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Research title: Why Senior High School Are Making Tardiness


The tardiness of a student disturbs other student's and teacher's and also

affect the flow of the whole class. The tardy student creates a diversion of attention a

he/she walks in late in class and missed her activities and attendance that always

marked as late that lead into absences. Principals and teachers consider it a serious

problem that affect the overall classroom environment. The most critical learning

hours of a school day are the morning periods specifically 8:00 to 9:30. These are

times when students are most alerts and attentive, that's why some schools teach

more important lessons at this time. Tardy student misses a part of these lessons.

Whatever, student cannot avoid being late whether it's by traffic or even lacking the

eagerness to go to school. Tardy student present lack of responsibility, most often

when it's not corrected. The behavior can accumulate from tolerable to habitual state.

A school must provide students with quality education and ensure that students have

full access to it. But students can't fully experience this education when they are

tardy and absent and punctual attendance is paramount importance in ensuring that

all students have full access to the curriculum and most of the valuable learning time

is lost when students are absent or late.


Whatever grade a student is from, he/she cannot avoid being late class,

whether it's by traffic difficulty in managing one's schedule, or even lacking the

eagerness to go to school. One should understand that one cannot avoid the

consequences of being tardy. Be it in their education or their productivity. However,

some learn by those consequences, others simply don't care. They allow their

tardiness to become habitual. Some allow themselves to become influenced badly by

their peers. Tardiness seems to become a habit of students. Due to the fact that

some schools seldom get in touch with their students punctually. Not as often as they

do in absenteeism of students. Because they believe that it is the student’s

responsibility to catch up with their missed lessons.

Online gaming has become a big part of many Grade 11 Senior High School

(SHS) students' lives. It’s fun and exciting, but it also raises questions about how it

impacts their grades in school. This introduction sets out to explore how online

gaming affects the academic performance of Grade 11 SHS students in a

straightforward way. We want to figure out if spending time playing games online

affects how well students do in school Online gaming can be good for developing

skills like problem-solving and teamwork, but there are worries that it might take

away from study time and make it harder for students to focus on schoolwork.

Understanding this connection is important for teachers, parents, and anyone else

involved in supporting students' success. By looking closely at how much time

students spend gaming, what kinds of games they play, and how they’re doing in

school, we hope to uncover some insights. We’ll use both numbers and stories from

students themselves to get a clear picture of what’s going a clear picture of what’s

going on.

This study aimed to identify the causes, perception and prevention to avoid

tardiness in student daily living. Specifically, the respondents aim to answers to the


1. Why being late for coming to school has become a major problem in many


2. Why the student and teacher are being disturbs during class hours?

3. What will be the cause for being late?


This study in Llorente National High School. These case of grade 11

Learner's focuses on the reasons why students are experiencing tardiness and to

determine their perception. The researcher only focuses on the selected students

and will conduct interview by means of answering questions.


The result of this study helpful to the following:

TO THE STUDENTS: Students can use the result of this study to know how to

overcome tardiness in school. The result of the study will help them to improve their

academic performance, this study also can help them how to create plan to handle

their time to come early to school.

TO THE TEACHERS: Teachers can use the result of this study to help their students

how to reduce tardiness. They can use the results to know why come students came

in late in school, it helps to encourage their students to came early in school.

TO THE ADMINISTRATION: School can use this study to guide and reduce

tardiness in their school. This study can use to conduct similar or meeting for all

teachers and student through this plan the result of tardiness can improve.
TO THE FUTURE RESEARCHERS: Future researcher can use the results of this

study to their guide and reference for their own similar study.

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