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-Rathna Reddy
Macrophotography is extreme close-up photography, usually of very
small subjects and living organisms like insects, in which the size of the
subject in the photograph is greater than life size.
Nothing catches the eye like a genuinely unique macro photograph.
Macros can seem to transport the viewer into another world. But unlike
astro or abstract photography, macros show us a spectacular view of the
world that is around us all the time. It’s our world but from a new and
different perspective.
I used a phone and a macro lens to get these great close-up shots of
insects and plants. Macro photography can make even tiny subjects like
garden insects or flower petals look huge on screen or print, and you'll be
amazed at how different such things look when viewed so close.
The macro lens I use gives a brilliant close-up view on an insect, but it
also has an extremely narrow plane of focus. Focusing on an insect's
eye, for example, will likely mean its body will fall out of focus. While that
means it's challenging to get a crisp shot, your background will also be
attractively blurry, and you don't need to worry quite as much about
distracting elements behind your subject.
It is often said that photography is an Art of light, and the weather just
determines the intensity of light. If you shoot macro outdoors in the sun,
you’ll notice that the highlights are often so overlaid with intense warm
light that you’ll lose some of the detail.
Here are some pictures clicked by myself.
Let me close by noting that I am a self-taught amateur and willing to
experiment more.

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