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During times of disaster, a city's ability to bounce back heavily relies on how quickly the private sector can
recover. Understanding the crucial connection between the two, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC) is firmly dedicated to minimizing private sector losses through diverse initiatives and strategic
collaborations. (INTRO)

Objective 1: To aid private businesses in collaborating with government agencies for disaster risk

ADPC acknowledges the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors in effective
disaster risk reduction (DRR). To fulfill this objective, ADPC facilitates partnerships between government
agencies and private sector entities through Private Public Partnerships (PPP). By aligning their goals and
responsibilities, both parties can benefit mutually. ADPC's role is to facilitate the establishment of such
partnerships, ensuring they are built upon shared objectives.

Objective 2: To provide scientific information for risk assessment, identify government policies
supporting private sector disaster preparedness, and conduct capacity building for enterprises,
including utilizing scientific data for business continuity planning.

A cornerstone of ADPC's strategy is the provision of scientific information crucial for assessing and mitigating
risks. ADPC supports private enterprises by identifying government policies aimed at enhancing resilience to
natural disasters. By providing businesses with the necessary knowledge and tools, ADPC empowers them
to develop comprehensive risk management plans. Additionally, ADPC assists in capacity-building efforts,
enabling enterprises to effectively utilize scientific data in their operations.


Objective 3: To leverage its experience with governments and communities to enhance the private
sector's resilience to natural hazards.
Drawing from its extensive experience working with governments and local communities, ADPC adopts a
holistic approach to strengthening private sector resilience. By leveraging regional insights and best
practices, ADPC offers tailored solutions to mitigate the impact of disasters on businesses. Through a
combination of capacity building, policy advocacy, and technical assistance, ADPC endeavors to create a
resilient private sector capable of withstanding natural hazards.

Objective 4: To promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Disaster Risk Reduction.

ADPC advocates for the integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the business practices of
private enterprises. By communicating the importance of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) to clients,
stakeholders, and multinational partners, businesses can contribute to broader resilience efforts. Through
CSR initiatives, ADPC encourages private sector engagement in community-centric disaster preparedness
and response activities.

In summary, ADPC's goals center on empowering the private sector to mitigate disaster risks and improve
resilience. Through fostering collaborations, offering assistance, and advocating for CSR, ADPC aims to
create an environment where private businesses can succeed despite the challenges presented by natural
disasters. Through these strategic efforts, ADPC strives to lessen private sector losses and promote
sustainable development across the region. (OUTRO)

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