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Report Date 2023-Jul-20 8:15

Payables Open Interface Import Report AM

Business Unit
Source Spreadsheet
Import Set
Invoice Group
Accounting Date
Hold Reason
Summarize Report
Number of Parallel Processes
Report Date 2023-Jul-20 8:15
Payables Open Interface Import Report AM

No Data Found for Audit Report

Report Date 2023-Jul-20 8:15
Payables Open Interface Import Report AM

Payables Open Interface Rejections Report

Supplier Supplier Invoice Invoice Currency Invoice Line Number Reason Description
Number Number Date Amount
8232MV UPS UAT 2023-Jul-20 USD 345 Invalid pay Invalid payment method. Assign default
TEST 7 method payment method to the supplier or site.
Set the payment method default basis
in Manage Disbursement System
Options to override defaulting rules.

Total Invoices Rejected 1

End of Report

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