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Assignment; Lesson plan by Amanda Lake st#95402012

Grade 8 Science |(geology|

Big idea:

The theory of plate tectonics is the unifying theory that explains Earth’s geological processes.

Content Summary:

Plate tectonic movement:

Types of plate movements

Plate boundaries

Earthquakes and volcanoes

Major geological events of local significance

First Peoples knowledge of:

Local geological formations

Significant local geological events

Layers of Earth

Curricular Competencies:

Questioning and predicting

Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions about the natural world

Identify a question to answer or a problem to solve through scientific inquiry

Formulate alternative “If…then…” hypotheses based on their questions

Make predictions about the findings of their inquiry

Planning and conducting:

Collaboratively plan a range of investigation types, including field work and experiments, to answer their
questions or solve problems they have identified

Measure and control variables (dependent and independent) through fair tests

Observe, measure, and record data (qualitative and quantitative), using equipment, including digital
technologies, with accuracy and precision

Use appropriate SI units and perform simple unit conversions

Ensure that safety and ethical guidelines are followed in their investigations

Processing and analyzing data and information

Experience and interpret the local environment

First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local knowledge as sources of

Construct and use a range of methods to represent patterns or relationships in data, including tables,
graphs, keys, models, and digital technologies as appropriate

Seek patterns and connections in data from their own investigations and secondary sources

Use scientific understandings to identify relationships and draw conclusions


Reflect on their investigation methods, including the adequacy of controls on variables (dependent and
independent) and the quality of the data collected

Identify possible sources of error and suggest improvements to their investigation methods
Demonstrate an awareness of assumptions and bias in their own work and secondary sources

Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence (qualitative and quantitative)

Exercise a healthy, informed skepticism and use scientific knowledge and findings from their own
investigations to evaluate claims in secondary sources

Consider social, ethical, and environmental implications of the findings from their own and others’

Applying and innovating:

Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches

Cooperatively design projects

Transfer and apply learning to new situations

Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving


Communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems, using scientific language, representations, and
digital technologies as appropriate

Express and reflect on a variety of experiences and perspectives of place

Unit Outline- Earth Science (Science 8)

20 Lessons


Topic of lesson

Lesson materials and ideas:

Introduction to Plate Tectonics

Shapes and positions of Earth’s continents

Continental Drift Hypothesis: Pangea

Why was Wegener’s Hypothesis Rejected?

Hook: Neskowin Ghost Video

Class Discussion: What do we think has caused this phenomenon to occur?

Introduce the Wonderwall (to gauge prior knowledge and engagement levels)- use this to modify the
unit plan

Activity: Looking at maps

Have the class search up old maps and compare them to the shapes of the continents from modern day

Class discussion about the differences between these maps

Or : Give students a map from 200 m.y.a and a present day map and have them cut out the old map to
match the present day map (worksheet) for completion marks

Video: The Break-up of Pangea

Layers of the Earth

Technology to make inferences about the layers of the earth

Discuss crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

Hands on Activity: Mystery Tube

Figure out what is inside the tube without opening it

Models showing the different layers of the earth

Activity [For Completion]: Students will make a model depicting the layers of the earth using playdough

Tubs of playdoh (green, blue, orange, red, yellow playdough


Paper labels

Different coloured markers

Sea Floor Spreading

Mid-ocean ridges and trenches

Making new rock on the ocean

Hook: Seafloor spreading demo:

Seafloor Spreading Video and Fill in the Blank Worksheet

Seafloor Photo Sequencing Activity:

In partners, students will cut out the prepared sequence strips with pictures and put them in order and
glue them onto poster boards, labelling important key terms. Students will hand this in for completion

Theory of Plate Tectonics

Roles of the Lithosphere and asthenosphere

Oceanic crust and continental crust

Divergent, convergent, transform boundaries (locations and how they form)

Activity: Interactive map that shows different boundaries

Hands on Activity: Modelling Plate Movements

Videos: Show converging, diverging, transforming plate boundaries

Assessment: Class Kahoot

Homework: Plate boundaries around British Columbia

Students will construct a map of BC which shows all the plate tectonics plates, and boundaries.

Plate Tectonic Movement

Mantle convection

Ridge push vs. slab pull

How do global positioning systems show/measure movement of plate tectonics

Assessment: Quiz days 1-4


Red and blue food colouring



Hot plate


What is a fault?

Three types of faults: reverse fault, normal fault, strike-slip fault

What types of tectonic plate boundaries are located where earthquakes occur?

Earthquake Video: Whole Lotta Shakin’

Seismic Waves Video
Think-Pair-Share Activity: You find out that a friend’s parents are considering buying a house near a fault
line. Make a list of three questions they should find answers to before buying the house. (for

Students begin video notes

Earthquakes continued.

Seismic waves and seismograms

Activity: Make your own seismogram

Small pieces of wood



Roll of paper


Soup can

Ocean Floor Earthquakes: Tsunamis

How do tsunamis occur?

How does climate change play a role?

Examples of destructive tsunamis

Destructive Tsunami Videos

Students continue their video notes from last class

Exit slip: 2 things you found interesting in today’s class


What is the ring of fire?

Magma vs Lava

How do volcanoes form?

Hot spot volcanoes

Composite, cinder cone and shield volcanoes

Volcano Video: Can’t Take The Pressure: Formation of Volcanoes

Students finish up their video notes


Assign Unit Project

Choose partners

Choose topics

Assessment: Open Book quiz on previous videos on earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes

Introduce unit project and choose partners for unit project

Answer any questions regarding the project, 5 min for questions

Give the rest of class to work with their partners for the project

Students hand in video notes for completion

Assign Project:

Students will research in pairs a destructive earthquake or volcano that took place in the past.
Students will present this information on day 19 and 20 in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. This
will be the form of the summative assessment. They will also find traditional oral histories associated
with the event. Students will email their presentations three days in advance so that presentations can
be revised and checked for any mistakes before they are presented.


Major geological events of local significance

Port Alberni Tsunami 1964

Japan Earthquake 2011

San Andreas Fault of 1906

Video of Port Alberni Tsunami

Video of Japan Earthquake 2011

Video of San Andreas Fault

Fill in the blank worksheet

Assessment: Quiz days 5-9


Discuss/review FPPoL and First Peoples Knowledge of Significant Local Geological Events:

Linking Geological events to traditional aboriginal stories

Discuss The Story Of Budj Bim, formerly known as Mt. Eccles

The creation story of the local Gunditjmara people

Indigenous Technology and Engineering at Budj Bim

Budj Bim Videos [choose as deemed appropriate]:

Formative Assessment: Half a page reflection on the story of Budj Bim


First Peoples Knowledge of Significant Local Geological Events:

Huu ay aht Earthquake (1700’s in Nanaimo)

Huu ay aht Earthquake Article:

Huu ay aht Earthquake Video

Concept Map Activity: Students draw label and fill in maps of events as teacher walks around helping.

Local BC Geology

BC history and features


Interactive activity: Earthquake activity in Canada

Class split into 2 big groups: Make the best safety plan and then class discussion

[Timed Activity]

Exit slip: 2 things you found you learned and that was exciting from today’s class


First Peoples knowledge of

Local geological formations and FPPoL connections to:

Plate tectonics and Indigenous ways of knowing

Myths or stories about the formation of Earth’s features (local)

Tseax Cone volcano formation

What’s in a name activity:


Build models of the Tseax volcano before and after it formed.


First Peoples knowledge of

Local geological formations:

Community Scan
Geographical formations in your local community

Applying FPPoL

Guided Inquiry Activity

A sense of place

Go on a nature work


Work period for unit projects

Students will be given class time to work on their unit projects


Work period for unit projects

Students will be given class time to work on their unit projects


Summative Assessment-

First Day of Class group Presentations

Earthquake groups present

Audience peer reviews

Summative Assessment- Presentations continued

Volcano groups present

Audience peer reviews

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