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Dr. Gabriel Obed Fosu

Department of Mathematics
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
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Lecture Outline
1 Introduction To Vectors

2 Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

3 Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

4 Vectors in Rn

5 Linear Combination of Vectors

6 Vector Products
Dot Product

7 Angles

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Introduction To Vectors

Introduction To Vectors
Definition (Vector)
A vector is an object that has both a magnitude and a direction.

1 An example of a vector quantity is velocity. This is speed, in a particular direction. An

example of velocity might be 60 mph due north.
2 A quantity with magnitude alone, but no direction, is not a vector. It is called a scalar
instead. One example of a scalar is distance.
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Introduction To Vectors

Geometric representation

Definition (Geometric representation)

A vector v is represented by a directed line segment denoted by AB .
A −→
v = AB

1 A is the initial point/origin/tail and B is the terminal point/endpoint/tip.

2 The length of the segment is the magnitude of v and is denoted by ∥v∥.
3 A and B are any points in space.

Vectors are represented with arrows on top (⃗
v or OP ) or as boldface v.

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Introduction To Vectors

Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction.


B u

C u

−→ −−→
AB = u = DC

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Introduction To Vectors

Addition of Vectors
Theorem (Parallelogram law)
Vector u + v is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by u and v.

Addition Laws
A u+v D B
u v
v A u+v
(b) Triangle law of vector addition: The tip of u
(a) Parallelogram law of vector addition: The tail coincides with the tail of v. (Also called head to
of u and v coincide. tail rule)

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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

If the two vectors do not have a common point, we can always coincide them by shifting one of the
By observing that
−→ −−→ −−→
AB + B D = AD (1)

Zero Vector
−→ −→ −−→ →

1 AB + B A = A A. This is the zero vector. It has zero magnitude and is denoted by 0 or 0 . Its
origin is equal to its endpoint.
−−→ −−→ −−→ −−→ −−→
2 For any vector w, w + 0 = w [if we let w = M N and 0 = N N then w + 0 = M N + N N = M N = w.]

Negative vector
−→ −→ −→ −→ −−→ −→
B A and AB have the same magnitude but opposite directions and satisfy AB + B A = A A = ⃗0. B A is
−→ −→ −→
the negative of AB i.e. B A = − AB .

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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

−→ −→ −→ −→ −→
1 + · · · + AB} = k AB if k ∈ Z. The coefficient
In general, we have k AB . For instance |AB + AB{z
k is a scalar and the product between a scalar and a vector is called scalar
2 w and kw are said to be parallel; they have the same direction if k > 0 and opposite
direction if k < 0.

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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

Position Vectors

Definition (Position Vectors)

While vectors can exist anywhere in space, a point is always defined relative to the origin,
O . Vectors defined from the origin are called Position Vectors

−→ −−→ −−→
AB = AO + OB (2)
a ] +⃗
= [−⃗ b (3)
=⃗b −⃗
a (4)
−−→ −−→
= OB − O A (5)

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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

It is natural to represent position vectors using

coordinates. For example, in A = (3, 2) and we
write the vector ⃗ a = O A = [3, 2] using square
brackets. Similarly, ⃗b = [−1, 3] and ⃗
c = [2, −1]

1 The individual coordinates [3 and 2 in the case of ⃗

a ] are called the components of the
2 A vector is sometimes said to be an ordered pair of real numbers. That is
[3, 2] ̸= [2, 3] (6)

 
3 Vectors can be represented either as row vector [a, b, c] of a column vector b 
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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

Some 2D Properties
Given u = [u 1 , u 2 ] and v = [v 1 , v 2 ] then
1 Addition
u + v = [u 1 + v 1 , u 2 + v 2 ] (7)

2 Subtraction
u − v = [u 1 − v 1 , u 2 − v 2 ] (8)

3 Scalar multiplication
ku = [ku 1 , ku 2 ] (9)

4 Magnitude / Length / Norm q

∥u∥ = ||u|| = u 12 + u 22 (10)

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Addition, Subtraction and Scaler Multiplication

Standard Basis Vectors

Let ⃗i = [1, 0] and ⃗j = [0, 1] , the i , j are called standard basis vectors in R2 .

Each vector have length 1 and point in the directions of the positive x, and y−axes

Similarly, in the three-dimensional plane, the vectors ⃗i = [1, 0, 0], ⃗j = [0, 1, 0] and ⃗
k = [0, 0, 1]
are also called the standard basis vectors.

Again they have length 1 and point in the directions of the positive x, y, and z−axes.

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Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

Standard Basis Vectors

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Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

Unit Vector

1 A vector of magnitude 1 is called a unit vector.
In the Cartesian coordinate system, i and j are
reserved for the unit vector along the positive x -
axis and y -axis respectively.
2 The Cartesian coordinate system is therefore
defined by three reference points (O, I , J ) such
that the origin O has coordinates (0, 0), i = OI and
−→ −−→
j = O J , and any vector w = OM can be expressed
as w = w 1 i + w 2 j. w 1 and w 2 are the coordinates of

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Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

Given the points E = (2, 7) and F = (3, −1), then the vector E F is given as
−→ −−→ −−→
E F = OF − OE (11)
= [(3, −1) − (2, 7)] (12)
= [1, −8] (13)

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Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

Calculate the magnitude of vector a = λ1 a1 − λ2 a2 − λ3 a3 in case a1 = [2, −3], a2 = [−3, 0], a3 =
[−1, −1] and λ1 = 2, λ2 = −1, λ3 = 3.

a = λ1 a1 − λ2 a2 − λ3 a3 (14)
= 2[2, −3] − [−1][−3, 0] − 3[−1, −1] (15)
= [4, −6] + [−3, 0] + [3, 3] (16)
= [4, −3] (17)

p p
|a| = 42 + [−3]2 = 25 = 5 (18)

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Basis Vectors and Unit Vectors

A car is pulled by four men. The components of the four forces are F1 = [20, 25], F2 =
[15, 5], F3 = [25, −5] and F4 = [30, −15]. Find the resultant force R.

The resultant force

F = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 (19)
= [20, 25] + [15, 5] + [25, −5] + [30, −15] (20)
= [90, 10] (21)

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Vectors in Rn

1 If v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n are n real numbers:
2 v = [v 1 , v 2 ] is a two dimension vector. It belongs to R2 .
3 v = [v 1 , v 2 , v 3 ] is a three dimension vector. It belongs to R3 .
4 v = [v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n ] is an n dimension vector. It belongs to Rn . We may use e1 , e2 , . . . en to
denote the unit vectors of the coordinate system.

1 i = [1, 0, 0], j = [0, 1, 0] and k = [0, 0, 1] are three dimension vectors; i, j, k ∈ R3 .u = [3, −1, 5] =
3i − j + 5k is a vector in R3 .
2 v = [3, −1, 5, 0, 4] = 3e1 − e2 + 5e3 + 4e5 is a five dimension vector; v ∈ R5 .
3 The coordinate system is defined by e1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], e2 = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], e3 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
e4 = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], and e5 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1].

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Vectors in Rn

u = [u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u n ], and v = [v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n ] then
1 Addition
u + v = [u 1 + v 1 , u 2 + v 2 , . . . , u n + v n ] (22)

2 Subtraction
u − v = [u 1 − v 1 , u 2 − v 2 , . . . , u n − v n ] (23)

3 Scalar multiplication
ku = [ku 1 , ku 2 , . . . , ku n ] (24)

4 Magnitude q
∥u∥ = u 12 + u 22 + . . . + u n
2 (25)

5 Unit vector in the direction of u

u1 u2 un
µ ¶
eu = = , ,..., (26)
∥u∥ ∥u∥ ∥u∥ ∥u∥

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Vectors in Rn

If a = [4, 0, 3] and b = [−2, 1, 5], find ∥a − b∥ and the unit vector e in the direction of a.

a −⃗
⃗ b = [4, 0, 3] − [−2, 1, 5] (27)
= [6, −1, −2] (28)
and p
a −⃗
|⃗ b| = 62 + [−1]2 + [−2]2 = 41 (29)
The unit in the direction of a is
e= p [4, 0, 3] (30)
4 + 02 + 32
= [4, 0, 3] (31)
·5 ¸
4 3
= , 0, (32)
5 5

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Vectors in Rn

Properties of vectors
For any vectors u, v, w ∈ Rn and any scalars k, k ′ ∈ R,
Closure u + v ∈ Rn
Additive inverse u + [−u] = 0
Commutative u + v = v + u
Additive identity u + 0 = u
Multiplicative identity 1u = u
Associative [u + v] + w = u + [v + w]
Scalar Multiplication k[u + v] = ku + kv
Scalar Multiplication [k + k ′ ]u = ku + k ′ u
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Linear Combination of Vectors

Definition (Linear Combination)

A vector v is a linear combination of vectors v1 , v2 , · · · , v n if there are scalars k1 , k2 , · · · , kn
such that
v = k 1 v1 + k 2 v2 + · · · + k n vn (33)
The scalars k1 , k2 , · · · , kn are called the coefficients of the linear combination.

2 1 2 5

      

The vectors −2 is a linear combination of  0  , −3 and −4Since

−1 −1 1 0

1 2 5 2
       

3 0 + 2 −3 − −4 = −2
       (34)
−1 1 0 −1

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Vector Products Dot Product

Dot Product
For u and v in Rn ,
1 If
u = [u 1 , u 2 , . . . , u n ], and v = [v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n ]
〈u, v〉 = u · v = u 1 v 1 + u 2 v 2 + . . . + u n v n (35)
is the dot product of the two vectors.
2 The dot product is also called inner or scalar product.

[1, 2, 3]·[−1, 0, 1] = 1(−1) + 2(0) + 3(1) = 2.

[i + 2j − 3k] · [2j − k] = 0 + 4 + 3 = 7.

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Vector Products Dot Product

In R3 , i = [1, 0, 0], j = [0, 1, 0] and k = [0, 0, 1] so that

· i j k
i 1 0 0
j 0 1 0
k 0 0 1

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Vector Products Dot Product

For any vectors u, v, w ∈ Rn and any scalar k ∈ R :
u·v ∈ R
0 · u = 0.
u·v = v·u
u · u = ∥u∥2 ≥ 0 and u · u = 0 iff u = 0.
[ku]·v = k[u · v]
u·[v + w] = u · v + u · w.

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Vector Products Dot Product

1 If ⃗i , ⃗j ,⃗ j ·⃗
k ∈ R3 , then ⃗ k=
2 If ⃗i , ⃗j ,⃗
k ∈ R2 , then −⃗
j ·⃗
3 If ⃗i , ⃗j ,⃗
k ∈ R2 , then −⃗
k +⃗
j = is ?
4 If ⃗i , ⃗j ,⃗
k ∈ R3 , then the modulus of −⃗
k +⃗
j = is ?
5 Find a unit vector that has the same direction as
a. u = 8i − j + k
b. v = [−2, 1, 2].

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The dot product can also be used to calculate the angle between a pair of vectors. In R 2
or R 3 , the angle between the nonzero vectors u and v will refer to the angle θ determined
by these vectors that satisfies 0 ≤ θ ≤ 180.

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For nonzero vectors u and v in R n
cos θ = (36)
||u|| ||v||

This implies that

u · v = ||u|| ||v|| cos θ (37)

0 ≤ θ ≤ π is the internal angle.

Orthogonal vectors
Two nonzero vectors u and v are said to be orthogonal or perpendicular if

u·v = 0 (38)

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Let u = i − 2j + 3k, v = i − k and w = 2i + 7j + 4k be three vectors of R3 . Show that u and w are
orthogonal but u and v are not. Find the angle θ between the direction of u and v.

u · v = [1, −2, 3] · [1, 0, −1] (39)

= 1 + 0 − 3 = −2 Not orthogonal (40)

u · w = [1, −2, 3] · [2, 7, 4] (41)

= 2 − 14 + 12 = 0 orthogonal (42)

u·v −2 −1
cos θ = =p p =p (43)
||u|| ||v|| 14 × 2 7
θ = 112.2078 (44)
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Find k so that u = [1, k, −3, 1] and v = [1, k, k, 1] are orthogonal.

For orthogonal

u·v = 0 (45)
[1, k, −3, 1] · [1, k, k, 1] = 0 (46)
1 + k − 3k + 1 = 0 (47)
k 2 − 3k + 2 = 0 (48)
[k − 2][k − 1] = 0 (49)

Hence k = 2 or k = 1

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For any two vectors a and b
1 Schwartz’s inequality:

∥a · b∥ ≤ ∥a∥∥b∥ (50)

2 Triangle inequality:

∥a + b∥ ≤ ∥a∥ + ∥b∥ (51)

The distance between a and b is
d (a, b) = ∥a − b∥ (52)

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Theorem (Pythagoras)
For all vectors u and v in R n ,
∥u + v∥2 = ∥u∥2 + ∥v∥2 (53)
if and only if u and v are orthogonal.


∥u + v∥2 = ∥u∥2 + ∥v∥2 + 2u · v (54)

For orthogonal u · v = 0

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Projection of v onto u
Consider two nonzero vectors u and v. Let p be the vector obtained by dropping a perpendicular
from the head of v onto u and let θ be the angle between u and v

Scaler Projection
The scalar projection of a vector v onto a
nonzero vector u is defined and denoted
by the scalar
comp u v = (55)

Vector Projection
The [vector] projection of v onto u is
u·v u u
pr o j u v = = comp u v (56)
∥u∥ ∥u∥ ∥u∥
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Find the projection of v onto u if u = [2, 1] and v = [−1, 3]

u · v = −2 + 3 = 1 (57)

p p
||u|| · ||u|| = 5( 5) = 5 (58)

u·v u 1
pr o j u v = = u (59)
∥u∥ ∥u∥ 5
= [2, 1] (60)
·5 ¸
2 1
= , (61)
5 5

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1 For what values of b will make ⃗
u = [b, 3, ] and ⃗
v = [2, 6] orthogonal?
2 For what values of b will make ⃗u = [b, 3, −3, 1, 4] and ⃗
v = [b, b, 6, 1, 9] orthogonal?
3 Find the vector projection of v onto u
1 u = [−1, 1], v = [−2, 4]
2 u = [3/5, −4/5], v = [1, 2]
3 u = [1/2, −1/4, / − 1/2], v = [2, 2, / − 2]

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