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20 [eerste eee Present simple Czasu present simple uzywai, aby opisat: « czynnosei wykonywane regularnie: every day, often, once a week, np. { get up at 7 am every morning. We often meet after school « stany stale i upodobania, np. They lve in London. | don't like wearing shorts. Zdania twierdzace 1/We/ You/ They live in Poland. He/She /It lives in Germany, Zdania preeczace 1/We/ You/ They don't live in England He/She/It doesn't live in France. Pytania ogéine ‘Odpowiedzi Do they live in Poland? Yes, they do. / No, they don't. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. Does she wear glasses? Where does your aunt live? Where do you usually go on holiday? @ Inyour notebook, complete the sentences about the pictures. 1 The students never jeans at school 2 The woman always im u in bed. 3 The children usually by bus. 4 Mike hardly ever He doesn't lke them. @ Inyour notebook, complete the questions and short answers. Use the present simple. 1 (you/ wear) Yes, 2 (she / like) No, 3 they / meet) afternoon? Yes, sunglasses in summer? going to discos? 2 at the club every unit 2 MIEISCE ZAMIESZKANIA 4 (your best friend / go) school? Yes, to your 5 (you/ water) the grass in your garden? No, ii 6 (he/ invite) = his schoolmates to his house? No, t 7 (Greg / make) “7 his bed in the morning? Yes, © Inyour notebook, translate the Polish parts of sentences 1-7 into English. Use no more than four words. 1 My sister doesn’t go out on weekdays because (ona ezesto uczy sie) for her tests. 2 My sister's got some smart dresses, but she (nie nosi ich) SAA very often. 3 My parents (nie daja) me enough pocket money. 4 Your friends are interested in computer games. ‘What games (oni zwykle grojq) <2 2? 5 My brother loves football matches. He (oglada Je dwa razy w) “I week. 6 My dad (nigdy nie prasuje) his shirts. | (zawsze robie) Zit for him. 7 Mark's room is messy because he (nie spreqta) it regularly. © Czasu present continuous uy}, aby opisaé ezynnosci wykonywane w chwili mowienia; wtedy w zdaniach mozesz zastosowa¢ okreslenia: now, at the moment; np. | am revising for a geography test now. * Uzyj réwniez tego czasu, aby opisaé c2ynnosci wykonywane tymczasowo; zastosuj wtedy okreslenia: today, this week, this month; np. She is having her exams this week. © W zdaniach w czasie present continuous uzyj czasownika be w odpowiedniej formie oraz czasownika gtownego z koricéwka -ing. Zdania twierdzace 1 ‘am ('m) studying history now. He/She / it is (3) sitting in the garden. We/You/They are (re) listening to music. ‘Zdania przeczace 1 amnot (m not) notes now. taking He/She /It isnot isn't) tome. listening We/You/They arenot (aren't) my homework doing now. pI @ Inyour notebook, complete sentences 1-6 with Bae. sevice the present continuous form of the verbs in Are you writing an essay now? Yes, 1am./ teaches No, 'm not. TV shecial a Foca teat aR ET 1 Grandpa isin the garden right now. He (plant) the moment? No she ist. = new trees, Aecae howe 2 Don't disturb mum! She (do) “2 What is he revising for this week? the laundry now. 3 | (prepare) 2D for my biology test tomorrow. @ Inyour notebook, write sentences from 4 She (not use) “her coursebook at ‘the prompts. the moment. 5 They (look) © for some information is /right now / playing / the /Jill/ piano. ‘on the:Internetinew Jil is playing the piano right now. 6 My computer (not work) well at 1. making / awful / the / are / birds / an /noise /. the moment. 2 anything /is /the / cooking /in /kitchen / not / 7 Mum, why (you /dust) grandma / my / the furniture? | can do it later. 3 about /are / talking / you/ what /? 8 Why (he /cut) © ED those pieces 4 and/now /are//her / going / Jil / mother / of paper? shopping / 5 dad 7 King /a/ bis 4 . eee mae Ee. Present simple and present continuous 6 helping / with /is/he// friend / English /his/ + Uzyj czasu present simple, aby opisaé czynnosci now/ powtarzajace sie oraz sytuacie state. 7 the / wearing / not / are / school / students / uniforms / today /. 8 not /why// learning /is /now / Luke /? © What are they doing? In your notebook, write present continuous sentences about the people in the picture. Use the phrases from the box or your own ideas. * play/trumpet * have / argument + do/ homework * read / book * eat /banana + watch / TV * listen / music * draw / picture ‘Monica is playing the trumpet. # Typowe okreslenia tego czasu to np. always, sometimes, usually, every day, at weekends. '* Uzyj czasu present continuous, aby opisaé czynnosci wykonywane w chwili méwienia lub tymezasowe. * Typowe okreslenia tego czasu to np. now, at the moment. Uwaga! NIE uzywal w czasie present continuous czasownik6w: ‘= wyradajacych stany umystu, np. know, understand; * opisujacych uczucia, np. lke, hate; * awiazanych ze zmystami, np. see, taste understand the problem now. She doesn't like this dress. @ Choose the correct answers and write them inyour notebook. 1. Do you use / Are you using your computer regularly to do your homework? 2 We don't play / aren't playing football during our PE classes very often. 3 Tom doesn't come / isn't coming to school today. 4 She spends / is spending her evening doing the ironing, 5 What do you do / are you doing after school on Fridays? 6 Now, the dish tastes /is tasting much better. 7 lalways revise for tests alone, but this time I revise / am revising with Martin. unit 2 MIEISCE ZAMIESZKANIA fa ry _——————— Present perfect Czasu present perfect uzyj: + aby opisaé czynnosci i sytuacje, kt6re miaty miejsce niedawno (bez okreslania, kiedy), a ktorych skutki widoczne sq w teragniejszosci, np. Our car thas broken down, so we can't drive to London tomorrow. « aby opisac sytuacje i stany, ktore trwaja od pewnego czasu az do chwili obecnej (for - jak dugo? since ~ od kiedy?), np. They have been in Poznari for a week/since last week © Znastepujacymi przystowkami: ~ ever {kiedykolwiek), np. Have you ever been to the USA? + never (nigdy), np. | have never eaten sushi = just (wtasnie, dopiero co), np. They have just returned from their holiday. - already (ju2), np. She has already visited China a few times. = yet (uz - w pytaniach), np. Have you finished your homework yet? ~ yet (jeszcze nie - w zdaniach przeczacych), inp. | haven't done the shopping yet. ‘We wszystkich typach zdari(twierdzacych, przeczacych i pytajacych) w czasie present perfect zy] have /has oraz 3, formy czasownika, Uwagat © do czasownikéw regularnych dodaj koncéwke (eld, np. watched, lived ® dla czasownikéw nieregularnych uzyj 3. formy czasownika z tabeli czasownikéw nieregularnych (str. 182), np. see - seen, do - done. Zdania twierdeace 1/We/You/ They have (ve) watched the film together. He/She /tt hhas (just missed the train, Zdania przeczace 1/We/You/They have not (haven't) finished the race yet. He/She /t hhas not (hasn't) arrived at the airport yet. Pytania Odpowiedzi Have they passed the Yes, they have. test? No. they haven't. Has he been to Paris? Yes, he has. ‘ No, he hasnt What have you done to your hair? Uwaga! Have you ever been to in the USA? Unit PRACA @ Inyour notebook, complete sentences 1-6 with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 They (be) yesterday. 2 She (not drive) 3 I (not pack) © 4 He (want) he was a child. 5 Gina is very happy because she (find) DD. a new job. 6 I can't work in Spain because I (not learn) Spanish yet. in Los Angeles since a car for a few years. my suitcase yet. to be a firefighter since @ Inyour notebook, complete the present perfect questions with the correct form of the words in brackets. Then complete the short answers. 1 (she / ever / try) Zi No, Caeaeite 2 (your friend / ever / have) i ‘a summer job? No, 3 (you / ever / see) No, 4 (they / ever climb) Kilimanjaro? No, (7 5 (your dad / ever / change) Yes, 6 (they / ever serve) this restaurant? Yes scuba diving? a ghost? Mount jobs? Polish food in © Inyour notebook, complete the mini-dialogues with just, already or yet. 1 A: Has Peter left for school low about another piece of cake? B: No, thanks. I've “7 had three pieces. 3 A: Bob, this is my brother Mark. B: Well, we know each other very well We've 7) met. 4 Az I'm hungry. Have you made breakfast 2 B:I've made some sandwiches. ‘They're on the table, 5 Aclve been to Canada five times. B: Lucky you. | haven't been to Canada 5 Present perfect and past simple Uzyj czasu present perfect, aby: * opisaé czynnosci i sytuacje z przesztosci, zazwyczaj wplywajace na sytuacje terazniejsza, bez okreslania, kiedy konkretnie miaty one miejsce. I can’t take any photos. | have left my camera at the hotel. + opisae sytuacje i stany, ktére zaczety sie ‘w przesztosci i trwaja do chwili obecnej. ‘She has lived in Canada for two years now. $$ — ‘Typowe wyraienia u2ywane z czasem present perfect © Inyour notebook, complete sentences 1-5 with to: ever /never, since (Monday), for (wo days}. just, the correct forms of the words in brackets. Add already, yet, already, so far. extra words where necessary. Use no more than three words, ee ean aabl. 41 We visited some museums yesterday, but we + opisa¢ caynnoéc | sytuacje 2 praesztoécl, (not be) SEMBRARER to the botanical gardens wskazujae,kiedy miaty one miejsce. ve We went to the island by plane yesterday. 2 | ot / eat) pizza for many weeks. + opisaé sytuacle, czynnosc i stany, ktére trwaly 3 We (read) this book when we were przez pewien czas w przesztoécl. at school, and we (enjoy) it They stayed in Greece for two weeks last summer. 4 lashestill at home cs ae/ leave) for the airport yet? Typowe wyraéenia udywane 2 czasem past simple to: 5 Ithey/g0) to Hawali last summer? yesterday, in (2015), (two days) ago, last (week / year). © Choose the correct answers and write them in your notebook. 1 They‘ still on holiday. They “2 back home yet. adidn't come —_b haven't come 2 Someone “ my camera on the beach yesterday. astole b has stolen 3 Paula is crying because she {all her money. ahas just lost —_b just lost 4 Yesterday Tom 7 me a very interesting story. atold b has told 5 | think we're all hungry. We 7 anything for a few hours. a didn't eat b haven't eaten 6 My cousin doesn't go to work because the workers in his company “7 on strike since last Monday. awere b have been 7 Grandpa “2 his first job at the age of fifteen agot b has got © Inyour notebook, complete the emai the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect. HiTom, ''m camping in the Rocky Mountains with some friends at the moment. | #(be) here for three days. 1 (leave) © home on Sunday. My dad (give) <= mea lift to the station, where my friends and | (take) the train to the mountains. So far, we *(already / do) a few interesting things. For example, we * go) rock climbing two days ago, and yesterday we ”(make) ‘2 campfire in the evening, We sat down and *(sing) some songs, and then we ®t some scary stories. Tomorrow, we're going rating on the river. 1°°(never/ try) this before, so fm both excited and alittle bit scared. How is your holiday? "(you/ get) back from Scotland yet? Write back soon, Alex unite

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