Unit 3.17 Modern Liberalism

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Social Studies 30-2

Unit 3.17 Critical Challenge: Development of Modern Liberalism

Total: 20/25 Marks

In this two-part assignment you will identify the most significant impacts of classical liberalism
during the Industrial Revolution and explore the effect of classical liberalism on the common
good. You will also complete a written response.

During this unit you have explored the effects of classical liberalism during the Industrial
Revolution in the 1700s and 1800s. You have also seen how the effects of classical liberalism
led to the development of modern liberalism.

Use the information that you have studied from the following sources;

● Chapter 5 of the textbook, Understandings of Ideologies

● Chart Summary Chart of Conditions during the Industrial Revolution under

Classical Liberalism in Unit 3 (page 3.12 in the course)

● Chart on page 134 of the textbook, Understandings of Ideologies.

Part One: Complete the following chart to help you collect and organize your research. Type
your responses between the blue brackets provided.

Impacts of Classical Liberalism During the Industrial Revolution

Members of (1700s+1800s)
Society Positive impacts Negative Impacts
Affected (One for Each Group) (One for Each Group)
/4 marks /4 marks
Capitalists < Entrepreneurs got a massive < One of the biggest negatives that had
(Entrepreneur boost during this time. This was risen from capitalists during the
s/Factory because of the inventions of industrial revolution was the terrible
Owners) factories. factories caused mass work conditions and the divide from the
production in this man made era, in poor workers. The poor workers who
which people acquired great were also little children would be
wealth, producing more competition exhausted working for hours just for the
and freedom through wealth > owners to take all the wealth. they
would not get paid well at all either and
sometimes paid nothing. > (what was a
negative impact FOR the capitalists?
What did they have to risk or

< Before, farmers had to put a < some farmers did not have the
tremendous amount of work in means to acquire these machines as
managing their crops and they were not wealthy themselves.
harvesting them. but with machines these were mainly the smaller and
Farmers designed in the industrial newer farmers that will still have to
(large and revolution, these farmers could harvest their crops by hand. >
small) harvest crops at a staggering rate
never before growing their farms
and making them more competent.

< the industrial revolution through < The jobs these workers had gotten
its mass production had a need for were terrible. they would work hours
Workers a lot of labour. this gave people upon hours of intensive labour every
(men, jobs, to where they can work and day. not have proper equipment to
women, and make an income to provide for work with, and be faced with terrible
children) themselves and their families. > conditions that led to unhealthy results
and sicknesses. >

< Through the rise of private < this only benefited the entrepreneur.
property, business and ownership. Government intervention could have
Government intervention had been provided better work conditions and
Government constricted. THey could no longer wealth. but the legislation that enacted
hold most of the powers of the this law was mainly to benefit the
business an entrepreneur was owners. >
running >

Which of the above Positive Impacts do you believe was the most important?

< Farmers >

Explain one reason to support your position: (1 mark)

< having the ability to produce way more food than before would benefit a large population of
people. The farmers being able to increase their agriculture productivity meant more food is
produced at a faster rate for people. Had it not been for the advancement of farming and
agriculture. our world hunger problem would be way worse than it is right now. >

Which of the above Negative Impacts do you believe was the most important?

< Workers >

Explain one reason to support your position: (1 mark)

< the workers were treated terribly throughout this era. It was a devastating era for the working
class citizens in this time as they could die way faster by working than if they had no jobs. the
government limited intervention had caused these workers to be mistreated and abused with
no help just so that the top 1% can thrive even more at their expense. >

Part Two: Write a position response to the following question.

How did the impacts of classical liberalism lead to the development of modern

Use the information from the chart along with other materials from the course and the textbook
(page 134 is especially helpful) to help you write this response.

Type your response between the blue brackets provided.

< Classical liberalism led to the development of modern liberalism through a variation of
changes, that all had a key alignment, freedom. In the 17th century. The beginning of classical
liberalism became a notion through the suppression of the third class and estate because of
how much they had worked, having no rights and other terrible regulations vs the kings, the
clergy and the nobility. they did not work and were extremely wealthy as well. This divide had
imposed the idea of individual rights and freedoms, the rule of law and other ideas taken into
fruition. the beginning of the free market system and individualism took place. The same thing
happened with modern liberalism. The workers for the capitalists and the wealthy owners were
treated poorly. They had terrible work conditions and terrible income for their work as well. They
began to protest and fight for their freedoms and rights against these wealthy owners. What was
a big factor in this was the government. In classical liberalism, the government was controlled
by the clergy and the kings. hence why the people were so intent on limiting government
intervention. In modern liberalism, the government had made laws that promoted equality,
giving equal opportunities to the poor and the wealthy. The shift from classical liberalism to
modern liberalism really came from the move of pushing to individual freedom and making sure
everyone was equal. > (explain a bit further how the freedoms of Classical Liberalism actually
CAUSED these negative impacts. 11/15)

/15 marks *based on the Position Paragraph rubric below

Scoring Explanations and Support 10 marks Communication 5 marks

Position When marking Explanations and Support, When marking Communication, markers should
Paragraph markers should consider the consider the

● quality of explanations ● organization and coherence

● selection and quality of support ● vocabulary (e.g. specificity and accuracy)

● sentence construction (e.g. clarity,

● grammar and mechanics (e.g. consistency of

● tense, punctuation, spelling, capitalization)

Explanations are thorough and The writing is fluent and effectively organized.
Excellent comprehensive revealing a perceptive Vocabulary is precise and effective. The writing
understanding. Support is specific and demonstrates confident control of sentence
E accurate and errors, if present, do not construction, grammar, and mechanics. The
detract from the response. Mark=10 occurrence of error is rare. Mark=5

Explanations are appropriate and The writing is clearly organized. Vocabulary is

Proficient purposeful revealing a clear understanding. accurate and appropriate. The writing frequently
Support is relevant and appropriate, but demonstrates effective control of sentence
Pf may contain some minor errors. Mark=8 construction, grammar and mechanics. The
occurrence of error is infrequent. Mark=4

Explanations are general and The writing is generally clear and functionally
Satisfacto straightforward revealing an acceptable organized. Vocabulary is generally accurate, but not
ry understanding. Support is relevant but specific. The writing demonstrates basic control of
general, may be incompletely developed, sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics.
S and/or contains errors. Mark=6 Errors do not seriously interfere with communication.

Explanations are over generalized and/or The writing is uneven and incomplete but is
Limited redundant revealing a confused, though discernibly organized. Vocabulary is imprecise and/or
discernable, understanding. Support is inappropriate. The writing demonstrates faltering
L superficial, may not always be relevant, and control of sentence construction, grammar, and
may contain significant errors. Mark=4 mechanics. Errors hinder communication. Mark=2

Explanations are tangential or minimal The writing is unclear and disorganized. Vocabulary is
Poor revealing a negligible understanding. ineffective and frequently incorrect. A lack of control
Support, if present, is incomplete, may be of sentence construction, grammar, and mechanics is
P marginally relevant, and contains significant demonstrated. Errors impede communication.
and/or frequent errors. Mark=2 Mark=1

Mark: /15
Submit your completed assignment to the 3.17 assignment
submission folder in Moodle.

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