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Getting lost

I vividly remember a time when I got lost was during my summer vacation last year in the beautiful city of
Barcelona, Spain. I was exploring the narrow streets of the city, which was an area with old buildings and
small roads. At that time, Lisa was with me, who was my best friend from university. We wanted to discover
the lesser-known parts of the city, so we went through the small streets. But we came to realize that we
didn't know where we were. I started feeling worried and a bit scared because never had I got lost before
and the streets were confusing. Lisa also seemed nervous, but we both tried to stay calm. We made our
minds to go back the same way we came and look for landmarks or unique amenities that we remembered
seeing. We recalled seeing a big church, so we looked for similar buildings. We finally found the church
again, which gave us hope. We asked friendly local people for help. With their guidance, we were able to
understand where we were and figure out how to get back to the main square. Even though we had a bit of
trouble because of the language, the local person was kind and willing to assist us, which made us feel
better. As we walked back to familiar places, we felt relieved. The initial frustration and worry turned into a
sense of achievement. This experience taught us the importance of being prepared, staying calm, and asking
for help when we need it.

Piece of clothing

The piece of clothing that I wear commonly is my favourite blue jeans. I wear them at least three to four
times a week, I vividly remember that my elder sister Riya gifted me these beautiful jeans on my 18th
birthday. The jeans cost my sister for around 200 manat as they were branded by Gucci. The colour of my
jeans is a deep, rich blue that is eye-catching and stylish. Additionally, it is made of high-quality material,
which makes them durable so I can utilize them for months. Moreover, my jeans have four pockets: two at
the front and two at the back. The front pockets are quite deep, so I can easily keep my belongings, like my
mobile phone and wallet. I enjoy wearing these jeans for several reasons. Firstly, they are incredibly
versatile. I can match them with everything, whether it's a casual t-shirt or a more formal blouse, and they
consistently enhance my outfits without any difficulty. Whether I'm going to university, meeting friends, or
strolling around the park, these jeans are my go-to choice. Apart from this, I also love wearing these jeans
while travelling because they are extremely comfortable and make me feel relaxed. The major reason why I
adore them no matter how much times these jeans are being washed, they don’t lose their colours after
washing it. Lastly, it holds a special place in my heart as it was gifted by my sister. It always reminds me of
her and I get to realize that how much she loves and cares for me. So, this is a piece of clothing that I wear
most often.

Describe an Occasion When You Got Incorrect Information

One occasion when I received incorrect information was when I was planning a trip to a popular tourist
destination, called Ibiza Island. It happened about a year ago when I was researching online for the best time
to visit and learn about well-known attractions. I got the information from a travel blog that claimed the
peak tourist season in that location was during the winter months. The blog highlighted the beauty of the
place during that time, mentioning specific winter festivals and events that were supposedly not to be
missed. Trusting the credibility of the source, I proceeded to make all my travel arrangements accordingly,
including booking flights and accommodations during the winter season. However, when I arrived at the
destination, I got to realize that the information I had received was completely incorrect. The city was
abandoned, and I didn’t even find many of the attractions and events mentioned in the blog. I approached
the tourist information center to assess the situation, and they informed me that the peak tourist season
actually occurred during the summer months when the weather was pleasant and various cultural festivities
took place. I got a bundle of nerves at that time because I had wasted time and money on arranging my trip
based on false details. It made me realize the importance of verifying information from multiple reliable
sources before making important decisions. I felt a sense of regret for not cross-checking the information
and blindly trusting a single source. However, I also learned a valuable lesson about the importance of
trusting only reliable sources. Despite the disappointment, I used alternative attractions and immersed
myself in the local culture.


Well, if I get the opportunity to visit any place I want, there is no doubt that Bali would be at the top of my
list. Bali is a beautiful island located in Indonesia, known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and lush
green landscapes. The best time to visit Bali would be during the dry season, which runs from May to
September. During this time, the weather is sunny and warm, with low humidity and minimal rainfall. It’s the
perfect weather for exploring the island’s many attractions, including its beautiful beaches, rice terraces,
temples, and waterfalls. I would love to go with my close friends who share the same interest in adventure
and culture. Bali is a great place to explore with others, as there is so much to see and do, from surfing and
diving to visiting traditional villages and markets. The reason why I want to visit Bali is because of its unique
culture and natural beauty. Bali is known for its ancient temples, colourful festivals, and traditional dance
performances, which I find fascinating. I would love to learn more about Balinese culture and history and
experience its vibrant traditions firsthand. In addition, Bali is home to some of the most stunning landscapes
in the world, including lush forests, and scenic beaches. I would love to explore these natural wonders and
participate in outdoor activities like hiking, and surfing. I hope to visit this beautiful island in the future.

Enjoyable experience in your childhood.

One memorable event from my childhood that still brings a wide smile to my face is a surprise birthday party
that my parents organized for me. It happened when I turned thirteen years old. The party took place in our
backyard, and my parents had invited all of my closest friends. They had meticulously planned everything,
from the decorations to the games and the delicious food. I remember the moment when I arrived home
from school, tired and unaware of the surprise awaiting me. As I opened the front door, I was greeted by a
burst of confetti, colorful balloons, and the joyful screams of "Surprise!" from my friends and family. I was
completely taken aback and overwhelmed with happiness. Throughout the evening, we played games,
danced to lively music, and indulged in a variety of scrumptious treats. The laughter and camaraderie filled
the air, creating an atmosphere of pure joy and celebration. It was a day filled with love and laughter.

Describe a game or sport you used to play in your childhood.

During my childhood, one game I used to play and fully enjoyed was hide-and-seek. It was a classic game
that brought endless fun and excitement to my friends and me. Hide-and-seek is a game where one person
closes their eyes and counts while the other players find hiding spots. Once the counting is done, main
player begins to search for the hidden players. The goal for the hiders is to stay hidden until the end of the
game, while person who looking for them aims to find. I used to play hide-and-seek with my neighborhood
friends 4 to 5 times a week. We would gather in a large outdoor area where we could find plenty of hiding
spots, such as behind trees and garages. The game was filled with thrilling, as we held our breath and tried
not to make any noise in order not to be found. To my regret, as I grew older, never have I had an
opportunity to play this game because of my tight schedule as I am overloaded with my studies, and
currently I am focusing on them.

New shop
A new store that has opened for 5 days in Baku is called ‘’Daisy’’, which is located in the heart of the city so it
is easily accessible by public transportation and has plenty of parking options nearby. ‘’Daisy’’ is a trendy
shopping mall that offers a wide range of fashionable clothing, accessories and electronic devices such as
computers and printer, which are affordable for people, especially for those who are destitute. Since it has
lots of products, from stylish clothing items such as dresses, tops, and jeans to unique accessories like
handbags, jewelry, and smart watches, the store has caught the attention of thousands of customers who
want to keep their pace with the latest trends and keen on shopping. Additionally, ‘’Daisy’’ also attracts
tourists and visitors who are exploring the city because of its prime location and eye-catching outdoor
design so it’s no surprise that it has become a popular shopping destination for many people in the city.

Describe an invention

Here I would like to talk about a smartphone that has impacted the way we communicate, access
information, and tackle with challenging tasks. Smartphones enable us to make calls, send text messages,
browse the internet, capture photos and videos, play games.

I can use it to listen to music, watch videos, or play games. It’s the perfect way to relax and recharge
batteries after being overloaded. In addition to all these features, my smartphone also assists me to stay
connected with the world around me. I can use it to follow current events, keep my pace with the latest
trends, and stay informed about important issues. My smartphone also helps me deal with my school works.
I take notes during class, create to-do lists for assignments, and set an alarm for upcoming tests. It’s like
having an assistant with me.

Smartphones have gained immense popularity worldwide since their versatility, accessibility, and
convenience make them incredibly useful for communication, information access and entertainment.

They are too convenient to utilize as they are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals of all
ages. With just a few taps on the screen, people can access all the information they need, whether searching
for best tourism spots to travel or checking the weather broadcast.

Car journey

Fortunately, last year I got the opportunity to go on a car journey through Azerbaijan. We started our
adventure in the capital city of Baku to the beautiful region of Sheki. I embarked on this trip with a group of
close friends, eager to explore Azerbaijan's diverse landscapes and cultural heritage. We chose to travel by
car because we could stop wherever we want to witness scenic places and we could be able to play music.
When we arrived in Sheki, I had the opportunity to discover the rich history and stunning architecture of the
city. I visited the impressive Sheki Khan's Palace, which was one of the historical places of the country, and I
was captivated by the paintings and colorful windows. About 2 hours later, we drove through the beautiful
Gobustan National Park, well-known for its ancient rock carvings and unique mud volcanoes. We also
stopped at roadside tea houses to taste traditional Azerbaijani tea and snacks, where we had friendly
conversations with locals and learned about their way of life. It was a journey where we immersed ourselves
in the beauty and heritage of Azerbaijan.


As an avid reader, I have read many books over the course of my life. However, there is one which I read
repeatedly, called Minimalism. It is a self-improvement book. This book promotes adopting a minimalist
lifestyle, which involves avoiding an excessive number of possessions because they can distract us from our
goals. This book is all about the power of simplifying our lives and getting rid of things we don't truly need. It
narrates tips and techniques for organizing our belongings, and creating a more peaceful living environment.

I was drawn to this book because I often found myself surrounded by an overwhelming amount of stuff. I
wanted to find a way to manage my possessions and create a space that promotes tranquility. Mark
Zuckerberg provides a clear illustration of this concept. Despite having ample money to purchase high-
quality clothes, instead he chooses to wear the same outfit every day. As a businessman, he tends to
conserve his willpower. When I open the book, I delve into and cannot put it down. By removing and
simplifying my surroundings, I have found more time, energy, and mental clarity to focus on the goals that
truly matter, such as spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing meaningful hobbies, and enjoying the
present moment. I continue to revisit its pages to apply minimalism in my daily life.

Person who moved into new accommodation

I would like to tell you about my friend Sarah who recently moved to a new place. Lisa is a vibrant and
adventurous person who loves exploring different cultures and embracing new experiences. She recently
relocated to a small countryside town called Quba. Quba is a picturesque town surrounded by rolling hills,
lush green forests, and charming farmhouses. The town gives a sense of tranquility and community spirit. It
is known for its friendly residents, peaceful atmosphere, and close proximity to nature. Lisa's decision to
move to Quba was driven by her desire for a slower-paced and more peaceful lifestyle. She had tired of the
hectic city life, constant noise, and congestion so she was looking forward for a place where she could get
closer to the nature, engage in outdoor activities, and find a stronger sense of community. She has
immersed herself in the local community, participating in community events, volunteering, and building
connections with her neighbors. She spends her free time exploring the beautiful countryside, going on
hikes, and taking up gardening. The fresh air and calm ambiance have had a positive impact on her overall
well-being. For me, Lisa's move has been inspiring. Whenever I visit her in Quba, I am captivated by its
simplicity and beauty, and it pushes me to accommodate in there in order to escape the stress of hustle and
bustle of the city.

Popular person

He is the CEO and founder of companies such as Tesla, SpaceX. Elon possesses a unique intelligence,
creativity, and determination that make him to stand out from others. Elon Musk is a successful
businessman who has made a significant impact in various industries, including technology, transportation,
and renewable energy. For example, through Tesla's electric vehicles and solar energy devices, he has
promoted using sustainable energy solutions, and inspired others to make environmentally conscious
choices. One of the reasons why Musk is popular is his ability to think outside the box and take risks. He has
a knack for turning his ideas into reality, even if they seem unconventional or challenging. In fact, Musk took
a significant risk by investing heavily in space exploration and building a company around it, called SpaceX.
Today, SpaceX has achieved remarkable achievements, such as launching satellites and doing missions to
Mars. Elon's popularity also stems from his outspoken personality. He is active on social media platforms,
where he sparks conversations with his followers and shares updates on his projects.

Film you didn’t like

I remember watching a scary movie called "paranormal activity" with my friends. We were excited to be
frightened, to my regret, the movie didn't meet our expectations. I decided to watch it because I had high
hopes as I heard a lot of good review from film critics. The movie was about a group of people who decided
to spend a night in a haunted mansion. They soon started experiencing strange and spooky events. While
the plot seemed interesting, the movie didn't quite deliver the scares. One of the reasons why we didn't
enjoy the movie was because the scary moments were too predictable. For example, whenever a character
entered a dark room, we knew something would jump out at them. Another reason was that the characters
in the movie didn't make smart decisions. For instance, when they heard strange noises coming from the
basement, instead of leaving the house or calling for help, they decided to go investigate alone. It felt
unrealistic and frustrating, as we wanted them to act more sensibly. The special effects and makeup were
also exaggerated, which made the scary parts feel less believable. Despite I thought it might be worth to
check out, but it was a total flop.

Helpful person

I want to tell you about my friend Sarah, who is always ready to lend a hand to others. Sarah is a kind and
caring person. She has a warm heart and is always willing to help those around her. She helps others in
different ways. For example, if someone is feeling down or going through a tough time, Sarah is there to
listen and offer words of encouragement. She also helps her classmates with their homework or studies
whenever they need assistance. Additionally, she volunteers at a local animal shelter, taking care of the
animals and finding them loving homes. Sarah helps others because she genuinely cares about their well-
being. She believes that showing kindness and support to others is essential in building a strong and caring
community. She finds joy in making a positive impact and believes that by helping others, we can create a
happier and more harmonious world. Through her acts of kindness, she not only brings happiness to others
but also inspires those around her to be more caring and considerate.

Ideal house or apartment where you want to live

In my imagination, my perfect home would be situated in a picturesque village. It would have breathtaking
sea and river views and be surrounded by lush greenery. The house itself would be a modern and elegant
design, with large windows to capture the natural light. Inside, the rooms would be spacious and filled with
comfortable furniture. I would love to live in this dream house all year round, but particularly during the
summer months when the weather is pleasant and I can enjoy the beach and outdoor activities. It would be
a place where I can unwind and relax, spending time with loved ones and creating lasting memories. Living
closer to the nature would give a sense of tranquility and inspiration, while the coastal location would offer
opportunities for water sports and exploration. It would be a place to recharge and reconnect with nature,
away from the hustle and bustle of city life. The combination of stunning surroundings, modern aesthetics,
and a serene atmosphere makes it the ideal home for me.

Adventure you would like to take

I would love to embark on an exciting adventure with my closest friends in Azerbaijan. Exploring the vast
landscapes and diverse attractions of this country together would create incredible memories and
strengthen our friendship. In terms of timing, I would choose to go during the spring season when the
weather is pleasant and mild, allowing us to enjoy to the fullest our outdoor adventures. We could drive
along the picturesque Caspian coastline, visit charming villages located in the Caucasus Mountains, and
explore historic cities like Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. Along the way, we could admire the architectural
wonders of the Flame Towers, visit the iconic Maiden Tower, and go through the vibrant streets of the
UNESCO-listed Old City. We could go on a thrilling off-road journey to the mesmerizing landscapes of the
Guba-Khinalig region, where we would be surrounded by breathtaking mountain vistas and charming
villages. Additionally, we would immerse ourselves in the rich cultural experiences that Azerbaijan has to
offer. We could attend traditional music performances, sample delicious Azerbaijani cuisine in order to gain
deeper insight into its culture.
Important decision

An important decision I made was to take a solo trip to Paris. I made this decision when I got to realize that I
had been sticking to familiar places and wanted to challenge myself by venturing into the unknown place. I
looked for a city that offered a mix of historical landmarks, cultural attractions, and opportunities for
exploration. To make the decision, I read travel blogs and reviews from travelers who had visited the city.
Their experiences and recommendations helped me gain insights into the attractions, safety, and overall
experience of traveling alone to that particular city. The decision was important because it allowed me to
step out of my comfort zone and gain independence. It provided me with the chance to discover new places,
try different cuisines, and immerse myself in a different culture. Taking this solo trip helped me become
more self-reliant and confident in adapting unfamiliar environments. It taught me to make decisions on my
own and adapt to unexpected situations.

Expensive gift

I would like to give a valuable piece of jewelry as a gift to my mother. The gift I have in mind is a beautiful
diamond necklace. I want to give this gift to my mother because she has always been my biggest supporter
and has played a significant role in shaping me. She has devoted her time, love, and energy to ensure my
well-being and happiness. When I was younger, she would wake up early in the morning to prepare my
favorite breakfast, and ensure I had everything I needed for school. I want to give this gift to my mom
because she has always been there for me. She has supported me through difficult times and celebrated
with me during happy moments. The diamond necklace holds symbolic meaning. The diamond represents
strength and everlasting love. It symbolizes the bond between my mother and me, reflecting the depth of
our connection and the unconditional love of our relationship. The necklace is quite expensive, it would cost
around 500 manat. Depending on the quality and design of the necklace, it may take several months to a
year to save up for it. I have to set aside a portion of my income each month specifically for this purpose.

Water sport

I would like to try surfing for the first time. I want to give it a try next year at Australia which is popular
surfing destination with beautiful waves and sandy beaches. Surfing is considered to be a challenging sport,
especially for beginners since it requires balance, and a good understanding of the ocean. Riding the waves
and maintaining stability on the surfboard can be physically demanding and may take time to master.
However, the thrill and excitement that come with catching a wave and riding it make the effort worthwhile.
I would like to try surfing because it offers a unique combination of thrill, tranquility, and a deep connection
with the ocean. Surfing allows me to immerse myself in the natural beauty of the sea, feeling the power of
the waves and the vastness of the ocean. It provides a sense of freedom and escape from the hustle and
bustle of everyday life.

Speech you gave

Last year, during my final year at university, I gave a speech to my fellow students, teachers, and some guests
from outside. The topic I spoke about was "Why More People are Choosing to Move Abroad."

I wanted to explain why more and more people, especially young individuals, are make their minds to live in
other countries. I wanted to present both the positive and negative aspects of this choice in a fair way.

I started by talking about the benefits of studying in foreign countries. I mentioned that there are excellent
universities, advanced research facilities, and the chance to experience different cultures while studying.
Next, I discussed how moving abroad can lead to better job opportunities and a higher standard of living. I
explained that some countries have stronger economies and offer higher salaries and more chances for
career growth. I also mentioned that certain places have better work-life balance, which means people can
have more time for their personal lives. Lastly, I talked about the personal growth and development that
comes with living in a new country. I mentioned that learning a new language, appreciating diverse cultures,
and becoming more independent and adaptable are all valuable experiences.

I gave this speech because I thought it was important for my peers to understand why this trend is
happening and what it means for them as they make their own decisions about the future. I felt a mix of
nervousness and excitement while giving the speech. It was a big audience, but as I saw people paying
attention and showing interest, my confidence grew. I aimed to encourage individuals to step out of their
comfort zones, open their minds to new experiences.

Describe a crowded place you have been to

The place I visited was a popular shopping mall, called Baku mall. The shopping mall was situated in the
heart of the city and was easily accessible through public transport. It was one of the biggest malls in the
city, with a vast range of shops and entertainment options. I visited the mall on a weekend, and it was
extremely crowded. There were people of all ages, families with children, groups of friends, and couples
shopping or hanging out in the mall. The atmosphere was lively and exciting. I went to the mall to buy some
new clothes and accessories for myself. I had heard about the various high-end brands and stores in the
mall, so I decided to check them out. Additionally, I wanted to enjoy some leisure time with my friends, and
the mall provided a perfect opportunity to do that. Being in a crowded place like a mall was a unique
experience for me. On the one hand, I was fascinated by the lively atmosphere and the variety of people and
activities around me. On the other hand, I felt a bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable in the crowd. It was
challenging to navigate through the mall and find my way to the stores I wanted to visit. The long queues at
the billing counters and the busy food courts were also a bit frustrating. However, overall, it was an
enjoyable experience, and I would love to visit the mall again, but maybe on a less crowded day!

Interesting job

One job that I find particularly fascinating is a wildlife photographer. A wildlife photographer travels to
remote and often exotic locations to capture images of animals in their natural habitats. It offers a unique
opportunity to witness and document the behaviors, habitats, and interactions of various animal species.
They also play an essential role in raising awareness about conservation issues and the need to protect our
planet’s wildlife. I became acquainted with this profession through my interest in nature and wildlife
documentaries. I have always been captivated by the stunning images captured by wildlife photographers.
The idea of being able to document these incredible moments and share them with others is truly inspiring.
To be a successful wildlife photographer, people must have a strong understanding of photography and
animal behavior. Patience and perseverance are also necessary, as capturing the perfect shot can take hours
or even days. Furthermore, the ability to adapt to different environments and challenging conditions is
important. Wildlife photographers often find themselves in remote locations, enduring extreme weather
conditions and physically demanding situations to capture rare and remarkable moments.

Traditional festival

One important festival in Azerbaijan is Novruz, which occurs on March 21st and people celebrate the arrival
of spring.
During Novruz, people engage in various activities. Families gather to clean their homes, prepare special
dishes, and decorate their houses with colorful balloons. One common tradition is jumping over bonfires to
symbolize leaving behind the darkness of winter and welcoming the new season. People also exchange gifts
and pay a visit to relatives and friends to celebrate together. During Novruz holiday, various songs related to
Novruz are sung and different activities such as walking and wrestling take place in the public squares.
Another ceremony is that of growing samani in a plate, which symbolises the fertility of spring.

What I particularly like about Novruz is the vibrant atmosphere it creates. The streets are filled with music,
dancing, and laughter. The festive mood is contagious, and everyone seems to be in high spirits. Concerts are
held in all regions and I enjoy witnessing the joy and unity that Novruz brings, as people of all ages and
backgrounds come together to celebrate this special occasion. Novruz is important because it contributes to
the cultural identity and unity of the Azerbaijani people. It brings communities together, promoting harmony
and a sense of belonging. It is a time when people show respect for their elders.

Sports programme

One sports program that I enjoy watching is the FIFA World Cup. It is a prestigious international football
tournament that takes place every four years, bringing together teams from different countries to compete
for the ultimate prize in football. The World Cup is a captivating event that captures the attention of millions
of football enthusiasts worldwide.

I usually watch the World Cup with my friends and family. The tournament creates a sense of excitement
and unity among us as we gather to support our favorite teams and engage in friendly rivalries. The shared
experience of watching intense matches, celebrating goals, and discussing the performances of make us
enjoy event to the fullest.

The World Cup is typically held during the summer, which allows me to watch the matches during my leisure
time. I ensure I don’t miss the crucial matches, especially those involving top teams and exciting matchups.

There are several reasons why I enjoy watching the World Cup. Firstly, the level of competition is
unmatched, with the best footballers showcasing their skills on a global stage. The matches are filled with
thrilling moments, breathtaking goals, and unexpected twists, creating an atmosphere of suspense and
anticipation. The World Cup also provides an opportunity to witness the diversity of playing styles and
strategies adopted by teams from different countries.

Additionally, the World Cup brings people from different cultures and backgrounds together. It unites people
through their shared passion for football. The tournament promotes fair play, and fostering a sense of
national pride.

Historical period

The historical period that I would like to know more about is the Age of Exploration. This period, which
began in the 15th century and ended in the 17th century, was marked by a series of voyages of discovery led
by European explorers. These voyages resulted in the discovery of new lands and the establishment of new
trade routes. During this period, Europeans interacted with many different cultures and civilizations, and the
Age of Exploration hugely impacted the world. I am interested in learning more about the Age of Exploration
for a few reasons. Firstly, I am fascinated by the stories of these explorers and the courage and
determination they showed in their voyages. I am also interested in learning about the cultural exchanges
that occurred during this period and how they shaped the world we live in today. Finally, I am curious about
the technological advances made during this period and how they enabled the explorers to reach new and
distant lands. There are several ways I can discover more about the Age of Exploration. One way is to read
about the period in books and articles. I can also visit museums and historical sites related to the period to
better understand the events and people involved. Additionally, I can watch documentaries and films to get
a better visual understanding of the events and people involved in the Age of Exploration. The Age of
Exploration was an incredibly important period in the history of the world, and I am eager to learn more
about it. By reading books and articles, visiting museums and historical sites, and watching documentaries
and films, I can better understand this period and the people and events that shaped it.

Group activity

Last Saturday, I went on a hiking trip with a group of friends. We decided to hike a nearby mountain that is
known for its scenic beauty and breathtaking views.

I went with a group of five friends, all of whom were experienced hikers. We planned the trip a week in
advance and made all the necessary preparations. On the day of the trip, we gathered at the base of the
mountain and began our hike.

The hike took us approximately six hours to complete. It was a challenging trail, with steep inclines and rocky
terrain. However, the stunning views of the surrounding landscape made it all worthwhile. However, the
incredible vistas and scenery made the effort worthwhile. We took breaks at different points to rest, capture
photos, and appreciate the surrounding environment.

We embarked on this hike together because we shared a passion for the outdoors and seeking adventure. It
provided us with an opportunity to strengthen our bond, enjoy nature's wonders, and challenge ourselves
physically and mentally.

Throughout the hike, we supported and encouraged each other, which made the experience even more
enjoyable. We shared food, water, and other supplies, and helped each other overcome any obstacles we

Website you often visit

Wikipedia is a website that I visit very often. I first learned about it from my schoolmate when I was in high
school. He suggested that I use it as a source of information for my school projects and assignments. Ever
since then, I have been using Wikipedia to explore various topics that interest me.

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia that contains information on almost any subject you can think of. It is
an open-source platform that anyone can contribute to, meaning that there is a vast range of topics available
to read about. The website is constantly updated, making it a highly informative and reliable source.

I visit Wikipedia quite frequently, at least a few times a week. I find myself using it as a starting point
whenever I need to research a topic or find more information on something. Whether it’s learning about a
new technology, reading up on current events, or exploring a new hobby, I always seem to find myself on the
website. I also appreciate the fact that the website is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection,
so I can browse it on my laptop or my phone.

The reason why I find Wikipedia so useful is that it provides me with reliable and unbiased information on a
wide range of topics. I like that the website is constantly updated and that users can make changes to the
information. This means that the information is always up-to-date and reflects the latest research and
findings. Additionally, I find the website’s user interface to be intuitive and easy to use, which makes it a
convenient tool for quick reference or for more in-depth research.
Piece of technology

I purchased a smartwatch about a month ago as a tool to track my fitness activities and receive notifications
from my smartphone. I thought it would be a convenient device to have on my wrist and help me stay
connected without constantly checking my phone.

I use the smartwatch on a daily basis, primarily for fitness tracking and checking the time. It has various
features like step counting, heart rate monitoring, and sleep tracking, which I find useful for maintaining a
healthy lifestyle. I also receive notifications for calls, messages, and emails directly on my smartwatch, which
saves me the trouble of pulling out my phone all the time.

However, I must admit that I initially struggled with the navigation and settings of the smartwatch. The
interface and controls were not as intuitive as I expected. It took me some time to figure out how to access
different functions and customize the watch face according to my preference. The small screen size also
makes it challenging to interact with certain features, especially when typing replies to messages.

Teaching a friend or relative

I recently taught my friend how to ride a bicycle. My friend had been hesitant in learning how to ride a bike,
so I offered to teach him. We decided to meet at a nearby park on a sunny Saturday morning. The lesson
lasted for about two hours. I started by explaining the basic parts of a bicycle and how to maintain balance
while riding. We also discussed the importance of wearing a helmet for safety. We started in an open area
with plenty of space, away from any traffic. I stood beside him, supporting and guiding him throughout the
process. At first, my friend was a bit hesitant and struggled to find his balance. But with each attempt, he
gained more confidence and started to pedal smoothly. I encouraged him to focus on keeping his eyes
forward and maintaining a steady rhythm. We practiced turning, braking, and maneuvering around
obstacles. As the lesson progressed, I could see my friend's progress and the joy on his face whenever he
managed to ride independently for a short distance. It was a fulfilling experience to witness his growth and
see how my guidance helped him overcome the initial challenges. I felt a sense of pride at the moment and
it strengthened our bond and provided an opportunity for us to spend quality time together.

Meeting you missed or were late for

I once missed an appointment with my dentist, and it was a rather unfortunate situation. The appointment
was scheduled for a Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. I had made the appointment with the receptionist at the
dental clinic during my previous visit.

I was supposed to meet my dentist, Dr. Johnson, for a routine check-up and cleaning. It was an important
appointment to ensure the health of my teeth and gums. However, due to an unexpected family emergency
that arose on that same day, I completely forgot about the appointment. The emergency required my
immediate attention, and I had to rush to support my family. In the chaos of the situation, the dentist
appointment slipped from my mind. I realized my mistake when I received a voicemail from the dental clinic
later in the day. I felt quite disappointed for the meeting and I immediately called the dental clinic to
apologize and reschedule the appointment. The receptionist was understanding and helped me find another
suitable time. In the end, I rescheduled the appointment and made sure to set reminders to avoid any
further mishaps.

Polluted place
The place I visited was a large city in China. It was Pekin, the capital city, and known for its crowded streets
and busy markets. Unfortunately, it was also known for its air pollution problem. The air quality in the city
was extremely poor, and it was considered one of the most polluted cities in the world. It was hard to see
far away because of the pollution, and the air smelled bad too. It felt like I couldn't take a deep breath, and it
made me worry about my health. The main reason for this city’s air pollution was the high vehicular
emissions. There were many cars and other vehicles on the roads, and the emissions from these vehicles
added to the already poor air quality. In addition to this, the city also had a large number of industrial
facilities, which further exacerbated the problem. The air was so polluted that I could hardly breathe. The air
was thick with smog, and the smell of exhaust fumes was overwhelming. I could feel the effects of the
pollution on my lungs, and it was a very uncomfortable feeling. I was also very concerned about the health
of the people living in the city, as they had to deal with this pollution daily. Even though Pekin has many
interesting places to visit, the pollution made it difficult to enjoy my time there. It was not pleasant to do
outdoor activities, and I was concerned about the impact of the dirty air on my well-being.

Development in your city

In Baku, there's a new park called ‘’SUNSHINE PARK’’ in the outskirts of the city, which has been opened for
dwellers for 2 days ago. The construction of Sunshine Park took about a year to complete. It was a massive
project that involved clearing the land, landscaping, planting trees and flowers, and creating play areas for
children. I had the chance to visit the park recently, and I was truly impressed. The park is vast, with open
green spaces and a beautiful lake in the center. The park provides well-maintained pathways, making it an
ideal place for walking, jogging, or running. It offers a serene and scenic environment for outdoor exercise.
What I really liked about Sunshine Park is that it provides a serene and peaceful environment as people can
escape the stress of city life. It's a place where families can come together, have picnics, play games, or
simply take a leisurely stroll. The park also promotes a healthy lifestyle by encouraging outdoor activities and
exercise. Many people use the park for exercising and staying fit. They can go for a brisk walk or jog along
the pathways,

I believe this new development has added great value to our city. It gives residents, especially those living
nearby, a pleasant and accessible space to spend quality time with their loved ones. It's also an opportunity
to connect with nature, breathe fresh air, and unwind from the daily hustle and bustle.

Interesting Old person

I want to talk about my English teacher that I find interesting. I got to know her when she became my English
teacher at school 5 years ago.

What made Ms. Thompson so fascinating was her extreme passion for teaching and her ability to impart
knowledge in a fun way. She had a unique way of explaining difficult concepts in a simple and
understandable manner as she used to hold interactive activities, games, and storytelling. She encouraged
us to express ourselves and think creatively, which boosted our confidence and made us eager to participate
in class. One of the things that made Ms. Thompson stand out was her ability to communicate with each
student individually. She took the time to understand our strengths and challenges. Her approachable and
caring nature created a warm classroom environment.

Outside of regular class lessons, Ms. Thompson organized exciting field trips to places related to English
literature and language. We visited museums, libraries, and attended cinemas. These experiences made
learning more tangible and enjoyable.

Feeling proud/Good news

I felt proud when my younger sister, Sarah, won a scholarship for her academic achievements. It happened
last year during her high school graduation.

Sarah had always been a diligent and hardworking student, excelling in her studies. She dedicated countless
hours to studying, completing assignments, and preparing for exams.

When the time came for her to apply for scholarships, she put in a tremendous effort into researching and
completing the applications. She sought guidance from her teachers and went through several rounds of

Finally, the news arrived that Sarah had been awarded a prestigious scholarship based on her outstanding
academic record. It was a moment of immense pride for me and our family.

I felt proud of Sarah for several reasons. Her achievements demonstrated her ability to set goals and work
diligently to achieve them. Despite challenges along the way, she remained focused and determined. Lastly, I
have been taking pride in Sarah because her achievements have served as an inspiration to others, including
me. In fact, I have immersed myself in my homework in order to be as successful as Sarah.

An activity you enjoyed when you were young

When I was young, one of my favorite activities in my free time was playing football. It was a popular sport
that I enjoyed playing with my friends in our neighborhood park.

We would gather at the park, which had a spacious grassy field perfect for playing football. It was a place
where kids from the neighborhood would come together and form teams for friendly matches.

I played football with a group of friends who shared the same passion for the sport. We formed our teams,
usually consisting of five to seven players on each side. Sometimes, we even organized small tournaments
with multiple teams participating. Playing football in my free time was enjoyable for several reasons. Firstly,
it was a great way to have fun and stay active. Running around the field, kicking the ball kept me energized
and entertained. It was an excellent form of exercise that allowed me to release energy and stay physically
fit, and I used to enjoy it to the fullest. I learned the importance of teamwork, communication, and fair play.

Person you want to work/study with

I would like to study or work with Parviz Hasanov, an experienced professional in the field of oil and gas
engineering. I admire his knowledge and practical experience in this industry.

I would like to study with Parviz Hasanov since he is known for being a dedicated and skilled mentor. He has
a deep understanding of oil and gas exploration, extraction, and production techniques. Learning from him
would give me valuable insights and practical knowledge.

If given the opportunity, I would focus on studying reservoir engineering, which involves optimizing the
extraction of oil and gas from underground reservoirs. I am particularly interested in learning about reservoir
simulation and enhanced oil recovery methods. With Parviz’s guidance, I believe I can delve into these topics
and develop a strong foundation in the field. Studying with Parviz would also provide me with access to
famous engineers and collaborative research opportunities. This would enable me to work on projects that
tackle real-world challenges in the oil and gas sector. Collaborating with him and his team would give me the
chance to contribute to come up with innovative ideas and be aware of the latest trends. Because, he is
known for going the extra mile to stay up-to-date with the latest industry advancements, technologies, and
practices, and he want to keep his pace with the rapidly developing world.
Gift you got

The best gift I have ever received was a smartwatch from my parents. It was a surprise present on my
graduation day.

I received the gift during a small celebration at home. My parents handed me a beautifully wrapped box,
and as I opened it, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a sleek and stylish smartwatch, something I had been
eyeing for quite some time.

The smartwatch had a multitude of features that fascinated me. It had a vibrant touchscreen display that
allowed me to access various applications and functions with just a swipe. I could track my fitness activities,
monitor my heart rate, and even receive notifications from my phone directly on the watch. It was like
having a mini-computer on my wrist. It had a long battery life, ensuring that I could use it throughout the
day without worrying about frequent charging. Since receiving the smartwatch, it has become an integral
part of my life. It has not only enhanced my productivity but also improved my overall well-being. Every time
I glance at my wrist and see the smartwatch, I am reminded of the love and support of my parents.

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