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4 2A GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Past Simple 1% complete the sentences with the Past simple form of tobe. 1. Is he embarrassed because he fell on the floor? Was he embarrassed because he fell on the floor? 2 Today it's cold and we're hungry. Last Monday it cold and we hungry. 5 I'm late for school this morning and my teacher is angry, 1 late for school yesterday morning and my teacher angry. 4 Is Elaine selfs these days? _Elaine selfish when she was younger? 5 The students arghtt quiet today, ‘The students ‘Qquietintheirfastlesson. 6 Areyou in the laboratory for Physics taday? you in the laboratory for Physicstast week? 2 seumich verbs are regular and whieh re iegutar? Find the odd one out in-each group. ago do have Caugh> Zell — take happen make 3 stand sit put watch & speak listen took try S fill observe forget fail Shit pay tide see 3% complete the blog postwith the words and phrases from the box. There ae two extra words/phrases. did didsitget didn'tplay played read sat took wasn't was wateled went were PRIMARY SCHOOL: WHAT DID YOU LIKE? WHAT DO YOU MISS? Wo ‘didn't get homework! Bvery evening, 1* Tor? ‘computer games. There's no time for those things now. aia, 17 We* ‘om the floor and * things like drawing oF singing, Sometimes we * on school trips to the 200 or the cinema, They” great! dosh 18 1 ilked reading lessons. We *_a book fromthe brary and * quietly for balf an hour. That a ‘Great way to spond time. Bronda, 16 ‘# % Put the words in order to make questions about your primary school. then write shart answers which are true for you. 11 like / did / you / all your teachers /? id you like allyour teachers? Yes, did, / No, hin, 2 were / bright / the classrooms /'? 3 the same person /with/ every day/ did / sit/ you/? & big /was / the school / very /? 5 yourteachers:/did/ Vou /ove/ homeware? ‘ex Complete the text with the correct farms of the verbs fromthe box. have leam listen seve notbe nothave notwear sit stay take work wear Last year, moved to England with my family. Navi go ta schoo! here and things area little ilrent to school in my county. In my oldschool, 2 2 uniform, We all , ‘our own clothes —jeans, trainers and sweatshiets, | ike my new uniform though ~ | guess that’s because its something new for me, 14__wery hard at my ald school. I* about four hours of homework every day and I often « athome on Saturdays and Sundays to study too. We? modem classrooms, There any laptops or Computers, We" ___ behind dau, co tothe teacherand™ rrotes. In England we do more project work and group work, So, its easy here and interesting but I think rs more in my country 2 wcomplete the que 2B VOCABULARY | Education 1% Rewrite the sentences to make them more polite. Use veryand the words from the box. big dean clever fit good interesting kind petite quick young 2 She'srude. ‘She isn'twery polite. 2 munft. 3 He'sslow. 4 Theirhauseis small, 5 Myparentsare old, 6 You're bad at maths. 7 This book is baring, & Your carisdiny. 9 They'e stupid 40 Helenais setfish. or lone prepositionin each gap. 1. Which exams do you always get good marks in? 2 Doyou findit easyto learn lists of vocabulary items heart? 5 Which university would you like to study 2 4 How long did you revise yourlast Maths exam? 5 Whatsports were you good __as child? 6 When did you astgo = istonjelasse 7 What subject would you lke to get adegree ? B How doyou prepare difficult exams2 ‘ef Mateh the twva parts ofthe sentences, 1 Dstewanwasbad a chemistry atuniversity, 2 Cithink! faitedthe 1b piano classes on 3 OMydad hasa degree ‘Saturdays. 4 Cimy rotheris studying € forend-ol-yearexams. 5 Clatexander goesto n Physics from York 6 Olnever get top Sane 7 Gwe navetoteam Paahavenes 2 poem by heart 8 Dican't come -1'm revising History test yesterday, marks in English tests, ee Complete the conversations with the words from the box. attended brainy degree fa good marks Preparing revised skipped study Jermaine Why did your brother fail the Maths exam? He's usually really —_at Maths. Anthony sell, he® ‘alot of classes last term, Jermaine Really? Anthony Yes, heonly* about half of them andhe® very little for his exams. The problems he really wants to became footballer and he spendsall his ime training, 16 | UNIT VOCABULARY PRACTICES page 25) Swith algrouip Off Abigail What did your sister * at university? Nicola Well, she gota? in chemistry but | don’t know how much studying she did! Abigail 'msure she dida ot. she's really*_ and didn’t get any bad: whenshe wasat school. She probably started a for her final exams while she was still inher fistyear at university! ‘fete USE OF ENGLISH Complete the text with one word in each gap. Daa a aa A From an early age, Steven Spielberg was good 43t making films. When he was thirteen years ‘ld, he won a schoo! prize forafilm he made ida; He watt td study fit the University of Southem California, but he didn't get very good * in his final exams. In the end, he went * a different university = California State. While he was there, Universal Studios offered him contract. It was difficult to prepare ® ‘exams and work at the same time, so Spielberg left university to concentrate on his work. Spielberg became a successful lm director, famous for films such as Jans, ET. and Jurassic Park, but he always wanted to finish his degree. In 2002, he went back © university to complete his education. All the students on Spielberg's course had to” ‘an examin practical fim making, For his project, Spielberg presented his Oscar winning film Schinalers List! Not surprisingly, he ® ‘the exam and? his degree — thirty-six years after he first went to universit WA HIGH NOTE White a short paragraph about how you are doing at school. Use words and phrases from the box. attend badat_badmarks fail goodat good marks pass revise skip study 2C GRAMMAR Used to Lx Look at the pictures and complete the text with the phrases from the box. didetuseiohove didn'tuset didn'tuse toplay didn’tuse toride used to have usedto listen usedtoplay used toride usedto wear agedelghteen ‘When Dan was twelve years old he didn't use to have long hair. He? short hair. He 2 mart clothes. He basketball, he®, tennis. Hee motorbike, he? abicyle, Het to pop musie, he® toheavy metal music. 2. tek What did you use to do when yau wereten years ‘old? Write questions with used to. 2 What /do / atthe weekend? ‘Whatdid you use to doat the weekend? 2 Where /go/inthe summer holidays? 3 use / pay attention in class? 4 What /eat /forlunen? 5 What computergames / play? 6 use social media? 3 dt Read the questions in Exercise 2 and write answers whichare true foryou, 4 tok Inwihich sentences can the Past Simple be replaced with used to? Tick orcross. Then rewrite the sentences where possible. 4 B Caroline got her degree in 2020. 2 OI revised for months before all my school exams 3 C Gareth was nervous before he took exams. & Dinner final year at school, Kate failed her English exam. 5 Ci think my teachers liked me. 6 Clandreas won an award for his project. 5 #% Complete the texts with the correct farms of used to and the verbs in brackets. If used to is not possible, use the Past Simple. HUGH JACKMAN Did you know that Hugh Jackman fused to be (be) GPE teacher before he * (become) noctor? t's tue. He * — (work) in ‘@ secondary school in England. When he wos young. he’ (pend) alot of tme looking at cases. He (not cream) of being on acto: He®, (want ) fo become a chef on plone. He” (thinig thot, because you (get food on a plane, there was a chef cooking it Megan Fox > When Megan Fox was about fiteen years old, she *___ vein Florida. She (gel ajob ina smoothie bar butshe hatedit She 3 __(not wear) normal clothes to work, She gota banana costume and she (dance) init in the street to promote the bar Her fends from school ® (laugh) ater lt (be) the worst job in her ie 6 OWA WIGH OTEWite a short paragraph about how You were citferent fe years ago Using used to, Think aboutyour appearance, hobbies and habits. W 2D READING AND VOCABULARY 1. twakat thephoto and read the fist paragraph ofthe artide. Then cheose the best answe Whats the main purpose of the text? 8 To present the most successful American college football teams. B To briefly introduce American college football © Tocompare American football to soccer, 2 Gyreadthe textand match headings A-F with paragraphs 1-5. Theres one extra heading. A The early years B lore than justa sport © whyitispopular BD College football rules explained Amazingly large cons F Theinluence ofthe crowd 3 (Dread the textagain and answer the questions. 41 How many people attended the match between Michigan State and Notre Dame in 2013? over.115,000 2 when did college football change into American football as we know now? 3 How did players in early American footbalt matches score points? & Which two sports influenced the rules of American football? 5 What do students make to support their team? 6 Whose fans ware white clothesin the match between Penn State and Ohio State? 7 What two things helped Ohio State win the match against Penn State? 8 According to keith Jackson, what three groups does college football unite? Vocabulary extension 4 complete the sentences with the highlighted words from the text. 21 At the match, my favourite banners said, "Your players make money. Our players make history!’ 2 Ohno! Myo. in next week's tennis competition isthe school champion! 3 The coachand the team captain discussed t before the second half of the game, & Ihet wore black and yellow scarves. 5 if my team wins this match, we will bein the first Los 6 thes, waved flags during the mateh, 7 The match ended ind, for my team when they lost0-1. 18 | WI ACTIVE VOCABULARY | suttixes -ation, in, -tion We can add the suffixes ation, ion and -tion to some: Verbs to create nouns, 5 Scan the texto find the noun forms of these verbs. 2 attrzct(para.1) attraction 2 opt (para.2) 3 concentrate (para. 4) 4 reflect (para.5) 6 Complete the sentences with the correct nouns formed from the verbs in bold, 1. She made an interesting obsenvation about american sporting tradition. OBSERVE 2 MoFarahisan. to athletes around the world! INSPIRE 3 They started an disabilities. ORGANISE 4 Are you taking partin tomarrow’s sports. 2 COMPETE 5 like some. about the tennis championship, please. INFORM 6 Teachets should do more to improve health and fitness inschools. EOUCATE 7, You're not paying _to the game. be quiet and waten¥ ATTEND 8 There must be goad vetwieen members of the team if we want to iin, COMMUNICATE tohelp athletes with 7 ON AHIGH NOTE Write ashort paragraph about a team that you or some of your friends support. What league do they play in? Who are their rivals? How many fans watch their matches? COLLEGE FOOTBALL IN THE USA 11 On September 7.2013, an American football match between Michigan State and Notre Dame attracted a crowd of over 115.000 people. This may not seem surprising = ater all American football is extremely populat. However. you may be surprised to leatn that this wasn’t a mateh between two professional teams, Michigan State and Notre Dame are Universities and college football regularly atracts crowds ot 80,000 fans or more. Sa whyis college football such a huge attraction far Ameticans? 2 Done ofthe main reasonsis that many cities don't have a professional team, Because there is no second league of teamsin the USA. people who want to support theirlocal team have oniy one option =the college team. The players themselves are often local and compete forthe pride of the team rather than for financial success. Altending matches: became @ tradition passed dawn thraugh the generations 3.0 Tme fist college football match took place in 1863 between Rutgers and Princeton universities. At that time, the game was similar to soccer ac Ue teased to kick the ball into tlt ‘opponent s goa. The rules slowly charged wrer time and became more influenced by rugby, in which players can pick, up the ball and run witht Towards the end ofthe nineteenth century, the game developed into what we know today as American football 4. Bolore the big day, students create baninel, lags and ‘even songsta sing during the match. They want to break the other team's concentration. College footballers are young and easity affected by the crowd, so these faeties sometimes ‘Work none match between Penn State and! Ohio State. the Pennsylvania fans organised a ‘white-out' where everyone inthe crowd wore white clothes. This made it dificut forthe Ohio players to concentrate and they lost the game. When the two teams played in Ohio,the home erowd all wore red "This sea of ed; together with the noise ofthe crowd. caused ‘one ofthe players tomake a mistake and the game ended in ‘defeat for the Penn State team. 5:1 College footbai isnt just about sporting achievements, Keith Jackson, a sports journalist, once said that its a great tellection of American sociely: He claimed that not only the university but also the community and the families focus their atention on college football And that's why it continues toattract huge crowds of passionate Supporters. 2F SPEAKING 1 Read the phrases. How do you say them in Polish? SPEAKING | apologising SAYING SORRY Sorry! mn really sorry. 'm sorry that | misbehaved in class yesterday. Vm sorry that I didn't do the project on time. Sorryabout that. twas my fault. EXPLAINING twas stupid/wrong of me. I (completely) forgot. I didn't realise (that) it was so late. by mistake. Mtwasan accident. ACCEPTING AN APOLOGY Never mind, ‘That's OX alright. Don't worry about it. It can happen to anyone. 2 Match the two parts af the sentences for apologising. 3 Cisonyabout a bymistake 2 Diwasmy b fault, 3 Cnwas wrong © toanyone 4 Ctaige't 4 mind, 5 Cididit © ofme 6 Onwas f that. 7 Onever an accident, 8 Ditcanhappen te realise that was late. 3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. about that an accident completelyforgot fault mistake realise really sorrythat stupid 2. Sorry, everyone. it was my fault. It was of ime to kick the other player. 2 m___sorry. twas kicked the ball towards the wall, butt hit the window. 3 Ohno! that itwasyourbirthday! 4h Are you OK? Sorry Ididn't were standing ther 5 Sony! wrote 5.30instead of 3.30 by_ and you missed the match because of met 6 1m __tdidn'tcome to see you. Iwas very busy. Match responses a-f with apalogies 1-6 from Exercise 3. ‘= 1Don'tworry about, forgot yaur birthday too, remember? b Ch thats 0K. they did't play anywaybecauseit started to rain © C1Don'tworry aboutit, 1can Fixit d Oinever mind. doesn’t hurt. @ Cithat'sox. team happen to anyone. Luckily, we won the mateh, £ Othat'salright-| know you've got a lat af warktodo, Choose the correct responses to complete the mini-conversations. 2 Melar Hi everyone.1'm really sorry 'mlate. I didn’t realise the meeting was this morning, Harvey __We started without you. @ Never mind. bb itwasyour faut € | completely forgot z Joyce Hey! That's mysandwicht Brian On, _ Joyce That's alright. 'mnot really hungry. ‘a-Really? That'sinteresting! b ‘Don't worryaboutit € Sorry about that. 5 Mum — Hey, the door isn't locked, Fiona __tforgot to lock it when | went out. Mum ihope nathing’s missing, a Awesome! b it'smy faut € | didn't realise twas locked, 4 kate I'msorry,Dad.__toleave your umbrella on the bus. Dad Don'tworry aboutit. itcan happen to anyone: Heft itan the bus once myself. @ | completely forgot b itwasstupid of me © Idon't think it's bad

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