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Communication Skills:
 Task: Prepare and deliver a 5-minute presentation on a topic of your choice.
Focus on maintaining eye contact, speaking clearly, and engaging your audience.
 Objective: To improve verbal communication skills and confidence in public
2. Teamwork:
 Task: Participate in a group project where each member is assigned specific roles
and responsibilities. Ensure effective communication, cooperation, and
contribution towards achieving the project goals.
 Objective: To enhance collaborative skills and the ability to work effectively in a
3. Time Management:
 Task: Create a weekly schedule allocating time for various tasks, including
work/study, personal activities, and relaxation. Stick to the schedule and evaluate
its effectiveness at the end of the week.
 Objective: To develop better time management skills and improve productivity.
4. Problem Solving:
 Task: Identify a problem you encounter regularly and devise a solution. Present
your approach, including potential challenges and how you plan to overcome
 Objective: To hone critical thinking skills and the ability to resolve issues
5. Adaptability:
 Task: Take on a task or responsibility outside of your comfort zone. Reflect on the
experience and how you adapted to new challenges or circumstances.
 Objective: To cultivate adaptability and resilience in different situations.
6. Empathy:
 Task: Engage in active listening during a conversation with a friend or colleague.
Practice empathetic responses and demonstrate understanding of their
 Objective: To develop empathy and interpersonal skills by recognizing and
responding to others' emotions.
7. Leadership:
 Task: Lead a small team or group project, delegating tasks, providing guidance,
and motivating team members to achieve objectives. Reflect on the leadership
style used and areas for improvement.
 Objective: To cultivate leadership qualities such as delegation, motivation, and
8. Conflict Resolution:
 Task: Role-play a scenario where there is a conflict between two individuals. Act
as a mediator to facilitate a resolution while considering the needs and
perspectives of both parties.
 Objective: To practice conflict resolution skills and promote constructive
communication in challenging situations.
9. Networking:
 Task: Attend a networking event or join an online professional community.
Initiate conversations, exchange contact information, and follow up with
individuals afterward.
 Objective: To develop networking skills and expand professional connections.
10. Self-Reflection:
 Task: Set aside time each week for self-reflection. Journal about your experiences,
achievements, challenges, and areas for personal growth. Identify actionable
steps for improvement.
 Objective: To foster self-awareness and continuous personal development.

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