Reflection3 TANGALIN

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Republic of the Philippines


Region I
Tayug, Pangasinan

Name: Razhimae Khyle A. Tangalin Date: October 17, 2022

Course: EdM 213 Professor: Jeger Paragas


1. In your school, do you have a culture that you follow?

The term school culture generally refers to the beliefs, perceptions, relationships, attitudes, and
written and unwritten rules that shape and influence every aspect of how a school functions, but
the term also encompasses more concrete issues such as the physical and emotional safety of
students, the orderliness of classrooms and public spaces, or the degree to which a school
embraces and celebrates racial, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural diversity.
The school where I am teaching is an aviation-focused school, we all follow the same culture to
align our subject matters with aviation.
2. How does it help improve your school? How involved in your school are the
stakeholders in your planning?

This culture that we all follow helps us improve our school in terms of quality and marketing.
We were known because of the quality of education that we have since we are all focusing our
Learning Plan on aviation, therefore, our market will increase also because of the quality we
We also make sure that every time we have something to plan especially if it involves the
betterment of our school, we involve all of our stakeholders. From students, their parents, faculty
members, school heads, the principal, and even our school president. We need to have at least
one representative from the group, the reason why we have elected officers from our students
and parents.
3. How do they get involved? Give one. State one great challenge and opportunity that

your school faced when crafting your SIP.

They were involved by reiterating our open communication. Especially last school year, when
we were still in online classes. We were always still inviting them to our monthly meetings
through Zoom, we were also considering and adjusting to their schedule.
I’m not yet teaching at a public school so, I don’t have SIP experience to share. But we were also
facing different great challenges and opportunities, one of them is about the cheating issue that
happened very recently during our first quarter-final exam. We caught three Grade 11 students
cheating, and that involves one grade 12 student because she’s the one who caught them. We

follow due process and invited their parents to our Character Formation office, and of course,
that cause a big chaos.
4. How do you use this to improve the plan? Do teachers have project management

skills? How do you write an introduction for a school project?

Project management is a generic term that many companies in many industries use to refer to
people who manage projects. Since the term is so general, it’s easy to customize for your
particular skill set once you identify the best industry for your talents.
Furthermore, the actual job of a project manager is most similar to that of a teacher that I’ve
found. Teachers are naturally excellent project managers because we’re so well trained in
creating and implementing schedules, and graphic organizers, and communicating frequently
with key stakeholders (AKA administration, parents, students, and other teachers…).
An effective introduction will clearly explain the purpose of the rest of the proposal—readers
should never wonder why they are being provided certain information. The proposal’s
introduction makes the first impression on readers.


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