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Bercasio, John Adrian A.

BSED English – 1A

Advertisements wield significant influence over societal

attitudes, yet they sometimes inadvertently reinforce harmful
stereotypes. Take, for example, ads that subtly suggest preferential
treatment based on skin color, implying that lighter skin tones receive
better treatment, even in public spaces such as buses. This not only
perpetuates damaging stereotypes but also exacerbates societal
divisions by implying inherent superiority based on complexion.
To combat this, substantial revisions are needed to promote
inclusivity and challenge biased perceptions within advertisements.
Initially, these ads should celebrate the diverse range of skin tones and
emphasize that every individual deserves respect, regardless of their
complexion. By reframing the narrative to highlight the beauty and
significance of all skin hues, advertisements can counteract negative
stereotypes and convey a more inclusive message.
Additionally, collaborating with organizations that champion
diversity and inclusivity can ensure that advertisements align with
principles of fairness and social justice. By working alongside experts
in this field, advertisers can gain valuable insights into effectively
challenging bias and promoting inclusivity in their campaigns.
Moreover, incorporating educational components into
advertisements can raise awareness about the harmful impact of
discrimination and encourage viewers to reflect on their own biases.
By providing context and fostering empathy, these advertisements
can inspire viewers to take proactive steps toward fostering inclusivity
in their communities, thus contributing to a more equitable society.
In conclusion, advertisements that promote bias based on skin
color perpetuate harmful stereotypes and hinder efforts toward
inclusivity. Through revisions that celebrate diversity, collaborations
with advocacy groups, and educational initiatives, advertisers can
challenge discriminatory perceptions and cultivate a culture of
acceptance and respect for individuals of all skin tones. It is crucial for
advertisers to acknowledge their role in shaping societal perspectives
and strive to promote positive and inclusive narratives in their

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