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What is resilience?

Resilience makes great leaders

The ability to bounce back from setbacks is the difference between successful and
unsuccessful people.

Resilience is the ability to handle challenges, to bounce back smarter and

stronger, and to thrive in the face of stress,changing demands, opportunities, and

Resilience is not how can you avoid change, difficulty, and stress, because it is
almost impossible to do so. It is about how to face these events. It is not only
about the capacity of bouncing back, but also about growing vigorously after times
of change or trouble.

Resilience Factors
Take care of yourself by trying these techniques:
Exercise regularly
Eat a healthy diet
Drink plenty of water
Avoid toxic people
Schedule downtime for yourself
Take vacation
Engage in breathing exercises
Manage your workload
Engage in quiet reflection and contemplation
Read fiction
Engage in a hobby
Sing or play music

How do you feel these self care techniques help you to build resilience?

Use problem-solving skills and tools to build and maintain your resilience:
Ask for help
Set boundaries and learn to say no
Ask questions and be a good listener
Anticipate change and view change as an opportunity for growth
Give yourself adequate time to process change
Identify and address the source of problems you’re facing
Develop a logical way to work through problems
Prioritize people and things that are important to you
Focus on things that you have control over
Use a to-do list
Know when to quit
Drop burdens and negative thoughts

Pick 3 skill and describe how you feel these problem-solving techniques help you to
build resilience?

Meaning & Purpose

Identify the meaning and purpose of your life by trying these techniques:
Self-reflect about your meaning and purpose in life
Identify your core values
Write down your personal and professional goals
Support family and friends
Volunteer and help others
Engage in activities that bring you a sense of personal satisfaction and
Have a passion for something
Take time to think about the feelings of others

Write down your personal and professional goals. Describe for yourself what you
need to do to achieve those goals? What timeframe are these goals achievable

Social Support
We all need social support:
Work on your relationships with friends and family
Talk about what you’re going through with a trusted friend or mentor
Nurture new relationships
Commit to regular social interaction
Host a party or social gathering
Join a club or team
Organize an interest group
Ask a friend to lunch
Develop peer mentors

Are there new members on your team? What can you do to make their transition to
your group better? If not, what activities would you be willing to engage in to
further build your social support network?

Positive Outlook
Adopt a positive outlook
Focus on the part of your life that is going well
Limit negative and self-defeating thoughts
Visualize yourself being successful and happy
Keep a gratitude journal
Write down three good things each day
Compliment other people
Reframe how you view negative events
Show authentic appreciation to others

Visualize yourself being successful and happy what does that look like? Describe it
? What negative factors can you identify that keep you from reaching your goal?
What steps can you take to remove those factors?

The 4 Rs of resilience
Bouncing back from setbacks requires both emotional and physical habits and
rituals. The 4 Rs framework focuses on how recovery, nutrition, and movement
strategies can help us be our best when it matters most.

Look inward and make your mind an ally! Through intrpospection, you can manage
emotions, cultivate minfulness, and orient towards the positive.
-Reframing reuces the negative impact of non-productive thoughts and replaces them
with positive , hih-performing thinking.
-Noticing negative thinking makes you aware about how many negative and positive
thoughts you have in a period.
-Visualizing success is about consciously forming high-performance and healthy
images that improve your energy, capacity, performance, and sustainability.
-Cutivating a growth mindset makes you believe that there is always the potential
for doing better, learning, and changing for the better.

Reflection alone isn't enough. Strengthen relationships with others:
-It is easy to become isolated and find that the support isn't there when we do
need it. A social support network is something we must actively maintain.
Maintaining a social support network is about give an take.

-Gratitude helps us continue to appreciate things even after the newness wears off
and increase our self-worth. It blocks toxic emotions such as envy, resentment,
regret, and depression. Grateful people recover from stress more quickly.

-People who help othr live longer than people who dont help others. When we form
bond with people, we trigger a system that allows us to experience health benefits.
When we don't feel bonded, we have increased stress and poorer health.

- Anchor around a purpose to energize your life at work and home. Your purpose is
something that is meaningful and is important to who you are. It is how you make
a difference in the world. When you have a purpose, you become motivated and
energized. You gain a sense of confidence and optimism about your place in the
Ask yourself:
1.What is most important to me at work? How can I make sure I have the time, energy
and resources for it?
2.Is there a part of my job I can think about differently?
3.Can I adjust the way I relate to others at work?

-Make your own ritual to help you build resilience.It could be oriented around:
1.Encouraging focus at the start of the day
2.Providing calm at the end of the day.
3.Refreshing you in the middle of the day.
4.Celebrate achievements

Nourish your mind and body:
-Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night
-Use a 4-count breathing pattern:
1.First exhale all the air from your lungs
2.Then breathe deeply from your belly for a count of 4 seconds
3.Hold your breath for 4 seconds
4.Exhale for 4 seconds to empty all the air from your lungs
5.Finish by holding your empty lungs for 4 seconds
6.Repeat this cycle for 3 minutes
-Transition time to recharge and take breaks startegically
Stay hydrated and make it colorful
Research suggests that as much as 40% of what you're feeling right now is a
function of the last meal you ate. Optimal meals include:

1.High protein such as yogurt, cheese, eggs, meats, fish, poultry, beans, soy
products, legumes, nuts, and seeds
2.High-fiber such as whole-grain breads, cereals, granola, fruits, and vegetables
3.Fatty acid food such as olive oil, flaxseed, sesame, nut, avocado, wheat germ,
whole grains, and fish.

Accept when your body is craving your comfort food such as chocolate to make
yourself feel happy. Just don’t overdo it.

Eat mindfully.

Eat mindfully
Stress-eating makes us swallow whatever is within reach, without paying much
attention to what we’re eating or how we’re eating it.
Enjoy your food:
Think about what you are eating.
Take a bite and notice all the flavors of the food.
Chew slowly and pause after you’ve swallowed.
Then take another bite.

Keep moving
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, but
also the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity
John F. Kennedy
Experiment with movement...any sort of movement! Don’t just sit down for hours.
Conduct walking meetings, if you can. In the situation we experience today, you can
benefit from virtual walking meetings as well. Any movement can be beneficial
because it activates the brain.

Perform desk stretches. Select the image to learn how.

Desk stretches
After being sedentary for 90 minutes or more, engaging in a stretching sequence, or
just working a single stretch during a short break can serve as an excellent mini-
recovery break. This can help get your blood flowing and help you re-energize and
Can’t stretch? Try a simple smile to shift your mindset and mood. When the smiling
muscles in our face contract, neural signals are sent to the brain which stimulate
feeling joy. Each time we smile, we change what’s happening in our brain for the
better. Smiling can reduce the stress that your body and mind feel and generate
positive emotions.

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