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Strengthening Research Skills in the HUMSS Strand: A Project


The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand in senior high school
education provides students with a comprehensive understanding of human society,
culture, and behavior. However, there is a recognized need to bolster research skills
among HUMSS students to better equip them for academic pursuits and future
endeavors. This concept paper presents a project proposal aimed at enhancing
research skills within the HUMSS strand.

Need for this Concept:

Proficient research skills are vital for conducting thorough investigations, analyzing
information, and generating new knowledge. While the HUMSS strand inherently
involves research, there is a need for a more structured approach to develop and
assess these skills systematically. By integrating specific strategies and activities, this
project aims to address this gap and empower HUMSS students with the research skills
necessary for success in academia and beyond.

Research skills are highly valued in academia and various professional fields.
However, many students graduate without fully honing their research abilities due to
limited opportunities or guidance. This project draws upon existing literature and best
practices in research methodology to design an intervention tailored to the unique
needs of HUMSS students, ensuring they are adept at conducting research and
critically evaluating information.

Project Description:
The proposed project will comprise several components designed to strengthen
research skills within the HUMSS strand:
1. Curriculum Enhancement: Develop and integrate research modules into existing
HUMSS courses, focusing on areas such as literature review, data collection methods,
and research design.
2. Professional Development: Provide training and support for HUMSS teachers to
effectively implement the research curriculum, including workshops, resources, and
ongoing coaching.
3. Hands-on Research Opportunities: Offer students practical experience through
research projects, fieldwork, and collaborative initiatives to apply their research skills in
real-world contexts.
4. Research Methodology Workshops: Organize workshops and seminars conducted by
experts to introduce students to various research methodologies and analytical
5. Publication and Presentation: Encourage students to disseminate their research
findings through academic publications, conferences, and presentations to develop their
communication and dissemination skills.

Support or Budget:
- Curriculum Enhancement: $12,000
- Professional Development: $6,000
- Hands-on Research Opportunities: $8,000
- Research Methodology Workshops: $4,000
- Publication and Presentation: $3,000

Total Budget: $33,000

Contact Information:
For further inquiries or support regarding this project proposal, please contact:

Roberto Ballester
Project Coordinator
Phone: 09318393460

Joan Baylosis
Assistant Coordinator
Phone: 09389149093

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