbiased and qualified professionals to assist them in handling their portfolios in
order to achieve their financial goals. JMarathon assists their clients in achieving their long
term and short-term financial goals and also provides advisory services for their investments.
The company also provides help in wealth creation, wealth management, investment planning,
insurance, training & education, stock market.

JMarathon also focuses on trainings on Indian as well as on Forex market. Company provides
training and education facilities to individuals in an effective way and makes it simple for them
to understand the currency market and the Indian stock market. With years of experience and
in-depth knowledge of trading, professionals of JMarathon offer customized training programs.
Recently, the company has introduced a certified course on “Indian market and Forex market”.

1.1.2 Core values of company

1. Passion to Learn & Earn

Making money while learning as learning is a continuous and endless process.

2. Integrity

No shortage of analysis. Proper and deep analysis using different tools and techniques.

3. Pursuit of Excellence

Creating awareness by providing training and education

4. Accountability

Have tie-ups with domestic and international trading agencies.

5. Collaboration

Compliance & diligence with Regulators is on top priority.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

1.1.3 Vision and Mission statement of JMarathon

Vision Statement

“To become one of the most trusted and credible Advisory firm in the globe recognized by the
clients by providing best services which is value for money and more than their expectations”.

Mission Statement

“To educate people regarding the Forex currency market and Indian market so that they can
get maximum benefits on their investments”.

“To develop and maintain healthy relationship with clients by providing high quality services
and credible advices while assisting them in handling their portfolios”.

1.1.4 Services provided by JMarathon

1. Training & Education
2. Advisory services
3. Risk management
4. Financial services

1.2 Introduction of Trading

Now a days trading in the stock market has become very common. Due to introduction of the
online trading, it has been made available to a common man. Many people are interested in
investing their money in Indian stocks as well as in the Forex market. The mentality behind
these investments is to get high returns in a short period of time and to save taxes. But one
should be aware of the fact that if you are expecting high returns in short period, risk involved
in the investment is also high.

Trading is an exchange of financial instruments. Price of stock is nothing but a price at which
one party agrees to buy the stock and another party agrees to sell the stock. Trading means
buying and selling stocks which primarily depends on expectations. If a person is expecting
the price to rise, he will buy the stock, similarly if a person is expecting a fall in price, he will
sell the stock.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

Trading in forex market is nothing but a currency exchange. In global market, two currencies
have their own value with respect to each other. Forex trading is done by analysing the relative
values of different currencies around the globe.

To get returns on the money invested one should have knowledge of the market and basics of
trading. Many people take help of different financial companies to handle their portfolios. They
open their accounts through these companies and take help of advisors and portfolio managers
in managing their accounts.

As an Advisor or portfolio manager, one should be able to analyse the market, should have in-
depth knowledge of the market and should be aware of the different technical tools to predict
the market. To predict the market with the help of technical analysis, Fundamental analysis is
also important.

1.3 Difference Between Investors and Traders

People can make money in Indian stock market or Forex market by trading or investing or by
both. One should take measured risk and should make informed decisions to avoid

“Investors” are those who invest their money in stock or currencies for long time. People invest
with the expectation that over the time, their investment will be profitable. The value of their
investment will increase with time.

“Traders” are those who invest their money for short time, make profit and close the trade.
They use proactive approach and apply different strategies to make money in short period of
time. Traders can make huge money in a short period of time say in one minute.

One can make money either way. Though there is no right or wrong in trading in Indian stock
market and Currency market, one should know that which type of investment is suitable for
them according to their time, capacity and risk associated with it.

1.4 Basics of Indian Stock Market

1.4.1 Introduction
Indian stock market is among the oldest stock markets in Asia. It has seen tremendous growth
in terms of investments, trade volumes and participation in the last few years.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

Unlike Forex market, Indian market is not a 24 hour market. It opens at 9:15 am and closes at
3:30 pm IST for five days a week. On Saturday and Sunday, it remains closed. 09:00 am to 09:07
am is pre market time.

There are two levels of Indian market.

1. Primary market
2. Secondary market

In primary market companies who wish to raise their funds through stock market sell their
stocks to the public. Secondary market is the place where people who bought the stock in
primary market through Initial Public Offerings (IPO) can sell them at any time.

1.4.2 NSE and BSE

National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) are the two major stock
exchanges in India. SEBI is the regulatory body for them.

1. NSE
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the leading stock exchange in India. According to World
Federation of Exchanges (WFE) report, NSE is the second largest stock exchange in the world in
terms of number of trades in equity shares from January to June 2018. More than 1600 companies
are listed in NSE.
The NIFTY 50 is the index of National Stock Exchange (NSE). It tracks behavior of portfolio of
top 50 largest and most liquid companies listed in NSE.

2. BSE
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is the first and largest securities market in India and was
established in 1875 as the Native Share and Stock Brokers' Association. It is based in Mumbai,
India. Around 6000 companies are listed on BSE.

Sensex is the index of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). It is useful in tracking portfolio of largest
30 and most actively traded companies.

1.4.3 Methodology
One needs to open an account with the help of broker to start trading in Indian market.
Technical concepts are almost same for Forex market and Indian market. One needs to add

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

funds to his account for the purpose of buying or selling. To make trading and investing
easier for beginners, different tools and sites are available on online platforms.

With the available equity, how many stocks of a particular company one can buy is easily
calculated with the help of Upstox Margin Calculator. In this application, one needs to
search for the company of which he wishes to buy stocks. They just need to enter equity
available and price of stock to know how many trades he or she can buy with CNC and MIS.

To trade before 10 am, one should go to NSE site and check pre market to know top gainers
and losers. One can take help of this information to take decision of buying and selling. And
to trade after 10 am, same technique can be used but one needs to check live market instead
of pre market.

1.5 Introduction of Forex Market

Forex market is the largest financial market in the globe. It was said that Forex market never
sleeps may be because it operates for 24 hours. It opens from Monday 2:30 am and remains
open till Saturday 2:30 am. It operates for 24 hours expect Saturday and Sunday. Flexibility in
time is the huge advantage of forex market over Indian stock market. But if trader carries his
trade for the next day then there will be swap charges for that particular trade but those are

Forex market consists of two levels, Interbank market and over the counter market. In interbank
market huge banks trade currencies for different purposes such as adjustments in balance sheet
or on behalf of their clients. Over the counter market is the place where individual traders
exchange currencies on online platforms.

Forex market is the place where even individual traders can buy or sell different currencies.
Along with currencies, traders can trade commodities such as gold, silver as well but in US
dollars. Forex trading is based on the analysis of relative values of different currencies with
respect to each other. Forex market trading is usually done on the internet with the help of
online platforms such as Meta-Trader through brokers. Trading in forex market is very easy in
terms of user friendliness. One can place his order with only few clicks, then broker passes the
order. Brokerage is associated with every order taken by the trader.

Technical analysis and Fundamental analysis are useful for trading in Forex market.
Fundamental analysis depends on economic factors all around the globe such as inflation,

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

interest rates, retail sales, employment, Purchase Manufacturing Index (PMI), GDP etc.
Different applications or websites such as money control, Forex Factory etc are available to
get details of economic events happening in the globe to keep eye on the fundamentals.
Different economic factors can affect the relative values of currencies with respect to each
other. For example, if any major event is happening in any country, we can expect rise in value
of currency of that country and oppositely if any country is victim of any natural disaster and
seeking help from other countries, we can expect fall in value of currency of that particular

Technical analysis can fail even if it is correct if we ignore fundamentals. Before moving
towards technical analysis, one should know the terms spread, pips, leverage, long, short,
margin, take profit, stop loss which are commonly used while trading.

Technical analysis involves different types of charts (Line chart, Bar Chart, and candlestick
chart), Candle Stick Patterns Support and Resistance, Pivot Points, Indicators (Fibonacci
series, RSI, Bollinger Bands, Moving Average, Stochastic Oscillator) and different Strategies
(Super trend Moving average Indicator).

Forex market works on leverage. Individuals are allowed to trade with higher amounts than the
amount deposited by them. Leverage gives opportunity to get higher gains but by putting all
their money at risk.

Concepts are almost similar for both Indian stock market and Forex market, but strategies are
different for both.

1.6 Objectives of Study

• To acquire the knowledge of trading in forex market.
• To learn how to trade in currency market by applying strategies of technical analysis.
• To learn how to analyze the fundamental factors which affect the currency market.
• To learn how to analyze the relationship between different currencies in the globe.
• To know the basics of Indian stock market.
• To learn approaches of traders and investors.

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2. Basics of Forex Market

2.1 Scope of Study
• Flexibility in time is the biggest advantage of trading in forex market. Forex market is
a 24 hour market. Individuals can choose their own timings to trade in forex market.
• One can take advantage of fluctuations in currencies.
• Traders need to keep eye on only few currencies rather than thousands of stocks.
• Trader can make more profit by taking advantage of leverage.

2.2 Methodology

Figure 1 Methodology

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2.3 Introduction to Basic Terms

Before moving towards technical analysis, one should know the terms spread, pips, leverage,
long, short, margin, take profit, stop loss, bullish market, bearish market which are commonly
used while trading.

1. Pip

Stands for “Point in Percentage”. It is the smallest unit used in the currency market to measure
the change in the value of currencies. It is the change in the fourth decimal place in the value
of currency.

Figure 2 Pip Movement

If value of a currency pair is moving from 1.1208 to 1.1214, then value is changed by 6 pips.

If value of a currency pair is moving from 1.12085 to 1.12145, then also value is changed by 6
pips as pip represents difference in the fourth decimal place. In that case fifth digit can be

Only for the currency USDJPY, pip represents the difference in the second decimal place.

2. Bid price

It is the maximum price that buyers are ready to pay for a trade.

3. Ask price

It is the minimum price sellers are ready to accept for a trade.

4. Spread

Spread is the difference between buying and selling price of the currency pair which is nothing
but the difference between bid price and ask price. If a trader places an order, trade will be in
some negative price which is due to the spread. It is usually 0.3 to 0.5 dollars for major

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Figure 3 Spread

Here spread can be calculated as 1.12145-1.12085 which will be equal to 0.0006 or 6 pips.

5. Leverage

Leverage is one of the most important tools used in the forex market which allows individuals
to make positions beyond their initial investment.

For example, a trader can take a position of worth 30,000$ with deposit of only 1000$ in case
of leverage of thirty to one.

6. Margin

Margin is the minimum deposit required to take advantage of leverage. It is the minimum
amount put by the trader in the account to start trading by taking advantage of leverage.

7. Long

It is a trade position initiated by buying the trade with expectation that the price will increase
in future and can make good profits by selling the trade later.

8. Short

It is a trade position initiated by selling the trade with expectation that the price will fall in
future and good profits can be made by closing the trade with buy at lower price.

9. Take profit

It is the position set by the trader which get executed automatically if market moves in the
direction of trader’s expectation and leads to closing the trade with expected profit.

10. Stop loss

It is the position set by the trader which also gets executed automatically if the market moves
in opposite direction of trader’s expectations and trade ends up with the predetermined loss.

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2.4 Types of Currencies

1. Major Currencies

The currencies which are traded commonly and more frequently are known as major
currencies. Major currencies are traded all around the world.

Symbol Country Currency

USD United States Dollar
AUD Australia Dollar
EUR Eurozone Euro
CAD Canada Dollar
CHF Switzerland Franc
NZD New Zealand Dollar
JPY Japan Yen
GBP Great Britain Pound
Table 1 Major currencies with symbols

2. Exotic Currencies

High transaction cost and high risk is associated with exotic currencies. These currencies are
not commonly traded in the forex market. The currencies which are rare in the currency market
are known as exotic currencies. Exotic currencies are the currencies of the developing nations
such as nations in Asia, Middle East, Pacific, Africa.

Symbol Country Currency

TRY Turkey Lira
SEK Sweden Krona
NOK Norway Krone
DKK Denmark Krone
ZAR South Africa Rand
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
SGD Singapore Dollar
THB Thailand Baht
MXN Mexico Peso
Table 2 Exotic currencies with symbols

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2.5 Types of Currency Pairs

1. Major currency pairs

Major currency pairs are currency pairs consisted of major currencies coupled with USD. One
currency in the major pair must be USD.


currency pairs.

2. Cross currency pairs

Cross currency pairs are currency pairs consisted of major currencies coupled with each other.
Cross currency pairs do not include USD.


NZDJPY etc are cross currency pairs.

3. Exotic currency pairs

Less liquidity is associated with the exotic currency pairs which result in high transaction costs.
Trading with exotic currency pairs is bit difficult as those are more volatile due to rapid
fluctuations and economic activities in the developing countries. One should be very careful
while dealing with exotic currency pairs as Spreads are very high.


USDHKD, USDSGD are some exotic currency pairs.

2.6 Commodities
1.XAU (Gold)

It is usually traded in the Forex market in terms of US dollars (XAUUSD). Price of gold is
widely followed in financial market all around the globe. XAU is the symbol of gold in forex
market inspired from periodic table as AU is the symbol of gold in it.

2.XAG (Silver)

It is usually traded in the Forex market in terms of US dollars (XAGUSD). Price of silver is
widely followed in financial market all around the globe. XAG is the symbol of silver in the
forex market inspired from periodic table as AG is the symbol of silver in it. Today, silver is
one of the most commonly traded commodities. But due to speculations, supply & demand, its

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prices are highly volatile. Its spread, losses, profits are four times as compared to other

2.7 Installation of Software Meta Trader 5

Meta Trader 5 is one of the online platforms used for trading in Forex Market.

One needs to open an account through a broker so that he can start trading in Forex market.
Meta trader 5 is very user-friendly platform for trading in forex market. Before starting trading
in actual market, one should be familiar with the software. Meta trader also provides facility of
opening customized demo accounts for individuals, one can practice in demo account before
starting in real account. One can easily add the currency pairs in which he wishes to trade, can
see the charts for those currency pairs in different time frame.

One can apply all the technical concepts, technical indicators with the help of Meta Trader 5 to
predict the trend.

2.8 Types of Markets

1. Bullish market

Bullish market is the position of financial market with upward tread which means prices are

Figure 4 Bullish Market

2. Bearish market

Bearish market is the position of financial market with downward tread which means prices
are decreasing.

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Figure 5 Bearish Market

3. Consolidated or Ranging market

The constant position of the market which means no bullish and bearish trends. Non-moving

Figure 6 Consolidated or Ranging Market

2.9 Volume and Lot Size

Following tables gives the information about the lot size.

Lot size which is available on Meta Trader 5 to place the order in terms of Euro Units is given

Lot Volume Change in Pips Profits/Loss

Standard lot 1.00 1 10$
Mini lot 0.10 1 1$
Micro lot 0.01 1 0.1$
Nano lot 0.001 1 0.01$
Table 3 Lot size

Following table gives the profit or loss in dollars for major currency pairs according to lot size
for change in every pip.

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3. Trading in Forex Market

Before starting trading in Forex market, one should have knowledge of the forex market and
should be able to analyze the currencies, trends and fluctuations in currencies. For that,
technical analysis and basics of Fundamental analysis is required.

3.1 Technical Analysis

3.1.1 Introduction to Candlestick
Its origin is from Japan. It is used to show high price, low price, opening price and closing
prices for a particular period. Period can be one minute, five minutes, half hour, one hour, four
hours, one day or a week.

It consisted of an upper shadow, body and lower shadow. Body is the wide part of the
candlestick. It is useful for traders because it gives information about whether the open price
is lower or higher than the closing price. According to that, there are two types of Candlesticks.

1. Bullish Candle

It forms when market shows upward tread and, in this candlestick, closing price is higher than
the opening price.

It is usually shown in green colour or in white colour. Sometimes it is shown as a hollow candle.

2. Bearish Candle

It forms when market shows downward tread and, in this candlestick, closing price is lower
than the opening price.

It is usually shown in red colour or in black colour.


Sometimes Colours of candles can be different. Colours of candles can be changed in meta
trader software.

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Figure 7 Bullish and Bearish Candlestick

3.1.2 Charts
Three types of charts are available to see the movement of market. One can select any chart for
his analysis according to his convenience.

1. Line Chart

In line chart, lines are drawn from one closing price to another closing price.

Figure 8 Line Chart

2. Bar chart

Bar chart consists of vertical lines connecting high prices and low prices. Horizontal strips
connected to the vertical line on left side indicates open price and on right side indicates close

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

Figure 9 Bar Chart

3. Candle Stick

It is consisted of bull and bear candles.

Figure 10 Candle Stick Chart

All the three charts convey the same information but with different representation. Candle stick
chart is the simplest, easy to understand and most commonly used chart.

3.1.3 Candlestick patterns

Candlestick pattern is the most widely used technical tool for the analysis of the trade. Many
people use more than one tool for the reconfirmation of their analysis. One can verify his
analysis even with the help of more than one candlestick pattern.

There a multiple types of candlestick patterns with their subtypes available for analysis. Some
major and commonly used patterns are explained below.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis Single Candlestick Patterns

1. Hammer

Conditions for forming Hammer:

• Hammer forms at the bottom.

• Hammer can be bear candle or bull candle but if it is a bull candle, potential for
reversal is higher.
• Hammer forms at the end of downward trend and after the hammer there is a trend
• Lower shadow of the hammer should be at least two times of the body.
• Colour of the candle doesn’t matter.

Figure 11 Hammer

2. Hanging Man

Conditions for forming Hanging Man:

• Hanging Man forms at the top.

• Hanging Man can be bear candle or bull candle but if it is a bear candle, potential
for reversal is higher.
• Hanging Man forms at the end of upward trend and after the Hanging Man there is
a trend reversal.
• Lower shadow should be at least two times of the body.
• Colour of the candle doesn’t matter.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

Figure 12 Hanging Man

3. Inverted Hammer

Conditions for forming Inverted Hammer:

• Inverted Hammer forms at the bottom.

• Inverted Hammer can be bear candle or bull candle but if it is a bull candle, potential
for reversal is higher.
• This pattern forms at the end of downward trend and after the Inverted hammer
there is a trend reversal.
• Upper shadow should be at least two times of the body.
• Colour of the candle doesn’t matter.

Figure 13 Inverted Hammer

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3.1.4 Concept of Support and Resistance

1. Support

Support opposes the trend to go down beyond the support line.

Support forms at the bottom.

If prices hit support continuously, it becomes weak and it can break.

Once trend goes beyond support, it acts as a resistance.

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Figure 14 Horizontal Support

2. Resistance

Resistance opposes the trend to go up beyond the resistance line.

Resistance forms at the top.

If prices hit resistance continuously, it becomes weak and it can break.

Once trend goes beyond resistance, it acts as a support.

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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis

Figure 15 Horizontal Resistance

If the support and resistance remain same for the different time frames, it indicates those
supports and resistances are strong.

3.1.5 Pending Orders

Pending order is a strategy made available for traders on an online platform which allows them
to trade even if they’re is not present in the market.

Different types of pending orders are available through which one can explicitly specify what
they want their broker to do if prices hit certain level in any direction.

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1. Buy Stop

If a trader has forecasted that trend will be upward once certain value has reached which is
above the current market price, in such situation he can set Buy stop at the price level from
where he is expecting the trend to move upward.

If market moves down below the current market price, pending order will get cancelled
automatically. One can set this price above the resistance.

Figure 16 Buy Stop

2. Buy Limit

If trader has forecasted that trend will be upward but before that prices go down to a certain
level and then will move up. Once prices reach that value which is below the current market
price, the pending order buy limit gets executed. Traders set this pending order near support.

Figure 17 Buy Limit

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3. Sell Stop

If trader has forecasted that trend will be downward once certain value has reached which is
below the current market price, in such situation he can set Sell stop at the price level from
where he is expecting the trend to move downward.

If market moves up above the current market price, pending order will get cancelled
automatically. One can set this price below the resistance.

Figure 18 Sell Stop

4. Sell Limit

If trader has forecasted that trend will be downward but before that prices go up to a certain
level and then will go down. Once prices reach that value which is above the current market
price, the pending order sell limit gets executed. Traders usually set this pending order near

Figure 19 Sell Limit

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3.1.6 Application of Technical Indicators Fibonacci Retracement
Fibonacci Retracement is an indicator which helps to define supports and resistances. Leonardo
Fibonacci invented Fibonacci series and it is based on sequence of numbers. It can be drawn
by taking two extreme points from the chart. It divides vertical distance between these two
peaks in ratios 0%, 23.6%,38.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 100%. Vertical distance is not divided
randomly in above ratios. These ratios are calculated from the Fibonacci series. Fibonacci
series is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144…. till infinity. Each term of series is calculated by
adding preceding two terms of the series.

In Fibonacci retracement 61.8% is calculated by dividing the number in the sequence by the
next number. For example, 13/21= 0.618, 21/34=0.6176 etc.

38.2% is calculated by dividing the number in the sequence by the number which is at second
right place from the number. For example, 21/55=0.3818, 34/89=0.3820 etc.

23.6% is calculated by dividing the number in the sequence by the number which is at third
right place from the number. For example, 21/89=0.2359, 34/144=0.2361 etc.

For bearish trend, it is drawn from top to bottom and for bullish trend, it is drawn from bottom
to top.

Figure 20 Fibonacci Retracement

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It can be drawn in any timeframe; it completely depends on the trader. It might happen that
Fibonacci Retracement drawn by one trader in a particular time frame may not work for
another. This can happen because even if two traders are drawing the series in same timeframe,
they might be taking different peaks and troughs or may be drawing for different time periods.

61.8% and 38.2% are usually considered as strong support and resistance. Pivot Points

Pivot Point helps in predicting the overall trend of the market. Pivot points help in determining
the points of reversal by identifying the support and resistance levels. It can be calculated in
different time frames. For the calculation of the Pivot point, candlestick data of the previous
timeframe is required. The day for which Pivot point is calculated, on that day trend above
pivot point is indication of bullish market and trend below the pivot point indicates bearish

It can be calculated as

Pivot point = (H+L+C+O)/4


H = High, L = Low, C = Close, O = Open

Online pivot point calculators are available. One just needs to provide details of the previous
candlestick to easily get pivot point. RSI Indicator

RSI stands for “Relative Strength Index”. It is a technical analysis tool which gives information
about the direction about the trend. It is basically a momentum calculator. It calculates changes
in recent prices to find out overbought and oversold conditions. RSI moves between 0 to 100.
If it is above 70, it is overbought condition which is indication of bullish market. When it is

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below 30, it is oversold condition which is indication of bearish market. One should not enter
into the market during overbought or oversold condition.

Figure 21 Relative Strength Index (RSI) Bollinger Bands

Bollinger Band is a technical indicator which gives information about the volatility of the
market. It consists of three lines which move with the trend. Middle line is the simple moving
average and upper & lower lines are positive & negative standard deviations from the simple
moving average. Those lines are simply drawn by adding and subtracting one standard
deviation from simple moving average.

If three Bollinger bands are closer to each other, it is indication of low volatility in the market
and if three bands are away from each other, it is indication of high volatility in the market.

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Low volatility periods are generally followed by high volatility periods and vice versa. When
all bands are close to each other means those will expand soon and trading opportunities will
be more.

Another way to use this indicator is, when prices are above the upper band which indicates
overbought condition triggering the sell signal. When prices are below the lower band which
indicates oversold condition triggering the buy signal.

Figure 22 Bollinger bands Moving Average
It is one a lagging technical indicator which is used to get smooth curve along with the trend
by filtering out short term random fluctuations.

“Simple Moving Average” and “Exponential Moving Average” are most widely used moving
averages. Simple Moving Average is simply average of previous prices over defined time
period. Exponential Moving Average is also average of previous prices over defined time
period but it gives more weightage to the most recent prices.

If in recent time, there are changes in trend, SMA will take time to show them while EMA will
show them early. SMA gives signal slowly and reacts slowly with the recent prices as compared
to EMA. But EMA may give false signals as it catches false peaks and reacts immediately.

It is calculated with the formulae,

Simple Moving Average



P1, P2…Pn are prices for time periods.

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n = Number of time periods

Figure 23 Moving Average Oscillator
It is a technical analysis tool which gives information about the direction of the trend. It gives
information of the overbought and oversold conditions. Its value moves between 0 and 100. If
it is above 80, it is an indication of overbought condition and if it is below 20, it is an indication
of oversold condition.

It consists of two lines % K and % D. % K is slow stochastic indicator while % D is fast

stochastic indicator which is three period moving average of %K. When there is a crossover of
these two lines, it is an indication of trend reversal.

It is calculated with the formula,

Figure 24 Stochastic Oscillator

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3.1.7 Strategies for Trading in the Forex Market

Strategies are nothing but the effective use of different technical analysis tools. One can
develop their own strategy. A strategy working for one trader may not work for other. Different
strategies are developed from the experience of traders.
1. Crossing of Moving Averages

This strategy is made by taking more than one moving average which means moving average
of 6, moving average of 12 candles and moving average of 24 candles. When all the three
moving averages coincide, it is an indication of trend reversal. One should be very careful while
observing these crossovers because there can be false crossovers as well. 6,12,24 is most
commonly used moving average strategy in forex market. This strategy is applicable only on
bullish and bearish markets not in the consolidated market.

This can be customised. One can take moving average of 5,10 and 15 candles as well.

Figure 25 Crossing of Moving Averages

3.2 Basics of Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is analysis of all the factors, economic events, economic states of
different countries all around the globe which can affect the relative values of currencies with
respect to each other. Any economic factor which is positive or beneficial for the country, say
GDP of the country increased will be good for the value of that currency in international

Fundamental analysis depends on economic factors all around the globe such as inflation,
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interest rates, retail sales, employment, Purchase Manufacturing Index (PMI), GDP etc.
Different economic factors can affect the relative values of currencies with respect to each
other. For example, any major event is happening in any country say Olympics or World-Cup,
we can expect a rise in the value of currency of that country and on the contrary, if any country
is victim of any natural disaster and seeking help from other countries, we can expect a fall in
value of currency of that particular country.

Different applications or websites such as money control, Forex Factory etc are available to
get details of economic events happening in the globe to keep eye on the fundamentals. In
Forex Factory, one can get notifications of fundamentals in advance. One can get information
about fundamental with about which country the news will be coming, how important the news
is, to which extent it will affect the value of currency, at what time the news is coming etc. It
will be very helpful for beginners to play safe either with fundamentals or by avoiding them.

In Forex factory, news with red coloured symbol is indication of highly important news, orange
coloured symbol is indication of moderately important news and yellow coloured news is
indication of less impactful news. These symbols are helpful for one to decide whether to exit
the market or stay in the market during the fundamental analysis.

How one can relate fundamentals with currency pairs is also equally important. Suppose a
fundamental which is affecting positively on a currency USD, one should go for buy for the
currency. It is easy to understand in case of single currency but bit complicated for currency
pairs. Suppose a USA news came which positive for USD, it means USD is becoming stronger
with respect to other currencies but if simultaneously news comes for any other currency which
is also affecting that currency positively, then it is necessary to check which news is more
impactful. Let us consider positive news came simultaneously for EUR and USD and both are
becoming stronger, one can easily decide sell AUDUSD, buy USDCHF, USDJPY but difficult
to decide whether to buy or sell EURUSD.

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3.3 Limitations
• Investors and traders should be aware of current affairs all around the globe which can
affect the currencies.
• Investors and traders should have at least basic knowledge of Forex market.
• As interns, we were allowed to trade in only six to seven currencies.
• In depth knowledge of Forex market and experience is required to trade in cross
• The Indicators available are lagging indicators.
• Even if your technical analysis is correct, due to some sudden fundamental news your
trade may end up with loss.
• Your analysis may fail as Forex market is volatile.

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4. Trades and Analysis

4.1 Trades Taken

Figure 26 Trades with Profit/Loss

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Figure 27 Trade Forex market

4.2 Analysis of Trades

Sr Profit/ Buy/
Currency Reason
No. Loss Sell
By support resistance strategy, trend lines, it reversed from the
resistance and formed bearish signal then I started to sell and
1 GBPUSD +846 Sell
expected a minor profit till 100$ but all of a sudden it formed a
strong bearish signal and made huge profits.

2 GBPUSD +69 Buy As I have calculated the pivot points for day, the previous week
and the previous month and as I was observing the candlestick is
bullish and it broke the weekly pivot point and then I took a buy
call and there was a resistance near the daily pivot point so I
closed the call at 69$ profit
3 USDCHF +32.99 Sell As the usdchf daily pivot point is broke by a bearish signal and
approaching towards weekly pivot point I took a sell call and it
was double confirmed because it touched the resistance zone and
falling back then it was clear for me to take a sell call and made
Table 4 Trades with Analysis

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Trades in Indian Stock Market:

27 May 2020

Figure 28 Trade Indian Market

The trades are done Intraday and the overall profit was 16.75 Rs and was done by analyzing the charts
and by using the techniques such as Bollinger bands, Stochastic oscillator, Relative Strength Index and
as it was the early stage for me to invest I started with less quantity of shares
29 May 2020

Figure 29 Trade with profits Indian Market

The trades are made in Intraday and using the leverage of Cover Order around 10 times i.e. if I had 1000
Rs in the bank account I can make trades worth 1000*10= 10000 Rs and made an overall profit of 53.65

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4.3 Learnings
1. Practice on demo account before trading on real account and even during trading on
real account.

Practice is very important for trading. It helps in gaining experience without losing actual
money as demo account works as a real account with virtual money. One can apply different
techniques learnt and can figure out which of them are working for him.

2. Be Neutral. Don’t be risk lover or Risk averse.

As a beginner, motive should be learning. One should take calculated risk and later should not
change his decision. Being neutral means always keeping stop loss not too close and not too
far but in a predetermined ratio with the profit.

3. Don’t be greedy.

If your trades are in profit, do not increase the take profits. Let the trade hot your take profit.
One can enter another trade if he thinks but do not increase the take profits of running trades.

4. Do not take too many trades at a time.

If one takes many trades with different currency pairs, it becomes difficult for them to monitor
them simultaneously.

5. Be patient and believe on your analysis.

Even if trades are in loss, one should not panic in that situation and should not take decisions
in panic situation. Even if analysis is correct, temporary fluctuations can cause trades to end up
in loss, but one should be mentally prepared to bear that loss as it was previously calculated.

Do not enter new trades immediately after losses just with the intention to recover the losses.
Analyse the market and enter at a proper entry point.

6. Analyse your mistakes.

It is very helpful in learning. Analysing mistakes even help in forming your own strategies.

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References pip.html spread-tell-
forex-traders.html x_Majors.html
Kuhqe7iAhXKF3IKHSYKB0sQ_AUIECgB&biw=1366&bih=608 guide/RSI
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Understanding of Forex Market and Indian Stock Market using Technical Analysis market.html

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