GRADE 7-Part-A Revision Paper

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Part A – Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the most suitable response from the given options for each of the questions
Read "The Adventures of Toto" and answer questions 1 to 12.
1. Who is the only person whom Toto is mostly likely to be frightened off?
A. The aunt
B. The narrator
C. The grandfather
D. The grandmother

2. Choose the correct option, which uses the underlined word with the same meaning as used in the
A. My opinion of him went up a few pegs when he apologized for his mistake.
B. Because of the sudden currents in the pacific the wind hauled to the east.
C. Martha held her baby securely in her arms while getting of the crowded bus.
D. Garry and ken chattered on like girls full of gossip after they returned from the school.

A. went up a few pegs when he apologized for his mistake

B.Because of the sudden currents in the pacific the wind hauled to the east
C.Martha held her baby securely in her arms while getting of the crowded bus
D.Garry and ken chattered on like girls full of gossip after they returned from the school

3. At the end of the story, what could the narrator have felt?

4. Even though Toto had damaged the walls of the house, grandfather expressed admiration for
him. What impressed the grandfather?
A. Toto’s physical appearance
B. Toto’s imitative behavior
C. Toto’s sense of cleanliness
D. Toto’s capacity for cleverness

5. Which of these words can replace “sticking out” in the passage?

A. bulging

6. Choose an alternate title for the passage which captures its main idea.
A.An unsuccessful attempt
B. An intelligent strategy
C.A selfish character
D.A bathing experience
7. The opening line of the passage has been included to .
a. bring humour into the picture
b. lay the setting for what is to come
c. add an element of surprise for the readers
d. hint at the financial conditions of the household

8. What tone does the narrator use throughout the story?

A. Playful
B. Peaceful
C. Confused

9. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. The narrator did not like pets of any kind
B.Grandfather gave up trying to tame Toto
C. The other animals at the house did not like Toto
D.Grandmother realized that Toto was playing games

10. Based on the passage, we can say that this family .

A. was able to entertain guests well
B. could not look after pets and children
C. was used to keeping animals at home
D. could not meet all its expenses easily

11. Which of these must have happened immediately AFTER Toto took off the lid of the kettle on the
A. Toto dipped his finger into the water
B. Toto stepped into the kettle of water
C. Toto hopped up and down in the kettle
D. Toto dabbed the water on his face and body

12. Which word from the passage means “pulled violently”?

A. Fussed
Read the poem "Small Incident in Library" and answer questions 13 to 19.

13. There is no description of one of the people from the poem. Who is it?
A. The child
B. The mother
C. The speaker
D. The large man

14. Choose the option that has the same meaning as the word, “Stoops”, used in the poem.
A. Bends low
B. Walks down
C. Moves forward
D. Straightens up

15. Which line from the poem suggests that the mother was preoccupied?
A. Stanza 1,lines 3& 4
B. Stanza 1,lines 5 & 6
C. Stanza 2,lines 1& 2
D. Stanza 3,lines 2 & 3

16. Which of these options is HIGHLIGHTED in the lines “Now the tall shelves threaten like a forest?”
A. Personification (giving human qualities to non – human objects)
B. Simile (comparison between two different things using words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’)
C. Metaphor (comparison of two dissimilar things without using words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’)
D.Alliteration (repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence)
17. Which of these options correctly captures the child’s EMOTIONS in stanza 2?
A. fear and panic
B. doubt and sorrow
C. upset and tired
D.ignored and angry

18. Based on the poem; choose the option that cannot be used to describe the mother’s actions.
A. forgetful
B. nervous
C. patient

19. Which of these captures the main idea of the poem?

A. The joys of being a mother
B. the everyday life of a child
C. a child’s need for protection
D.a mother’s interest in reading

20. Sia had worked very hard this year. Sia topped her class. Choose the BEST way of rewriting these two
sentences by combining them into one.
A. Sia had worked very hard this year while she topped her class.
B. Since Sia had worked very hard this year, she topped her class.
C. Sia had worked very hard this year unless she topped her class.
D.Provided Sia had worked very hard this year, she topped her class

The given passage has some blanks. Choose the correct word/phrase that should appear in the
blanks, from the options given below.

Now choose the CORRECT phrases given below for the questions

21. Choose the CORRECT option.

A. that has to sit within a boundary
B. which may sit within a boundary
C. that could sit within the boundaries
D.which should sit within the boundaries
22. Choose the CORRECT option.
A. which on average is just
B. which on average are only
C. which on average was rather
D.which on average were indeed

23. Choose the CORRECT option.

A. spent its life over
B. spends its life over
C. is spending its life on
D.will spend its life among

24. Choose the CORRECT option.

A. has been believed to be
B. was being believed to be
C. has been believed to being
D.was believed to have been

25. Choose the CORRECT option.

A. that aquatic habitats are home
B. that aquatic habitats had home
C. where aquatic habitats have home
D.where aquatic habitats were home

26. Choose the CORRECT option.

A. and a discovery of the frog goes
B. but a discovery of a few frogs go
C. but the discovery of this frog goes
D.and the discovery of some frogs go

....................End of Passage Related Questions......................

27. Choose the correct option to COMPLETE the given sentence MEANINGFULLY. The book setting off on
my journey helped me to keep myself busy in the train.
A. where I had read before
B. while I was reading before
C. whatever you had given me before
D. which I borrowed from the library before

28. Select the sentence that uses all the words correctly.
A. Having washed all the clothes, I rung them and hung them out in the sun.
B. I want to know how to apply for duel citizenship for both America and India.
C. Her dress was like a fairy’s with silver glitter all over the shear, white material.
D.His interest in his studies began to wane after he signed up for the football team.

29. Choose the correct option to complete Soham’s part of the conversation.
Jia: The tyre of my bike got punctured and I had to drag it to the garage. Just then, it started to rain. This
made me late for my dance auditions and now my dream of dancing for the zonal event this year is
shattered. Nothing could go more wrong.
Soham: Jia, misfortunes do not come one at a time. That is what they mean when they say “ ”
A. It never rains but it pours.
B. It is never too late to mend.
C. It’s useless pumping a dry well.
D. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
30. In the picture below, what is the meaning of the underlined words?

A. The people you travel with have little effect on the places you go to.
B. The places you go to matter far more than the people you travel with.
C. The places you go to make no difference to the people you travel with.
D.The people you travel with are more important than the places you go to.

31. Which of these sentences is GRAMMATICALLY correct?

A. Neither of the brothers have eaten anything the whole day because of a quarrel.
B. Any of these students are equally likely to be selected for the school football team.
C. Every child in developing countries deserve fair opportunities and good education.
D.Each of the dancers is interested in participating in the singing competition as well.

32. Choose the option that would COMPLETE the given sentence MEANINGFULLY. The mother decided to
to what her son was doing to the toys on the shelves. She let him do what he wanted.
A. turn her head
B. turn a deaf ear
C. turn a blind eye
D. turn her nose up

33. Choose the sentence which arranges the following words MEANINGFULLY.
so it was that sunny seemed around yellow everything yesterday
A. Everything was so sunny around that it seemed yellow yesterday.
B. Everything seemed that yellow yesterday so it was sunny around.
C. It seemed so yellow that yesterday everything around was sunny.
D. It was so sunny yesterday that everything around seemed yellow.

34. Choose the correct option to complete the given sentence MEANINGFULLY. Two students in our
class are identical twins and most of the teachers can’t
A. tell them apart
B. find them out
C. know any better
D. see through them

35. Shilpa: How have you been doing after the accident? Vishal: Hey, I am back on my feet. Vishal meant
that he was
A. started exercising
B. recovered completely
C. taken his medicines
D. will take his medicines
36. Choose the option that would complete the given sentence MEANINGFULLY. There
were some exciting moments in the second half of the film but the first ninety minutes were slow in
A. pain
B. pained
C. painfully
D. paining

37. Choose the best phrase to complete the sentence. The City Council is conducting campaigns to
among citizens about garbage disposal.
A. rise awareness
B. raise awareness
C. arise awareness
D. arouse awareness

38.Feroz was not wealthy, but he always managed to send extravagant gifts to his siters for their birthdays.

A. Costly
B. Wrapped
C. Beautiful
D. Unexpected

39. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A. Sarah did not eaten the entire pizza for dinner

B. Some did not took the long road while travelling home.
C. Menanz did not receive a big bunch of flowers yesterday.
D. Tapan did not said he was going to attend the party.

40. This cake was baked by my friend who visited us yesterday.

Which of the following options correctly rewrites the above sentence.

A. The friend who visited us yesterday baked this cake.

B. The friend who visited us bakes this cake yesterday
C. The friend who visited us yesterday bakes this cake.
D. The friend who visits us baked this cake yesterday.


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