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VTM Notes:

Session #1:

Devin woke up in a bar, got pizza, was told to sleep on the street and carried away
by red-haired teenager.

Matija is making SPONSOR BREAD, doorbell rings for delivery, same teenager tells
her to sleep

Darius Filmore out in the brush hunting with buddies, gets note from Hell's Angel
higher up, coming to some biker event. Arrives, finds that local chapter leader is
working with redhead, gets taken

Margaret is running dogs through obstacle course, abusing staff, husband calls,
gives her invite to dog show thing in Rogers Center, arrives fashionable, gets
called over to meet new "beauty". SURPRISE: Is redhead. Taken.

Four wake up and are told to dig, no resistance to compulsion, dig our own graves

Wake up again in basement. Eight chairs. Darius and Devin break out of bonds and
start to free everyone else. Darius breaks chairs to make clubs, Margaret doesn't
take one, Devin tries to take the one from Matija complaining that they don't look
like they know how to fight.

Two of NPCs (Wage slave & College student) begin to fight over box cutter. College
student's hand cut open. *Hungry Vampire Intensifies*

Darius tries to rush the door to bust out, Margaret chomps down on college flesh.
*Everybody was Kung-fu biting*

Devin murders wage slave for tasty blood, Matija gets barista to-go, Margaret can't
stomach college blood and Darius tries to open the door, eventually knifing last


Christopher shows up and complains that this is a shit situation, the group get
into the white van and demand explanations

Vampires, or Kindred, are real and we're now dead. Much infighting, we eat blood,
lots of weaknesses "depend",

Fire, Sunlight, & Staking = Bad

Christopher explains Sabbat (Vamp terrorists), Camarilla (Vamp royalists), and

Anarchs (Vamps who don't understand what Anarchy means)

Chris takes us to curio shop to learn what our clans are. Met a Tremere named Tam
Morason, give some blood into a cauldron.

Matija is Toreador (Artist vamps get obsessive)

Darius is Gangrel (Werewolf vamp)

Margeret is Ventrue (Blue Blood rich fuck vamps)

Devin is Lasombra (Potentially super evil/abusive shadow vamps)

Chris takes group to an apartment, goes up to the penthouse, meets the Baron of

Baron says the group gets to form Vamp Club (We don't talk about Vamp Club), and be
freelancers for the Anarchs. Group eventually agrees hesitantly.

Told to get out.

**Session #2:**

The group exchanges numbers and head their separate ways, Darius and Matija go and
pay to get his bike out of the convention center lot, and pay the toll before
driving off.

Margeret get her driver to pick her up and returns her back to her manor. Her
husband is away on business and when she tries to get comfort from her dogs they
shy away from her until she convinces them to come closer.

Devin heads back to the run-down gym that he lives over. His apartment is run down
with a minifridge, a broken tv, and a couch that leans to one side.

Darius and Matija go visit his buddies and he explains that he's laying low after
someone tried to kill him. The Frenchmen creeps on Matija through some cameras.

Fae are real! And haunting Matija's duplex.

Darius and Matija get to the duplex and store some guns in a safe. SPONSOR LOAF:tm:
is absolutely burned, but luckily the house is not.

Matija has a piece of cheese. AND IT'S GOOD! (She doesn't violently vomit blood).
Darius tries some of the bread, not so good. Then tries some oat milk, ALSO BAD,
next up is alcohol. Strike Three, Darius' palette is out of here.


Devin, having not realized that glass is UV-permeable, wakes up on his couch with
his shoe on fire. Freaking out, he jumps into the bathroom and stuffs his shower
curtain under his door to try and block the light, managing to once again enter
Torpor in his "bathtub"

Margeret has her normal wake-up call; *WeDidn'tStartTheFire.gif* The bed catches
fire with her in it when the sun filters in and she's forced to take shelter in a
walk-in closet, telling her staff to take care of the dogs.

Goodbye Mr. Sun

Darius and Matija wake up on the floor and Darius nearly crushes the roomba

Darius gets some info about potential leads for the fucker that worked with Bloody
Red Mary, apparently, they hang out at a Fionn MacCool's, then asks after
"merchandise", specifically the violent kind. Get some info about the triads over
in Markham.

Devin wakes up to his landlord slamming on the door and argues before starting on
towards Cynthia's business, dipping into a basement and meeting with his friend
Cynthia Rose and entering one of the fights with two large fighters, Devin makes
short work of one, brutalizing one of the fighters before the other surrenders. A
thin man enters the ring and asks to challenge Devin. Agreeing to the fight Devin
lands a solid hit, only to find that his newfound vampire strength is met with
equal vampire resistance. The man then proceeds to knock Devin into the dirt. Devin
gets another good hit in before realizing that this is strange and asks if this man
is a vampire. The vampire dominates the crowd around the fighting ring and makes
them forget the last half-hour before bringing Devin outside. Introducing himself
as Baron of Peel, he explains that Devin is no longer allowed to fight in mortal
fight rings. He then tells Devin that he is a competitor in the Elysium fights and
that he's supposed to show up the next week. Declan LeBlanche

Margeret wakes up in the closet with her head servant coming in to check on her and
asks why she's a corpse. She explains that there is something wrong and she is
dreadfully hungry. Margeret then compels the servant to come closer.
*SheGotTheSucc.gif* Taking a tasty bite out of the servant's wrist and drinking him
down. Finding out that the blood doesn't come back up this time Margeret considers
doing some restructuring of the household staff and tells the staff that they're
going to be running the household nocturnally. She also learns that her husband
Silas had delayed his return and would be back within the month. Making the servant
forget the feeding Margeret goes to make her dogs run laps.

**Session #3:**
Devin receives a text from Matija explaining that they’re going to Fionn MacCool’s
to have a meeting, he asks if he should bring a gun, the answer is yes.

Margeret texts to say that she is doing a different information-gathering session

and Devin sends a text to her asking if she’s not coming to the meeting the rest of
the coterie decides to join up with the rest of them Margeret gets her manservant
to fetch her weapons.

Devin, very hungry after recovering from fighting the Baron of Peel, spots a jogger
between buildings tries to feed, but the athletic mortal is able to run away until
Devin’s frustration summons up arms of shadow to wrap around his victim and bites,
deciding not to kill the man to satisfy all of his Beast’s hunger.

Seal the wound, rob & dump the body.

Devin and Margeret meet up outside the Fionn MacCool’s while Darius and Matija
arrive at the address they received in Markham. Entering the shop after doing some
quick recon outside, the two see a small Asian woman reading a Times magazine

Darius asks about hunting supplies and then brings up one of the duffel bags of
guns on the counter and shows it to the woman. When she sees the guns the Asian
woman pulls out a dead man’s switch and holds it down, explaining that Darius is
standing on a landmine. The biker explains that he’s there to acquire some supplies
and then he’ll leave. Satisfied with this answer the woman brings Darius into the
back of the store where a secret passage and three triad members pointing guns at
him. Sitting at the head of the table is an old man eating dinner.

Darius (through a messy crit) grabs one of the guards and tosses them across the
room and into the wall (Learning some stuff from Chris in our first session).
Before giving a polite greeting to the old man who examines the biker. Darius shows
the old man the bag full of guns and the triad boss seems impressed enough. The old
man identifies Darius as a Childer.
Darkness descends on the room and the old man stabs Darius with blade-like fingers
and explains that he would be a passable soldier, but that the old man has quotas
to meet. He inquires if the Gangrel is Anarch or Camarilla, and Darius responds
that he’s looking out for himself. The man cuts open a bag and pulls out some ammo
for Darius in return for the weapons Darius has brought in. Wen Zhao introduces
himself and says that he’ll be happy to do business in the future, along with
giving him a black leatherbound book.
Matija gets some snacks!

The black leather book has a large skull on it and it says “The Book of Nod”

Margeret and Devin get a table and discuss their own events up until this moment in
the night while waiting for Darius and Matija, when they eventually join up at the
restaurant the group begins to discuss their various goings-on before Darius
explains the descriptions of the two bikers that they’re looking for.

Spotting one at the bar Devin asks if any of the coterie have the ability to
dominate mortals. Trying to figure it out, the group try to look at the book of Nod
and while Darius begins to roost after discarding the book and Matija complains
about their artistic decisions, Devin looks up the power only to find Margeret
already going to attempt to dominate the biker.


Getting him to follow the Ventrue, they return to the table and start questioning
the other biker. Darius (in two word sentences) starts trying to interrogate the
biker about his Chapter Master.

Apparently the Chapter Master is at home and this biker doesn’t know where he is,
but the buddy who’s meeting him here does.

Eventually snake tattoo walks in, and Matija decides to try her own hand at drawing
him in. Getting his attention and drawing him in, the coterie explains that they
need his address and snake tattoo opens his phone and gives the group the address
before Devin and Darius knock out the two bikers.

Margeret compels the staff to ignore how bad this is and the rest of the coterie

**Session 4:**

Arriving at the suburban home of the Chapter Master, the group considers how to get
the biker out of the house and Devin, in his impetuous way, decides the best choice
is to kick their bikes over and draw them out.


A short fight later there are two dead ghoul bikers and Contell is groggy from
being beaten on, dragging him inside the house and starting to interrogate the
Chapter Master. Learning that Bloody Red Mary is the biker's sire and that the
reason he gave Darius over to Mary was that he owed the vampire a favor. Learning
that her last name is Castelin the group and that she is a Vampire Elder and
probably staying at the Delta Hotel in town.. Also, the Chapter Master used to be a
Brujah, but Mary has some way of giving other disciplines to childer. Darius grabs
some bagged blood to slake his hunger before hearing the cops outside and deciding
to book it. Forgetting that an unconscious vampire looks like a corpse Devin
punches Contrel in the back of the head, meaning the group has to drag him out the

Margeret dominates some high kid with a shitty Kia and gets him into the driver's
seat while Devin stuffs Contrel into the trunk and the group drives to Darius'
biker house.

Dragging the body into the house and tossing it onto the cot, Darius pretends that
Contrel is dead and gets the bikers to start helping him dispose of it before
Matija takes some of her vitae and waves it under his nose to wake him up. There
are some questions about how a body that wasn't breathing was able to sit up again,
and then how the rest of the group isn't breathing before Matija rouses the blood
to make it appear as though she's breathing.

Asking about the situation, the topic of the book of Nod comes up and Contrel lets
the coterie know that if someone gave them the book of Nod then it is likely that
person is Sabbat.

Splitting back up, Matija heads back to her place, while Darius has a conversation
with Jeeves about what was seen tonight. With the intention of making him a ghoul
if he suspected that anything was strange. However Jeeves seems to have no thoughts
beyond things being a little off but certainly doesn't think anything supernatural
is involved.

Darius prepares to go to see the Baron before the coterie faces Mary at the Delta.

**Session 5:**

The coterie break up to satiate their hunger, Matija for regular food, though it
does nothing to slake the Beast.

Darius goes to the park and finds a jogging woman in a nearby park and brings her
to the ground, successfully filling her with terror while he feeds, though doesn't
kill the woman, simply leaving her traumatized.

Devin goes to his old neighbourhood, a run-down and crumbling part of the city and
simply grabs a strung-out homeless person, drags them into an alley and drains them
completely, dropping the body and leaving.

Margeret goes to a rich kids club and orders table service, gathering a throng of
people and selecting a couple from amongst them. First sending the man away and
drinking from the woman, convincing her to leave her boyfriend and find someone
better, before telling the man that his girlfriend left him and then drank him

The coterie get back together and go to see the Baron of York. Explaining the
situation with Mary and warning the Baron that there is a Sabbat sect under his
nose, holding out on their location in order to get assistance from the Baron. The
Baron gathers everyone's opinions and feelings before pulling out an elixir and,
after dropping a single drop of vitae into each glass, invites each member of the
coterie to do the same. While Darius and Margeret willingly give up a drop of their
blood, Devin and Matija hold back until the Baron uses Dominate to take control of
them and forces them to drink. Devin tries to punch the Baron as soon as the
compulsion ends, but there is no effect other than for Devin to get a surge of
nausea and self-hatred from the newly formed blood bond.

Telling the coterie that he'll take care of Mary's security, the Baron dismisses
them and they step back into the elevator where Matija begins to cry as the rest
steel themselves for the upcoming confrontation.

The group get into the Delta and Margeret gets a luxury suite so they can go up,
and Dominates the concierge to give them the key to the penthouse as well. Taking
the elevator up to their floor and then the stairs up to the penthouse level Matija
compels a thin blood to give up the drinks he's carrying and to leave. The semi-
vampire does as the influencer asks and Matija walks into the penthouse with
confidence while the other three sneak into the room. They see Bloody Red Mary
working on a computer. They begin to discuss the progress that the coterie has
made. Matija asks who her sire is and Mary mocks her, saying that she hasn't gained
the kind of favors that sort of information would require. So Matija stabs her with
a broken glass.


Devin leaps over the desk to try and stake Mary, and has it stopped in Mary's hand
as she tries to stop it. Darius jumps in and tries to put the pressure on the Elder
vampire, though she is able to hold it off. Before she's able to strike back
however Margeret runs around her to garrote the Elder. Allowing the whole coterie
to stab the stake in, seemingly putting Mary into Torpor.



Devin is able to notice that Mary is actually faking the torpor and tosses Matija
out of the way while he and Darius get grabbed, seeing that Mary's heart is
actually to the left of the stake because of her ability to move it around, which
is extended to the two young vampires who begin to feel their flesh warping, but
manage to fight the ability off.

Matija, desperate to assist her coterie thanks in part to the newly formed blood
bond, charges into the fray and grabs Mary, sinking her teeth into the Elder
Vampire and draining her dry, fighting against the older and more experienced Beast
through pure willpower and was able to completely diablerize Mary.


Grabbing Mary's laptop and accessories, alongside paperwork, the coterie escape the
hotel and return to Matija's house where they crack into the laptop and find the
following names in a ledger under the night they were all shovel-headed

"Francis LaBeau - CS" "Glinda Blake - AE" "Brianna Closs - AG" "Nate Kobayashi -

Writing the names down with the intention to find out more on a later night, there
is a knock on the door which Devin goes to greet, seeing two people in business
attire who ask for a moment with the coterie. The group comes out and is introduced
to these vampires as representatives of The Ministry, another group that is now
interested in the coterie thanks to their victory over an Elder, before the two
vampires give them a pamphlet and then descend into shadow, leaving the group to
think about the next nights of their Undeath...

**The End?**

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