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“we maintenance instruction provides u general sesigvwn of turbocharger operation and trvetion, general rebuild information, and @ tevatled wsiructions on removal, disassembly, uviet, qudification, rework, assembly, sand = nstolation of the turbocharger and all of its dijponents, ‘structions contained herein ire Iaied ve iveonditioning and repair of turho- + chargers removed from 8, 12, 16, or 20 cylinder 4° engines in railroad and. power generating nulactunng techniques und design considera ons for best turbocharger teliability have re ulled in a unit that is not readily disassembled j.% twpaited without proper tooling and facilities Ye do mov recommend any attempts at dis: J ccombly oor repair without the necessary special 1. ant Hiciures required. Personnel should have ‘corourh understanding of the equipment he. gro" allempling to perform any maintenance Ham operational conditions will vary the md wear rates of certain turbocharger SL omporents, When prevailing conditions increse nul wear rates. the condemning limits 1 ¢ 200000 0OCOCH COCO OOOOE ( SOC CHOOCOOOOO OEE SO FOREWORD TERPS Sa e («He ponents may appear to ¢ or scrapping of reusable parts, With experience knowledgeable qualified persomiel can establish their own limits for certain components, espe ly when they have the benefit of person inspection and evaluation of questionable condi tions, Generally, however, our experietice itd cates that deviations from our recommendation: should be dept to a mi : they should be on a limited trial basis Until they, have proven practical unnecessary rewé Design improtements.may obsolete some of the” turbo components described or illustrated in this, publication, Generally, the improved components, are interchangeable with original components and disassembly, “reassembly, and qualification pyo- cedures are not affected. Normally, if any pro cedural discrepancies arise because” of obsolete components, the affected turbo rebuild Facilities in the field will be notified, Questions regaiding proceds discrepancies should be directed td your General Motors representative i Boctumentol 4 Controtado} e e e e e e e e e e e ° e e e e e e e@ SOHO SCHOHOHSHOHHHSHSHOHSSHSOHSOHOSHHOSHOHOCOECOCEOOE PREF ACTO Pstas instruooiones de manteniniento suministran wa desoripoiéa general ae funotonantento asl turbo y do eu oonstruooién, infornaotén aoeroe de 100 / proondinientos genorales de reparacién y asinieno\instrucoiones dotallades PO para ol deoontaje, recembio, Limpiera, oalificnoién, rensquinado, arando y contonidas equt : nontrje del turbo y todos sus componmntes. Las ins truooions entnn referidne al rencondioionamionto de lon turbos denmontados de motores ae 8, 12, 16 6 20 oflindros, motolo 645 waados en forroonrriles y plantes ge nerndoras do elootrioidnd. 3 PS Ins t6onions de fabrionoién y lon connidetaoiones do diaeiio para obtensr la m&xima oonfinbilidad del turbo, han dado como renultado una vnidad que no que / oucnten oon inatalnoionen apropiadaa. st Fo rocomendamos ninguna tentativa de denarae o desmontaje sin les hexra~ on ffollmento reparable min les horramientas sdoovadas y sin taller nientas y monte jes enpeoialon roqueridos. El personal intervinionte deberé / donor wn emplio concolninris de todo ol cquizo antes de intentar realtenr // Lith" ounlquier mantenimi-ento. Ciertas condiciones de opernoién variardn las teneiencs y los poroentajes |. do dongaate de olertas parten del turbo. Quando prevalezcen condiciones que /| aimenton los tonsionas y na relaciones de dengante, los faites de oondenacién |! para olertas partes puoien prrecor demasiado libsrales, @ invernanente cuando /} fh lon cofdtoionen de tonsiones y dengantes aenn mfninan, loo 1fmites de conden oivn para oforton componentes pueden apareoer oono oausando innoossarias repe~ | rnoionen y derechos de partes todavfa reouperablen. Con experienola y oonooi~ jt) te miontos 61 personal bion entrannto, puede estableanr en oonseovenoia sus prom ip pion Linites de oondennolén para certas partes del turbo, enpeoitimente // cuando ellos puodan dinyoner dol benafioto de mu propin inapecoién personal y | do 1a dccinign do ovaluar por of minnos ounlquier condicifn ouestionables © 2)j Fo obstente y gonoralnonts, nuentra exparienoin nos aioe que ounlquiera enviacidn de nuentran reocnondeoiones debs mantenerse dentro Je lo m{nino po~ bible y Ai ne Levara n onto, olla deberd haoerna sobre la tren de un ensayo | |! honta tanto no haya probado que requlte efeotiynnante edeounda y, préotions eocy Ins modifionoionae introduoidas pueden convertir en obsoletns algunes par ton de 10a tuthos desoripton o iluntrados en ent publionoién. Gerieralnente, orteinaled j.' Jon compon-nten modifiondon non intoronmbiables oon lan components y loa prooatinionton de danerme, reamado y otliflonoién, no rasulten afeotedos Yonandnmnte al ne mavitiesten dlsorepanaiee Aeiitn « eomjrnen tan obwol eta 1 turbo afentato AoberX nor dommoiado, Ian pregintam aoaron dle estas alore=|i panoing Seharén eer oonnl tofae oon el repranentantes @e Gonern Motorme 1 ahah ee YIDUVHOOSUNL 91-7. nee ee =|. ND =00 oie ECU Arqwessy uodans | o! 3! | a= Lae {oe -~j ss p= 8 5 982049519 sossaxdwo> [SSB Jocumenty Ontrol 00000 0000S CHOHOCOCOCOOOR OLE pe eoccccccecencccccceeeseeese SOSeSeoesseescesaseces +o f eooe SPOSSHOHHSHSHOHOHOHSHOHSCOHESOLOOEOO HEM ELECTRO-MOTIVE DIVISION + MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION Retry thes veri Rd M.1. 275-0 Rev. & GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE OF TURBOCHARGER Because the power generated in a diesel engine is, derived [rom te combustion of diesel fuel, higher horsepower engines use more fuel than Jawer horsepower engines and, consequently, pro- portionally more combustion air must be supplied tw bwin the fuel, , Air compressors or blowers of sufficient capacity eliver the necessary air require a high power rapht 1 mechanically driven from the engine, hese high capacity compressors would utilize a uubstantiat amount of the horsepower developed sithin the cylinders and would signilicantly de uct From the power available at the erankshatt suse power EMD engines do not utilize the levelaped in the eylinders at rated load to nechaueatily drive a blower, but rather. shaust pas driven turbine wheel connected to 3 compressor and mounted on the tear of the diesel ccnyine to supply combustion air. All of the fuel injcctrd is burned to completion in the diesel engine cylinders to create energy, but only part of the cneigy is converted to crankshaft power hy the cylinders, The exhaust gas leaving the cylinders. often in excess of 10007 F. and at approximately 14. psig, retains substantial amount nf enemy that is delivered to the gas turbine vheel lo drive the air compressor. /At rated load, power generated by the exhaust gas, as it passes though the gas turbine, drives the com: pressor al a speed which provides adequate eanbustiva air, There is also enough surplus air fo allow for normal air filler restrictions, alter evoler sestrictions, and thinner air density at higher elevations. Atmospheric conditions that decrease the air Nensity reduce the pumping load on the com- biessor impeller so the power generated within was turbine cin increase rotor speed and partially compensate for the lower density air by delivering more cubic feet of air per minute. For reason, the power developed by turbocharged ol engines does not rapidly decrease from lack of air with increasing altitude. os turbines are highly efficient for a relatively narrow opersging power range. The turbocharger gas flow component? are specifically designed to provide peak efficiency with the exhaust gas energy inp westable al ated toad. Tarbox chargers ait, therefore, not interchangeable between 8, 12, 16, and 20-645 engines. In addi on, the reduction in turbocharger efficiency at intermediate or low throttle positions makes it mandatory to provide additional power from the crankshaft through the gear train to supply adequate ait for combustion. In an 18 to { gear ratio turbocharger, a planets gear drive is employed to ensure that the rotating seimbly turns at least 18 times engine speed and an overrunning clutch allows the rotating assem- bly to turn faster than 18 times engine speed when there is sufficient gas energy to drive the turbocharger without additional gear train assist ance. This generally occurs at about 75% rated load, but is entirely dependent on’ the power generated in the gas turbine and the air pumping load on the compressor impeller under prevailing vironmental conditions. Turbochargers for 8 cylinder engines use a 19.7 to 1 gear ratio In locomotive applications, the pear train drive also provides rapid engine response to. throttle demands, because increased air is immediately available for engine acceleration. Without a gear drive, the turbine output and fuel combustion sale, being interdependent, are slow to intersect and respond to increased throttle demands. Under almost all normal operating conditions, the majority of power required to drive: the come pressor is developed by the gas turbine with very little power being supplied through the gear drive. Although the ggar dive power requirements are rather insignificant, the extra air delivered by the near drive is very necessiry for engine operation Revised March 1975 - = Document 3 C ‘antral Hudo of | < SOCOSOHSHNHSHHHHHS SHOT HSHHHHHHOSTHHOSOHHSOHOHOHOHHCOHOTEHLOT OSH OLE INFORMACION GENERAL, FINES DRL TORBOCOMPRER OR. Debido a gns in potanoia ganerady en”un moter diesol ea dert por An conbusttén dat eonbnnitbiay on moteraa do potoncta nis eitve aves nfa conhuotible qna an motores de haga potsnesa y, connsorantemente, el! aire porn 1a comiastibn debo ser proporcionalmonté aunentada pare qnomai 01 conbuath ble, Loa comprascres do nia o sopladores da enpasidnl suficionte // Para suniniatrar oX aire nocrsario, reqtierean nna oltn polenta de Amiontnr, BL son mnrAntenmante acckonnios par el motor, ester sompreno— Tes da nita caproidid dehorsn otilioar anaronntiiind considerable de la \) potonosn desnrralinin en Loa edlimiven yy conseenantaranta, tondrenos-/ mancs potsncia dinpenthle en ol cigiiofinl. Lom moteron die6l do la EMD) no atiitcan In patencia domarrollada on sn etlinizon pita Meskonae mod: Mlonmonta, sin qno nah nan torbiina ncetonadn por Lop ganos de ereape conectain al comreesoe y montnta on Ja reste posterior dol motor diesel Para proveer aire 9 oonbostién. Tedo ol sonbuetible Anrsatads os quomedg, tetalmonta An Jos eilindens dol moter dioral para provoor_ensr, Sy Dard 8620 parte de ia omzgda do Jos ollindros on tranaferida ol eigienale | La saltdn do mines do ononpa do Jog eflindros, frecnantonente per sobra los Ime F (5. °) y, Q nproximidamonta We Pol, rottiene ona proporos6n subs*anctat da anirgta quo os antrognda a Ja tarbina de ges para onfonar el ecnpronvr da aire. Para una carga normal ontablectia 22 hokeneta ganaracy por ol. pas da "oseapo chande pac a través do 1a ty bina do nosy neetnni ol enmpranor a una voloeidnd ndeenada para proveer ana gufictente Ge otre para la combantion, _ Thy tomhfn aufteienta axeadents do nire para permite los nove paleo roatrsceinnia (5 los “<1troa de naira, ermo tnmbién on el pont-rofr; rador, y monoa la denridad de aire on arbitndes mayoros que 6. ol mary Las eormltetonns at noat4riens qna docraco 1a donotdad do atra, | radned Jn aookén do Tnmboo dnl Ampnlaor dol compranor, nef 1a potehola Gemends con Ja trrbing da gag paste dnerensntar Jn velocidad el Sobor? ¥ Qenparcar povelatmcats In danstdcd de nica dianinadda ontregendo més” pins efmeon ds elra ore mito, Por asta razfn, a potencta ontragada » per Lon motores turhoinprin'dos (terhonnhrealimantaos) no decreaen Fac| pAdanonta por erengsn a3 airs eon ol efecto da ln eltitud, 78) aceite qve demmrrollan potevorns fuerse ralinlen MG: GuLions Aistaténe onyn finsI1éah at omtrar tow / oodinesss Fiotunten. BL exesaive denequiliteio do un rotor heos qua 108 oojinetes enodlen, Lo can Aovbatanga la contiguraoidn de enilan do nostte Y Sommquilives / rénllong oentranten Aunto oon renultnda et deamuililirle del roe Lan Dezsne fore Toe sex cuit ah cavdltirede do alte preotiién del rotor aa hare Suprencine A1Dia y Ane tolecanaine da farrioao:én de lon anginsrom achen mante cathe w toto / “ *® e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ® e e © e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e pecee ee0e0ese ML. 275-9 cylindrical tapers forming oil wedges which de- velop powerful radially oriented hydraulic forces centering the rotating journals. Excessive rotor unbalance causes the journals to oscillate within the bearing which unbalances the oil wedge con- figuration “and upsets the centering hydraulic forces resulting in rotor instability. For this reason, precision balancing of the rotating assem- bly is required and close alignment tolerances of the journal bearings must be maintained. ‘The hydraulic forces developed in the journal bearings and Uhrust bearing far exceed the engine lube oil pressure and because they are generated by the rotating journals, the hydraulic Forces inctease as rolor speed increa ‘The sun gear machined into the end of the rotor shaft meshes with three planet gears mounted on the planct carrier shaft. The pitch diameter of the planet gears must be equal and the carrier shaft ball and roller bearings must be precision aligned with tlle rotor centerline so that the driving loa is equally shared by the three planets and no oscillations are induced in the sun gear. The carrier drive gear is mounted on the splined end of the carrier shaft and is driven by the turbo idler gear which, in turn, is driven by the turbo drive gear. The turbo drive gear and the No. 2 engine idler gear rotate as an assembly on the No. 2 engine idler stubshaft, the end of which fits into the bore in the turbo main housing. Proper turbo idler backlash is auto- matically maintained because the —stubshaft locates the turbo drive gear a turbo main housing. In applications where an auxiliary hive is used, the turbo should be Positioned on the ‘stubshaft to provide proper auxiliary drive gear backlash before the turbo fe fastened in place, The turbo idler gcar double roller bearing swivels, allowing selfalignment of the idler gear for optimum tooth contact with the turbo drive gear and cartier drive gear. nd also locates the The ring year mounted on the turbo cluteh housing meshes around the three planet pears Two souitces of torque are fed into the planetary system, the torque developed by the turbine is fed through the sun gear, and the torque trans mitted by the gear train is fed through the carrier shaft to rotate the planet gears. The torque transmitted to. the ring gear is the resultant difference between the two torque inputs. he gear train drives the planets to rotate the rotor al 18 times engine speed, When the power developed in the turbine drives the rotor faster 08 than 18 Ymes engine specd, the torque from the sun gear Is fed trough the planets to rotate the ing gear and the clutch housing to which it is mounted, The clutch housing rotates around the clutch sifpport at a speed dependent on how much faster than 18 times engine speed the rotor turning. During this overrunning condition, the clutch rollers are in the wide end of the wedge shaped pockets formed by the camplate ramps and the clutch support. The clutch springs merely prevent the rollers from bouneing and keep thein in location: The cups around the clutch spring: prevent the springs from being damaged by bottoming if the rollers squeeze out from the locking wedge under high velocity. When the turbine doés not develop sufficient Power to turn the rotor at 18 times engine speed, the torque input through the planets tums the ring gear and clutch housing in the opposite direction. After very short travel, however, the fing gear, clutch housing, and camplate assembly is prevented from further rotation by the cluteh rollers which become tightly wedged in the smaller end of the camplite pockets during this short travel around the clutch support, With the ring gear held stationary, full gear train torque is Wransmitted through the planets to the sun gear The use of twelve independently functioning rollers and a flexibly mounted camplate allow maximum locking capabilities for each roller for equal load sharing. The surface finish of the support, rollers, and éamplate ramps, greatly affect locking reliability. Proper geometric contig: uration of the camplate ramps is imperative for reliable operation. High enerey exhatist gas is delivered to the single Stage tushine by the turbine inlet scroll. ‘The lurbine inlet link supports the upper end of the scroll which is stibjected to forces generated by exhaust gas pressure. The gas is thettled and directed by the nozzles into the turbine wheel The size of the nozzle orifices must he matched fo the amount of exhaust gas generated by the engine and the size of the compressor diffuser as explained earlier. ‘The nozzle ring is prevented from rotating by keys in slots around the 1.D. but is not rigidly clamped so that it can readily expand at operating temperature, Blade crosion is insignificant because high veloc: ity exhaust gas does not impinge on the blades Rather a reaction turbine gas Mow pattern is employed where high energy gas introduced at the throat between the blades is allowed to expand and increase velocity as it passes between eos seg te Aenea Wha Ina fuorzas hidrdulions denerrolladns en los oojineten de apoyo y en el 6o~' ‘Anete de enpujoy oxooden en micho a la prenign dol lubricants del motor y oma son ganeradan por los cojineten flotants » las fuerzan hidrdulioas numenten a / t medién quo aumenta la velocidad dol rétor. BL piiién maquinado en 01 oxtremo del eJo dol rotor engrana con los tres pia netarion montadon en ol porteplanotario, Bl diimetro primitive de lon planetarios dobe nex igual en lon tren, x tanto el coJinete a bolilina como al de rodillon / ' del ojo portaplanetarion, debe oatar alineado con procinidn oon al oje geonétrico dol eje del rétor, de tal forma que In carga de mando nea. Agualments distribuida entre los tres planotnrios y no induroan onoilaoionen en ol pilténs t BL engennajo do ando dol aje do los pinetarion vi montndo en el extreno / entrindo dol eje portaplanstarios x mnndado por @1 ojo intermedinrio dol turbo el cual a su vez es comandado por 01 ongranje de mando del turbo. Fl engranaje do mando dol turto y el intermeddario N* 2 del motor, giran como un oconjunto eo oF ‘bre el eje husco on cuyo extreno encaja en el alojemiento do la carcasa principal Gol turbo BL huolgo entre dientes an mnntions autonéticnnonte poraue el efe // hueoo woien al ongranaje do mando del turbo y tenbién ponioiona 1a oarcazn prin i cipal del turbo. jm aplicacionon on donde ee usa un mando suxilinr, el turbo dobe ser ubiondo solo el oje husco para proveer e1 huelgo del engrnnaje de mando de auriliares an ton que el turbo men ajustado en au lugar, El cojinete a rodillos onoilante del / enrtonaje intoredinrio del turbo, pormite 1a autoalinseotén del ongrannje inter Rolinrio para um éptino eontnoto de las dentaduras entre ol engranaje de mando / @ol turbo y ol ongrnnaje do mando do los planetarios. In oorons dontada interna montada en In oaroaza de onbrague del turbo, en- erana on 1s parte exterior on lon tron planetazion. Dos fuenten de tongue fon en vindaa al conjunto do planotarioss el torque donnrsollado por la turbina en ali— montndo al sintona a través del pliitny y ol tor;\s trannmitido por el tren de / ongrnnajes oo inolufde al aiatona a travée del eje portante que haon @irar lon / eneranajes plonotarios. Bl tomue tranomitido al acillo dentado es el resultado @e 1a diferonota de Ina den ontzndas de torque, EL tren ao engraanien hace que Jon planetarion giren al rotor a una volooldad 16 veoon mayor que In del ofgtie- finl. nando la potonoia denarrolinda en In turbine @ girar ol rotor mén rapido que lnm 18 vocen In velocidad del ofgtteiinl, ol torque producide por el piitén ‘tranomdtide a travén de lon planatarioa para haoor cirar el onillo dantnde y por 1o tanto 1a onrenzn dol aintomn do ombrage al oval entd montados Ia oarons: Aol ewbrame gira alrededor del eoporta dal emlirasia a una volo elind que depanderd en ovantem vaona 18 yaoan In valoatiind dai roto> entd mtento etrnity + Durante Sata ocniliattn de nobremsndo Joa rodillon del enbrarue estan en Va parte anoha de In onfin talinda en Joe Volnillon formade por } aa rampam de In plnon do, lavan y ol aoportn dal embragnes Joe resorte del entrogue solamente eviten que los rodillon roboten ¢ los mantione en nu lugar. Las tazaa alrededor de los resortes, evitan que los re= nortan an dafiados i los rodillos ee dentraban a alta volootdad. Cuando In turbina no denarrolla eufioiente potonola como para haoer gi= tar 10 veoes 1a velooidad dol oigiiefinl, o1 tomue a travéa de los planctarion noo girar ¢1 engranaje nnular ¥ 1a onroasa del enbragua en direcoién opuestas | Tuego de un corto recorrido, ain embargo, el engranaje anlar, 1a onroara fol oatrague y el disoo do lens quetan bloquondos por ncoién de lon rodillos | + fol entrague lon quo quedan fuortenente acufndos. an ol extreno chico de los / Yelaillos do in leva durante ente corto rocorrido alrededor dol ecporte del / onbray t i Cunndo el atstona ques estaoionario, todo ol torque suministrado por el ‘ron do ongranajes dol oigtlofial, es transmitido al pifén de In turbine a trarée do los planotarto Ml uso do 12 rodillos indepéndionton y unr plan de lemma Flexihlo, permite obtenor el m&xino de frenndo para onda rodsllo #1 dietrituir : eauilibradanonte lan oargns de frenos. La torminnoisn de In uperfiote del so Porkey de los rodillos, Iles ranpas de 1a placa de lovae, influyen grandenente one efecto do fronado del ointema, Ia figura goonStrioa correcta de Ja reapa —* Ae 2a placa 49 lemma, es imperntivn para el correcto functonantento. Ia alte Gnerefs do lov gaeen de econpe en entrerada a In turbina de una sola etapa por Xs onmuolta do ontradn de In turbina, Bl oalabén de ontredn do le turbine, / Soporta eh extrono superior de 1a onvuslta el cual est sujato a fiersas gene Rl ane on dirdgido a 1a tobera / BL tanalio de loa eamjeron da In tobera, Tadas por la prosién de lon ganen do ononpo. hnoia In rueda do turbina. dobe antar 9 cone 49 con 1a cnntignd do gas de ecoaps genorndo por el motor 7 tnabién de nouerde con el tamnfio del difuror dol comprenox oomo ne explicé antans BL anillo tobara quedn fi Jado por modi de chavotas que oncajnn on ranuran sizsdedor dol difmatra interior pero no onté rigidasonte clarnde para que pueda expanlirse a Ins tonpernturns da funeionamianto. Je orosign de lve Alabon on tnalgnifionnte debido a que lon Gong do esoape alta volocidnt no inaiden votamente nobre lon dinben. Como ne inn um eaquona de turbinn do gan en 61 cual ol gno da alta onergfa on Antroduotde en la enrganta entre low eben y na lo parnito exyaniirae x aumontnr In volookda? a medida que Pane ontzo loa Alnten, asta ana da nitn valootand qua doja In pty sta ante lon Alabey imarte win fuersn ranotiva a Lon mincoay lon ovelan hw -n rater Ja meda Jn beh BL AL fnor da ancsva y In ohinanen da muta de Jom genom Jo ananyo, Reena lon gaan a1 axtartor fe In chimansa oon un nfaino a turbilenota y Ae / contrapraniine Potida a quo Ta potonatn an ianernin por lon geen de enone an Ie anreants antro on flnbiny In Alte eftatanoin prints alo ohtanarne rwivolendo Ine pfrdddan alendotor da on Anbon, Ce ee Oe eee Ore ee weenie =< SHHSHSHHHSHHSHSHHSHSHSHSHHHOSHHSHHOHSEOLEDE the blades. ‘The high velocity gas leaving the Unrest between the blades imparts a reactive force lo the blades which rotates the wheel, The ex- haust diffuser and diverging exhaust stack guide the exhaust out of the stack with a minimuin of turbulence and back pressure. Because the power is generated by the exhaust gas in the throat between the blades, high efficiency is only ob- ined by minimizing leakage around the blades. The blade tip to shroud clearance must be sinall enough ( minimize leakage around the blades, but must be large enough to prevent contact hom thermal growth of the wheel and blades. Although the blades are loose in the whcel serra: tions at room temperature, thermal growth of the blades and centrifugal force them tight fitting at operating temperature. Turbine blide material was specifically selected for its high strength at high temperatures and its high fatigue strength allowing it to survive slight nicks in highly stressed areas. Phe exhaust duct floats" (o allow for thermal expansion. It is mounted with bolted spring washers and is sealed with a half lap slip joint at the retainer ring and with seal rings at the scroll end. Care should be taken to lifting and handling lurbos so that undue strain is not placed on the “Moating” exhaust duct as this would distort or damage these seals An aspirator tube is built into the exhaust duct which provides a source of suction due to the high velocity exhaust gas stream. This is used to establish variable rates of crankease ventilation that correspond with engine load output The main housing is sufficiently strong and sigid to piovide and maintain accurate alignment of all Lurho components and subassemblies, Care should be taken, however, that undue strain on the housing is not inadvertently introduced with improperly litted or distorted ait ducts or heavy unsupported muffler arrangements, ECONOMICS OF REMANUFACTURING Components that are damaged beyond repair or that are uneconomical to repair should be scrapped as they are removed. Cleaning, handling, transporting, and unnecessary inspection of ob- viously scrap material can add greatly to the cost of remanufacturing operations and should be avoided as much as possible. Lnspectors working in the disassembly nrea should be well tained and familiar with criteria Tor repair of the various coniponents, the types repair available, costs of varus lypes of repaie 0 these compongats, and costs of new replacement components, $0 that-prompt decisions regard disposition of components ean be made. It ad tion to. determining. the. cause of failure. an recording. thif. information for improvement of rework procedutes, the inspectors at uisassembly Should be qualified to affect the most economical disposition Of the various components Inspectors should also be aware of design in provements which can be applied to existing components. Rework of components to include these modernizations may be possible and could affect the economics of remanufacturing. In certain facilities, it may not be feasible for inspectors to specialize to the degree indicated. In these cases, cost studies should be made. to provide the ‘inspectors with definite criteria for disposition of components based on their ‘condi tion. Regardless of the manner in which it is imple= mented, a procedure for preliminary qualification of components is necessary for an economical turbocharger remanufacturing operation. Acctitate scrap and reconditioning records must. be m lained and reviewed frequently to ensure th; optimum economics are heing realized e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e @ SSCHSHHSOSHSSSSHSSHSSHSSSHOHHHSHSHSHHHSOHOSESES Conseouentemants, ol huelgo entre la punta del labo y la envuelta debe ser 1o suftoientenents pequofio para eviter Ina pSriidas entre los dinbes 5 / pore Jo gufioiontenente grande para evitar el contacto entre la onmelta x / Jou €lnbos que se hon expandide por nocién téraica de los ganon de osonpe. HL material de los flaten do turbinn fue especialmente sollocoionade / Para proveor nlta tonnign a altas tenporaturas, y por sus condiciones de / alts capaoidad a In fatiga prrmitiondo quo no se dostriyon aim cuando tengan picaduran en dren orfiicns somotidas a altars tonnionon. In chimenea vf montada flotants para petmitir la expansién térmions Beté hontada oon arande:ae elf: tioss abilonadas 7 proves de aello madiante |! una Junta de matic labio en el anilio de rethn y con aniiios de soll en el extreme do In volta, Dabo tenorns ouldado al guitar y mnipulonr turbos a / fin de no produoir tonsiones indebidaa on la chinorea flotante n fin de no dajinr entos solos. i Un, tubo de amptracién conatmufdo on 51 condvato de encape do 1s ohimeneny proven de un modo da auoctén dobido a 1a alta vilooidad ae In oorriente de / | Esnon de enenpes vio so wa para oblenor warinhien entadon de vnofo para ven Vilnoié: doi oketar del acter quo correnpondan oon In oarga variable del mo- tor, Ia estoana prinoipr] es euriosontonents fuerte y rfpida para mantener / debidanonte & sade toon Jos conjunton y sub-conjunton que conforman el / ‘turbos Dehe tenerse oxitato, min enbargo, de ejeroor enfusrzon notre la oar Onn inadvertidamente conduotos de aire smpopianente montados © soportar dircotanante conjunton onzn uando s@ introdun ponndon sin los debides epoyon. ASPRCTOS GOONONICOS DE LA NEPARAGION Tam partes que eatin dafiadan mfa alld de una posible reparaciéa, o que Tesulte anticoonsnioo ru redupernoign para el servicio, deben donecharee tan Pronto como we donmon tits Ja limpteca, wanipuleo, transporte @ snepecotén / Annooerarin do materiales qua obvienente oran luogo desonrtndes, inoromonta erenfements sl oonto de Ina operaciones de xeparaciGn y debe wer oritado / tanto coxo sor ponibles . ‘ Lon inpentoran qua trabajen en lan €ron de dennontaje, Sshon eotar bien verenados y fnmflinriccdos oon low oriterion goneralon de ta reparnoién de Jer variog compe: taay de low tipce de reparaoionen poniblen, da low oom tow Ae onda {40 de xeynenolin para anton oomponnnten, y da Inn aontan de low / nuevos Topuentos a inutolar, de tal manera qua In rdpida daoiaién de) dentine Final Ao ord componente denmontado pueda gar hecha min difiouttnd y nocrtade, mantes Atendn dehon enter onpmoltadon para datoniinar lea enue dus law averfon PATH potiar efeotuar Jou rricintroa de Snformanionad quo won aiempre neonmarion Porn majorne low traba jon de reprenaléne

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