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Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester–VI Examination

Elective : A (F.M.)
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :— (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. (A) Write a detail note on Banking structure in India.

(B) Explain in detail functions of Commercial Banks.
(C) Explain the various types of Deposit Accounts.
(D) Elaborate the role of RBI.
2. (A) Explain in detail the principles of Insurance.
(B) Compare between unit linked policies and traditional policies.
(C) Explain the comparative features of term assurance annuities and endowment policies.
(D) What are differences between medi-claim and health insurance products ?
3. (A) What are Mutual Funds ? Discuss the benefits of investment in Mutual Funds.
(B) Write a detailed note on ETF and Equity funds.
(C) Elaborate the organisational structure of Mutual Fund.
(D) Explain the concept and calculation of NAV.
4. (A) Explain the concept of Primary and Secondary market.
(B) Elaborate the role of SEBI in Capital Market.
(C) Write a detailed note on Stock Exchanges in India.
(D) What is Capital Market ? Explain the structure of Capital Market of India.
5. Write short notes on :—
(A) Know Your Customer (KYC).
(B) Whole Life Products.
(C) Concept of Cost Averaging and Value Averaging.
(D) National Stock Exchange (NSE).

MF—3012 10

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