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Simulation Worksheet 1

Getting to know each other:

1. Make small talk. Discuss your hobbies & general interests to discover areas of
common interest.
2. Exchange contact details so you can keep in touch outside of class. Some group
work may be required outside of class time. Discuss which digital tools you can use
to support communication your collaborative work.

What type of product or service would you like to sell?

1. Brainstorm possibilities for a product/ service:
a. How can you satisfy an unfulfilled need or want?

b. What about the environmental, energy or social problems that need


c. Can you think of a technical solution to any of the global issues (economic
crisis, poverty & inequality, environmental/ social problems etc.) we are
facing? Or a model of business that is sustainable and profitable?

d. Consider the current multiple crises (health, environmental, socio-political,

environmental, sustainability trends)

e. Think about the demographic trends like the aging European population,
tendency for fewer children, immigration patterns. Also, consider the
economic situation now (boom or bust, recession, inflation, employment
levels, etc.)

2. Which business sectors possibly fascinate you? aeronautic, agriculture,

biotechnology, clothing, consumer electronics, engineering, food industry,
engineering, cosmetics, healthcare, IT, household goods, telecommunications,
tourism, restaurant & hotel, transport and logistics, retail, wholesale?

3. Which business areas of concern do you feel more drawn towards finding solutions
a. Energy: Green, Renewable, Energy storage, Energy Efficiency
b. Transportation/Mobility
c. Health & Wellness
d. Education
e. Waste/Pollutants
f. Waste Management (e.g. Food Waste, Ocean/Plastic waste)
i. Circular Economy, Cradle to Cradle
g. Reforestation/Biodiversity
h. Food, Food security/Agriculture
i. Net-Zero (Innovations and Solutions to Control Atmospheric Carbon Levels)
j. Restaurant/Hospitality
k. Etc.

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