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BEED – 4 APRIL 22, 2023


Directions: Research through the internet. Provide a description for each.

Provide details and examples for each of the given multiple intelligence.

T1. Linguistic intelligence - Word Smart (5pts)

 The ability to communicate well, orally and writing, perhaps in many languages.
 Linguistic intelligence refers to the ability to “understand and use spoken and
written language.” It is one of Howard Gardner's 8 Multiple Intelligences.
Example: Poet, writers, orators, journalist, comedians

T2. Logical/Analytical Intelligence - Number Smart (5pts)

 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the ability to analyze situations or
problems logically, identify solutions, conduct scientific research, and easily
solve logical/mathematical operations.
 The ability to learn science and mathematics; the ability to handle complex
logical arguments.
Example: Mathematicians, engineers

T3. Interpersonal Intelligence – People Smart (5pts)

 Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively
with others.
 The ability to sense other people’s feelings and be in tune with them.
Example: Salespersons, PR persons, Politicians

T4. Intrapersonal Intelligence – Self-Smart (5pts)

 The ability to know and have a deep understanding of one’s own mind and
body, and be aware of one’s own desires, feelings and motives.
Example: Psychologists, therapists, counselors/ wise elders & monks

T5. Musical Intelligence – Music Smart (5pts)

 The ability to learn, perform and compose music.
Example: Musicians, composers

T6. Visual-Spatial Intelligence – Art Smart (5pts)

 The ability to know where one is relative to fixed locations; ability to accomplish
tasks requiring 3-dimensional visualization; ability to imagine and manipulate
visual objects in one’s mind.
Example: Surgeons, sailors, and fishermen charting the sea without navigational aids

T7. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence – Body Smart (5pts)

 The ability to use one’s physical body well.
Example: Dancers, athletes, acrobats

T8. Existential Intelligence – Life Smart (5pts)

 Existential intelligence is the “capacity or ability of an individual to understand
and contemplate philosophical topics relating to mankind's existence.”
Example: Socrates and Buddha

T9. Naturalist Intelligence – Nature Smart (5pts)

 The ability to know and understand different species ( recognize patterns in
Example: Biologists, naturalists

T10. Explain the importance of knowing all these multiple intelligences

as a future elementary teacher. (5pts)

 The theory of multiple intelligences is important because it allows us to think
about different types of mental strengths and abilities. Learning more about
which types of intelligence you lean towards may help you learn to recognize
your own preferences.

TOTAL: 50 pts.

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