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KİM ? --- Who ?

KİMİ ? --- Who ? (accusative form of who )

KİME ? - To who ?

KİMDEN ? -- From who ?

KİMLE ? --- With who ?

KİMİN ? --- Whose ?


Ne ? What ?

Neyi ?
Neye ?

Neyden ?

Neyle ?

Neyin ?


Hangi ? Which ?

Hangisi ?

Hangisine ?

Hangisinden ?

Hangisinin ?


Nere ? - Where ?

Nerede ? - In where ?

Nereyi ? Where ? (accusative form of where )

Nereye ? - To where ?

Nereden ? - From where ?

Neresinin ? -- Of where ?


Ne zaman ? - When ?
Saat kaçta ? -- At what time ?

Kaç tane ? - How many ?

Ne kadar ? -- How much ?

Niye ? - Neden ? - Niçin ? -- Why ?


- Why have you not started yet ?

to start - başla-mak

yet- henüz

- What did you say ?

- Which coffee do you like most ?

most - en çok

to like - sev-mek

- Where are you running (to ) ?

- Whose are these gloves ?

gloves - eldivenler

- Whose birthday is it today ?

- Who was she with ?

- Who is cooking the dinner today ?

- Who are you with now ?

- How this thing works ? ( is working )

- Where does your uncle lives ? ( is living )

to live- yaşa-mak

- Which room is yours ?

- What kind of music do you listen ? ( you are listening )

to listen - dinle-MEK ( accusative )

- What is happening ?

to happen - ol-mak

- What happened ?

- What time do you sleep ? (what time are you sleeping ? )

to sleep - uyu-mak

- Why are you so angry ?

angry- kızgın

- How much sauce do you want ?

to want- iste-mek

- Who do you love ?

to love- sev-mek (accusative )

- Who did you talk with ?

- What did you wash it with ?

to wash- yıkamak ( Accusative 9

- To who (m) did you inform ?

to inform- haber ver-mek

- How did you go (to) there ?

- Who did you take this from ?

Kolay gelsin !


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